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What SWTOR Could have Been...


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With the Star Wars franchise covering so many genres over the years its not unexpected to have this kind of response.


Anything they made was going to get the whole 'omg fail you should have done this' as fans of any franchise tend to be (rather vocal) ungreatful complainers. They tend to be 'fairweather fans' for the most part. Singing the priase of whatever is popular and damning something for one mistake.


If they made it a FPS people would have asked for this kind of game instead and so on. Making a game which is part FPS, part RTS, part RPG, part space combat sim, part EVE clone with WoW features on top is a good way to please no one by trying to cater to everyone.


Also would have given this game a development cycle longer than most peoples lifespans.


Instead of looking at whats missing. Look at whats been accomplished.


Remember that most MMOs evolve rapidly after initial release. WoW barely resembles the MMO released 7 years ago in a lot of ways.


It would be wise to not underestimate a company with BioWare's reputation so early in the scheme of things.

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This isn't SWG ffs.... and what the hell is up with you people thinking everything you want to be in the game is going to be in the game on launch IT'S AN MMO. and also as for the aiming system it would be horrendous in an mmo Aka Tabula rasa did it and failed and the Tiny planets thing you mentioned would be just another star trek online which was horrendous on the ground combat to say the least that would also put HUUUUUGE invicible walls in the game which is unneccesary to say the least.


you can't just dream in fairytale land and think This should be implemented.

and space combat is hard to do perfectly in a mmo if you don't have enough time, and there would be no point in putting in a Aim system considering half the classes are melee's and casters.

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Hello all,


For a mmo that's not been out full in the public domain less than a month "which I'm sure has been said on every mmo forum" give the game a chance to grow, after all it's a mmo and that is what mmo games are all about, growing from a baby "which there are alot of here" to an adult slash FUN game to play.


MMo's are not a single player game that you play finish and shelve They are an ongoing games that grow with time and YOU the customer pay for the ongoing adventures and hopefully play and pay because thats what you want. IF Your a single player minded person that enjoys playing single player games that's fine, Just DON'T try and enforce your single player attitude on the MMO community. "In other words be patient":rolleyes:

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first day + one million subs, problem? just wait till the aussies get here, then the real party can start! by the time we get to Match this game will be pretty darn solid


Most of them are already playing.


BTW when March (not Match) swings around all that BW will get is server transfers not sales. If you didn't know Oceanics will be on their own, low latency (lol not going to happen), servers.

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Lol all the people jumping on the guy saying it's dieing..


He may be off but let's see what happens after the free month is up.

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i would never have bought the game if even half the features the op posted was in cause I like a vast majority of the mmo population dont care/dont like sandbox and its lol features.


there is sandbox games out there for you, play them.

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What SWTOR Could have Been By Johnny S


SWTOR could have been an amazing open world sand box with limitless possibilities.


1. Instead of zone based maps, this game should have build tiny planets, they wouldn't have to be as big as a normal planet, but decent sized, where as you can fly up to them around and land wherever u please on the certain planet. In that case you wouldn't have to build so many maps just a few big ones, and expand with new planets new areas. Try also asteroids where you could land your ship( with friends perhaps??) and put on a breathing mask and go questing. This freedom unfortunately WoW has.. I don't want to bring it up because it's not that cool but it has freedom and it came out 7 years ago.


2. You should be able to fly off this planet and Light Speed away to others that you have discovered through maybe quests or were given from friends perhaps? Also during this maybe you can be ambushed, where instead of a "Rail" system you control your ship and get certain objectives, IE destroy the bandit and his fleet, happen upon a republic / imperial fight and u are asked to help.


3. Also should be able to bring along friends on your star ship, they in a battle situation would pilot a cannon. While main player steers.


4. True ship upgrades.... LVL 1 2 3 4 5 upgrades are quite simple and not really worth mentioning. Upgrades should make you chose, Guided Laser or AOE Impact blast Lasers ?? Hmm Fire Torpedoes or Ice Ones?? Instead of faster faster faster more damage more damage more damage. Which is boring really. Also a decent assortment of ships, with more armour more speed ect, perhaps star ship battles, a raid where raid leader controls a Star Ship while player control Turrets on the Star ship or use their own ships in combat. Truly this game could have been amazing, really it could have.


5. Perhaps even ship to ground fighting as well, the more open the more fun the game is the better in my opinion. People play games for fun and for a challenge. Let the challenge be fun and interesting fights, not running and zoning in and out to get quests done.



6. Should have been Borderlands aiming style. This game is again a bit outdated in the sense that these MMO's are now out the door. The select and click a button, styles are just about done. And good riddance, they are quite boring.


7. Could have had true world pvp, where imperials and republic fight over control of planets. There can be a lot to do here for sure.


I guess what imp saying is this game should be a shooter style like Borderlands, with open maps similar to the Final Fantasy series where you fly around and land, but in this case you can go into space. Of course space will be limited to around the planet and perhaps the planets moons/space stations. To go further you'd need to jump to hyper space, the one time I find zoning acceptable. You can also have space battles around the planet, why not.


I have quite a ton of ideas like these, and this game truly could have been amazing.


Maybe after I see the response to this post I'll post a What SWTOR is, post. That one is full of criticism, this one was a nice version =)e, they are quite boring.


7. Could have had true world pvp, where imperials and republic fight over control of planets. There can be a lot to do here for sure.


I guess what imp saying is this game should be a shooter style like Borderlands, with open maps similar to the Final Fantasy series where you fly around and land, but in this case you can go into space. Of course space will be limited to around the planet and perhaps the planets moons/space stations. To go further you'd need to jump to hyper space, the one time I find zoning acceptable. You can also have space battles around the planet, why not.


I have quite a ton of ideas like these, and this game truly could have been amazing.


Maybe after I see the response to this post I'll post a What SWTOR is, post. That one is full of criticism, this one was a nice version =)


1 - Wow allowes you to fly your ship to an aasteroid and where an enviromental suit? Wow has small zones you can go too? Have you played WoW ?


2. All planets are known they pretty much have to stick to cannon, this was never designed to be an exploration game thats what starwars should of been but they botched that good.


3.- 4 5 This is getting a good overhaul all ready, but to be honest the space game is not supposed to be a major part its more of just a fun side game. as that I ienout it. people dont realize that they acutally want a space mmorpg so they want to games in one thats tough to do.


6. It was never meant to be FPS do you think all games should always follow one style? play fallen earth.


7. Cant you fight over illium? once again due to cannon Starwars would tough to do this way empire vs republic would be tough for planetary conquest as well a game designed around a story.


In short you want a sand box starwars/stratrek FPS MMO. which might not be bad. But hey this game is great as it is for waht it does. I am having a blast sorry you dont like it or thought it was something else.

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With the Star Wars franchise covering so many genres over the years its not unexpected to have this kind of response.


Anything they made was going to get the whole 'omg fail you should have done this' as fans of any franchise tend to be (rather vocal) ungreatful complainers. They tend to be 'fairweather fans' for the most part. Singing the priase of whatever is popular and damning something for one mistake.


If they made it a FPS people would have asked for this kind of game instead and so on. Making a game which is part FPS, part RTS, part RPG, part space combat sim, part EVE clone with WoW features on top is a good way to please no one by trying to cater to everyone.


Also would have given this game a development cycle longer than most peoples lifespans.


Instead of looking at whats missing. Look at whats been accomplished.


Remember that most MMOs evolve rapidly after initial release. WoW barely resembles the MMO released 7 years ago in a lot of ways.


It would be wise to not underestimate a company with BioWare's reputation so early in the scheme of things.


not activating trollmode or anything but isn't EVE heading towards RTS-RPG/FPS MMO with Incarna/Crucible and DUST 514?


my opinion on that:

Not Safe For Work

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SWG had pretty much all of this. If they would have gave it a new name and copied the exact code of SWG except fixed a few bugs here and there, then it could have been rejuvenated. Nobody would know the difference since so many had quit way before the end product. They would be able to experience the game from fresh, non-tainted by rumors and other hearsay/garbage and enjoy it for what it really was...the best MMO I have ever played.


This ^^


I have always been well aware that this would be a themepark game.


That being said, SWG 2.0 would be pure MMORPG nirvana imo :)



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this is getting old. This game was never marketed as a sandbox MMO. If it was a sandbox MMO then there would only be about 500,000 active subsciptions instead of the 1.5 million they have now. THIS is the game and THIS is the game as advertised. No one promised you anything different.


I still say space combat is kinda fun. It is a nice break from questing and reminds me of the old star wars arcade game from when I was a kid. remember the one where you fly into the deathstar? good times. rails are nostalgic.


Ok. Using intial subs as a benchmark, considering the overwhelming history that virtually all over-hyped AAA MMOs loose subs after the rush....


Or, let history be your guild:


Warhammer Online: 800K to 100K in six months. For many of the same reasons this game is unappealing for the long-run. And, EA, in their wisdom, had Mythic (whom they own) make a lot of this MMO too. The stench of Warhammer's failure still hasn't left the Internet and they're making this buggy game... Gee, who had THAT bright idea...


Age of Conan: 750k to 100K in three months. For many of the same reasons this game is unappealing for the long run...



Warhammer could get away with a half-baked MMO in 2004 because the rest of them were worse in almost every way. This is 2012. And, after six years of development with a $150 million (reported) budget... I expect more than a glorified co-op multiplayer game like LOTR -- War in the North...


Except for the voice acting, this isn't really that much better than those old NWN persistent worlds, like AAntioch Reborn or La La Land... It's certainly not in any way, shape or form even as well done as MMOs like LOTRO. A bit more voiced as LOTRO only voices the main quest. But the graphics are defineately inferior. The class balance is definately inferior. The crafting system is definately inferior. The guild system is definately inferior.


If I wasn't suffering form LOTRO burn-out, disliked WoW and am waiting for GW2, Tera and Planetside2 to give them spin-ups... And if they, like this, all fail... I should be over LOTRO burn-out...

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Actually, just about every gaming review company is expecting this game to increase in sales.



And, "the same Space Battle Quests over and over again. Killing Little Sith Kids Father, disarming bombs", sounds me to like you've only gotten to around lvl 15.


The space missions change. Allot. And they get harder.


I do agree about just one thing in your entire post. Starships customization. Not neceassrily priority, but I would like to see an update.


lol. I'm almost to 50 I can put the truth to this BS. It's the same, the same, the same..


In fact, my 31 consular, which I was playing this AM to take a break from pointless-uninspired-and-severely-lacking-endgame this AM, just disarmed 3 bombs on a bridge. Killed 4 sith commanders. Planted 3 'air-strike beacons' after killing 7 groups of mobs conistinf of either:


  • One strong and one trash, or
  • Three strong trash, or
  • Four weak trash.


Plus the odd walking strong patrolling in a set-piece path. And what was my big payoff? A poorly-done 5-second cut scene.


I've been doing that since Typhon. It has NEVER changed. The game is a joke and only my desire to see each story through to the bitter end has kept me here... And it's not that they're captivating... I just like completion. I'll even sit through a bad movie just to get to the end.

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I would like to have Free flight control during space battles. this star fox version of space battles are boring. I would prefer to have total control of where i go and first person flying. more active functions rather than using mouse to move my ship and space bar for a barrel roll?... SWG space flight was the *******..hope they someday bring that into SWtor :) other than the flight. i have no problems with game. just want more challenge in space.. OH and more HOTBARs at bottom of screen... the side bars suck balls.
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I am so very very happy that this game is not a sandbox. Eve online is a great sandbox from what I have heard. I would never play it because I don't enjoy sandbox games.


So what this game is, is a game that is really great for a lot of poeple, and not great for elitist competitors and sandboxers.


There is nothing wrong with those styles of game play, however do not assume that this isnt a great game because it isn't designed for sandboxers or elites.

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I think this game is still young, wait it is right about a month old eh?


All I know is for the whole 4 years that I have been following this games progress is that, it is everything Bio-Ware has said and promised it would be. With that said I will agree that you do without a doubt have a lot of great ideas as I'm sure many people of the community do, have you posted any of your ideas in the correct form section?


The best thing anyone can do is to keep giving positive feedback, constructive criticism and more importantly all your great ideas!


This game is not finished as all MMO'S there will be lots of upgrades, addons, changes etc... there is still more to come!

Edited by Scorpid
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