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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Let us play in offline mode


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Lets face it the desirable features of this game are the story and voice overs. The other key MMO features are greatly lacking and the ones that do exist are outdated.


Let us play this game offline, we paid $60-$120 for it and its clearly designed as a single player game with some co-op.


The people who want to co-op can continue to pay the $15/mo and do that.


Thanks Bioware


... just ... but really ... bad , bad idea.

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$15/mo is for the continued use of their servers.


Personally I haven't felt like the game is as empty as everyone else says, but maybe I just haven't been to the right planets or on the right servers.


Regardless, this won't ever happen because the game is designed to be server-centric. AI and other things in the world are all controlled by the server. They'd have to change completely how the game is designed.

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No more heavy instances or the inability to jump off a ledge or to be forced to follow a very linear path like it was in Guild Wars the original?


Hmm, guess they will be getting out of their comfort zones with them doing their very 1st MMO also. :rolleyes:


Yeah I've raised an eyebrow more than once at these predictions that GW2 is going to be the cure for some of these players. Don't get me wrong, I have a GW acct. w/all expansions, and I enjoy it, but if people are worried about ToR feeling like a single-player game, I just don't get why they point to the GW franchise as the solution. The only places I feel online in GW is in towns and in pvp.

Edited by KippTabor
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But since those would not affect anyone else, they wouldn't be a problem.


Until they resubbed and started playing online again. Plus, i'm fairly that sure EA doesn't want BW to have to support two separate versions of the game, even if BW was so inclined, which is highly doubtful.

Edited by KippTabor
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I am seriously wondering what the heck most of you are talking about.


I have heard these things said by many people, so figured there had to be something to it - but honestly I am just not getting it. I can only assume hyperbole or perhaps a bunch of introverts?


I have yet been anywhere since the prestart; right up until last night - where i did not run into many people wherever I was at. Moreso, the people I ran into were all different people - saw the same name a couple of times but most of the time they were different people. This was regardless of what character, what level and what zone they were in.


I have also not had a problem finding a flashpoint group (except for ess for some reason on my lowbies).


So seriously - what servers are you guys on, and are you actually trying to group with people and not being offputish in your approach - because this is baffling. I also know I am not alone in this.

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One of the problems with offline mode is that it sacrifies a lot of the checks MMOs have against cheating. Things like your stats, level, location and amount of credits are checked against the server so you can't just go in with a memory scanner and change your change your level or give yourself 2 billion credits. Even when online there is still a problem when some of this stuff is stored client side eg. the plethora of teleportataion hacks in wow before they started checking location data with the server.


If you want to play offline MMOs are probably not for you.

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$15/mo is for the continued use of their servers.


Personally I haven't felt like the game is as empty as everyone else says, but maybe I just haven't been to the right planets or on the right servers.


Regardless, this won't ever happen because the game is designed to be server-centric. AI and other things in the world are all controlled by the server. They'd have to change completely how the game is designed.


The majority of the $15/mo is for content. Server costs are trivial compared to the cost of upgrading game content.

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The title of this should plainly be I don't want to pay monthly. But the problem is that when patches come out for new content, you wouldn't get it because you're not paying monthtly. Patches? Gone too.

I have played many games where the company provided free patches to correct flaws in the game. And by "many games", I obviously mean "every non-console game ever".


And new content has this great new invention called DLC and micro-transactions. It used to be called a sequel.


The only thing different with a MMO is a chance to play with people I don't know and probably don't like and a continuing payment that happens no matter how much I play and even if they don't give me any new content.

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Until they resubbed and started playing online again. Plus, i'm fairly that sure EA doesn't want BW to have to support two separate versions of the game, even if BW was so inclined, which is highly doubtful.

I don't recall anyone saying they wanted a hybrid online/offline game. People have just said they wanted an offline game.


Of course it's not going to happen. This thread is just a journey into a wonderful fantasy land where this game is better.

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The only thing different with a MMO is a chance to play with people I don't know and probably don't like and a continuing payment that happens no matter how much I play and even if they don't give me any new content.


It seems that perhaps this just isn't the game for you. And instead of complaining about paying monthly for things you don't like, maybe find a new game. They're not gonna make it single player.

The problem is, simply that you do not like mmo's. And not that this game is bad, or content is low. Etc whatever this troll post was about.

Edited by Ethan_Vantrie
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One of the problems with offline mode is that it sacrifies a lot of the checks MMOs have against cheating. Things like your stats, level, location and amount of credits are checked against the server so you can't just go in with a memory scanner and change your change your level or give yourself 2 billion credits. Even when online there is still a problem when some of this stuff is stored client side eg. the plethora of teleportataion hacks in wow before they started checking location data with the server.


If you want to play offline MMOs are probably not for you.



never played wow but played 8 years of dark age of camelot...



omg the cheats



speedhack and radar hacks got rampant for a long time




this game is susceptible to speedhacking just hope they dont warn and just perma ban first timers

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I don't even know how you can NOT call this an MMO.


Heroic areas require 2-4 players. Thats not even an instance! You must find 2-4 other players. You can MAYBE tackle the 2 player versions with your companion but you must find other people for the 4 player versions. There are 2 full raids and more group content on the way.


In what meaningful manner is this NOT an MMO and WoW is?


You can't use any of these excuses because WoW is the exact same way:


1. Its all solo content.

So is WoW. WoW can easily be soloed all the way up to level 85. You never have to group with anyone. YOu have to group up to play the hard content and any raid. That is exactly like WoW.


2. I don't see anyone else.

That is because we're all spread out across different planets. Each planet is its own "area". You see the people in that area. Yes the population is smaller...because everyone is on a seperate planet depending on what your level is. What did you want them to do? Create a game called "World of Tatooine"? In fact, most zones in WoW are dead except for the most recent content. Take walk through Northrend. Its EMPTY. At least you see people leveling in SWTOR.


3. The quests are all single player and I don't need to group.

See point 1. You can't even beat your final story boss without a group of 4


4. No central hub.

The fleets ARE the central hub. They may have instance balancing but that is a heck of a lot better than watching a bunch of bored nerds jump up and down and emote all day. I see 100+ people. Thats enough. I don't need to see 200. Everyone else is out playing the game. If 1000 people are in the fleet...they aren't playing the game. They shouldn't be in the fleet anyway.




To end, the game isn't a sandbox MMO. If that is what you wanted then I suggest EVE or a similar MMO. Don't expect bioware to hand you a sandbox. This is a themepark, like WoW and EQ. (Minus the ridiculous grind + a great story.)

Edited by Arkerus
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Hold on a second.


So you're saying that most players spend the majority of their time at end game yet BW/EA invested the majority of it's resources on voice overs for leveling up? (including every single side quest)


You're just trolling now. BW is perfect and makes every decision perfectly. Go back to WOW and get on BW's level.


If what you say is true then you're telling me the leadership at BW never researched this?


The truth is the leadership at BW never did research this. Obviously if they would have they would have made different decisions.


The leadership at BW changed and is now imo failed after EA acquired them.


Sorry, the statistic the person you quoted talked about happens to be about games well into their lifecycle. This game has been out for less than a month.


You would be wise to recognize the difference but, judging from your post history, this difference will be lost on you. So, carry on.

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The game might as well be an rpg with the option to go online. Srsly I just logged out of the game and on the planet I'm on now are less then 15 people in both instances/shards. Sometimes I go to the fleet just to speed run a few low lvls through the esseles just to feel like im playing with other rl people.


I'm enjoying the single player content and the questing is relatively painless but there is no reason to be paying a monthly fee for this. IMO they need to get rid of planet instancing and need to merge some servers to make it seem more mmo-ish.

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The game might as well be an rpg with the option to go online. Srsly I just logged out of the game and on the planet I'm on now are less then 15 people in both instances/shards. Sometimes I go to the fleet just to speed run a few low lvls through the esseles just to feel like im playing with other rl people.

I'm enjoying the single player content and the questing is relatively painless but there is no reason to be paying a monthly fee for this. IMO they need to get rid of planet instancing and need to merge some servers to make it seem more mmo-ish.


Boosting is common in most mmo's. Only difference with TOR is people usually dont charge a fee for it. :(

Edited by Flowerslayer
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The game might as well be an rpg with the option to go online. Srsly I just logged out of the game and on the planet I'm on now are less then 15 people in both instances/shards. Sometimes I go to the fleet just to speed run a few low lvls through the esseles just to feel like im playing with other rl people.


I'm enjoying the single player content and the questing is relatively painless but there is no reason to be paying a monthly fee for this. IMO they need to get rid of planet instancing and need to merge some servers to make it seem more mmo-ish.


the way the content is rendered to the players doesn't allow for the engine to combine too many players on the screen.


We should be allowed to play the game offline. They could even do it in such a way so that you don't sync to the online game, I'm fine with that.

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Do you expect a lifetime supply of free fuel for the car you purchase?


No but I expect to use the car whenever I want for whatever I want when I paid money for it. I'm not asking for them to have servers for me, they can close them if they want. I will run it locally on my computer.


Nice try :rolleyes:

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No but I expect to use the car whenever I want for whatever I want when I paid money for it. I'm not asking for them to have servers for me, they can close them if they want. I will run it locally on my computer.


Nice try :rolleyes:


Very good replies btw. Clear thinker. I am impressed.


My server is pretty heavy so I do not have the experiences you do. Sorry your pop is so low.

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I agree that this game feels empty. I know it's not. I know tons of people are playing it. But with how many servers there are (Why are there so many freaking servers!!! -.-) and ridiculous amount of bottle-necking over a large array of planets, I guess I am not surprised. Especially when there is not even any cross server PvP or anything!
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I played 1-50 mostly solo and enjoying the story. I did a few flashpoints and a few heroic quests, however, other than the first flashpoint they were uninspiring to say the least. I can just do them 5-10 levels later when I overpower the content.


Don't need other players in this SP.


You are one bad*** lone wolf! Keep on keepin on playa!

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