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2nd day of planned 4 waves, joking surely?


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Even Bioware disagrees with you. But whatever... :cool:


How so? You guys have linked one post where a CM, not a dev, called it a launch, I've linked 2, and can find more, articles where they say Launch is on the 20th.

Edited by Dasffion
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How so? You guys have linked one post where a CM, not a dev, called it a launch, I've linked 2, and can find more, articles where they say Launch is on the 20th.


Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk are not CM's. They are the Bioware Co-Founders.

Did you LOOK at the link you were provided?

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These 2 points are the ones I've tried to convey today. Yesterday, I was frustrated with the cautiousness and seeing the servers empty during primetime, but I figured that they were being overly cautious and would adjust their plan for the next day. Today, I'm just pissed. I would rather be waiting in an in-game queue instead of glued to my inbox and Twitter, hoping to get an invite. The waves thing has been totally unrealistic. I'm looking at the EU servers this very second, and there are plenty more Standards than anything else, and even a few Lights. Their primetime will be over in 2-3 hours, and the servers will again be empty. The US will be the same way. My friends on my server are saying that there aren't even enough players on our assigned server to find a group for flashpoints and group quests, while over half the guild is sitting out. The sh*t will hit the fan at some point, whether it is tomorrow, the next day or Dec 20th remains to be seen, but it will happen. I'd rather it happen now during Early Access where there is an understanding that things like this happen.




And the website and forums have a longer queue than 99% of the game servers................



Absolutely agree, utter failure on EA/Bio part. Looks like they let their tech dept rule the launch discussion.

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How can you invite "more people than yesterday" while "sending four waves of equal size"?


The waves themselves will be equal size. They made no mention that the sizes were going to be "equal size as yesterday".


Reading comprehension.

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A lot longer time and another 4 waves, seriously Stephen 18 hours since yesterdays waves, and empty servers for hours this morning EU time, and only 4 more waves planned today.


We helped you strees test the servers in November and had enough faith in the game to pre order and this is our loyalty repayment?


Could it be people are still in school and at work? No ofcourse not, cuz only the unemployed play this game right! etc etc.

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Ray Muzyka & Greg Zeschuk are not CM's. They are the Bioware Co-Founders.

Did you LOOK at the link you were provided?


You do understand the entire argument of "They used the word 'launch'!!!!!!" is trivial and doesn't actual mean ANYTHING right?


That argument is semantics at best.

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I've started to report the fine upstanding examples of humankind who, after having articles and evidence from yesterday from the founders of the game stating TWICE that yesterday was launch linked multiple times, still insist the game has not launched.


Just report the fanbois for the trolls that they are. Wash they hands clean.

Edited by Froteus
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You do understand the entire argument of "They used the word 'launch'!!!!!!" is trivial and doesn't actual mean ANYTHING right?


That argument is semantics at best.


So, since you disagree that there's been a launch already you think the founders must have been mistaken? I assume that BW knows the meaning of the language it uses, instead of ignoring it because I don't agree with it.

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Wow folks, just, wow. When I purchased the game, I knew the release date was 12/20/2011. I was told I may have early access, which means anything before that date. If not, then I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to play after that date.


I enjoyed the testing phase just as much as many of you and I'm anxious to get back into the game as well... but I realize that delays happen. They've happened for past games, and it may happen for this one. Posting hateful remarks simply won't speed things up.


RELAX. Its just a game.

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Could it be people are still in school and at work? No ofcourse not, cuz only the unemployed play this game right! etc etc.


What about the people who go to work during primetime? What about the fair number of Catholics and Lutherans (among other denominations) that will be going to mid-week Advent services? What about the people who are just plum exhausted and are calling it quits for the night? They'll all be signing off, probably in numbers similar to those signing on.

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Wow folks, just, wow. When I purchased the game, I knew the release date was 12/20/2011. I was told I may have early access, which means anything before that date. If not, then I'm sure I'll have plenty of time to play after that date.



The way the pre-order and early access have been handled, it is hard to argue that the 20th is anything more than the day the game becomes available for physical delivery.


The line is even blurrier (non-existent?) for DDE....What exactly will they do on the 20th?

That's right, nothing.

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So, since you disagree that there's been a launch already you think the founders must have been mistaken? I assume that BW knows the meaning of the language it uses, instead of ignoring it because I don't agree with it.


People like you are the exact reason why Companies don't communicate openly. Because you latch on to every single syllable and if any is even slightly inaccurate, you cling to old statements as if they're supposed to be unbreakable decrees.


In every business sense of the word, the Launch is the day the game is available for Purchase. Your wanting to ignore that doesn't change that fact. Get over it.

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Rift allowed everyone into their open beta. TOR let everyone in their last beta pretty much. I don't know why they can't increase the waves. Before they said we would get an email on which day we could play, no email. What did they expect when they said to check your folder everyday for next five days.


Because management already made the decision, its not going to change. Sure there's a tech in there right now trying to tell them to send double or triple the amount of emails, but they wont. I r manager i know betttta.

Edited by Notsureyet
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People like you are the exact reason why Companies don't communicate openly. Because you latch on to every single syllable and if any is even slightly inaccurate, you cling to old statements as if they're supposed to be unbreakable decrees.


Old? It is from YESTERDAY.


In every business sense of the word, the Launch is the day the game is available for Purchase. Your wanting to ignore that doesn't change that fact. Get over it.


I've purchased the game. Others have as well. People are playing the game, and will continue to do so continuously as long as they choose to. Words do not change meaning because you do not like their meaning, or because they are not suitable for your "argument."


**EDIT** I'm also not giving you that the information is inaccurate. While I understand there is conflicting information regarding the "Launch Date", I think a strong argument can be made that the launch date has been changed by Bioware's actions.

Edited by Allegata
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Well to all those people complaining about early access, I now believe that a lot of people aren't going to get it. The only thing you should be concerned about is whether or not you are going to be able to play on the 20th. It more or less seems like that will be the day or time to complain. Edited by harrad
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No way

they said get 5 days early access

then they added the UP TO which shows how much respect BW has for his customers (EA being behind itm it can explain)


So the real deal is tomorrow. After this date, class action can be made.

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So the real deal is tomorrow. After this date, class action can be made.


Good luck with that. While you are foaming with righteous indignation and wasting time and money contacting lawyers, I'll be enjoying this here computer video game like a rational adult.

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I guess a lot of people, including myself imagined they had the stress tests down. And wouldn't use the headstart as a second form of it.


They just hit July, I'll be lucky to have at least 2 days at the headstart for preordering in December.


The launcher really needed to link to the "inviting in waves, may not get in immediately" sort of message when preaching up the preorders. <preorder client, splash page stays "u know u can preorder lolrite?"> Even if the only people that'd see the splash page are infact, people who preloaded for preordering.


Making sure people will be able to play...by not letting people play... what?

Got excited about the extra time on the headstart, then found out that lol not really for anyone who didn't jump on for it just being star wars :c.

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