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SWTOR: Dying or Prosperous?


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I don't farm..and I don't grind. I do my quests ..my crafting etc. I talk to my guildies..I have fun on vent, and I group with guildies or others on occasion. I love the atmosphere in Tor, and I get a large thrill out of visiting a "new" planet.


I am an SWG vet, Elder Master Dancer, TK and Swordsman..Sunrunner server. I am enjoying my time with Tor ..immensely.


I would suggest, that games don't grind and games don't farm...


People do.


Perhaps you are going at it ..like you are still playing Wow. Don't. Try a new class...there is not just ONE STORY..there are more. There are also legacy levels to work on if you are level 50.


Myself I wasn't in a big rush to "beat da game". I am level 45, started on the 16th of December.


I've been taking time to smell the roses, and frankly I haven't outlevelled my guildies so am not forced to sit around and wait for anyone to catch up.


Life is all about choices. If you choose to rush through everything, then you are going to miss alot of stuff. There are many other story lines to experience. Each story adds to the overall lore and understanding about the Tor galaxy/universe.


If all you do is farm and grind..then that is your choice to make things as dull as possible for yourself. That is not the game ..that is you.


I do agree with almost everything you said. But eventually you will hit the cap... I was faster, yes. I rushed? No, I wouldn't say I did, I actually enjoyed my class quest a lot, the planets... loved it all. Did all the quests, didn't skipped a single cinematic. It could have taken more time, I agree with you. But it didn't so I am at level cap and the options I have are exactly the same I had before. I am not complaining, honestly, just I hoped a game that is story driven would have different options, that's all. Like a longer class quest that you could complete only one chapter per week let's say and the rewards would be as good as people raiding. Or a craft system that allowed you to actually gear up by going to distant planets and harvesting rare materials. I don't know, there are so many ideas, don't know why they chose to use the same old system we already have in almost all other MMOs.


And I do love the game, as I said my main concern is that every day I see less people online =(, and a MMO without people...

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dont be so naiv, there are no 10 m subscribers, in reality there are 5-8 m. subscribers. the rest only gamecards sold in china


"5-8 m." - that is a "tight" range... And you call him "naive" ?


Anyway my WOW server is packed. Has always been. I can usually raid in 7-12 minutes. LFG groups from instant to about 15 mins if you are DPS and unlucky.


Proper groups, via the chat channels continuously almost. People running old raids for trans gear or achievements, DS, BH - whatever. A very healthy place to be, so much so that I have left Stormwind it is so laggy with thousands of players. Trade chat almost impossible to follow. Auction house packed.


If WOW was released today it would take over all other MMOs.


Ah yes, it does already.


Back to SWTOR, to keep this on topic, it may become like AoC, Rift, Aion, WAR, ie less overall subscriptions, and less servers, but as long as the few servers are populated then who cares. Well, outside of funding future expansions.

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Why would an "old" game have more features?


A new game has the advantage to "take" stuff from other games. It would be alot easier to steal a good idea than to invent something new from scratch.


If a new MMO really wants to compete with an older established MMO, shouldn't it have more features or atleast as many features as that game? It is after all trying to steal away customers from something they have invested time into? And the features they do steal should preferably be improved on, not made totally worthless.


Just take the AH TOR has in-game, what were they thinking?


It will definetely have more content, more polish and more features because it had more time and resources to achieve that. Also, what you consider 'important features' aren't really that, it's just your subjective opinion. GTN could be better but it works fine, but people look at it and think "it doesn't look/work like the one in WOW so it sucks".

Most issues with the game are completely subjective, game is fine, it's not perfect but no one is saying that.


Also, it's more targeted to an adult public, so might not be your cup of tea

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"5-8 m." - that is a "tight" range... And you call him "naive" ?


Anyway my WOW server is packed. Has always been. I can usually raid in 7-12 minutes. LFG groups from instant to about 15 mins if you are DPS and unlucky.


Proper groups, via the chat channels continuously almost. People running old raids for trans gear or achievements, DS, BH - whatever. A very healthy place to be, so much so that I have left Stormwind it is so laggy with thousands of players. Trade chat almost impossible to follow. Auction house packed.


If WOW was released today it would take over all other MMOs.


Ah yes, it does already.


Back to SWTOR, to keep this on topic, it may become like AoC, Rift, Aion, WAR, ie less overall subscriptions, and less servers, but as long as the few servers are populated then who cares. Well, outside of funding future expansions.


Hmmm you are wrong... WoW at launch had around 300k people and lots of bugs / problems to be solved. Actually it was only after TBC that it started to be the "monster" it is today. If you had played WoW on Vanilla it would take 2-3 hours to get a group to run an instance at level 60. You would only raid if you had a guild... a big guild, since raids were 40 man. Oh, and MC, the first true "raiding content" was only released 6 months after the game launched, on patch 1.4.0. Before that the only available raids were UBRS and LBRS. So if WoW was launched today, the original WoW, not this one that has 7 years already, a consolidated player base, solid bug fixing and a lot of new content you would face a much worst game than TOR is. Believe me, I was there on day 1.

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And I do love the game, as I said my main concern is that every day I see less people online =(, and a MMO without people...


With thath logic, anyone questing 1-60 in WoW would think that it's dead.


I see plenty people,I still have to queue when I want to play at peak hours, actually I'd say I see more people than I did during the Xmas break. Also, why do you care? I know people playing WAR (that is now down to 2 servers) who are having a lot of fun even if there aren't millions playing the game. Same goes for people playing EQ or EQ2 or even UO.


You play a game because you have fun, not because there is a lot of people playing it


I smell troll all over this thread

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"5-8 m." - that is a "tight" range... And you call him "naive" ?


Anyway my WOW server is packed. Has always been. I can usually raid in 7-12 minutes. LFG groups from instant to about 15 mins if you are DPS and unlucky.


Proper groups, via the chat channels continuously almost. People running old raids for trans gear or achievements, DS, BH - whatever. A very healthy place to be, so much so that I have left Stormwind it is so laggy with thousands of players. Trade chat almost impossible to follow. Auction house packed.


If WOW was released today it would take over all other MMOs.


Ah yes, it does already.


Back to SWTOR, to keep this on topic, it may become like AoC, Rift, Aion, WAR, ie less overall subscriptions, and less servers, but as long as the few servers are populated then who cares. Well, outside of funding future expansions.


Actually, it's about 6+ millions in China and they are paying by the hour.


US+EU probably 3-4 millions and there is plenty of ghost town servers in WoW, happy your server is packed. That is if that's true because my past experience would be very different but hey whatever rocks your boat

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Complaints are always louder. People who aren't complaining are busy playing the game.


The people who understand this, already know this. But I quote it anyway, in hopes that maybe it makes it home to the people who don't.

Edited by Vendril
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With thath logic, anyone questing 1-60 in WoW would think that it's dead.


I see plenty people,I still have to queue when I want to play at peak hours, actually I'd say I see more people than I did during the Xmas break. Also, why do you care? I know people playing WAR (that is now down to 2 servers) who are having a lot of fun even if there aren't millions playing the game. Same goes for people playing EQ or EQ2 or even UO.


You play a game because you have fun, not because there is a lot of people playing it


I smell troll all over this thread


Nope, not trolling my friend. Truth is that, if money goes bad, the game won't get regular updates, new / improved infra structure, expansions, content... you can add whatever you want to that list. Like any other product if a game is not giving a satisfactory financial return the company owning it won't spend money to update it. All the games you mentioned are great games but when was the last time any of them got a decent update? EQ2 only got one because now it's F2P portion is giving Sony some money, otherwise it would have died already, with a bunch of people still playing it.


So I respect your opinion, but for me if a game is not updated with new content, new things to do on a regularly time schedule I will leave. That's what's fun for ME, not saying I am right or wrong, so for me it's important that TOR has a lot of people playing to ensure they will keep it interesting and updated.

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Almost no one on the forums can accurately predict the future of SWTOR; they simply don't have the data. What most people are actually saying (despite their post) is that they don't like the game for some reason. Some, not even all, of them will indeed leave the game after the free month ends. An even smaller fraction may secretly wish the game will fail. In all cases, they are just personal commentary.


My recommendation is wait until after the 20th and see how many subscribers remain. That should give you an idea of the trend the game is taking. Even if you make a choice then, you can still easily change your mind later by extending or cancelling your subscription.

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Hmmm you are wrong... WoW at launch had around 300k people and lots of bugs / problems to be solved. Actually it was only after TBC that it started to be the "monster" it is today. If you had played WoW on Vanilla it would take 2-3 hours to get a group to run an instance at level 60. You would only raid if you had a guild... a big guild, since raids were 40 man. Oh, and MC, the first true "raiding content" was only released 6 months after the game launched, on patch 1.4.0. Before that the only available raids were UBRS and LBRS. So if WoW was launched today, the original WoW, not this one that has 7 years already, a consolidated player base, solid bug fixing and a lot of new content you would face a much worst game than TOR is. Believe me, I was there on day 1.


Actually you are wrong.


Here are the 1.4 patch notes and you can clearly see that MC was already in the game by this point. 1.4 didn't go live until May 2005.





Lava Surgers no longer respawn once you kill Garr.


When Majordomo Executus submits, a chest is spawned next to him. This chest should only spawn the FIRST time he is defeated in a saved instance. If a guild tries him a second or third night, no chest should spawn.


Ragnaros now stays up 2 hours rather than 1 after being summoned.


The Golemagg and Shazzrah encounters in the Molten Core has undergone some changes.


Molten Core and Onyxia were release content. They were not patched in later on.

Edited by Mandrax
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Actually you are wrong.


Here are the 1.4 patch notes and you can clearly see that MC was already in the game by this point. 1.4 didn't go live until May 2005.






Molten Core and Onyxia were release content. They were not patched in later on.


True, you are right, my memory failed me. In anyway, all my other statements are correct. It's pretty unfair to compare a game that had a lot of patching / bug fixing / time to consolidate their player base to a newly released game. And he said "if WoW was released today it would be better than all other mmos". I just pointed out that he is wrong, WoW at launch and through vanilla had a lot of issues (if you played it, as I did, you would know ^^).

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I really like this game and I'm working on learning the mechanics, specifically PvP, so I can enjoy myself even more. But is it all pointless if the game is truly doomed to implode?

I hope I'm not the first to break this news to you, but everything is truly doomed to implode. As far as SWTOR, barring something as epic as nation-wide (USA) natural disaster, the game should be around 6 months from now, far longer than most other games keep people's interest, and hopefully for years and years to come. If every other game you've bought and stopped playing wasn't pointless, then neither is SWTOR. :)

Edited by ArkhamNative
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Actually you are wrong.


Here are the 1.4 patch notes and you can clearly see that MC was already in the game by this point. 1.4 didn't go live until May 2005.






Molten Core and Onyxia were release content. They were not patched in later on.


Molten core was not working correctly for at least a month though.

Plus the game was released the year before in 2004 so your link does not really prove anything.

Edited by Rayvonuk
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Nope, not trolling my friend. Truth is that, if money goes bad, the game won't get regular updates, new / improved infra structure, expansions, content... you can add whatever you want to that list. Like any other product if a game is not giving a satisfactory financial return the company owning it won't spend money to update it. All the games you mentioned are great games but when was the last time any of them got a decent update? EQ2 only got one because now it's F2P portion is giving Sony some money, otherwise it would have died already, with a bunch of people still playing it.


So I respect your opinion, but for me if a game is not updated with new content, new things to do on a regularly time schedule I will leave. That's what's fun for ME, not saying I am right or wrong, so for me it's important that TOR has a lot of people playing to ensure they will keep it interesting and updated.


I respect your opinion but still don't understand why should I care if thius game has 10 million players or 500k. 500k is more than enough to get things running and fund development. I actually think the game will have more than that come 6 months but that's a different matter. Still, I don't really understand these "Will the game survive" posts, not even a month after the game came out. And just to point out the flawed logic in your argument, WAR and AoC, two games with very low population numbers, have had their updates, expansions and mini expansions, so?

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I respect your opinion but still don't understand why should I care if thius game has 10 million players or 500k. 500k is more than enough to get things running and fund development. I actually think the game will have more than that come 6 months but that's a different matter. Still, I don't really understand these "Will the game survive" posts, not even a month after the game came out. And just to point out the flawed logic in your argument, WAR and AoC, two games with very low population numbers, have had their updates, expansions and mini expansions, so?


Ok, I see your logic. Maybe I should worry less with how many people will still be playing tomorrow and just have fun like I am having right now. I do hope people would not leave tho, this game is awesome and I still don't understand why people are complaining / leaving / comparing it to WoW. I think I'm just scared to be left alone without people to play with hehe, because I do love this game so far (even if they are still using the old farming / grinding mechanics that the other mmos use).

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You will know when the free month is up whether or not the game is dying. Your server will be a lot less populated, I'd log in the main city during prime time the day before and then the day after - you will see a dramatic difference.


I've played through the release of many MMO's ... it's always fun in the beginning, but by the free month is over half of all people who are max level will unsubscribe and the other half will eventually follow within the next few months.


If there isn't much to do end game then people leave, it will just become a cycle of reaching max level and quitting, those who stay are only the ones continuing to level eventually it will even out.


If the servers are merging then thats a sign that people are gone or leaving.. server merges after 1 or 2 months is not a good sign.


I would assume the game has a lot of employees due to the amount of preorders and attention the game is getting, but after the free month is up and that revenue is no longer there like it was before then the company will make cuts in the department which will in turn equal less content and less updating and less subscribers.


The first month is always the best and worst time in the life of an MMO. This is just how all MMO's are nowadays, loyalty to MMO's rarely exist anymore. You will have your fanboys and lifers with any game but there are too many options for gamers to hold anyone down and its always about the next best thing. RIP Star Wars. It was fun while it lasted.

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You will know when the free month is up whether or not the game is dying. Your server will be a lot less populated, I'd log in the main city during prime time the day before and then the day after - you will see a dramatic difference.


I wouldn't be so sure. I don't think most people who are not going to re-sub are still playing now. If they're fed up with the game, they've probably already stopped playing. Anyway, we'll see.



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Nope, not trolling my friend. Truth is that, if money goes bad, the game won't get regular updates, new / improved infra structure, expansions, content... you can add whatever you want to that list. Like any other product if a game is not giving a satisfactory financial return the company owning it won't spend money to update it. All the games you mentioned are great games but when was the last time any of them got a decent update? EQ2 only got one because now it's F2P portion is giving Sony some money, otherwise it would have died already, with a bunch of people still playing it.


So I respect your opinion, but for me if a game is not updated with new content, new things to do on a regularly time schedule I will leave. That's what's fun for ME, not saying I am right or wrong, so for me it's important that TOR has a lot of people playing to ensure they will keep it interesting and updated.




Exactly what I've been saying to all the "Go back to WoW" idiots.


I'm really starting to think it was unrealistic for me to think this MMO would be any different than any other released since WoW in terms of longevity and being able to be the "next big thing" that will attract millions of subs.


IMO WoW has pretty much killed the MMO market, and it is and will be the only "real option" until it shuts down.

SWTOR seems to have made an excellent effort and it was the best I've seen.

When I got into beta and felt how the game felt and saw it I thought for sure it was gonna be the next big MMO, but as I played on and on and started seeing problems I got more worried and worried.

Now I read these forums and do see numbers dropping on my server and....It just saddens me because this game had so much potential.


I really wanted this to be my next MMO but if it doesn't have subs in the millions within 6 months to a year then new content wont be getting released (Producing voiced content is SUPER expensive). I'll quit if subs start to drop probably, especially if the unresponsive combat and other bugs aren't fixed.

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Whilst I'm sure that after 12 or more pages, the thread has drifted way off-topic, on the original question I would simply observe the following: It's early days yet and we really don't know how the game will meet the mostly silent public (because actual statistics show that maybe 5-10% max of the playerbase even reads the forums). Also, I've yet to be in an MMO, including both WoW & EVE both of which are undeniably successful in their respectively large & small niches, where there is not at least once a day a thread made that exclaims 'this game is dying!'.
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Exactly what I've been saying to all the "Go back to WoW" idiots.


I'm really starting to think it was unrealistic for me to think this MMO would be any different than any other released since WoW in terms of longevity and being able to be the "next big thing" that will attract millions of subs.


IMO WoW has pretty much killed the MMO market, and it is and will be the only "real option" until it shuts down.

SWTOR seems to have made an excellent effort and it was the best I've seen.

When I got into beta and felt how the game felt and saw it I thought for sure it was gonna be the next big MMO, but as I played on and on and started seeing problems I got more worried and worried.

Now I read these forums and do see numbers dropping on my server and....It just saddens me because this game had so much potential.


I really wanted this to be my next MMO but if it doesn't have subs in the millions within 6 months to a year then new content wont be getting released (Producing voiced content is SUPER expensive). I'll quit if subs start to drop probably, especially if the unresponsive combat and other bugs aren't fixed.


This is EXACTLY why i cancelled. I still have free time left and i STILL cant manage to log in.

Something about spamming an ability that doesn't go off in PvP tends to ruin the fun level, especially considering you've accepted the un balance issues.

Strange thing is people complained about how they didn't want the WoW community here but ironically, this community is worse than WoW's and its mainly the "go back to wow" people.

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It just got started. Just looking at server population, it seems like they survived the queues in the first days and still have population on the servers.


Soon they will probably go for commercial advertising and stuff to keep that up.


So it looks to me like they are in good shape to be prosperous (i.e. .5 million or more subs).


Time will tell though. It needs to really stick to the casual crowd because the more hardcore will certainly get bored.

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It will have same destiny as AoC, WAR, Vanguard. It lacks so much.. mostly combat system and feel of a living world.


Not likely, those games all lacked solo playability and were a lot lower quality. So they had to attract the more serious MMO crowd, and it turns out that group is extremely hard to please and fickle - just read these boards.

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It just got started. Just looking at server population, it seems like they survived the queues in the first days and still have population on the servers.


Soon they will probably go for commercial advertising and stuff to keep that up.


So it looks to me like they are in good shape to be prosperous (i.e. .5 million or more subs).


Time will tell though. It needs to really stick to the casual crowd because the more hardcore will certainly get bored.


I hope they don't stick to the "casual" crowd.

The raids are already piss poor easy as it is.

Every level 50 I see is in full epic gear.

I talk to them "dude this crap is a joke, I ran this raid for 2 weeks with my guild, boom full epic set, now I have nothing to do"

That's what you CASUALS promote, super easy to obtain joke quickly progressed stupid lame content.

trust me, when you casuals get to 50 and want to raid and after raiding for 2 weeks have full sets YOULL GET BORED TOO.


Raids need to be HARD they need to take TIME to PROGRESS otherwise EVERYONE WILL GET BORED!

BW can't release a new raid every 2 weeks, so the content that is released needs to take 1-3 months to clear otherwise EVERYONE WILL BE BORED.


The pvp needs to also be fixed, same issue there, 2-3 weeks BAM full epic set.






Everyone wants everything right away and they want it super easy with no effort, well guess what?

The promotes boredom, the big part of an MMO is getting that piece of gear, or that mount, or that WHATEVER that you've been working for for months.


When everyone can have EVERYTHING within a week it means NOTHING it gives people no motivation to even keep playing or trying.



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