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Sith Juggernaut animations


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They got to be the worst animations i ever seen for a melee class. And in a star wars game that involves lightsaber...this makes it even more terrible.


In rage spec, u barely even use the lightsaber...push, charge, choke, smash, scream, crush.... A melee caster...


In other specs, all the melee attacks are either jump in the air and land on target hitting it (Shatter, Impale, Obliterate, Smash, all look the same)....OR focusing your strength for over a sec and landing a slow blow like u are wielding a sledgehammer (Vicious slash, Crushing blow, last hit of Ravage)...

Also noticed on Crushing blow (Yes crushing blow, not Ravage) when u press button while enemy is in melee range with u and then he moves away, ur melee attack animation gets canceled and the melee move gets interrupted.....Really??? Melee moves with casting time????


Lightsaber fights are all about agility...

If 1 character from movies perform a move like vicious slash, his enemy would have killed him 10 times till he lands the blow..

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I like the majority of the animations to be honest....


I hope they can add more.


With that said, try playing a class like Sniper or Operative! Or BH or assassin.....


SW has the best animations out of all of those in my opinion.

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PSH, read some star wars lore and and learn about all of the different light saber styles and you would know that this class and its discription fit well with the animations and lightsaber forms you can use. Maybe you should have played an assassin or a marauder?
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PSH, read some star wars lore and and learn about all of the different light saber styles and you would know that this class and its discription fit well with the animations and lightsaber forms you can use. Maybe you should have played an assassin or a marauder?


Because i read, thx for remidning me that also, no matter in what stance u are, Shien, Soresu, Shii-cho. Animations dont change.

Also, most chars in movies use the same styles from game, for example obi-wan uses soresu. But i dont see him perform these slowpoke moves.

Edited by unicornfive
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well the jedi guardian uses the "helicopter swing" if ya know my meaning... *wink wink cough cough*


i rather take vicious slash any day...


but yea could use bit more sword strikes tho i use ravage a lot having specced to reset its cd on 2 other sword moves.

Edited by hurja
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I love the animations personally, they look like they're full of anger and hate for the poor sod on the glowy end. Every swing looks like my SW puts all his wrath into it. The Jedi Guardian's are far worse. Their basic "rage" builder (whatever they call rage) looks like they just wave the lightsaber in the enemy's face going "neener neener neener" without ever hitting them.


I've also never liked the lightsaber duels from episodes 1, 2, and 3. (The now famous youtube critique of episodes 1, 2, and 3 covers this very nicely). The original trilogy treats the lightsaber like a samurai sword. Each stroke has purpose, direction, and they don't waste time with flourishes.


I know there are different saber stances and styles, and to be honest I know very little about them, but I'm enjoying what I see. I went from Assassin to Juggernaut to tank solely on the animations.


**Edit** I would add that it would be amazing if the different stances had different animations, what a way to visually identify the type of Juggernaut you're about to take on! **Edit**

Edited by shamrockjew
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After this :


, when i play on my juggernaut, i feel like its slow motion.


Lol, I just watched that again for the first time since seeing the movie (which I could only stomach once). There's a point where they two of them are just spinning their lightsabers around like they're having a "cool lightsaber trick-off"... So ridiculous. Either one could have stabbed the other at that point.

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I also really like the Juggernaut's animations. I forget exactly which one it is, but one of them (and I want to say Vicious Strike) reminds me of a move right out of Ep 3 when Anakin is facing off against Dooku, right before he (zomg spoiler alert) defeats and kills him.


Oh, and backhand. Nothing says "stop bothering me" in pvp like the animation for that one.

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Lol, I just watched that again for the first time since seeing the movie (which I could only stomach once). There's a point where they two of them are just spinning their lightsabers around like they're having a "cool lightsaber trick-off"... So ridiculous. Either one could have stabbed the other at that point.


Same feeling when i see my jugg lift the lightsaber-sledgehammer.

And Crushing blow is so slow that when u press button and ur char prepares lightsaber for attack, it cancels if enemy moves away...the most ridiculus thing ever on mmo.

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Assassins have some of the worst melee animations actually.

I was so bored with it I changed classes to the BH.


Agreed. I switched from assassin to warrior because i hated the baton-twirling style of assassin anims.


Basically you look like the fat kid pretending to be darth maul in that one youtube video.

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I like the animations. Jugg looks better than Jedi Guardian too.


What I dislike is the lack of blocking animations. I can pound my LS into the target like I'm chopping a turkey and my slashes hit like a wet towel without the target even attempting to evade my slashes. Meh...

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The animations I see that need changing:


Impale - Right now it's the same as rupture for Marauders, a base ability, this is a talent, it should have something more unique, if shatter is the same it definitely needs a change. What I was kinda hoping for, was a saber throw like impaling through the chest, like Yoda uses in Episode III (though he's not a Jugg), and Starkiller uses in Force Unleashed, it'd have to be 4m range, but it'd look cool.


Shien's Opening stance - Right now it doesn't look like a lightsaber stance it just looks like you're throwing your hands down and shouting like force scream. Soresu and Shii-cho go into a stance when you first activate them, Soresu's is actually the Soresu opening stance used in the movies. Shii-Cho, well, no opening stance for it is ever pointed out, so they use the pose Luke Skywalker used on the original Star Wars movie poster. Shien, the opening stance IS known, Anakin uses it in Episode II multiple times, it involves him holding his lightsaber above his head and pointed backwards at a downward angle, as if he's ready to deliver a really powerful overhead slash. You'll see him use it in the arena scene just before Yoda arrives and against Count Dooku when he loses his second lightsaber.


If Shatter doesn't have a unique animation (haven't gotten it yet, 5 levels away), then it needs one.


Everything else, looks great for Juggernaut, it's very reminiscent of Darth Vader in the classic series, which is I believe intentional, not a lot of finesse, but raw brutal power. Vader's swings on the offensive overpowered Luke, they not only saber locked, but they pushed Luke down, they pushed Luke back.


I would like different animations depending on what form you're in, but understand if that's technically unfeasible.

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I personally really like the combatanimations - the general abilities and those that Vengeance offers, that is. My personal favourite is Impale and I don't care that Marauders get it too ('sides, they perform it with two swords). The best part about Impale, aside from its animation, is the fact that you leave a (clearly visible) gaping hole in someone's chest!


After having tried a Jedi Guardian as well, I was even happier with my Sith. The Guardian animations are truly awful. Jedi seem to be waving their sabers around like featherdusters (Monkey Island!), making useless and clunky looking twirls before they decide to actually hit the target.


I for one like my animations!

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I prefer the Jedi Guardian's animations (which are much more fluid) compared to the Juggernaut's. I also prefer things like Blade Storm over Force Scream (though force screem's sounds is awesome, screaming.. with the force.. is not nearly as cool as sending a wave of force with your lightsaber).


I also prefer the JK Meditation to the SW animation. The shoulders and the arms are a bit out of position. If it were more 'wolverine' and less 'I raise my shoulders for no reason' I think it'd look a lot better.

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