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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

2nd day of planned 4 waves, joking surely?


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It's prime time in EU, people has got out of school and office hours are done for today, and yet I don't except anything more than 1 to max 2 hours of peeking to "Full" on EU servers. Why? Yesterday EU servers were "Full" for about 2 hours before dropping to "Light" as it was *********** NIGHT over here.


This is what everyone said yesterday and it was WRONG. The servers had a bump in the evening but they weren't even close to full or stressed.

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The gear advantage is laughable. You will get gear, its not like since they are playing now, they will get gear that you will never have access to.


If you believe that you were most certainly not a beta tester. Your post is based on wishful thinking and not actual knowledge of the game. The purple pvp sets at 50 with the set bonus make a huge difference. Anyone who has tested for a few builds knows that.


The poor EGA implementation combined with the wz exploit puts pvpers who start late at a significant disadvantage.

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Anyone able to decipher the "more invites over longer period of time" comment? At this rate they are done in 1 hour. Thats not over longer period of time than yesterday. It may be more invites but unless they are doing several "bonus waves" I dont get it.


anyone got an idea?

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Rift's 250k pre-orders vs SWTOR 1 Million pre orders.. No nothing will surely happen if everyone flooded on the first wave :rolleyes:


At the rate of today's invites (looks like they'll finish Sept, and even hit part of October), in another day or two, they're going to have that '1 million pre orders' flooding the servers. All they've done is push that event back.


It's like the typical American family, that keeps taking out loans and credit cards, constantly pushing back their repayments. Eventually, they're going to have to face it. :p


Seeing as they've already done a stress test-twice-they know the servers can handle it, so what's the point of delaying it? Any goodwill you build in a small fraction of the playerbase because their first login had no queue seems to me to be completely wiped out by the majority of the playerbase who ends up in a queue anyways two-three days later and then continues to be in that queue for the next few weeks. Nevermind the rage over the staggered release from all your customers who didn't get in 'early', justified or not.


Oh well. Let me put on my fanboi cap and agree that they must know what they are doing and have some super secret plan in the works. :D I can't, for the life of me, see what it is. Sure seems like something someone wrote up in upper management that looked good on paper, with none of the grunts pointing out that it in no way actually circumvents the issue of queues. It simply pushes them back a two to three days.

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What pissess me off is that on 20th all people will jump servers and all that smooth start will be bs, what are you gonna say then bioware ?


What will be your excuse for treating people like crap, ignoring them and acting as if there was no problem ?


I loved this game after beta, but at this point i hope it fails and you'll lose so much money those fat morons who make decisions will lose their jobs, families, and fail @ attempt to commit a friggin suicide leaving them in a near vegetative state.

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Looks like people up to Sep 7th or so just got in, maybe can finish out the rest of september today and get the october people started tomorrow!


You have proof of this from? Not arguing you but would like to get a confirmation or know your source. I'm putting updates on waves on a guild site before I pass this along, I'd like to confirm somehow. :D

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If you believe that you were most certainly not a beta tester. Your post is based on wishful thinking and not actual knowledge of the game. The purple pvp sets at 50 with the set bonus make a huge difference. Anyone who has tested for a few builds knows that.


The poor EGA implementation combined with the wz exploit puts pvpers who start late at a significant disadvantage.


You misunderstand, im not saying that having a gear advantage is laughable, only that the argument is. You will be able to get the same gear as they have been once you get in, its not liek its gonna magically disappear once day 2 is over

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PLUS.. we weren't even supposed to have EGA till TOMORROW, and they were NICE enough to change it to yesterday...


Someone could say that they extended EGA just because they realized that 5 days ain't enough for them to do staggered crapwave launch and fit all pre-orders in before 2012.

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What pissess me off is that on 20th all people will jump servers and all that smooth start will be bs, what are you gonna say then bioware ?


What will be your excuse for treating people like crap, ignoring them and acting as if there was no problem ?


I loved this game after beta, but at this point i hope it fails and you'll lose so much money those fat morons who make decisions will lose their jobs, families, and fail @ attempt to commit a friggin suicide leaving them in a near vegetative state.


You should just delete your swtor acct if you're that blind and bitter and ignorant

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Anyone able to decipher the "more invites over longer period of time" comment? At this rate they are done in 1 hour. Thats not over longer period of time than yesterday. It may be more invites but unless they are doing several "bonus waves" I dont get it.


anyone got an idea?


Pretty sure that "longer period of time" refers to the pre-order date ranges they are using for today's waves......not the actual time period that the e-mails are sent over.

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Anyone able to decipher the "more invites over longer period of time" comment? At this rate they are done in 1 hour. Thats not over longer period of time than yesterday. It may be more invites but unless they are doing several "bonus waves" I dont get it.


anyone got an idea?


Means that instead of just doing from 7/23-7/30ish they will do like 8/1-9/15 or something.

Don't quote me on dates, cause I'm as clueless as the rest of you.

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It's prime time in EU, people has got out of school and office hours are done for today, and yet I don't except anything more than 1 to max 2 hours of peeking to "Full" on EU servers. Why? Yesterday EU servers were "Full" for about 2 hours before dropping to "Light" as it was *********** NIGHT over here.


It is the middle of primetime for the EU (with little more than 4 hours left in their primetime -- and for some, you're going to start seeing logoffs since primetime is ending in the easternmost EU timezones), and only 4 of their servers are "Heavy" with the rest as Standard or Light.


Right now, at 11:22A EST, every US Server is sitting at Standard or Light (more Light than Standard). There simply isn't even 1 server showing on the server status page as Heavy or Full in the US.


If they don't add extra waves today, they are just setting themselves up for more problems. Right now, there are hundreds if not thousands of people on the forums who COULD be getting through the starter areas and phasing in. Why not just make the 4th wave an "all in" and get it over with? Surely letting those of us waiting with bated breath here on the forums in won't upset the balance too much, especially since we're all going to be in anyway at some point.



Link: http://www.swtor.com/server-status

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You have proof of this from? Not arguing you but would like to get a confirmation or know your source. I'm putting updates on waves on a guild site before I pass this along, I'd like to confirm somehow. :D


No real proof per se, but the thread on this forum and others that people have kept up with saying their date and if they are in or not, the latest date Ive noticed was the 7th so far. OF course they could be lying, but i've seen a few 7ths

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open the flood gates NOW!

it's night time soon in Europe, servers will be light untill tommorow 4pm, what the hell are you afraid off??? just let people play.


They won't, they seem to be catering to American time zones only. After all the world ends at the East coast and west coast of the good old USA.

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It is the middle of primetime for the EU (with little more than 4 hours left in their primetime -- and for some, you're going to start seeing logoffs since primetime is ending in the easternmost EU timezones), and only 4 of their servers are "Heavy" with the rest as Standard or Light.


Right now, at 11:22A EST, every US Server is sitting at Standard or Light (more Light than Standard). There simply isn't even 1 server showing on the server status page as Heavy or Full in the US.


If they don't add extra waves today, they are just setting themselves up for more problems. Right now, there are hundreds if not thousands of people on the forums who COULD be getting through the starter areas and phasing in. Why not just make the 4th wave an "all in" and get it over with? Surely letting those of us waiting with bated breath here on the forums in won't upset the balance too much, especially since we're all going to be in anyway at some point.



Link: http://www.swtor.com/server-status


WRONG. Not everyone who gets invited has taken the day off or is sitting at their computer mashing the launch and checking email every 2 mins. The reason why they won't add more is because all those invites will end up logging in tonight or tomorrow.

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A lot longer time and another 4 waves, seriously Stephen 18 hours since yesterdays waves, and empty servers for hours this morning EU time, and only 4 more waves planned today.


We helped you strees test the servers in November and had enough faith in the game to pre order and this is our loyalty repayment?


Would you like it better if they had 500,000 waves of one person each?

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Actually I've been considering, this is worst fanboi dominated community of blind fools i've ever seen, so many idiots ignoring the problem, i doubt it'll end up well once everyone gets to play.


Actually I'm NOT a fanboi, I've been through MMO launches since 1998, and this is one of the best. If you think this is an utter fail, then you should give up MMOing as you clearly have no clue what it takes to set one up and run it.

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Who wants to bet the servers are going to be at light population after today's massive waves? Come on Bioware, what the hell are you afraid of?





they shpulda invited october peeps today as well. thag would make it better. witch leaves nv and dec peeps on the 15th lol if not then the 16th.




they to afraid to try more lol

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