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Are Marauders really that hard to play?


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People REALLY think Pommel / Savage Kick are useless ?

I'm starting to agree that Marauders aren't bad, the players are.


Useless on normal mobs with 4k+ smash crits, even in HMs !


That beeing said; the arguement here should be about how extremly limited these abilitys are; also you ppl are forgetting the fact that these attacks are extremly powerful for not beeing a rage spender, your asking for a huge dmg dealing attack that costs no resources?


imo and that speaking for only lvl 50 gameplay; remove these and give us force pull or better yet, some guy wrote a post yesterday about a new ability, something like "force facepalm" you pick your opponent up, and smash his face in the ground; ofc followed up by a new emote; /staydownbiznitch. You get where im going with this.

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People REALLY think Pommel / Savage Kick are useless ?

I'm starting to agree that Marauders aren't bad, the players are.


When do you use them?


In a HM Flashpoint I run with a BH Tank, Operative Healer, Sorc DD, Marauder (me) DD


The Sorc kills any normal/silver mobs

I kill any golds or higher - I only go on Silvers if theres nothing stronger and even then the mobs don't get stunned as we kill them so quickly its pointless wasting a gcd on the stun.


All my other gameplay is spent in PVP


So yes for myself its useless.

Edited by Draexnael
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What do bosses care if you have savage/pommel? Sure you can use them in HM's but you can just ignore them and there will be no real difference anyway.


Rage comes hard for some specs, that is what makes them hard to play especially in pvp when you don't have the luxury watching your rage bar because precise movement is needed and as marauder you will be moving way more then any other class.

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When do you use them?


In a HM Flashpoint I run with a BH Tank, Operative Healer, Sorc DD, Marauder (me) DD


The Sorc kills any normal/silver mobs

I kill any golds or higher - I only go on Silvers if theres nothing stronger and even then the mobs don't get stunned as we kill them so quickly its pointless wasting a gcd on the stun.


All my other gameplay is spent in PVP


So yes for myself its useless.


Savage Kick in PVP is useable since it can be used on slowed targets. I use it whenever I see someone who has been slowed. Pommel tho... PVP I don't see it being used much since the target has to be incapacitated and that's extremely rare in the WZ's I am in...

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Savage Kick in PVP is useable since it can be used on slowed targets. I use it whenever I see someone who has been slowed. Pommel tho... PVP I don't see it being used much since the target has to be incapacitated and that's extremely rare in the WZ's I am in...


They are only useable on weak/normal/strong (silver elites)





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Talking strictly PvE no PvP are they really that hard to play? I keep hearing that they are the hardest DPS to play, require tons of keybinds, and also do the least damage and have the most issues along with their Jedi mirror. But when I do a /who it turns up a ton of them, more than some of the other classes. Usually the class with the most people playing it is good and easy to play because why would you want to play something thats not only bad but also hard to play? So either they are all masochists or they are master gamers neither of which I believe. Is all the "Marauders suck and are hard to play" talk just trolls or is their some truth to it?


its not an easy class to play especially if its your first time with an mmo.

We need to take full advantage of all our skills,keybinds ofc are essential,wasd movements around someone(or with mouse) are also needed.You are the class with no stuns(i dont count roar as a stun) and no knockbacks,you can dish some fast burst dmg and take some too,unless you're focused,then you will go down fast,hmmm for sure pve up to lvl 50 isnt optimised,you'll see big difference with annihilation/carnage/rage at pve with carnage being the most difficult imo to lvl up.


Btw sure you see many marauders,dual sabers are cool and ppl choose them,doesnt mean this class is being used correctly by each one of them,60% of marauders imo just smash their buttons.


In general our class could get some boost,sure its not that bad as ppl say having played other classes like assasins,oper,BH im telling you that our class takes much more effort and skills than theirs.


"For example, we are certainly aware that the Marauder and Sentinel are very gameplay intensive classes with some of the most complex rotations in the game."

zoeller's words.Imo the hardest class ever.

Edited by Nobodygr
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the class cannot be be played well by a basement dwelling mouth breathing neck beard, hence why the forums are full of QQ.

Funniest thing I've read so far today. :p


I love my marauder. I got bored of my assassin again and jumped back on the **** machine. Good times.

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They are only useable on weak/normal/strong (silver elites)






If it's not doing anything then I haven't noticed. I am usually too busy looking at people and not what the abilities themselves are doing. Probably my own fail on that part then... heh... Reading it though yea doesn't look like it is supposed to work in PVP. In PVE, you could use Pommel if you're quick enough to a cc'd mob, but that's an extremely narrow window of opportunity. Savage Kick... again highly situational. I have never used either in PVE and haven't had any issues not using them.

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I don't have a problem with my lvl 50 Marauder. BW has admitted to ability lag. I don't always get the bonuses I'm supposed to get with some moves at times. Some hits don't register. My smash doesn't always hit everyone in the radius.


Be smart though. Learn the best combo going in for the right mob. USE QUINN.

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Honestly I have the most fun playing my marauder because of the challenge and keeping track of all the different abilities in play. Your mileage may vary, but the class can be fun if you stick to it. Come mid-30's your abilities really start to round out and the frustration fades pretty fast.


Yep, Marauder is too gear dependent, but for an OCD gear freak like me, that is actually a plus LOL.


I'm playing a Rage build and it is fun as hell. Maxed out Smash and Force Scream are devastating in combat and it brings me joy as these are my personal favorite abilities. Pomel strike comes in handy as a finisher after both, so I still use it.


This is PVE mind you. PVP is a completely different beast. I think that should be the case however. You *can* hit like a freight train if you use your abilities right, but it isn't an out of the box winner class like some can be, or WoW made you expect everything to be.


Really, this discussion will go on until we have genuine DPS data and not just observation. Until then, it is all perception and anecdotal evidence, which is ultimately useless. I'm having fun, but I couldn't tell you for certain if I'm ruling DPS or not with any certainty until I can put real data behind it.

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Are Marauders really that hard to play?


Marauders are harderer to play than other classes for a variety of reasons.


Most of the difficulty comes from fighting the UI, although a melee DPS class is tactically more difficult in general, compared to range or melee tanks.


As far as the population ... dual lightsabers yo.




As a general note for people that just don't "get it", Savage Kick and Pommel Strike exist as quality-of-solo-PvE-life abilities. They exist to ease the player in higher level solo PvE content. It's pretty obvious they have no application to PvP or endgame PvE.


Note: other classes have similar solo-PvE-only abilities. Get over it.


actually they are only useless on elites and up... which is a very small part of the game... i guess you do not understand what a percentage is.


1. Operations.

2. PvP.

3. Heroic 4s.


That's what I spend 90% of my gametime on.


Pommel Strike/Savage Kick are useless. Thanks.



see that is where you show you are bad... first Marauders do not have a stun, secondly not using an ability that can one shot a normal mob is ignorance. Its a shame such a good class is played by such bad people.


1. Force Choke is a stun.

2. You just said normal mob. Normal mobs are stunned by Smash.

3. Roar.

4. I can one shot a normal mob with Smash.



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Yes. Quoted from Georg, one of the devs. He posted a reply somewhere on the forums in regards to what classes need to be "buffed".


For example, we are certainly aware that the Marauder and Sentinel are very gameplay intensive classes with some of the most complex rotations in the game.


If the devs say it's intense and complex, then it is :D.


For me, it was definitely rough to get to where I am now. Once you get your rotation down and the gameplay of melees, PvP/PvE is easy as pie. Only thing I really have to worry about is my health if I don't have a pocket healer (which I almost never do; thank God for rakata reusables!)

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half the problem comes from g ys like this, they fail to see how awesome pommel strike and savage kick are so they regard them as useless, thus not utilizing all the class is therefore thinking its "weak" because they do not play it right. For some reason less then good players think if you can not use any ability at any time it is "useless"


Savage Kick and Pommel Strike aren't on my bars. In PvE engagements as Annihilation I still use about 15 abilities not counting defensive cooldowns besides Cloak of Pain.


To me this isn't a problem, I PvPed with a warrior on WoW, along with playing about 10 different MMOs and high level HoN/Dota play. For someone without my level of experience in twitch gameplay I an see how the class would be an issue. It's definitely not for clickers. All my abilities are bound to various hotkeys from 1-5, q,e,r, shift +, alt +, ctrl +, etc


Savage Kick and Pommel Strike just aren't necessary. Pommel Strike is the biggest offender of the two as with it's 45 second cooldown and use only after smash or scream on soft targets is meh. At least with kick it only has a 15 second cd, a cool animation and for me with both Charge and Rupture causing the slow/immobilize, easier to utilize.


Given that, it still just doesn't do enough. There's always another DPS ability for me to spend a GCD on without adding another strictly DPS ability to my bar for a little extra damage.


Not to mention giving these abilities Keybinds as an avid PvPer, not really worth it. Either make the abilities useful in PvP in some way, make them do something besides damage in PvE, or I won't be the only Marauder who doesn't use them.


It doesn't affect my killing speed, it's just not worth it.

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actually they are only useless on elites and up... which is a very small part of the game... i guess you do not understand what a percentage is.


What is the point ok keeping a weak *** ability up for killing easy and normal mobs. Most people skip the ability because it takes up keybind space for more important abilities. We don't need help with normal or weak mobs...they die too fast to be a problem. Why are you even bringing that up in the argument and telling people that they don't know how to play their class.


You can kick all the weak mobs you want, that doesn't mean you know how to play your class.

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actaully i was the first 50 on my server, i have 3 50s now. The bad players will remove them the good ones will not, you fight MANY strongs and normals inside of the Operations and the Hard Mode Flashpoints... which makes me wonder if you have even done anything outside of PvP... prolly not because my guess is you think this is a PvP game when 95% of the money spent on this game was for the PvE content.


Everything you say shows you have no knowledge of this class, and that you're a liar.

Everyone is waiting on that SS but you've vanished from this thread what did you start working hard in photoshop for one?

Edited by Ashliet
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Savage kick is worth it for the rare windows that do pop up. Like some have said, no rage cost and relatively low cool down for a free potential 3k crit (at least in my non-ops gear). There are potential windows where your abilities will be on cool down and you have a full rage bar and personally I've seen savage kick hit harder than vicious slash (annihilation spec).
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I don't know why people are so hung up on savage kick and PS. They're obviously not intended to be primary attacks. Like others have said, they're useful in certain situations, but they're niche abilities at best. Pommel Strike has saved my *** a number of times when I've got a sliver of health left and there's still a weak mob standing there.


One of the biggest issues facing our class imo is ability delay. I can't how many times I've died because I was counting on interrupt only for it to initiate a second too late.

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I love how this tread became a topic about Pommel Strike and Savage Kick. The topic of the tread was "Are Marauders really that hard to play?" and part of the answer is yes and no.


The challenge for Marauders is maximizing the use of all of our skills. As an Annihilation Marauder I need to keep up with my Deadly Saber, Fury Skills, Rage Generation, Cooldown Management in order to maximize DPS. And as you can see from this tread that using all the skills are the main challenge of the Marauder. I often say "Too many hotkeys too little fingers" to my guildies.


You can see other people are so busy multitasking that it brings up a question of "Is putting this skill on my skill bar worth the brain overload I will get". Trust me it can happen, on bad days my brain goes total derp and I get my entire chain messed up trying to figure out the timing of another skill that I end up standing there spamming Assault. I've come to a point that I believe that if you really want to be competitive as a Marauder you'll need a Razor Naga mouse with 13 or 17 buttons.


Proper key binding is the key hard task of playing a Marauder over the past weekend I've change my entire skill layout and hotkeys countless times. Just 2 hours ago I changed my entire hotkey configuration starting from scratch so I don't stay stuck to old inefficient habits. Another thing to note is that when other people look at PvP videos of other players they say "Oh weak damage or Oh picking on lowbies" They don't take the time to notice the key configuration. On the forums you can see me occasionally asking "Razor Naga Mouse?" because that is what I look at, how other people manage their workload.


Using Pommel Strike and Savage Kick isn't that hard. This is what I do [Q]Smash -> [s-Q]Pommel Strike, [5]Crippling Slash -> [s-5] Savage Kick.



Sorry if my reply is sloppy I'm half asleep while writing this.


Here is something that will help you understand our complexity. Assault gives you 2 rage Annihilate costs 5. So Hit Hit Hit Annihilate Hit Hit Annihilate and repeat from the start. Now add Battering Assault into the combo, BAssault Annihilate hit hit Annihilate. Now add Deadly Saber to the combo. BAssault Deadly Saber Hit Annihilate Hit Hit Hit Annihilate Hit Hit Annihilate. Now add their all of their cooldowns which make absolutely no combo'ing sense, especially Annihilate that changes it cooldown every time you use it.

Edited by ChaeTakbae
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You can see other people are so busy multitasking that it brings up a question of "Is putting this skill on my skill bar worth the brain overload I will get". Trust me it can happen, on bad days my brain goes total derp and I get my entire chain messed up trying to figure out the timing of another skill that I end up standing there spamming Assault. I've come to a point that I believe that if you really want to be competitive as a Marauder you'll need a Razor Naga mouse with 13 or 17 buttons.


Proper key binding is the key hard task of playing a Marauder over the past weekend I've change my entire skill layout and hotkeys countless times. Just 2 hours ago I changed my entire hotkey configuration starting from scratch so I don't stay stuck to old inefficient habits. Another thing to note is that when other people look at PvP videos of other players they say "Oh weak damage or Oh picking on lowbies" They don't take the time to notice the key configuration. On the forums you can see me occasionally asking "Razor Naga Mouse?" because that is what I look at, how other people manage their workload.



O Lord the amount of times this has happened when I'm tired - I look and all my heavy damage abilities are off cd and I'm full rage spamming Assault haha.


I've been tweaking my keybinds also (I use cursor keys so my layout and style is pretty whack compared to most people) but it works perfectly for me.

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Just give us RIFT-like macros and everything would be Ok.

I dont mean scripting and macroing in a way to make yourself the infamous 1-key-rogue from WoW. I mean just a macro with which you can create a "casting"sequence of abilities with cooldowns and prereqs and at the end let us put for example our anytimer-i dont need rage for it-skill which will be used when all other abilities are on cd or i dont have enough rage.


I think i can handle the rage/fury/cooldown management in a static PvE environment in a satisfying way.

Problems are coming dyanmic PvP-Situations. It is very hard to monitor all the cooldowns, my rage status and the building of fury while trying to stick at your target, using reactive specials like interrupt and using my survivability abilities perfectly timed (f.e. undying rage at 5-10% HP and not 1 milisecond too late... :rolleyes:).


THAT is what makes our class really hard to play. I reached 50 with my marauder about a week ago and i am still doing horrible in PvP. The learning curve is good but i am still far away from being satisfied with my performance. Although gear-difference hits hard from time to time - ever faced a fully geared champion or battlemaster in a warfront 1v1? Muhaha... lets say i hope that he at least noticed that he just stomped over me.



Oh and another hint: Pls stop mixing up PvE and PvP Situations in those topics. At least mention at the start of your post if you are talking about an PvE Environment or PvP.



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Proper key binding is the key hard task of playing a Marauder over the past weekend I've change my entire skill layout and hotkeys countless times. Just 2 hours ago I changed my entire hotkey configuration starting from scratch so I don't stay stuck to old inefficient habits. Another thing to note is that when other people look at PvP videos of other players they say "Oh weak damage or Oh picking on lowbies" They don't take the time to notice the key configuration. On the forums you can see me occasionally asking "Razor Naga Mouse?" because that is what I look at, how other people manage their workload.


This so much ^^^^^

Im left handed so cant really use a naga. I find it extremely difficult to bind every skill. Adding 1 new keybind per day, making macros with my relic/adrenal and beserk just to minimise the amount of buttons i need to press.

I can bind 20 relatively easy, and be comfortable. But binding 30+ keybinds and still play comfortable is hard atm. I dont want to play a game which causes my hand to deform due to the amount of pressure and strange shapes im making it do :(

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