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So my subscription expires in 6 days...


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My personal opinion; sure, I'll stick around for now like someone in the thread said: If everyone takes 6 months off, bioware has no revenue and closes up shop on the whole SWTOR game. nothing to come back to in 6 months.


That being said, as soon as DUST 415 is out, I'm gone for months.


Though the game has so much potential, and is still in its infancy. Cant wait to see what comes next.


But seriously, some major focus on the ability bug is needed.

Any dev's should really have a look at the link in my sig to see how srsbzns it is :/

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Subbed for six months. The game for me is very fun and no issue right now is game breaking for me. Guys, seriously, this game is a month old! Let's wait for it...


I'm enjoying it alot. :)


^ this


Subbed 6 months oh yeah I'm here for the ride


^ this too.


bioware has got me for 6 months as well. it's funny how ppl keep saying this game has this, that game has that. question for you, what game came out with that already? Also remember this game has only been out a month. i see ppl say that this game sticks to the "basics". that means bioware did it right. it came out with enough stuff to work, even if it is "unfinished" and has a lot of room to grow. look at the years of battlefield. from 1942, to BF3 but still that took YEARS.


like Cioffaz said, give this game time.

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So far nothing has really lessened my enjoying the game so I'll subscribe for another round.


I like the SW universe

I like the combat system

I like the story arcs

I like the crafting system

I like the voice acting

...the list goes on...


It is true that there are bugs in the game but I'm confident many will be fixed during the next month. Unfortunatley, for some players, it will be too late. Too bad the release was rushed.

Edited by Karson
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Well in my oppinion this game has more levelling content then any other mmo out there. Between all the massive planets that you wont beable to finish the first time through , to the multitude of flashpoints and daily heroics, not to mention each class having their own storyline and advanced classes, and the different options you can make during the levelling process so it may even be worht it to level up another character of the same class and choose an different advanced class and make different decisions for a new experience , and companion character each with their own storypaths that you can go down.


There is just so much content, maybe it doesnt have a huge amount of end game content at the moment, but i for one am happy that an mmo decided to spend a huge amount time refining the levelling progress and is now adding to and refining end game content.


I havent had any bugs happen yet that havent allowed me to progress, ive been able to complete every quest ive picked up. Sure ive encountered some bugs but nothing game breaking and the most ive ever had to do is restart a quest.


Im level 48 , so although i may not have experienced end game yet, i have done most of the leveling process and experienced only very very minor bugs, that didnt really affect my gameplay or experience in any major way.

Edited by Samborino
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I will stay on my subscription for now and see where this game is going. I can see the potential and I read the plans BW has with it and this keeps me interested. Besides there are still a few classes that I haven't levelled all the way to 50 yet...
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Ok so I think your missing something here. A server wide LFG would free me up to do other things rather than camping fleet for hours, making the wait for a group somewhat bearable. Who said anything about being "teleported" to a dungeon ala Wow? I'm sure the devs can come up with a tool that doesn't completely do everything for you.


Btw, what do you have against people grouping up in a reasonable amount of time via a tool? No one would force you to use it and it would be a nice option for players like myself. I'm getting a mean-spirited vibe from your replies, why all the vitriol?


Nothing mean spirited about it. Once a tool similar to what you describe is implemented, it still won't be good enough. Like now, there IS a lfg tool in game, it's just not good enough for some people.

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For the most part you'll see people fill this thread with "lolnowaithisgamefails", but that is a very tiny part of the game population. Which goes with most if not all games, the forums are a small representation of the player base. I'll subscribe as long as my friends play, as with any game it's only really worth the money if you've got people you enjoy to play with.


I don't know. I've seen the population on Nathema steadily decline since release to the point that the server is nearly useless from a pve and a pvp standpoint. Hardly anyone does anything there except roll low level alts and then delete them after the starter planet. I wouldn't be surprised if there are other servers with very similar issues going on.


I guess we'll all find out in a week or so after the bulk of the free month trials are over. But I'm rather concerned over what I've personally seen on Nathema and a couple other servers I've attempted to call "home" in regards to player population and attitude towards game longevity.

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I don't know. I've seen the population on Nathema steadily decline since release to the point that the server is nearly useless from a pve and a pvp standpoint. Hardly anyone does anything there except roll low level alts and then delete them after the starter planet. I wouldn't be surprised if there are other servers with very similar issues going on.


I guess we'll all find out in a week or so after the bulk of the free month trials are over. But I'm rather concerned over what I've personally seen on Nathema and a couple other servers I've attempted to call "home" in regards to player population and attitude towards game longevity.


I agree there are far too many servers right now, mergers will be needed in the future. Come join Lord Adraas. There was 170 people in taris yesterday while leveling my chubby trooper lol.

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I'll definitely stay subscribed :)


Are most of these bugs near/at level cap? Because so far the only bugs I've found are visual ones during some of the quest conversations.



Apparently people think that this game is terrible and failed or something?


I'm sorry but...


Final Fantasy XIV. That is all.




Yeah I'm never going back to WoW :D I even had huge doubts about this game.. but as soon as I started playing it was just awesome.

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Enough with the unfinished nonsense. Still in beta post make me want to scream. MMO's are never "finished" and are in perpetual "beta" if that makes you feel better. To this day WoW still is correcting bugs. Bug fixes and improvements hopefully will continue until the game fades away years from now. If you enjoy the game as a whole why let the little things bother you? 90% good and 10% bad. Why focus on the bad. Seat back and enjoy yourself. yes, you are paying but it's not like you are getting nothing.


You're using that "MMOs are never finished" phrase wrong. The reason MMOs are never finished is because the developers constantly add new content, not because the game launches in a poor state riddled with bugs and exploits, with the developers scrambling to fix them.

Edited by krookie
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I'll be continuing my sub for bit, seeing how it goes.

I just got a really bad feeling that bioware arn't equipped to sort this game. There a single player company.

Watching the patchs etc.. there still just not fixing the things people want and i believe they're unable to at this time. Obviously they'll get better with time but i dunno.


BT's pretty much the only exciting flash point and after the first 2-3 times it kinda dies fast.


After you hit 50 farming the same hc's is boring fast and the luck on the Champion bags is just disheartening, i don't mind a grind but random luck in pvp is nvr a good idea. (This is why some games nvr hit esports lvl due to the randomness on crit etc...) To add a luck based drop system is well to me just insane.


I'll give it more time, if it gets better i'll stay if it doesn't i'm gonna sit around and wait for another mmo to try.

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I will definately continue playing into my first payed month. But I am not sure if my payed subscription would last longer than three month. It's simply because I am mostly interrested in the PVP aspect of the game and I feel that this part is rather lacking at the moment.
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I have already updated my subscription plan for another 3-months :)


Despite all the bugs, balancing issues (SW:J here :rolleyes:) etc etc it is still a very enjoyable game that I intent to invest my time (and apparently my money) on for a long time (kinda like I did with LOTRO).


Plus I always play with my irl lightsaber while I lvl yelling at the mobs and I like this feeling as I am a complete nerd (and I mean a plastic luminous lightsaber! no pun intended!!) :D:D

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I am still undecided.


My free month ends in 8 days and i have yet to level from 44 to 50. Hopefully I'll get a sufficient preview of endgame before I have to decide.


However I am a single character guy. I never before played more than one and won't begin with it now.

Furthermore I do get bored very fast. I can do 3 space battles, then I'm bored. I can do three Flashpoints, then I'm bored. Only way to keep me, is offering me a lot different stuff I can switch through whenever I'm bored.


I'm not 50 yet, so I can't say if Bioware succeeds in keeping me entertained.

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Dunno if I will continue my sub if the game doesn't get some basic tools like a Combat Log , and/or a moddable UI.

I'm not causual, so maybe this game isn't for me. It seems like Bioware wan't to cater for he regular nab that has no interest in game mechanics, theorycrafting or anything else I require from a MMORPG today.

Edited by excentric
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From experience running guilds in Eve and WoW I can tell you that you've pretty much made your mind up already that you won't re-sub, but you've come here to ease those little doubts you have.


Oh wow... How can I say this as nice as possible? Um..


I'm not a fan of amateur-psychology. Please don't assume too much. :p


To make this game work for you get into a guild of medium size at least, so that frienship's can be built. MMO's only really keep your interest if your doing stuff with other people. Don't be affraid to change guilds a couple of times until you find one that suits you.


I am in a rather large and wonderful roleplaying guild on a very active and friendly server. The community is, as I said my opening post, very nice.


There is nothing worse than playing solo to make a game run its course rapidly. This one is very similar to a single player game called Mass Effect. Great game but you wouldn't play it more than a couple of times. The social interaction of this is what will give it longevity.


Yes, thank you. I do not play this as a single-player game.


Advice I'd offer is give it 6 months, interact with fellow players, be helpful and it might lead to a journey that lasts a long time.


I've leveled as a healer, and befriended about every other person I've ever grouped with.


I did expect snide comments and trolls, but this is a whole new level of arrogance. <_<

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i'll definitely stay subscribed :)


are most of these bugs near/at level cap? Because so far the only bugs i've found are visual ones during some of the quest conversations.



Apparently people think that this game is terrible and failed or something?


I'm sorry but...


Final fantasy xiv. That is all.




Yeah i'm never going back to wow :D i even had huge doubts about this game.. But as soon as i started playing it was just awesome.


f***ing silvereyes ffffffff---

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Im plodding through the content, trying to do bonus quests and level bio-skills, in general I have a great deal of fun, but I don't play everynight, and I dont play for more than a few hours.


Having seen a few MMO launches before there are some bugs, but by far a lot less than most MMOs, being a software developer myself I can understand the complexity and do not panic and demand immediate fixes, I know things take time to track down the bug, recode, test and double test.


There are bits that might be nice to add into the game, I love add-ons, I know others dont, if EA listen then we might get what we want, I always judge a company by how it handles problems than the problems themselves. Having said this I have had no reason to call customer support so dont really know how bad or good they are.


All in all, not the best release, not the worst release. but an entertaining game and it does have a future, like with most MMOs you need to stick out them out.


yes, I will continue subscribing.

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I am resubbing. My wife and I are enjoying the game a lot. Sure there are bugs, but most the time they can be worked around. Like directive 7 last night spawning like 10 smugglers on us. managed to win the fight after a few times and moved on. Still had a blast.
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