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Ive hit a wall


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My level 42 sentinel has ground to a halt. I simply have not been able to kill any bosses without help since level 35. Currently on the Emperors fortress and cant even touch the first elite i meet, in fact I have to strain and see if the red bar has dropped.


To be honest the game has become painful since 35. I had archeaology, artifice and slicing all at 400 at this point, I had 300k in the bank and everything was enjoyable. My guild had several high level TH and became reluctant to sell me gemstones etc. Fair enough. I dropped slicing because it was only really holding a level income in line with my spends. My TH is now maxxed and I have 0 credits. RE doesnt work, it doesnt. 58 consecutive fails on blue items and people undercutting all my prices to the point where I just sell to the nearest vendor. It feels like everyone on my server is dirt poor, or barely uses the GTN. I Still have level 1 speeder but have all current jedi powers


Not sure where to go, or what to do. I'm kind of adrift. Yesterday I had to find some fun by going back to Tython and offering my services to help gank any and all bosses (couldnt keep up with text bar in fact)


Dont want to create an alt or start again tbh. Is there any hope?

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ive heard that have been problems with the JK and difficulty balance in the higher levels. You could wait until they address that... If you havent done it already, you should probably make sure that your companion is geared, and that you are using one that is optimal to your needs.


Finally, buddy up! If a mission is giving you that much trouble maybe try to recruit a leveling buddy. I mean you cant be the only sentinel in the area that is having trouble with these missions right?

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Doc and Kira are pretty much armoured and armed to level 40. T7 is constantly on missions,I dunno, maybe I could get him above his lvl20ish gear. My new trooper has had a lot of creds thrown at him, but i'm not impressed tbh. Edited by Kane_Ren
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My level 42 sentinel has ground to a halt. I simply have not been able to kill any bosses without help since level 35. Currently on the Emperors fortress and cant even touch the first elite i meet, in fact I have to strain and see if the red bar has dropped.


To be honest the game has become painful since 35. I had archeaology, artifice and slicing all at 400 at this point, I had 300k in the bank and everything was enjoyable. My guild had several high level TH and became reluctant to sell me gemstones etc. Fair enough. I dropped slicing because it was only really holding a level income in line with my spends. My TH is now maxxed and I have 0 credits. RE doesnt work, it doesnt. 58 consecutive fails on blue items and people undercutting all my prices to the point where I just sell to the nearest vendor. It feels like everyone on my server is dirt poor, or barely uses the GTN. I Still have level 1 speeder but have all current jedi powers


Not sure where to go, or what to do. I'm kind of adrift. Yesterday I had to find some fun by going back to Tython and offering my services to help gank any and all bosses (couldnt keep up with text bar in fact)


Dont want to create an alt or start again tbh. Is there any hope?



Im really stuck on my Sent right now. I can't kill the boss between Alderaan and the next planet ( end of act 1 i think it is ). After spending over 20k in repairs I gave up so that I didn't go bankrupt - time to roll a new toon I guess and hope some of this is fixed :/

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I find that companion choice is critical. In fights with a single boss Doc is great, but if there are other mobs he can get overwhelmed. Kira isn't really that good with the tougher boss fights. Gearing up T7 is essential as he is your only tanking companion until the end of Act 2. T7 gets killed a lot, but if he's geared properly and you have the right abilities set for him then he can hold aggro long enough for you to survive most fights long enough to get the mobs burned down and the boss low enough to finish off. The same can be said for Lord Scourge once you get him. I find Rusk to be useless for the most part.


Anyway, if one companion isn't working out in a fight, try another. Keep trying different tactics with each companion until you find what works. It's been tough but I made it to 50 without having to ask for help in class quests, so it is doable. In general the toughest fights will require either Doc or T7, so keep them both geared up as best you can.

Edited by BarakIII
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Doc and Kira are pretty much armoured and armed to level 40.

What about the use of blue, purple and custom items? they are better for their levels.


T7 is constantly on missions,I dunno, maybe I could get him above his lvl20ish gear.

Having a companion with up-to-par equipment, i.e. lv40+ in your case, can be crucial. Aren't you using your companions in combat? or if you are, do they die quickly?


I have been using Mako with my BH and I've leveled both her and myself, but I've also taken the time to upgrade my gear before moving on. having +40 to Aim instead of +10 is a BIG deal - especially if it's for all your gear.


(Difference between +10 and +40 is a +30 increase. Multiply that by 12 for all gear pieces, not counting relics - that's a whopping +360 difference in the given stat.)

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Im really stuck on my Sent right now. I can't kill the boss between Alderaan and the next planet ( end of act 1 i think it is ). After spending over 20k in repairs I gave up so that I didn't go bankrupt - time to roll a new toon I guess and hope some of this is fixed :/


Or you can do the sidequests, overlevel the mob by 2 levels and move on. Sentinel is fine with a healing companion.

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Or you can do the sidequests, overlevel the mob by 2 levels and move on. Sentinel is fine with a healing companion.


Probs is we don't get the healer until the end of the next planet - which is the one I can't get to!

Ive finished all the side quests on Alderaan so i was ready to move on - looks like it will be randomly killing stuff till I level a couple of times. Very slooooow

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Very simple solution would be to first reroll treasure hunting and quit slicing. There you will get your blue mats where you can craft blue items wich will most likely end up in discovering a lila shematic. So on. For your problem with leveling; sorry to say it that way, but l2p. Srsly, im close to 41 and i had almost no problems so far. Watch your spec. Use and keybind all of your abilities. Read the abilities what they do that you can pop them at the right time.

Always use and equip your companion. He is a valuable support and essential when it coems to elite npc's.

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My level 42 sentinel has ground to a halt. I simply have not been able to kill any bosses without help since level 35. Currently on the Emperors fortress and cant even touch the first elite i meet, in fact I have to strain and see if the red bar has dropped.


To be honest the game has become painful since 35. I had archeaology, artifice and slicing all at 400 at this point, I had 300k in the bank and everything was enjoyable. My guild had several high level TH and became reluctant to sell me gemstones etc. Fair enough. I dropped slicing because it was only really holding a level income in line with my spends. My TH is now maxxed and I have 0 credits. RE doesnt work, it doesnt. 58 consecutive fails on blue items and people undercutting all my prices to the point where I just sell to the nearest vendor. It feels like everyone on my server is dirt poor, or barely uses the GTN. I Still have level 1 speeder but have all current jedi powers


Not sure where to go, or what to do. I'm kind of adrift. Yesterday I had to find some fun by going back to Tython and offering my services to help gank any and all bosses (couldnt keep up with text bar in fact)


Dont want to create an alt or start again tbh. Is there any hope?


I really cant understand your problems at all, i never had any real trouble while lvling.

I was always about 2 lvls above everything tho.

If u have no cash, do some space mission dailies and pvp.

Keep both your char and doc (i never used anything else once i got him) up to what u can afford.

Orange/purple gear, get commendation gear as much as u can.

Im playing watchmen since...uh..lvl 15 or something, dunno but its a blast.


So if u have decent gear (might help to post what u have) and arent terribly underleveled it can just be a playstyle issue.

Just post some more details about char and i try to help u as much as i can, Sents are awesome and not weak at all, would be a big waste to just reroll something else.

Edited by AmonSWTOR
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I was combat for the first 30 levels or so. Had no problems. The guy at the end of act one, one word: Interupt! Even as combat with 8s CD and no 0y jump you can still keep his big hitter interupted.

Do that and he's easy. I killed him with 75% health left and kira on full. This is essentially true of all the "Caster" style bosses. "Melee" style bosses seem to be much more about raw DPS output, proper use of defensive CDs and correct companion.

Saying that, once I got into early 30s I started having real issues with Golds my own level. That first quest of chapter 2 kicked my ***.

So I gave watchman a go. End of problems. Better interupts, self healing and much better damage brought it back to fun times.

So watchman made things easier, but I still had to be careful. I could kill any normal group, or gold, but if I messed up and pulled more than I meant to, I was dead.

Getting Doc changed all that. Normal groups/golds were easy, I had no down time between them, and if I did mess up, I still had a good chance of making it thru anyways.

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My level 42 sentinel has ground to a halt. I simply have not been able to kill any bosses without help since level 35. Currently on the Emperors fortress and cant even touch the first elite i meet, in fact I have to strain and see if the red bar has dropped.


1. Crafting is broken. BioWare knows this and will fix it at some point. The game has been out for 3 weeks, it's not surprising that some things don't work exactly right. Not being able to make money from crafting is not at all unusual given the current state of the game. Spend the time questing instead, you make insane amounts of money by just doing every quest and bonus quest. I make 175,000 credits or so every night just doing the level 50 dailies.


2. Make sure your HILT is as good as you can get. I can go into the math, but the bottom line is that the base damage on the hilt (not the +STR or +END, the base damage) is a gazillion times more important than any other stat on any other piece of equipment, and it's incredibly sensitive to small differences in level (i.e. the difference in +STR on a piece of level 42 equipment and a piece of level 38 equipment is so small it probably doesn't matter, but the difference in base damage between a level 42 hilt and a level 38 hilt is so large that you'll be able to tell the difference in 10 minutes of fighting).


3. Experiment with different kill orders for you and your companion. Use the CRL-1 and CTRL-2 buttons (or click on them) to send your companion on specific targets. For example, with Kira, I send her into the fight about 2 seconds before I jump in. This gives any casters a chance to start (but not finish) their first cast, which means when I jump in it will interrupt their cast so I don't need to waste my first force kick. Then I get to DPS like a madman for the first 10 seconds because Kira still has the aggro. Then they switch to me and she gets a breather. If it's a hard fight and I find myself getting low on health, I pop Force Camaflouge and stop DPSing for a few seconds, so everyone switches back to Kira, giving me time to heal/recover/pop defensive abilities and then start DPSing again.


I wish I could see videos of the people that are having such a hard time playing this class. I'm sure it must be some small, obvious thing, maybe something so obvious that we dont' even think to ask about it. For example, I just found out last night that you can move your spaceship in space battles using the WASD keys, so you don't need to move the ship using your mouse, so you can move in one direction and shoot in another direction. I had given up on space battles a long time ago because I was so frustrated, and no one I had ever asked about it had thought to mention what (to them) was such an obvious mechanic. My leveling experience was so easy (and I'm NOT an elite gamer), I'm pretty confident there must be something similar going on with Sentinel players.

Edited by andrew_b_gross
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I really cant understand your problems at all, i never had any real trouble while lvling.

I was always about 2 lvls above everything tho.

If u have no cash, do some space mission dailies and pvp.

Keep both your char and doc (i never used anything else once i got him) up to what u can afford.

Orange/purple gear, get commendation gear as much as u can.

Im playing watchmen since...uh..lvl 15 or something, dunno but its a blast.


So if u have decent gear (might help to post what u have) and arent terribly underleveled it can just be a playstyle issue.

Just post some more details about char and i try to help u as much as i can, Sents are awesome and not weak at all, would be a big waste to just reroll something else.


What spec are you using for watchman?

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I mostly level 1 to 2 levels higher than the quest because Im stubborn and only use Kira as companion but so far I havent had too much trouble. I occasionally die at a boss mob but thats about it. Im lvl 39 btw.


I always make sure the first thing I do in a boss fight is turn on that healing ability (with 20min CD). Besides that I often try to give Kira initial agro and take it from her when her health drops below 50%.

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For the Darth Angral fight you have to use Kira Carsen, so don't ignore her like I did and gear up T7. I actually found the security captain boss before him harder than Darth Angral!!


This isn't actually true, despite it being the common belief.


You have to have Kira to start the conversation, however after you die, You can switch your companion. If you have one companion you love, Bring them. you can lose the fight once, and then summon the "good" companion and go to town. I did this as I wasn't aware of the Kira requirement for Angrel, and she was in her starting gear (which was enough to beat valis, but I was about 3% short on Angrel.)


T7 is awesome, Doc is Awesome, and Kira is pretty ok. She provides a lot of damage output, but frankly with how mounts + companions work T7 is less downtime :D He tanks, then I mount/dismount and he's at full. yay.


Remember T7 has a defensive cooldown, and you can use Camo to drop threat to him mid-fight if you have him fight in DPS form, which is sometimes needed on harder fights.


Someone else said it already, but the most important parts of your gear are the Top slots. Prioritize your upgrades like so;

You Main Hand Hilt

your companions Main hand (barrel/hilt)

tanks Armoring Slots (you or t7, whichever route you chose to go).


Do your space missions, they are a lot of EXP/time and they'll help you stay at or above your quests levels. Do your quest bonuses, it's a lot harder if you don't. If you can find people, do the 2-4 person heroics, the rewards are helpful :D.


I'm honestly not playing that well, except on bosses. against normal groups I use like 5 buttons, Leap, Zealous, Storm, Slash, Master strike. Sometimes I'll force sweep if I feel like seeing different animations.


I'll give you a couple rotations I use a lot. As Combat with t7

3-4 Normals:

Leap A, Zealous A -> Bladestorm B -> Master Strike C.

Finish off C, finish off B, Bladestorm/finish off D OR, Finish off A. T7 will usually kill A before you get back to it :D


2 normals 1 Strong:

Leap S, Zealous S ->Bladestorm A, Master Strike B, Finish B, finish A.

Zealous S, precision, slash, slash, slash, Stasis, slash, storm, Zealous (you really shouldn't still be attacking) but repeat heh.


2 Strongs;

Send T7 on one, Leap+Zealous the other one. Slash till BS proc, BS. Stasis, Zealous Precision, slash till out of focus :D. Repeat on the otherone, Probably Zen+precision+relic slash spam.


Bosses: Kill the extra guys using above tactics.


Fighters: usually these guys are a DPS race. There is a decent chance T7 Will take one for the team.

Leap in, Zealous. Strike, Precision, Slash, Slash, slash Bladestorm, Stasis, Zealous, Pacify, Strike, Precision+Zen+Relic, Slash spam BS after precision goes down. If T7 dies before the boss dies, use defensive cooldowns.

Start with rebuke, and Saber ward at about 50%, then use the 99% reduction at about 25%, and Medpack right after.


Kick anything that hits for massive damage, or anything with a really slow casting time (if they spend 3-4 seconds casting it, you probably don't want it to happen to you.)


I'm out of basic tips. I'm not a master and I can't help with PVP but I haven't had any problems on boss fights yet.

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