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    Quality Controll Rexam
  1. Theres no way your in at Dec 15.... Im Nov 24th and im not even in yet... so stop the lies...... stupid Trolllll
  2. Says on top that they will go down at 11:00pm On Dec. 19th and reopen back Dec. 20th at 12:01
  3. Man i swear, some of you gripe and complain... BW is giving you FREEEEEEEE playing time and EARRRRLLLYYYY playing time... and yet you guys still complain.... I dont know what your problem is... Ill be excited just to play for 2 days of free time.... Yet your acting like BW is the worst company out there because there giving you free time... but not enough.
  4. What about the rest of the october players lol you forgot a few
  5. Willing to bet The rest of September will be in the last wave... And if or so a Bonus wave should come it will be probably 2-3 weeks worth of October players... Or they could just be making everyone bite there nails with them releasing waves every hour and let us all in by today just saying 4 as to not get everyones hopes up but they continue to release waves and waves just testing servers... possibly... Hopefully.. Blah who am i kidding.
  6. It says on the above sticky only four waves again today just with more people.
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