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Cross-realm PvP announced, BW just killed SW:tOR.


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I was hanging around the developer tracker when I found a thread from a player that complained about him having too few opponents at 50 on his server. At page 7 of said thread he gets a reply from a BW representative basically addressing his "huge" problem (like there isn't better stuff for them to reply to?) and announcing that even tho BW have said that they Dont want to use cross-realm tools (which Do completely ruin a servers community) it now will be implemented...Just not "in the near future".


What this does to me? It makes me feel sick, and I seriously consider Not playing the game anymore. Now I expect that just when they fix PvP for us, they will ruin it by making it matter **** (yes, having cross-realm basically does that). Good work BW, you just lost alot of PvP:ers.


For reference see: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=1422167#edit1422167 - page 7.

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cross server PVP ruins the sense of community and accomplishment in a game. I think the RDF and Cross-server PVP is when people in WoW started calling eachother "stupid hunter supposed to trap that mob" instead of "Hey Killshot, can you frost up on the left before I pull?"


It wasn't always so juvenile and horrible in WoW but when you'll never in your life see these people again there is no reason not to treat them like an NPC, because really that's all they are.

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Pretty much what I'm afraid of yes. How unbalanced PvP ever was in WoW, before cross-realm you atleast knew your enemis, and had a reputation yourself. Atleast those of us that played PvP daily.


When there is no risk/chance of getting a bad/good reputation people will stop caring.

People will enter a WZ and just afk/leech it for their valor and baam, PvP is dead.

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The best MMOs i have played were ADoC, Warhammer online, eve online, and Age of Conan. For the exception of eve and ADoC, those games were failues. However, it was the communities which drawn me back. When swtor introduces cross server mechanics, they will completely remove the greatest MMO aspect of their game, community.
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Destroys any sense of server based PvP competitiveness and coercion, but fixes the problem of server imbalances (faction imbalances or lack of 50s).


People will complain in a month that they have 1 hour queues which is probably worse.


Have to weigh the bads against the goods. People are just spoiled too much by WoW. Most weren't around when none of the major features weren't around (cross server, arenas, etc) Horde on our server had to wait 2 hours for 15 minute games.

Edited by ComeAndSee
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I've kinda been fearful of this since threads started popping up all over about how other player's servers are low on pop. It seems like an easy solution would be to give people on low pop servers free server transfers, or even combine low pop servers w/ mid pop or other low pop servers. Yes, you would be running into new people but essentially it would keep the same community value imo.
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People are already afk leeching and cheating and farming like little gear whores. I only recognize one name as worth remembering out of all the pvp I've done, and that's a rebel healer who I target whenever possible because when I don't my team gets even more destroyed than we already were.


People who talk about server pvp community might have a little bit of an overinflated sense of self-importance.


Besides, think about the timing of this. Less than a month after launch, someone from Bioware says they want cross server? That tells me that Bioware would have implemented it at launch if it were going to be a quick and easy thing to do. I bet it will be at least a year before we see it, so why worry?

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Cross-server PvP just turns warzones into an anonymous pile of bantha poodoo. Might as well fight with and against highly intelligent AI with random names. The whole social aspect and community aspect is what makes MMOs so fun. Knowing your opponents, knowing the people you play with. I've only been pvping for a few weeks yet I already know half of the names on the PvP scene. This will completely dissapear with cross-server PvP and it's so not needed.


Cross-server pvp won't solve faction imbalances, all it solves is low activity. Well there isn't any low activity, instant queues pretty much thanks to hutball.





If its because of low pop servers, well, merge those servers into one server. Or only link the low pop servers together. That way it'll be like one high pop server for them and they'll still have some sense of community too. Since few enough players will be in that battlegroup to get to know them.

Edited by Raul
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If you log into SWTOR and PvP with a pool of 1000 other players on a regular basis, over time, you will learn who all 1000 of them are.


It is irrelevant if only 100 of them are from your server, unless you plan to PvE with them.


This complaint (about cross server PvP) is totally illogical.

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Destroys any sense of server based PvP competitiveness and coercion, but fixes the problem of server imbalances (faction imbalances or lack of 50s).


People will complain in a month that they have 1 hour queues which is probably worse.


Have to weigh the bads against the goods. People are just spoiled too much by WoW. Most weren't around when none of the major features weren't around (cross server, arenas, etc) Horde on our server had to wait 2 hours for 15 minute games.


If bioware ever fixs Ilum, pvpers will have a place to wait in qs. Making those 5-15 min ques seem much shorter.

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Crossserver pvp is awesome because you don't have to play the same shytty people all the time. Bigger playerbase means more competition. Competition is that what makes pvp great. I dont get your point. Why the hell would i want to keep my awesomeness only to my server if i can beat up gamer from other servers too?


You need to realize something. Pvp is harsh and so should be the competition. If you want flowers, go play sims.


It's not something you can get control over with a game. True pvp'ers won't play the game if they can't "in your face" someone.

Edited by Gouzukai
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Crossserver pvp is awesome because you don't have to play shytty player all the time. More player means more competition. Competition is that what makes pvp great. I dont get your point. Why the hell would i want to keep my awesomeness only to my server if i can beat up gamer from other servers, too.


You need to realize something. Pvp is harsh and so should be the competition. If you want flowers, go play sims.


You obviously played nothing but WoW and swtor. If you never see those people again, how does that create a competitive envionment?

Edited by Tycoon
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Maybe I am being a bit too harsh with the people who don't want cross server, and I apologize for the tone of my other post in this thread, but if you care about your pvp reputation, why don't you roll with your guild on a pvp server and make an open world reputation? That's far more meaningful than a warzone rep.


I also support open world pvp rewards to encourage this.

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You obvious played nothing but WoW and swtor. If you never see those people again, how does that create a competitive envionment?


Servers are just an abstraction. If computers were more powerful and could handle 100k+ players at once, there would BE no servers. We'd all be on one "server".


SWTOR has a community of 1000s and 1000s of players. Right now, you are restricted from playing with some of them, just because computers aren't powerful enough.


Cross server PvP = larger community, not "loss of community".



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I hope this never happens. It is fun seeing the same faces over and over on the other side. If server pops on some are too low to support warzones, perhaps they should merge those servers. Jung Ma is fine and lately the ratio of huttball to the others is actually getting better.


I am pretty sure some people recognize my character as I seem to be focused by certain groups we see often(guess thats what I get for being a healer). I would hate to lose the rivalries that are built within communities because of cross server crap.

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If you log into SWTOR and PvP with a pool of 1000 other players on a regular basis, over time, you will learn who all 1000 of them are.


It is irrelevant if only 100 of them are from your server, unless you plan to PvE with them.


This complaint (about cross server PvP) is totally illogical.


Except you will make it a pool for 10k players, if not more. Which makes it an anonymous pile of poo.



More players to draw from, means more pvp. You people will cry about anything.


Except queues are already lightning fast.



Crossserver pvp is awesome because you don't have to play the same shytty people all the time. Bigger playerbase means more competition. Competition is that what makes pvp great. I dont get your point. Why the hell would i want to keep my awesomeness only to my server if i can beat up gamer from other servers too?


You need to realize something. Pvp is harsh and so should be the competition. If you want flowers, go play sims.


It's not something you can get control over with a game. True pvp'ers won't play the game if they can't "in your face" someone.


Wrong. You will still play an equal amount of 'shytty' players. if 80% of players are crap, then the total number of players is irrelevant. It'll still be 80% crap players. Cross-server warzones doesn't make anything more competitive.


Cross server rated warzones are fine and make total sense, yeah.




Servers are just an abstraction. If computers were more powerful and could handle 100k+ players at once, there would BE no servers. We'd all be on one "server".


SWTOR has a community of 1000s and 1000s of players. Right now, you are restricted from playing with some of them, just because computers aren't powerful enough.


Cross server PvP = larger community, not "loss of community".





No, you will play with a person but likely not see them again any time soon because you can't choose to group up afterwards, can't talk to them after that warzone closes, or join guilds together. Due to the insane volume of players, you likely never see eachother again.



Edited by Raul
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I don't understand how people are against this if you are playing empire. With the 50s only bracket that is coming very soon queues are almost ALWAYS going to be huttball. As it is right now out of 15 WZs I get 2 TOTAL in either alderaan or voidstar.



I am all for cross-realm queues, it does not ruin the community whatsoever.

Edited by JustinxDuff
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