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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

My Verdict on SWTOR


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So basically people that don't like crafting in this game, which is NOT WoW, don't like it because they like WoW's better. Huh? If you don't like the crafting in this game noone is holding a gun to your head to play the stupid thing. Please leave, you will not be missed by a long shot.


Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya.

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If anything swtor has the worst and most boring crafting there is. It honestly feels like playing a facebook game - click this button and come back in an hour to collect your dollar. Terrible. Every other crafting system atleast gets you involved, makes you go out into the world trying to improve it. In swtor crafting is just a bunch of annoying free loot screens poping up every 20 minutes. It honestly wouldn't even be worse to just remove it all together, infact may be even better.


OMG r u kidding u actually likeed looking for a rock to go hit with a pick axe 400 times a day to get 2 useful mats? Do you also enjoy shaving with a cheese grater? :confused:

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So you just said "I hate crafting so I like it that bioware removed that mmo aspect from this game and made it a single player clickfest instead". Which is fine different people like different things, I do have trouble comprehending why so many people are attracted to facebook games these days tho.


only other crafting I enjoyed was in vanguard so take it for what you will. I just enjoy this system because it fits the lore of the game. I have a crew, so why not make them do stuff while I am defending or taking over the galaxy. The crafting in this game is going to become much more meaningful once they allow mods from endgame gear to be removed (which a dev post confirmed will eventually happen as well as extracting set bonuses). that will allow crafters to make orange gear to sell.

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OMG r u kidding u actually likeed looking for a rock to go hit with a pick axe 400 times a day to get 2 useful mats? Do you also enjoy shaving with a cheese grater?


I am sorry that I enjoy playing the market and earning money ingame that way, and do not enjoy Facebook games.


I am sorry that you are different and hate making money through AH because it is too difficult and requires too much observation for your ADD attention span. I am sorry that you are in love with Facebook games and I am not.


It must be my fault we are different. I however will not be able to force myself to change into a fan of facebook games so you ll have to deal with me being different.


Again very very sorry.

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only other crafting I enjoyed was in vanguard so take it for what you will. I just enjoy this system because it fits the lore of the game. I have a crew, so why not make them do stuff while I am defending or taking over the galaxy. The crafting in this game is going to become much more meaningful once they allow mods from endgame gear to be removed (which a dev post confirmed will eventually happen as well as extracting set bonuses). that will allow crafters to make orange gear to sell.


Its fine you enjoy lore and rp with your companions, which is cool some people like it. I don't personally, but I am not the one to judge. However they could have found a better way to introduce the lore into the game or make companions useful, without removing gathering from the game. In my opinion atleast.

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Its fine you enjoy lore and rp with your companions, which is cool some people like it. I don't personally, but I am not the one to judge. However they could have found a better way to introduce the lore into the game or make companions useful, without removing gathering from the game. In my opinion atleast.


gathering is in the game and is a more cost efficient way to get supplies. hey its cool you hate it. thats your deal.

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I like to read other people's reviews but there is one thing that frustrates me the most. The OP states he has several lvl 50s. Now, I have been playing the game since release casually and at a slower pace to enjoy the content. I am sitting around lvl 30 atm, but the OP must have been doing marathons to have a few lvl 50s.


So who's fault is it that you do marathon gaming sessions and reach the cap lvl and then complain about no end content?

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I like to read other people's reviews but there is one thing that frustrates me the most. The OP states he has several lvl 50s. Now, I have been playing the game since release casually and at a slower pace to enjoy the content. I am sitting around lvl 30 atm, but the OP must have been doing marathons to have a few lvl 50s.


So who's fault is it that you do marathon gaming sessions and reach the cap lvl and then complain about no end content?


Pretty sure the OP gave this game a high score, it does not take long to hit max level in this game, even working you can do it over 2 weekends easily and the game has been out for almost a month for people who got early access.

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Pretty sure the OP gave this game a high score, it does not take long to hit max level in this game, even working you can do it over 2 weekends easily and the game has been out for almost a month for people who got early access.


I have been playing since early access... I just hit 50 a few days ago.. /played 6 days 15 hours and some odd minutes... Between girlfriend, school, and job.. I felt like I was doing a iron man just to get 50 that soon.. If you have several 50's.. either you have a hired a team to play your toon around the clock or u have done it without sleeping and wearing a diaper... So I totally disagree with this statement..

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yes, alright thank you for your whining now get the fu-...wait. a positive post?


If you are on Sword of Ajunta Pall i would be honored to grace you with a reusable medpack, or an advanced adrenal, or my best implants!


but seriously, its nice to see a level headed player on these forums for once.

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First of all I never mentioned or considered wow to be a good crafting system, I prefer sandbox crafting systems such as Darkfall or Ultima Online.


As for me not responding to his argument - if you cannot comprehend what my reply means that does not mean it did not respond to his argument. Let me explain it for you:


The reason why you cannot use TOR crafting to play the market is because there is no limited gathering supply. You brought up wow, so lets talk WOW. In WOW there is a limited amount of gathering nodes and they are fought over/contested. Meaning that working on getting them can yield a good money return for you. In TOR there is no limit to supply and everybody has equal access to it at any given time. Meaning that noone would want to buy it from you for more than the mission price. I say gathering, but gathering leads directly to crafting, i.e. whatever you craft comes from gathering materials, meaning its cost is gonna be relevant to the price of those materials, which cost nothing in TOR due to easymodeness and limitless supply.


I hope this made you understand my previous post a little bit better.


Which just goes to show you that you don't understand nearly as much as you think you do.



WoW's system uses dynamic spawning meaning that the spawn rate of mobs and nodes is related to the rate at which they are currently being consumed. To give a very gross oversimplification:


- The default spawn rate for a group of mobs might be 10 minutes a piece. However, if all of the mobs of a given area are cleared then respawn timers will be adjusted down to 5 minutes.


Nodes work in a similar manner which is why you can run into issues farming low level nodes. Granted, the respawns do have a floor in that they can't happen any faster than a particular rate but it helps alleviate the problems that occur with a limited supply as the world supply increases as demand for it increases.



ToR's gathering missions fulfill the same purpose but the process is instead directly driven by the playerbase. You CAN gather materials through missions but, as any crafter can tell you from experience, it's generally not worth the credits/time that it takes. For example, High level Scavenging missions don't have a potential return higher than "Abundant" and only return one type of material meaning that it costs me ~1800 credits and ~1 hour of time for ~7 pieces of Zal Alloy. I can get 4-7 of both Zal Alloy and Durasteel from just TWO nodes in the game world.


The only time missions are worth doing is when you buy the one-time-use schematics off the GTN which yield ~25 of each material in ~2 hours. These schematics can only be found from Slicers and thus by buying them you're directly supporting another crafter.


The fact that you even try to claim that WoW's crafting is in any way better than ToR's makes you lose all credibility. From an actual crafting standpoint they are nearly identical. The only difference is that WoW forces you to stand in place for X amount of time while ToR allows you to actually play the game (whatever that means for you: PvP, working the GTN, Raiding, etc).


Best system ever?

Not even close. But compared to the other "mainstream" crafting systems (WoW, Aion, Rift, etc) it's definitely up there.

Edited by Kittoes
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I have been playing since early access... I just hit 50 a few days ago.. /played 6 days 15 hours and some odd minutes... Between girlfriend, school, and job.. I felt like I was doing a iron man just to get 50 that soon.. If you have several 50's.. either you have a hired a team to play your toon around the clock or u have done it without sleeping and wearing a diaper... So I totally disagree with this statement..


I got into the game on 24th and I had a 50 2 weeks ago, I could ve had two by now, except I cannot see myself going through all the same side quests again. My /played was 5 days 5 hours, I did all available space missions daily and completed every single quest in every single zone including all heroic quests. I leveled as a healing spcced operative, which would be faster if I was dps specced. I did a lot of dungeons on the way as well. Maxed out all my professions and never skipped a line of dialog.I didn't do much pvp on the way tho. I've seen people level much faster than I did as well.

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If anything swtor has the worst and most boring crafting there is. It honestly feels like playing a facebook game - click this button and come back in an hour to collect your dollar. Terrible. Every other crafting system atleast gets you involved, makes you go out into the world trying to improve it. In swtor crafting is just a bunch of annoying free loot screens poping up every 20 minutes. It honestly wouldn't even be worse to just remove it all together, infact may be even better.


Worst. Argument. Ever.


It's the best I've seen and I've played WoW, WAR and trialed Rift (though not enough to say for sure if it';s system is better or worse).

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I think all of this crying about gathering is premature. It should be obvious that they are not done with the crafting system. I would wager there will be items that cannot be made unless you kill a boss or unless you farm a rare gathering node....such as that biometric stuff (its late and I forget the full name now) that drops off of hardmode bosses.
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Which just goes to show you that you don't understand nearly as much as you think you do.



WoW's system uses dynamic spawning meaning that the spawn rate of mobs and nodes is related to the rate at which they are currently being consumed. To give a very gross oversimplification:


- The default spawn rate for a group of mobs might be 10 minutes a piece. However, if all of the mobs of a given area are cleared then respawn timers will be adjusted down to 5 minutes.


Nodes work in a similar manner which is why you can run into issues farming low level nodes. Granted, the respawns do have a floor in that they can't happen any faster than a particular rate but it helps alleviate the problems that occur with a limited supply as the world supply increases as demand for it increases.



ToR's gathering missions fulfill the same purpose but the process is instead directly driven by the playerbase. You CAN gather materials through missions but, as any crafter can tell you from experience, it's generally not worth the credits/time that it takes. For example, High level Scavenging missions don't have a potential return higher than "Abundant" and only return one type of material meaning that it costs me ~1800 credits and ~1 hour of time for ~7 pieces of Zal Alloy. I can get 4-7 of both Zal Alloy and Durasteel from just TWO nodes in the game world.


The only time missions are worth doing is when you buy the one-time-use schematics off the GTN which yield ~25 of each material in ~2 hours. These schematics can only be found from Slicers and thus by buying them you're directly supporting another crafter.


The fact that you even try to claim that WoW's crafting is in any way better than ToR's makes you lose all credibility. From an actual crafting standpoint they are nearly identical. The only difference is that WoW forces you to stand in place for X amount of time while ToR allows you to actually play the game (whatever that means for you: PvP, working the GTN, Raiding, etc).


Best system ever?

Not even close. But compared to the other "mainstream" crafting systems (WoW, Aion, Rift, etc) it's definitely up there.




Have you tried to gather herbs in say twilight highlands to make flasks for raiding in Cata? What you say is true, however the cap as you say it is hit pretty early in wow at the moment, meaning that during peak hours its nearly impossible to gather any decent amount of herbs, which everyone in the game needs. And when there aren't many players on during nonpeak hours you still get competition of 3-4 other players flying around and spawn rates not being as high. What you said is true however you overexaggerated it making it sound as if in WOW you can just stand near a node and it respawns every 2 seconds when the sever is full, which is not true, gathering there is a chore and not everyone can do it. And Im not even mentioning vanilla or BC when it was different. Or the fact that you actually see players in the world in WOW because of it unlike TOR which is dead in most places.




Once again you overexaggerate things. It only takes but 20 min per companion with max affection to do a max lvl mission. And you can send 5 of them simultaneously so 4 minutes per drop, as well as drops from missions being higher than drops from nodes due to the affection once again. Not to mention that you have to fight through mobs to get to most nodes making you lose a lot more time if you compare one to the other. I do not disagree that you can gather nodes at the same time as sending your companions out resulting in double gains, however noone in their right mind would do it with this system, because it just doesn't make sense. You can either work and get double of something that you always get for free at any given time, or you can just keep getting it for free and not bother, which one do you think people will choose?


As for market in TOR and professions complimenting each other, well thats just wrong market is dead in TOR and comparing it to WOW and saying it is better or just as good is just being blind.


As for wow system not being all that great, like I said before that I agree with and I prefer crafting systems such as Darkfall. However WOW crafting is still better than TOR, facebook gaming will stay at the bottom for me.

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Worst. Argument. Ever.


It's the best I've seen and I've played WoW, WAR and trialed Rift (though not enough to say for sure if it';s system is better or worse).


Judging from your post you haven't seen that many lol.

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If your not having fun. Please leave and have a good life. This place is not for you.


haha, I hear this kind of thing all the time when criticizing the country I live in: "if you don't like it, LEAVE".


Nah, I'll stay and offer constructive criticism, sometimes in biting terms, to try to push change and see me game/country improve, thanks :)

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Have you tried to gather herbs in say twilight highlands to make flasks for raiding in Cata?


I have, it is identical to this game except for the fact that you can't fly in ToR.


What you say is true, however the cap as you say it is hit pretty early in wow at the moment, meaning that during peak hours its nearly impossible to gather any decent amount of herbs, which everyone in the game needs. And when there aren't many players on during nonpeak hours you still get competition of 3-4 other players flying around and spawn rates not being as high. What you said is true however you overexaggerated it making it sound as if in WOW you can just stand near a node and it respawns every 2 seconds when the sever is full, which is not true, gathering there is a chore and not everyone can do it. And Im not even mentioning vanilla or BC when it was different. Or the fact that you actually see players in the world in WOW because of it unlike TOR which is dead in most places.


Comparing WoW's playerbase to ToR's doesn't make any sense as the majority of the population in WoW is at the level cap. Per the last update the majority of the population in ToR is ~35ish. I have seen just as many people in the Imperial Fleet during peak hours as I'd see in Orgrimmar.




Once again you overexaggerate things. It only takes but 20 min per companion with max affection to do a max lvl mission. And you can send 5 of them simultaneously so 4 minutes per drop, as well as drops from missions being higher than drops from nodes due to the affection once again.


No, you do. At max affection and +10 Scavenging Efficiency (which is only on ONE companion) it takes ~26 minutes to complete a level 50 Abundant grade mission. The amount that the companion brings back is NOT affected by affection or efficiency. The only thing both of these things do is reduce the amount of time a mission takes to complete


As for market in TOR and professions complimenting each other, well thats just wrong market is dead in TOR and comparing it to WOW and saying it is better or just as good is just being blind.


The only people making these claims are people who are not currently involved in the market. My crafting skill (Cybertech) is considered one of the most useless skills in the game because:


A. Higher level mods are available from daily commendation vendors.

B. Entry level raid/hard mode instance gear is better than my crafted epic gear.

C. PvP gear is better than my crafted epic gear.


Yet... all of my mods, ear pieces, and ship parts sell within a day for prices well above what it cost me to make them. I take that money and use it to buy missions for getting more rare materials and items for RE'ing a greater variety of mods.


What was that about ToR's system being dead?

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I have, it is identical to this game except for the fact that you can't fly in ToR.

Except there is a need to do it in wow and there is no reason to do it in TOR, which you forgot to mention. TOR node gathering is obsolete.




Comparing WoW's playerbase to ToR's doesn't make any sense as the majority of the population in WoW is at the level cap. Per the last update the majority of the population in ToR is ~35ish. I have seen just as many people in the Imperial Fleet during peak hours as I'd see in Orgrimmar.

I did not compare TORs population to WOW or TOR node gathering mechanics to WOW node gathering/spawning mechanics. I responded to your argument saying that the increased spawn rate while exists still makes it challenging in wow, since your argument made it seem as if you could just stand at a node and collect it nonstop while its respawning every 2 seconds. As for TOR feeling dead in many places, that is due to no reason for people to come back to planets, heavy instancing/sharding but also facebook crafting as well as few other reasons. Which I do not want to get into too much anyway since it would derail the discussion from the crafting topic.



No, you do. At max affection and +10 Scavenging Efficiency (which is only on ONE companion) it takes ~26 minutes to complete a level 50 Abundant grade mission. The amount that the companion brings back is NOT affected by affection or efficiency. The only thing both of these things do is reduce the amount of time a mission takes to complete

Except it also affects the chance to get purple returns which I clearly noticed skyrocketting as my diplomacy was raising my companion affections and also the chance of failure which returns nothing seems to become nonexistent. And yes I said - only but 20 min, you said 26 which is much closer to what I said than to your claim of it taking an hour, so you are the one overexaggerating not me.



The only people making these claims are people who are not currently involved in the market. My crafting skill (Cybertech) is considered one of the most useless skills in the game because:


A. Higher level mods are available from daily commendation vendors.

B. Entry level raid/hard mode instance gear is better than my crafted epic gear.

C. PvP gear is better than my crafted epic gear.


Yet... all of my mods, ear pieces, and ship parts sell within a day for prices well above what it cost me to make them. I take that money and use it to buy missions for getting more rare materials and items for RE'ing a greater variety of mods.


What was that about ToR's system being dead?


So you have cybertech which creates mods which are subpar and should not have any market value as you have mentioned yourself and the only reason people buy they from you is because they did not finish their first group daily to find out that it is a waste of money. Or somehow didn't manage to find a ship gear vendor that sells grade 5 ship items, that are better than what you can craft. Lucky you that there are a few individuals who are unaware still. I wonder how long that ll keep up for you. Which that is cybertech now imagine other professions which are even more useless with all the purples dropping left and right and you should come to a conclusion that this market will not work. And what exactly are your gains? What is "well above the cost for you to make them" considering it is pretty much free for you to make them 1.8k per mission? what do you sell them for 3k per mission? I'm sure your slicing makes you more money than your other two professions combined, even after they nerfed it.

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Except there is a need to do it in wow and there is no reason to do it in TOR, which you forgot to mention. TOR node gathering is obsolete.


Except that it takes 26 minutes to get 7 Zal Alloy from a mission and another 26 minutes to get 7 Durasteel from a mission. That's 52 minutes to get the same amount of materials you can get from 2 nodes in the open world.


Except it also affects the chance to get purple returns which I clearly noticed skyrocketting as my diplomacy was raising my companion affections and also the chance of failure which returns nothing seems to become nonexistent.


Except that it doesn't. Crafting affects efficiency across the board for all skills NOT critical chance. Critical chance = better mats/better crafted materials. The higher your crafting skill the lower chance of failure that you have up to a certain point. The only missions you're realistically going to fail now and then once you hit 400 are the epic max level missions from Slicing.


So you have cybertech which creates mods which are subpar and should not have any market value as you have mentioned yourself and the only reason people buy they from you is because they did not finish their first group daily to find out that it is a waste of money. Or somehow didn't manage to find a ship gear vendor that sells grade 5 ship items, that are better than what you can craft. Lucky you that there are a few individuals who are unaware still. I wonder how long that ll keep up for you. Which that is cybertech now imagine other professions which are even more useless with all the purples dropping left and right and you should come to a conclusion that this market will not work. And what exactly are your gains? What is "well above the cost for you to make them" considering it is pretty much free for you to make them 1.8k per mission? what do you sell them for 3k per mission? I'm sure your slicing makes you more money than your other two professions combined, even after they nerfed it.


1. There's always a market for quick and easy gear. Gear crafted in WoW has always been equal to or worse than the entry level raiding/PvP gear and yet people still spent plenty og gold on BoE epics.


2. Max level ship slots can ONLY be gotten from Cybertechs.


3. My gains are MASSIVE. It costs me MAYBE 5k to make a high-end ship part (9k tops). Each sells for an average of 31k. I get my Scavenging materials from nodes (with the exception of Thermalplast Flux) and my underworld trading items from epic level missions I buy off of Slicers.


4. I don't have Slicing. I have Cyberteching, Scavenging, and Underworld Trading.

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Best I've seen in an MMO. Before I would craft out of necessity and grinded endlessly to get the mats. Also, I would only craft at endgame. Thus, I feel that Bioware exceeded on crafting. 9/10


Better than WoW and a few others but falls far, far, far short of the few MMOs which had/have truely revolutionary and intricate crafting systems.


SWG being the best of course. As of now, nothing has even come close to that one. Vanguard and EVE are closer, of course.


At most SWTOR's a 5/10 on that particular score and I'd probably rate it lower. Forget crafting as a necessity or at endgame. Instead, crafting as an entire game profession (class) rather than simply a secondary skill is indicative of a serious crafting system.

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Except that it takes 26 minutes to get 7 Zal Alloy from a mission and another 26 minutes to get 7 Durasteel from a mission. That's 52 minutes to get the same amount of materials you can get from 2 nodes in the open world.


Except that those 26 minutes can be done simultaneously resulting in 14 material output in 26 minutes, and those 2 nodes you ll have to do one by one. Did I mention you can queue up 5 missions simultaneously? So yea 26 min = 35 durasteel not 7, not to mention all the epic returns you can get from them.


Except that it doesn't. Crafting affects efficiency across the board for all skills NOT critical chance. Critical chance = better mats/better crafted materials. The higher your crafting skill the lower chance of failure that you have up to a certain point. The only missions you're realistically going to fail now and then once you hit 400 are the epic max level missions from Slicing.

Care to provide a link with proof to this statement of yours? One of the loading screens had a tip clearly mentioning how affection affects crafting returns and I have personally noticed it as well with 1/3 of my diplomacy returning purple gifts on average instead of 1/10 before affection was maxed, unless ofcourse it was sheer luck for me and an incorrect statement from bioware. Care to provide any proof for your statement?


1. There's always a market for quick and easy gear. Gear crafted in WoW has always been equal to or worse than the entry level raiding/PvP gear and yet people still spent plenty og gold on BoE epics.


2. Max level ship slots can ONLY be gotten from Cybertechs.


3. My gains are MASSIVE. It costs me MAYBE 5k to make a high-end ship part (9k tops). Each sells for an average of 31k. I get my Scavenging materials from nodes (with the exception of Thermalplast Flux) and my underworld trading items from epic level missions I buy off of Slicers.


4. I don't have Slicing. I have Cyberteching, Scavenging, and Underworld Trading.


1. Because you could not get anything with resilience for entry gear in wow other than to pvp for it, which is why blue pvp crafted gear was on demand there. As far as I know there are no expertise items from crafting in this game, unless I am wrong?


2. I personally got a purple beam thruster or whatever they r called from completing one of the space missions so you are completely wrong with that statement.


3. So sounds like you are making a whole lot of money, 20k per hour was it?


4. You should try slicing out you ll get about as much money if not more per hour from it, 10 missions complete = 10 lockboxes, plus plenty of purple missions to sell on ah to people like you who try to make 20k an hour from buying them lol

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