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First impressions, you only get one Bioware.


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For all intents and purposes, early release IS the launch. Every major MMO that has come out lately has had an early release for preorders. It is no more of a bonus than getting grocery bags for free at the supermarket.


The decision to stagger entry is understandable, but the pace at which it is taking place, given the success of the stress test, seems to be worth the criticism received. Even if 20% of all preorders took place during opening week, it shouldn't take a full day just to process that week. At the current pace its likely that recent preorders don't get in until after the final weekend before christmas. We should have got through 1/3rd of the total preorders today so by Thursday evening everyone is on and guilds can log some meaningful hours together before we head off into the holiday period.

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The community managers are abject failures to me.


I don't care about how many people they have let in.


I don't care about the semantics behind why they decided to do this the way they did.


I just want to know what date they are up to. Players can draw no real inference to how many players have been let in based solely on what date they are inviting up to.


They have given us ZERO information on knowing if we were supposed to have received an invite yet or if our email or theirs screwed up.


We won't know until the 20th of December.


I redeemed my code on 24 July..I was pretty sure I would have received an invite today. Pretty sure. There are a lot of trolls out there so it is hard to tell who is telling the truth about their redeemed/invite dates etc


They are telling us how many waves they are sending out...they tell us they are inviting based on the dates we redeemed our preorder purchase.....so how about they back that up and tell us what date they are up to?


That is not giving us too much info. And allows us to troubleshoot any problems with their notification system or our email if we missed/lost the email etc.

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I took the day off because I actually thought I would be playing today, but now it looks like Thursday or Friday before I get in. This is what has got me most frustrated with this launch. No idea what is going on at all and just vague answers and trolls who just keep saying its early access you don't deserve anything. I deserve to know and be able to plan. I have paid in full for 3 games already and will have to keep paying for subs every month. I have been looking forward to this game since it was announced and played the beta which I enjoyed and thought it was good, not great but I still plan to play it. I hate going into a game with a negative attitude but I really am starting to get one about this game. Maybe I just need to leave the forums and come back on the 20Th to play. Edited by DeviuosOne
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Yea I was there the day we crashed swg on launch but ... it was the same for everyone we all had a chance

And here is the core of the issue.


Those people who aren't in yet are throwing a hissy fit because they're not in yet - even though they know it would worsen the experience for everyone. Better to flood the servers and make everyone deal with queues and server crashes rather than make THEM wait. That's what it's really all about - none of these people would be here whining if they'd gotten their emails. It's pure selfishness, and nothing more.


Could Bioware let more in? Maybe, but they have access to a LOT of data that you don't. Are they being too conservative? Again, maybe, but even apart from you having no way to verify that, they know that what will really, truly matter is the play experience that people have. Once you're in, the extra day of waiting won't mean squat.

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And here is the core of the issue.


Those people who aren't in yet are throwing a hissy fit because they're not in yet - even though they know it would worsen the experience for everyone. Better to flood the servers and make everyone deal with queues and server crashes rather than make THEM wait. That's what it's really all about - none of these people would be here whining if they'd gotten their emails. It's pure selfishness, and nothing more.


Could Bioware let more in? Maybe, but they have access to a LOT of data that you don't. Are they being too conservative? Again, maybe, but even apart from you having no way to verify that, they know that what will really, truly matter is the play experience that people have. Once you're in, the extra day of waiting won't mean squat.


You sir, win this thread. :)

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I just want to know what date they are up to. Players can draw no real inference to how many players have been let in based solely on what date they are inviting up to.


They have given us ZERO information on knowing if we were supposed to have received an invite yet or if our email or theirs screwed up.


They are telling us how many waves they are sending out...they tell us they are inviting based on the dates we redeemed our preorder purchase.....so how about they back that up and tell us what date they are up to?

For the first: Yes, people could (and would) draw a real inference based on how many players have been let in. "Well, the first wave added through the 22nd, and the third added, through the 25th, so how come I didn't get into the 4th wave when I preordered on the 26th??" Wave size may be variable, they know that.


There's a really easy way to know if you've been invited: Try and log in. That will get around your "BUT I MAY HAVE MISSED IT!!!1!!!1ONE!!!11" email panic, and let you know really quick if you're in or not.


That would be one of those things these fail community reps told you - but you were probably too busy ripping on them for not communicating to actually read what they've communicated.

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I'll let you know my first impression of TOR's launch on the 20th, when it actually launches. My first impression of the Early Access period however is that i don't envy Bioware for having to put up with so many people with entitlement issues.


So true.

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Good Early Game Access system...even better they started 2 days earlier as a bonus!

A lot of people will be playing this on the 20th, the games true release date.

Good impression, hope other MMO's use this system.


11.15.2011 Star Wars™: The Old Republic™ Digital Deluxe Edition Pre-Order

Yeah I'm not in yet. Hope maybe by friday night I can open my email a see the Red Ryder BB Gun with a compass in the stock!

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I'll let you know my first impression of TOR's launch on the 20th, when it actually launches. My first impression of the Early Access period however is that i don't envy Bioware for having to put up with so many people with entitlement issues.


Good to see there are a few reasonable people left around here. +1 (if I could) and good hunting sir.

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How is your first impression of the game and launch? There seems to be alot of disgruntled players on the boards today because of speculation.


Best launch ever. And it is even helping me get an early start on ignoring all the 12 years olds/people who act like they are 12.

Edited by CorranTyev
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My first impression:


Woke up early to the sound of my and my fiancee's phones pinging new mail- EGA From Bioware.

We jumped out of bed excited.

She turned on our machines while I made coffee.

30 seconds of patching.

Launched and logged in.

Played until we had to get ready to go to work.


I suspect we'll be suctioned to the game when we get home tonight.


Smooth sailing. Auto added to our guild. No lag.


Yep. My first impression was overwhelmingly positive. I'd buy the Bioware crew beers tonight if I could.

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The game hasn't launched yet, what don't you people understand?

Stop calling it a launch fail, it makes you look ignorant.


And people are QQ'ing about the 2 BONUS days of early access? Get a life.


bioware seems to have disagreed with you..


This is a big day for us; we are launching Star Wars™: The Old Republic™, BioWare’s largest and most ambitious project to date, and we’re very proud that you’ve been able to join us. It’s an honor to be able to share this game with you.




i do agree that the complaints regarding EGA are unwarranted (with the exception of the grace period fiasco)... the info regarding staggered access has been there FROM DAY ONE.


however, this is launch day.. make no mistake about that.

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I didn't get it but I'm not complaining. I'll just wait for tomorrow. I think they did a good job playing it safe with handling the server loads. Better that some people get to play without lag and crashes then all of us not playing or barely playing because of long queue's, lag and server crashes. If they let everyone in today like some people were hoping, than the result of that would not have been good for anyone hoping to have a good first day playing experience. Edited by Sithstalkerr
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The least bioware could have done was to tell us when we were going to get in. I know a lot of people who got up early and took off of work to play... and well, they dont even know when they will be able to start playing lol.


This launch is fail.


So it is a fail because some of your friends took time off from work to play a game they KNEW they may not be able to play today... or tomorrow... or even the next. Sounds like someone's priorities and planning are fail, not the game launch. I'm not in but it sounds like to me it is going just as promised and planned. But thats just me.

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