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Constructive Look for the Devs: Which companion(s) did you use?


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Sentinel (Watchman) - Doc 95% of the time, very occasionally Lord Scourge or Kira. Kira is my favourite story companion.


As an aside - I would REALLY like to see 2 spec options for companions. Rusk or Kira for example could both be healers.

My thread abt it - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=2206727#post2206727

Edited by Zila
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I use Doc nearly exclusively. Before that I tended to alternate between Kira and T3, because I'm a sentinel. T3 worked well as a tank, and since Sents are melee specced, I didn't need Kira's damage output. However, the JK has no intrinsic healing capability. Its no wonder that we use Doc. Its not that Doc is a better character than your other companions, it is just that he's far more useful.


That said, If I'm questing with a healer, I'll probably pull out one of my better geared companions (also depending on the companion my buddy is using).


How can you improve companion diversity? As mentioned you can do skill trees for companions. Or, you could give JK some healing capability.

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I'm sorry to say that I use Doc easily 95% of the time as well. Up until that point I used Kira exclusively and really wanted to keep using her for the DPS boost but it turned the game into a 'fight/rest/heal' cycle that I just couldn't deal with.


Doc is really the only viable option when you get him because he reduces your down time by more than any other companion available AND is essential if you want to take on the harder mobs. I'm a lvl 50 Defense-spec Guardian and would love to be able to use another companion more often but it isn't in the cards.


I'm not sure what the solution is but if you want to play the game and not die non-stop at the higher tiers (lvl 50 crap on Ilum is stacked so close that it is hard to avoid pulling 2+ groups at the same time) you only have one choice.

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Ever since getting Doc I use him exclusively. I think the major problem is that the Jedi Guardian is just too darn squishy. I'm fully tank specced and and am decked out in top modded oranges, purples, and a few blues. Even then I take too much damage to justify dragging Kira out there. I keep Doc around so I stay topped off and don't have to swap for hard modes.


My Vanguard on the other hand has Jorgan almost always and only swaps to Elara (healing companion) on rare occassions. I've even solo'ed champion mobs with Jorgan out by line of sighting the champion. My point being is that my Vanguard feels much tougher and is able to clear groups of mobs without losing much HP meaning having a healer out with me is superfluous. I believe it's a combination of factors: Multiple Trooper abilities knock mobs down completely eliminating their damage; Troopers can attack from range meaning they don't have to face tank enemy damage; Troopers have slows and combined with ranged attacks they can completely kite enemies and receive 0 damage.


I feel the inherent issues lie less with the companions and more with the class mechanics. Jedi Knights need to be given a higher base toughness in compensation for the fact that they're forced to face tank enemies while doing their damage. If my Guardian wasn't taking so much damage in each fight than I'd happily swap out to Rusk (I really like that guy). Until then Doc is with me 100% of the time.

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Level 50 Jedi Knight Combat Sent. I have used Kira 100% of the time since level 13 (exception being the final class fight) and have had no trouble at all. Used correctly Kira is the best to have for the dps combat tree.


The only reason I use Kira exclusively is because she is the only female companion. I took the time and effort to learn how to take on any fight. I keep all my companions geared, although Kira is by far geared the best. I pulled doc out 1 time to see why people like him so much and the fights got much slower. I don't see the point of useing him unless it was for story purposes only.

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LV 50 Guardian.


Kira until Doc.. Doc for quite some time Then back to Kira ( approx lvl mid 40's with switching to doc when needed ). Run generally with Kira for lv 50 dailies.


3rd option is Lord Scourge ( low survivability )


4th Rusk ( weak all around / better gear would help )


T7 ( never liked the droid to begin with )

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Watchman Sentinel.


I use Doc and Kira 50 / 50 for tough encounters. Doc, for me is terrible in lag or where you can LoS him (unintentionally). So I use Kira in areas where Doc flakes out. If Doc was not buggy, I would use him for all tough encounters. Kira is much better for me with taking out groups of trash mobs.

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Watchman Sentinel


Primarily Doc, he's the only companion I have who can keep my downtime to a minimum at this point. I occasionally use T7 as he's highly geared and can sometimes tank well depending on the area. and that's when Doc doesn't flake out and just stops healing.


I'd love to use Rusk more, but rarely do outside of duoing and even then, I'm probably using Doc or T7.


While leveling to 30, I used Kira.


The tanking companions are kind of crappy even when geared as I have to no way of healing them, and DPS companions, we may win, but I have to rest in between every fight.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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I wish I would've seen this forum weeks ago, I would've added my unique data to this test:


As soon as I got Scourge, he never left my side until 50. This had nothing to do with a Jedi's secret desire to be a Sith, but everything to do with the fact that I had heard you would need a sufficiently geared tank companion towards the end of the leveling process. I was told that I would need to "update" T7 heading towards the end, and when I came across a 2nd tank companion who had far better tank gear than T7 had at the time, I figured I could just use Scourge if I kept him updated, which would be much easier than bringing T7 up to snuff (boy, did that ever backfire).


I became accustomed to Scourges initial squishiness and eventually transformed him into an unkillable bulwark heading towards Corellia. Too bad none of that mattered on Doomsday :/ When I finished the class quest line and began the dailies, he was still my only viable option, because my other companions were still too far behind, and I had become accustomed to the stunlock/interrupt deal I had going with Scourge for harder fights. Now that Im done with those dailies, Doc, Kira, and Scourge are all viable options for me, and Ive been using Doc to bring his affection up.




I used Scourge as soon as I got him thinking he would be the "tank" I could use for end-leveling planets, and when I hit 50 he was all I could use in the dailies for a while. Now, I can use just about anyone else.


Another note: Rusk has never fired a single blaster bolt in my service. I dont have anything against him, I just....dont care enough.

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Level 42 Defense Guardian, I use Doc almost exclusively unless I am rushing trash bonus quests where I use Kira.


I enjoy the comments and chats with Scourge and Kira, yet I find no use for them seeing I am a tanking spec.

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As vigilance spec, its sad that i take less damage than scourge in the same gear.


If i take my tank set and put it on scourge his damage reduction is no where near as good as mine.


Tank companions, MAINLY for those who can't heal them effectively need a buff.

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Jedi Sentinel, Watchman spec.


Kira until I met Doc then it was pretty much Doc the whole time. T7 I never touched until I had to (final fight), would love to have more dialouge/quest time with Scourge but after questing with him a bit made him stay on the ship since we were both dying way too much. Same with Rusk, pretty worthless and only using him for missions and occasional companion gift recipient.


LT;DR - Doc because I have to, Kira if I could.

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You're so right, and it annoies me!


I'm playing a jedi guardian at level 45 atm, and I want to level with lord scourge for story reasons, however, it's imposible... I've tried basicly all specs and it just doesn't work...

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How does Biochem come into play with this. I have a new Guardian (lvl 22 so no doc yet) but I have the reusable medpacks to keep health up. I am tank spec'd and with a liberal use of my defensive abilities and the medpacks I am almost never stopping while using Kira. Will that significantly change at the higher levels?
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I got to 50 and I NEVER used Doc. I hate him. Not saying that the character is bad, is just that I don't like his personality. I used Kira as soon as I got her, and never needed changing (except, of course, to that stupid fight with the emperor).


Of course, I'm a guardian and having a lot of defensive cooldowns, never got in trouble. I never soloed heroic missions, however - so maybe I could've used Doc on that.


I'm also a male JK (and gamer), so I used Kira for the romance - I usually do that a lot, get attached to a companion (Leliana on DA1, Merrill on DA2, going back to Jaheira on Baldur's Gate :p) and giving most attention to them.

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Watchman Sentinal - Kira all the way, even for Boss fights.


I used Doc the most as a secondary companion, but I never used him because I had to. I found using Doc to be boring, since I rarely died and the fights took so much longer. I'd rather finish the fights quickly with more risk to keep the excitement level high.


I would have preferred to use my other companions more, but my biggest complaint is that you simply can't gear all 5 - you only have enough tokens and cash to really gear out one companion and keep decent gear on another. This means 3 of your companions are going to be hopelessly under-geared 5 levels after you get them. Since I knew I needed T7, I took a lot of gear for him, which meant Rusk and Scourge get green scraps from random drops.

Edited by danielweberdlc
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