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[ The Negativity Will Stop When We Get A Response ]


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The negativity will stop once we get a response. The system in place currently IS unfair there is no doubt about it.


Why are bioware refusing to comment and sort this whole fiasco out??


We DEMAND A RESPONSE! As a customer, and for a product I have paid real life money for, I am entitled to get information on the product if I so wish.

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Which product exactly?


SWTOR? You paid for it already? Then you have it. Launch is 20th, have fun waiting.


Pre-order? You have discount on full game equal to cost of preorder, and preorder code that you already used, since you're able to post.




Early access? That's not a product BW was selling.





If they did gve any info - that's when real "negativity" would start.

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aye, the whole handling of this stinks,


I'd be happy spending 2 days sitting in a server queue, rather than being told that currently it is an exclusive club for those that are invited... makes me want to say well *&(* you


And you could of been invited too, had you bothered.

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How exactly is it unfair?


You were told if you pre-ordered..you would get to play UP TO 5 days early. That means it could be as little as one.


So their selection process is...first pre-orders...get first access? YOU MEAN IF YOU GET IN LINE EARLY YOU GET IN FIRST? What a novel idea. That's never been done before.


You stand in line to buy something...and if you are at the front of the line you get first crack at it.




I pre-ordered in late November after I had a chance to beta test. I loved the beta test. Will wait patiently until Friday or so when I get my EGA (I'm guessing). And I'll play what time I have available before launch.

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The negativity will stop once we get a response. The system in place currently IS unfair there is no doubt about it.


Why are bioware refusing to comment and sort this whole fiasco out??


We DEMAND A RESPONSE! As a customer, and for a product I have paid real life money for, I am entitled to get information on the product if I so wish.


They have responded? Go look at the dev tracker?

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Since you really didn't specify where you want the response to come from, I'll respond by telling you that life is unfair and just in case your parents didn't school you on the finer parts of living, nothing in this life is for free. Bio-ware is doing fine, and when you grow up and stop wanting what other people have you will find that you won't whine as much.
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Wow, you just can't satisfy anyone. The sense of entitlement in the forums is over the top. Did anyone actually read anything? No, I just want mine and I am mad someone else got theirs before me. People should worry more about themselves than everyone else.


People, Man/Woman up and be adults, please.

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The negativity will stop once we get a response.


So... blackmail?


The system in place currently IS unfair there is no doubt about it.


What is unfair about first come, first served?



I am entitled to get information on the product if I so wish.


Key word in all that "entitled." Oh, the sense of entitlement in today's public.

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The negativity will stop once we get a response. The system in place currently IS unfair there is no doubt about it.


Why are bioware refusing to comment and sort this whole fiasco out??


We DEMAND A RESPONSE! As a customer, and for a product I have paid real life money for, I am entitled to get information on the product if I so wish.


BW will just let the vocal minority cry until the EGA is complete. Afterwards they will forget all about it. "Fair" that part did make me laugh. Your real life money takes is for the disc/dd and game time beginning on 12/20. Your sense of self entitlement is astounding but seems to have taken a hit by the whambulance.

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You "really" think the negativity will stop once you get a reply ? Heck no, then you and all the others will move on to something else to be negative about.


Omg.... I can't kill my quest mobs cause there's too many people here... please nerf....


Omg.... I can't win from this BH here in PVP... NEEEEERFFFF BH's




Sad state of affairs, but it's a fact... the negativity won't ever stop. I seen it time and time again in MMoRPG's


Them "not" giving into the whines is a good thing, cause the second the whiners see they get their way if they just post hard and long enough it will "never" stop....


Best way to stop a kid's tantrum is ignoring them...


I for one applaud Bioware for not giving in.

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The negativity will stop once we get a response. The system in place currently IS unfair there is no doubt about it.


Why are bioware refusing to comment and sort this whole fiasco out??


We DEMAND A RESPONSE! As a customer, and for a product I have paid real life money for, I am entitled to get information on the product if I so wish.


You are a fool. You deserve nothing. How is this unfair? You know what? I don't care why YOU think it's unfair. Please cancel your pre order.

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