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2nd day of planned 4 waves, joking surely?


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IF they do not have everyone in tomarrow they are in for big problems. You cant advartize 5 days early access then not grant it.




I beleive they will let all the remaining pre-orders in tomarrow. Theres no reason why they cant do it. They already gave favoritism to people for bieng uniffical pre-pre-orders which no other mmo company has ever been stupid enough to do.


Actually... If you were to discuss it with the propper kind of lawyer for this thing. You would find out that in most cases. the fine print is king. That is where all the detailed stipulations of how things do or don't apply and such are found. the big print is just there to catch your eye.


An Example I deal with regularly would be between the Walmart.com Website and The Walmart Stores. The Prices can vary between these two places and does upset customers at times and give walmart employee's no end of grief. However. In small red Letters. half the time in places that customers don't bother looking, specially when they want everything right now, It is marked on the site in places saying "Prices in Store May Vary." This is in small print. It's in red at this point but it is still small and somewhat out of the way. This "fine print" actually saves Walmart from the issue of "advertised pricing" that is different between the two different Locations.

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IF they do not have everyone in tomarrow they are in for big problems. You cant advartize 5 days early access then not grant it.




I beleive they will let all the remaining pre-orders in tomarrow. Theres no reason why they cant do it. They already gave favoritism to people for bieng uniffical pre-pre-orders which no other mmo company has ever been stupid enough to do.


LOL.. they said "UP TO 5 DAYS"


5 DAYS was *NEVER* propmised

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Man i swear, some of you gripe and complain... BW is giving you FREEEEEEEE playing time and EARRRRLLLYYYY playing time... and yet you guys still complain.... I dont know what your problem is... Ill be excited just to play for 2 days of free time.... Yet your acting like BW is the worst company out there because there giving you free time... but not enough.
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Here are the typical arguments being made by the fanboi's, and their answers:


1) This isn't the launch.


This really is a semantic distinction, but assuming whether you call this a "launch" is somehow important, I rely on what Bioware says about whether it is a launch. They say it is. That launch was yesterday.


2) People knew what they were purchasing when they pre-ordered, (or if they didn't it is their own darn fault.)


Even before the Launch went live, there was a merry discussion on whether or not it was still possible to recieve the advertised "Up to 5 days." Beyond that though, I know that I CERTAINLY DID NOT EXPECT that the staggered launch would be handled in the manner that it is. Random email with no prior warning? NO time frames? NO, that isn't in the fine print. There are a myriad of ways to roll out "first come first serve" but the one selected was NOT the one I envisioned. I guess I didn't figure a company would taunt their customers and try and glue them to their inboxes for a week.


3) The 2 days or 7 days is a "Bonus" of some sort.


I'm not sure how allowing a lot of people in to an MMO ahead of other folks who pre-ordered is a bonus. YOu can put whatever number you choose in here, but the fact is the more time between the first person let in, and so called "General Admission" the more of a built in advantage BW has given players for no reason. I find the argument that since my 30 days of game time hasn't started I am getting something for free uncompelling. They didn't advertise up to 5 days of free game time.


4) The launch would be worse if they allowed everyone in at once.


Interestingly I have yet to hear of a launch of an MMO that denied a large percentage of their player base to the game on the first two days after launch. At most, I've heard anecdotes indicating that some "other launches" had crashes and queues. (We've also heard anecdotes of perfect launches.) We can take each case in turn: Is it better if a few people have perfect access for two days, while everyone else has no access? Why don't you ask people if they'd rather be in a server queue than have no idea when they can play? I've yet to hear that waiting in the in game queue is worse than the out of game queue (or shorter).


5) The servers loads are being balanced/babied/slowly ramped up, whatever.


First off, I fail to understand what the staggered launch even accomplishes if the servers are so far below capacity. Beyond that, the Stress test shows that the infrastructure is there. Further, it isn't as if they won't have to deal with the full capacity in the near future. There seems to be no logical hardware reason for the slow roll out of EGA.


6) I am not "mad brah."

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Man i swear, some of you gripe and complain... BW is giving you FREEEEEEEE playing time and EARRRRLLLYYYY playing time... and yet you guys still complain.... I dont know what your problem is... Ill be excited just to play for 2 days of free time.... Yet your acting like BW is the worst company out there because there giving you free time... but not enough.


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the more vocal complainers are people who have cancelled their pre-order and were hoping to get in some free play time before they're required to buy the game.

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Here are the typical arguments being made by the fanboi's, and their answers:


1) This isn't the launch.


This really is a semantic distinction, but assuming whether you call this a "launch" is somehow important, I rely on what Bioware says about whether it is a launch. They say it is. That launch was yesterday.


It's not semantics. The game is not live yet, you can't enter a product code and you can't buy a subscription. The game HAS NOT launched. Look at the articles in the community section they all refer to Launch being on the 20th.


4) The launch would be worse if they allowed everyone in at once.


Interestingly I have yet to hear of a launch of an MMO that denied a large percentage of their player base to the game on the first two days after launch. At most, I've heard anecdotes indicating that some "other launches" had crashes and queues. (We've also heard anecdotes of perfect launches.) We can take each case in turn: Is it better if a few people have perfect access for two days, while everyone else has no access? Why don't you ask people if they'd rather be in a server queue than have no idea when they can play? I've yet to hear that waiting in the in game queue is worse than the out of game queue (or shorter).


Your failure to understand #1 leads to your faulty arguments here.

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It's not semantics. The game is not live yet, you can't enter a product code and you can't buy a subscription. The game HAS NOT launched. Look at the articles in the community section they all refer to Launch being on the 20th.



Explain to me why your definition of launch is better than that of the Developers.

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Explain to me why your definition of launch is better than that of the Developers.


It's not




Be a part of the Launch on DECEMBER 20TH


I'm not sure what you guys are reading from devs but every blog post and news article I've seen says that Launch is on the 20th and EARLY ACCESS is on the 13th.

Edited by Dasffion
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4) The launch would be worse if they allowed everyone in at once.


Interestingly I have yet to hear of a launch of an MMO that denied a large percentage of their player base to the game on the first two days after launch. At most, I've heard anecdotes indicating that some "other launches" had crashes and queues. (We've also heard anecdotes of perfect launches.) We can take each case in turn: Is it better if a few people have perfect access for two days, while everyone else has no access? Why don't you ask people if they'd rather be in a server queue than have no idea when they can play? I've yet to hear that waiting in the in game queue is worse than the out of game queue (or shorter).


5) The servers loads are being balanced/babied/slowly ramped up, whatever.


First off, I fail to understand what the staggered launch even accomplishes if the servers are so far below capacity. Beyond that, the Stress test shows that the infrastructure is there. Further, it isn't as if they won't have to deal with the full capacity in the near future. There seems to be no logical hardware reason for the slow roll out of EGA.



These 2 points are the ones I've tried to convey today. Yesterday, I was frustrated with the cautiousness and seeing the servers empty during primetime, but I figured that they were being overly cautious and would adjust their plan for the next day. Today, I'm just pissed. I would rather be waiting in an in-game queue instead of glued to my inbox and Twitter, hoping to get an invite. The waves thing has been totally unrealistic. I'm looking at the EU servers this very second, and there are plenty more Standards than anything else, and even a few Lights. Their primetime will be over in 2-3 hours, and the servers will again be empty. The US will be the same way. My friends on my server are saying that there aren't even enough players on our assigned server to find a group for flashpoints and group quests, while over half the guild is sitting out. The sh*t will hit the fan at some point, whether it is tomorrow, the next day or Dec 20th remains to be seen, but it will happen. I'd rather it happen now during Early Access where there is an understanding that things like this happen.




And the website and forums have a longer queue than 99% of the game servers................

Edited by JefferyClark
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It's not semantics. The game is not live yet, you can't enter a product code and you can't buy a subscription. The game HAS NOT launched. Look at the articles in the community section they all refer to Launch being on the 20th.
Any MMORPG veteran knows that the launch day is the first day players are allowed to create characters that will persist during the whole life of the game. And that was yesterday.


And even Bioware agrees with that... read the stickies in this very forum:


"This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you."

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Any MMORPG veteran knows that the launch day is the first day players are allowed to create characters that will persist during the whole life of the game. And that was yesterday.


And even Bioware agrees with that... read the stickies in this very forum:


"This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you."



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Any MMORPG veteran knows that the launch day is the first day players are allowed to create characters that will persist during the whole life of the game. And that was yesterday.


And even Bioware agrees with that... read the stickies in this very forum:


"This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars: The Old Republic, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you."


And how does that jive with the fact that ANYONE who put 5 dollars down can play regardless of if they're buying the game or not, they could even have gotten that $5 back and been able to play for free if they wanted to. The game has not launched yet, it's in early access.

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And how does that jive with the fact that ANYONE who put 5 dollars down can play regardless of if they're buying the game or not, they could even have gotten that $5 back and been able to play for free if they wanted to. The game has not launched yet, it's in early access.


Okay, you've now been linked to a post by the developers.


So tell me again why your definition of launch trumps theirs?

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And how does that jive with the fact that ANYONE who put 5 dollars down can play regardless of if they're buying the game or not, they could even have gotten that $5 back and been able to play for free if they wanted to. The game has not launched yet, it's in early access.
Even Bioware disagrees with you. But whatever... :cool:


And I've linked you official posts, here's another http://www.swtor.com/news/press-release/20110924


Who's right?

The LATEST official info always supersedes the previous one. And the latest is obviously what has been posted here yesterday. Edited by Korrigan
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Read the post. He also says that the waves are going to be larger than yesterday, and over a longer period of pre-order dates. That still means more total people are going to be invited today than yesterday.


So what happens if the monitoring reveals problems, those who wait have much longer to wait, while those who get to play have even more advantage.

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