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Constructive Look for the Devs: Which companion(s) did you use?


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I play a Defense spec jedi guardian. I always use Kira except when fighting a boss, then I use Doc. I use Kira because as a tank i do low damage and Kira more than makes up for that. Since she is good geared i could probably kill some bosses using her and not Doc but i don't wanna risk it.

P.S. Like others said, 2 jedi makes more sense that a jedi and a doctor.

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Didn't read through all six pages, but I gather I'm similar to most of the others: watchman spec, lvl 50, use Doc pretty much all the time.


This thread has got me to thinking about bringing Kira out of retirement, though. I never did bother getting all my holocrons (stopped after a dozen or so), so I'm planning to go back to get them here fairly soon. Considering a lot of those are lower level, Kira might be a good choice.


Also, I've got something like 12 bugged quests that I can't abandon, and I'd really like to clear those up, simply since it bothers me to have them still in my log. Kira would likely help me go through those a lot quicker as well.

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We now enough data for some statistics. I will also post on the front page.


TLDR Version:


Doc is the universal favorite, with Kira trailing by 36 to 50 percentage points in different categories. Doc users don't need to switch for tough fights, but 21% of Kira users switch to Doc for tough fights. Doc users often have no secondary companion at all (69%) but Kira users prefer Doc as a secondary (43%) to using no secondary (36%).


73% of Jedi Knights use Doc for difficult fights, 23% use Kira.



Respondents were asked to give secondary/tertiary companion info when applicable, for any reason from roleplay to variety. Even including secondary/tertiary companions, Scourge, Rusk and T7 are vastly underrepresented.



Class/Spec were requested to determine their impact, but the sampling sizes are tiny (1-2 respondents for some specs, meaning another respondent would cause a 30%-50% shift.)



My question for the Devs: Were our companions designed so that a clear favorite would emerge, both in general play and for difficult encounters? Or that 3 of them would be largely ignored?



Or was the intent that while one might be a roleplaying dark horse or unintentional pariah, nonetheless the other 3-4 would be moderately represented?



I'm quite curious how this was tested. If a Dev grouped with a beta tester and the tester brought Rusk, did the Dev think, "Ah, excellent, Rusk is getting a lot of use!" I bring Rusk to small groups because it's the only time I can. (Though just yesterday, grouped with a healer, I started with Kira and had to switch to Doc for the Ilum daily 2+ heroic.)



I started this survey to see if my experience is skewed or anecdotal, not indicative of the class.



The results are pretty clear: Only two companions are worth a damn to most of us in any circumstance, and even one of those trails by a wide margin.



Statistically, the others are underrepresented (when they're represented at all).



Anecdotally, they're pathetic.



Notes about data sampling:


  • "Until I got (X)..." was ignored because this is intended to measure who you use when you have all the options. While you only have two companions, your preference is negligable in the overall experiment.
  • "For PvP" wasn't calculated, but Kira is the universal favorite when PvP was mentioned.
  • Grouped was ignored, because companion choice is either negligable or dependent on group/pair makeup.
  • "Hard/Difficult" is a matter of perception; for survey purposes, any fight the user deems difficult is statistically significant.

A Jedi Knight uses this companion a majority of the time:

Doc: 66%

Kira: 14.3%

T7: 2%

Rusk: 0%

Scourge: 0%


(This means 14.3% of Knights use Kira a majority of the time, not that 100% of Knights use Kira 14.3% of the time.)


A Jedi Knight uses only this companion:

Doc: 50%

NA (I don't use just one companion): 34%

Kira: 14%

T7: 2%

Rusk: 0%

Scourge: 0%


A Jedi Knight uses this companion for hard/tough/boss fights:

Doc: 73%

Kira: 23%

Scourge: 2%

T7: 2%

Rusk: 0%


A Jedi Knight who primarily uses Doc (66%) also prefers Doc for hard fights 100% of the time.


A Jedi Knight who primarily uses Kira (14.3%) uses this companion for hard fights:

Kira: 72%

Doc: 21%

Scourge: 7%

T7: 0%

Rusk: 0%


A Jedi Knight who primarily uses T7 (2%) also prefers T7 for hard fights 100% of the time.


A Jedi Knight who primarily uses Doc (66%) prefers as a secondary companion...

No Secondary Compation: 69%

Kira: 28%

Rusk: 3%

Scourge: 0%

T7: 0%


A Jedi Knight who primarily uses Kira (14.3%) prefers as a secondary companion...

Doc: 43%

No Secondary Companion: 36%

Scourge: 7%

T7: 7%

Rusk: 0%


Ingoring primary companion, a Jedi Knight prefers this companion as his secondary:

No Secondary Companion: 59%

Kira: 18%

Doc: 14%

Scourge: 5%

Rusk: 2%

T7: 0%


Ignoring primary/secondary companion, a Jedi Knight prefers this companion as his tertiary:

No Tertiary Companion: 86%

Doc: 5%

Scourge: 5%

Rusk: 2%

T7: 2%

Kira: 0%


An unweighted representation of all pimary & secondary combined use:

Doc: 56%

Kira: 36%

Scourge: 4%

T7: 4%

Rusk: 0%


An unweighted representation of all primary, secondary & tertiary combined use:

Doc: 56%

Kira: 34%

Scourge: 5%

T7: 5%

Rusk: 0%


Class/Spec Trends:

Defense/Vigilance Hybrid Guardians use Doc a majority of the time (100%).

Defense Guardians use Doc/Kira a majority of the time. (46% tie with T7 at 8%).

Focus Guardians use Doc/Kira a majority of the time. (50% tie).

Vigilance Guardians use Doc a majority of the time (66%).

Guardians of unknown specs use a majority of the time (100%).


Combat Sentinels use Doc/Kira a majority of the time (50% tie).

Focus Sentinels use Doc a majority of the time (100%).

Watchman Sentinels use Doc a majority of the time (71%).

Sentinels of unknown specs use Doc a majority of the time (100%).


Those who specified neither class or spec use Doc a majority of the time (71%).

Edited by Lomerell
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14/27 Def/Vig Guardian (run in Soresu).


I more or less exclusively used Doc, but I was not happy about it. I used Kira on everything I thought was easy enough to bring her, but pretty much every quest that was at my level I was bringing Doc.


I support the spirit of this thread, which is to say that I don't like Doc, but felt I had little choice but to take him because he could heal.


It's pretty clear when you break down the alternatives:

Kira - Melee DPS

T7 - Ranged Tank

Rusk - Ranged DPS

Scourge - Melee Tank

Doc - Healer


When you're dealing with a basic class (Knight) that has no potential to heal itself, ever, it's puzzling to me why they would choose to have only 1 companion option who provides the only thing you cannot do with the class.

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Didn't read through all six pages, but I gather I'm similar to most of the others: watchman spec, lvl 50, use Doc pretty much all the time.


This thread has got me to thinking about bringing Kira out of retirement, though. I never did bother getting all my holocrons (stopped after a dozen or so), so I'm planning to go back to get them here fairly soon. Considering a lot of those are lower level, Kira might be a good choice.


Also, I've got something like 12 bugged quests that I can't abandon, and I'd really like to clear those up, simply since it bothers me to have them still in my log. Kira would likely help me go through those a lot quicker as well.


I'm bookmarking your post as the first one not included in my statistics so far. Once more people have posted again, I will add additional responses to the pool (starting with yours).

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I'm lvl 44 atm so I only just got Sourge and Rusk. I use Kira for trash clearing since I am watchman spec dots tend to mitigate most dmg or keep the downtime between pulls to very short lengths.


Doc is what I use for elites, champions whatever. When I know a boss is coming I make sure Doc is ready. I have spent resources gearing both up a little bit (both are in rated 80 to 90 gear for the most part).


T7 i like to carry around because he cracks me up.


I think there was a mistake on hand by giving Rusk and Sourge so close to each other. I have not used Rusk for anything short of gathering (because of his gather bonus). I used the big red buy once on a pull and he just about died, yeah his gear is the default gear, I went and got him some better gear, didn't make much diff. I'm thinking as a character, he cool but I would much rather just take the agro myself as I can handle enough dmg with my cooldowns.


Kira and Doc are also the most interesting characters besides T7 to me. T7 though I didn't use after I got Kira for much of anything.


in closing/summary


I in fact don't have any interest in using Rusk for anything.

I like the character of the Sith Lord but unless I gear him to high heaven I don't think he's worth it over Kira or Doc


and the ship droid has heals but he's so annoying I mute the game when I'm on the ship so I don't have to hear him. I couldn't imagine how horrible it would be to have him spam heals on you saying a bunch of **** about how he wants to please you.


In fact I might take him out, just to get him killed over and over.

Edited by KruelhandJorb
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I haven't played any other class extensively yet, but I would assume that it's probably the same for all of them: only 1 or 2 companions are actually used while the rest just...sit there.


Honestly, that's par for the course for Bioware RPGs. I never use every single companion/party member/squad member. E.g. in Mass Effect my team was mainly Ashley, Wrex, and/or Garrus. In ME2 I really only used Miranda, Grunt, and/or Garrus(except when I had to use another squad member when doing their loyalty missions). In DA I only ever used Morrigan, the old healer lady, and the elf rogue(their names escape me at the moment).


I think it'd be cool if, perhaps in a future expansion, BW designed class quests that were like flashpoints where you'd have to use your companions to form a 4 man party. So JKs could use, say, Doc, Scourge, and Rusk. Or if you were a tank you could replace Scourge with Kira(or still bring a tank companion but have him DPS).

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I haven't played any other class extensively yet, but I would assume that it's probably the same for all of them: only 1 or 2 companions are actually used while the rest just...sit there.


I have played other classes extensively. While I have preferences, they are typically RP preferences and not because I was forced to take the best combatant.


Combat factors, but when I unlocked my first healer (contrary to an earlier post), though I am not specced healer, I could conveniently park my new healing companion. Or take him with me as I preferred. 2/2 companions were viable to the class, equally, which has already been proven untrue here for Knights.


If a third companion remains even MODERATELY viable, compare that to the stats for T7/Rusk/Scourge above and you'll see a giant disparity.

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As yet, nobody has responded to the actual statistics I posted.


While I welcome you to keep providing your companion preferences (I will add them to my spreadsheet), I want to know what you think of the results.


To me, they are more staggering than any one player's opinion of his companions. Poor Rusk is universally left on the ship, T7 and Scourge not far behind. Yet two of these are fascinating companions for story reasons.


It's a shame Bioware did not see fit to make them useful in combat to our class.


I suspect that all of the other base classes getting SOME heals (and us none) is what makes us so Doc-heavy. But even giving the other companions a patch heal or tankish survivability would assist.

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Thanks for taking the time to put this together. I'm currently leveling a Guardian, and already having a hard time deciding between companions.


That said, it's a good problem to have. Both T7 and Kira are interesting and fun companions, and it sounds like this dilemma continues throughout the class story.


Having initially leveled a trooper into his 30s, I'm here to tell you to be grateful. The companions in that story are pretty dull by comparison, and though because the class is less challenging to play, you can pretty much bring any of them to the party. Playing a JK is not easy, there are some fights where I'm barely sc****** by, but I really don't mind slowing down a little.


I've been enjoying Kira's quips, but last night T7 let me know I'm the best companion he's had in 100 years, and he thinks we can save the galaxy together. I was like, "alright little guy, let's get you some upgrades!"

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Ya, ended up with Doc as a Sent, no real surprise there. I was already expecting it after my sniper was forced to travel with Doctor Creepy to make the fights bearable.


My tank companions got beaten down to half or less of their health every fight, did less damage than my healer over all. It was sort of a no brainer... do more damage, end fights with full hp, keep moving .. or pop the 'rest' button after every strong+ fight.


DPS companions are possible, but more often than not both you and your choice of DPS are down by half or more on tough fights. Hopefully no adds. And once again the rest button, which more than makes up for the diff in the added time to take something down with your healer.


It has been mentioned numerous times that they were shortsighted on their companion abilities. Not allowing us to choose what our companions role would be when we got them, or allowing us to somehow change them in game, has forced a preference for certain characters while other collect dust, play cards or watch the holo on your space ship.


And yes, I realize that some people had the resources to gear the crap out of their secondary characters to make them more worthwhile, but on the whole, playing a non healer class with the healer companion makes the whole game run much smoother in my opinion.


It just amazed me that the people they got to do beta didn't voice a stronger opinion on the subject.

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Watchman Sent/Uses Doc - and after you get Doc you have to use him. They games mobs get to hard to take anyone else. Strong mobs start hitting like a truck after 40. I know they wanted the game to be challenging with heroic combat but it sucks having to bring your healing companion out just to progress.
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A problem with the statistics is that 2 of the companions don't even become available until near endgame.


I submit that some/many of the players and respondents to this poll hadn't reached 50 since the game is new and it does take awhile to get to 50.


Also, at endgame, there's not much use for any companions since all or most of the content is raid/group based. So most of the time that people are playing with companions is not even going to have all five available.


But yeah, any healer companion is going to win no matter how nice Kira looks in a bikini.


And I will agree that, as tanks, both T7 and Scourge are not much better than Kira at getting aggro and surviving (which is to say they both suck). Kira is more useful because she kills faster and because we can take aggro from her when we want to (more flexibility). And because she looks really good in a bikini (and she has the best story).

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A problem with the statistics is that 2 of the companions don't even become available until near endgame.


I submit that some/many of the players and respondents to this poll hadn't reached 50 since the game is new and it does take awhile to get to 50.


You apparently didn't read how I got the statistics.


Anyone who said "I'm using Kira so far but I haven't gotten anyone else yet" was IGNORED in the statistics. I don't care if you're using T7 at level 11. You have no options.

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I've found that across classes that the tanking companions are pretty weak. Healing companions tend to shine as you get closer to 50. But for the early to mid game DPS companions are pretty effective.


Not statistically significant yet (see above) but on my Consular, I prefer Qyzen (tanking) to Theran (healer).

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Evil Empire Jugg. I find this interesting as I have a lvl 50 Immortal Jugg (tank spec) and a lvl 30 Marauder used both specs over and over to find my niche.


As an immortal Jugg I had to use healer companion a lot as well (98% of time after I got him around lvl 18). Even though he is terrible and even though his dps and CC skill is off he auto-attacks while you die. He also prioritizes himself for heals over you... If you are at 10% and he is at 99% he will heal himself first.


As a marauder I am finding that I am using range DPS companion a lot. Our combined DPS is usually fast enough to take down even multiple Silvers, or a gold and a silver, or gold and several norms. I tried to use healer and with his typical crap healing AI I almost died, needed to pop several CDs and use medpack.


Maybe Doc is better than Quinn in this regard. I know BH companion is best NPC healer for Empire by leaps and bounds.


I also find droid even fully geared for level pretty lame compared to other healer NPCs...


Anyhow, interesting read.

Edited by RG_jhanlec
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As far as I understand the companions are designed to complement your AC and spec, do if you're a Tank you'll have a DPS companion, DPS you'll use either Tank/Heal and if you're Heal you'll use a Tank.


So one reason for these results is likely as a result of the fact that people are choosing the same spec. As most people who are levelling usually spec to DPS they're most likely to use a Tank companion, even if they didn't think it through they'll realise that it's what works best for them.

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As far as I understand the companions are designed to complement your AC and spec, do if you're a Tank you'll have a DPS companion, DPS you'll use either Tank/Heal and if you're Heal you'll use a Tank.


So one reason for these results is likely as a result of the fact that people are choosing the same spec. As most people who are levelling usually spec to DPS they're most likely to use a Tank companion, even if they didn't think it through they'll realise that it's what works best for them.


I'm a DPS Guardian, and I use Doc because he gives me the highest survivability rate out of all of my companions. The companion tanks don't last long enough to do anything (and yeah I've been upgrading gear).


I'm sorry, but since none of the other companions can heal me or themselves in or out of combat, Doc is probably the most useful Jedi Knight Companion.

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Here's how I look at it:


A healer is safer and reduces downtime and doesn't require heavy gearing to be effective.

DPS/Tanking requires significant gear to make decent, represents a static bonus to your TTL rather than an infinite one that the healer provides and we don't actually lack DPS / Tanking (based on your class).


In general the tanking companions are significantly weaker in taking damage than we are and the DPS companions just don't do enough. Not to mention our complete lack of long duration CC means that we inevitably must somehow deal with every mob at once. A healer lets us live through that opening phase while we remove a few of the mobs to make a more manageable pack. If the tanking companions were more durable, that would also be a solution.


Let's face it, as long as we can't heal ourselves and winning is based the enemy hitting 0 HP before we do, we're stuck with the healing companion.


And finally, the other major factor is our resources. We have basically no need to regen our resources. For example on my trooper, if I blow through too much ammo on a fight, I have to regen anyhow. If that's the case, then might as well use a DPS'er or Tank because hey, I'm regenning anyway. As a Knight, meh, even with a full Focus bar it's only a couple more moves anyhow and won't drastically change much over the course of the fight. Not to mention this means we always go full bore. There's really almost no incentive to conserve Focus, unspent Focus is just wasted DPS. Whereas at least the Trooper and Smuggler have reasons to throttle back and therefore having a companion who's not bound by that same mechanic would be more attractive.

Edited by DarkwingGT
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