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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Any real reason to use Assault Cannon?


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So, I just noticed that not a ton of our skills actually requires the use of an Assault Cannon. The only real stand out items is Charged Bolts (which is replaced by Grav Bolts) and Hail of Bullets (which seems inferior to Mortar Volley clearly, and even Pulse Cannon or Plasma Grenade in specific situations).


So I wanted to ask the group, am I missing something? Is the same Barrel in a moddable Assault Cannon and Blaster Rifle do the same damage? Is there any other core abilities I am missing?


Thanks for your help!

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I'm Currently leveling a Commando - level 32, i also have a tanking Vanguard at 22, i have see no difference, even damage seems pretty similar..


Just for looks i guess? Even though, a huge assault cannon on a small "2nd" body type looks pretty ridiculous, scale is far too big for that body type :)


The modding part, same, iv noticed no difference, odd :p

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So, I just noticed that not a ton of our skills actually requires the use of an Assault Cannon. The only real stand out items is Charged Bolts (which is replaced by Grav Bolts) and Hail of Bullets (which seems inferior to Mortar Volley clearly, and even Pulse Cannon or Plasma Grenade in specific situations).


So I wanted to ask the group, am I missing something? Is the same Barrel in a moddable Assault Cannon and Blaster Rifle do the same damage? Is there any other core abilities I am missing?


Thanks for your help!


Every class gets their own weaponry. Ours is the assault cannon. There isn't any difference with the blaster rifle (maybe less dmg and more endurance on rifle, haven't really looked) besides enabling the use of all our good abilities.

Edited by LordKivlov
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The only Commando spec that can get away with using a Blaster Rifle over an Assault Cannon is a Combat Medic and even then it is not recommended unless you plan on never using any other ability besides heals(which you shouldn't, some fights you should throw some damage out too).


Blaster Rifles of the same rating have less damage than Assault Cannons of the same rating which causes a significant decrease in dps output. Basically you are gimping yourself for cosmetic reasons. On top of that, if you go assault spec you won't be able to use Charged Bolts which is another major dps loss. Hail of bolts is also very useful for aoe heavy fights which you will be restricted from if you use a blaster rifle.

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So, I just noticed that not a ton of our skills actually requires the use of an Assault Cannon. The only real stand out items is Charged Bolts (which is replaced by Grav Bolts) and Hail of Bullets (which seems inferior to Mortar Volley clearly, and even Pulse Cannon or Plasma Grenade in specific situations).


So I wanted to ask the group, am I missing something? Is the same Barrel in a moddable Assault Cannon and Blaster Rifle do the same damage? Is there any other core abilities I am missing?


Thanks for your help!


There you go, a couple of reasons:


1. AC of the same grade have ~15% more weapon dmg compared to Blaster rifle

2. You only get Grav.round in gunnery spec (or some weird hybrid) still need CB for combat medic and assault spec.

3. Mortar volley, Pulse cannon and Plasma grenade all have CD, Hail of bolts doesn't.


Edited by Deokar
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