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2012 Events Feedback


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Thanks in advance for all your great feedback!


Seeing as how great feedback is HONEST feedback...


I would rather see "events" in game than in a real life one time event even IF I were to go to one...this game is missing far too much in terms of community to worry about the community outside the game.

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When it comes to events I would love to see the game follow actual SW holidays like life day, or the festival of stars. As simple and generic as that is I would love to see it.


though I dont think people need to calculate the third benduday of every 6th cycle by the coruscant galactic standard period.

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Since I'll be at PAX East 2012, I'll throw in my opinions:


"What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)"


Q&As are great, and maybe pre-built PvP tournaments so anyone can enter. Also, as mentioned on the first page, some sort of contest to get your voice in-game would be crazy cool.


"What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?"


I'd like to hear about how BioWare is building future content for patches, and generally know how you plan to keep players immersed in story beyond the main storyline. Maybe a discussion on the Legacy system if it has been revealed/implemented by then?


"If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?"


While I don't expect anything remotely close to home, if there is a meet and greet at PAX East I will definitely try to go.

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Hi everyone!


With 2012 finally here (and the launch of the game behind us), it’s now time for us to start planning events this year. While we’ve begun putting together plans for things we’d like to do at conventions and shows around the world, we wanted to reach out to you, the members of our community, to get your thoughts about what you’d want to see at these events.


Now bear in mind, we know many of you will want to see new content and game features showcased at events – and in some cases, you will. However, you don’t need to ask us for that as we already know it’s desired – and exactly what does and doesn’t get shown will be in the hands of the development team (and subject to the development schedule!).


While we haven’t announced the events we’re attending yet, we’ll be present at many of the shows we were at in 2011. We’re also planning on attending a bunch of additional events. What we do at these events will be varied, from having a full booth to doing Community meet-ups and panels, but our goal is to bring The Old Republic to a lot more people – and meet as many of our community as possible throughout the year!


With that in mind, we want to hear your thoughts. To get you started, here are some questions we’d love to get your feedback on.

  1. What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)
  2. What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?
  3. If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


Thanks in advance for all your great feedback!


I would like a game where Alt-Tabbing doesnt give me a 50/50 chance of crashes or 5-7 mins before my Comp inst locked up.


I would like to see Insta Travel between planets, ie, I load i outside of Spaceport instead of mindless running through them and have Ship travel optional.


Speeders that I dont need to grind 40k credits for and ALREADY HAVE AFTER STARTER AREAS!


I can fly a Space Shuttle but I cant drive a car....simply stupid and something that should have been fixed during testing.

Edited by Kunra
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I want a full blown Bioware con hosted at the Baltimore Convention Center.



What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)


Costume contest, chance to have our voice recorded into a random NPC of the game


What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?


Game balance, future plans for expansions


If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


Yes I would



I agree with this whole heart-idly! Baltimore Convention Center is an amazing place to hold a major event! The D.C. Capitol and Baltimore never get the love they deserve! Easy to fly to, easy to commute to - plenty of accommodations!


Please hold an event here for your East Coast Fans!

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for a live event (ComiCon, PAX, etc) I would love a hands-on panel where you would demonstrate the system you use for doing game dialogue. I'm THINKING it's NWN-based, but not sure. perhaps hold a contest or a demo, and let attendees try and write a scene that would then end up in an upcoming flashpoint or operation.


For in-game events, I would say, just drop in at various locales on the servers from time to time. It's one thing to see Darth Malgus or Shatele Shan on holos... but it'd be a real trip to see them walking around, interacting with players.


The Huttball League sounds fun - perhaps send the finalist teams free tix to an upcoming con, where they can compete LIVE, with the final game projected onto big screens, and the winners take home some nice SW-related swag.

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What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)

Tournaments would be awesome :)

What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?

Future updates, developers diary every month

If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?

Of course

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1. What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)


Q&A's definetly. Meet some of the voice actors and developers. I'd like to see or hear more about live in game events. Actually I'd love to face off with the developers in either some pvp or some in-game event where a team of us could be pitted against a live bioware evil/good player : )


2. What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?


I'd like to hear about bugs and what and how Bioware is handling them. A round table with developers and voice actors would be nice. I'd love to hear about more content and possibly more space content with your ship. Pvp space combat would be epic. I don't really care about class balancing. No classes are EVER balanced in a mmo. It was tried in Warhammer with those horrible mirrored classes and did not work. I enjoy beating down the most op class out there with skill : )


3. If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


Yes, but it will NEVER happen. I live in the Middle of nowhere. Come to Dallas, Tx. Or even better Austin, Tx. You guys have a stuidio there after all : )

I would want cookies though. Darth Cookies to be precise. You bring me some Darth Vader cookies and I'll be there : )

Edited by DarthBubba
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What about IN-GAME events? Like holidays and such? Will we ever see anything along those lines? Because that was always something fun that I looked forward to in MMOs.


Yeah we can have a Star wars holiday special all over again. :p

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I would love to see BioWARE and LucasArts do a convention together. I love BioWARE games, along with LucasArts and its would be awesome to see some Comic Book creators, upcoming games from these developers and some old school actors at the event. I know its a lot to ask for but it would be a 90s kid here dream come true. /drool.


Costume contest also.


Game topic for me would be space combat, what are your plans for this unique 5th pilar you have because there is so much you could do here and I really think there is a gold mine here.

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I want a full blown Bioware con hosted at the Baltimore Convention Center.


Really not going to happen and why Baltimore? That makes no sense, if it's going to be in the states Austin is at least vaguely logical since the Bioware studio that did the lion's share of the work is there.

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1. content coming up, what your CSR staff will do for future employment


2. maybe a q&a section on why you spent millions on voice overs and like 1 week of programming on ilum pvp. its a joke


3. no. game will be a after thought here come march/april. i played worst mmos, warhammer/aion/rift for moths. i only played swtor for 1. no opvp just makes me sad.

Edited by Popcorned
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When I was a kid, and I watched the star wars movies, or played the old ps2 games, I remember speeders as a huge part of it, I remember star wars knights of the old republic 2 for xbox, giving players the option to bet, and from what I remember play in races. I think this would be a great addition to the already stunning MMO bioware along with lucas Arts has developed. It could run in the same style as some of the hit racing games, like Mario Kart, where you grab boosts and power ups during the race, and fight for first to win, whether it be played for credits, experience, or maybe even collectible speeders, it can add so much more to the game that people miss in the MMO's we see today.

It could run the way SWTOR's pvp system ran when it first started, you can join at any level, and the speeders would be provided so you dont have the 90%'s going up against the 50 capped speeders. So noone has a huge imbalance and everyone has the ability to win, lose and have fun.

I know a lot of people on my server wanted to see this implemented on the game, I am not the only one who thinks this is a great idea, but I am the first of my friends to say anything about it. Thank you, hopefully this idea will be seen in the near future of Star Wars.



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as a 4 time attendee of Blizzcon, I fully support this idea.


I got a chance last years Blizzcon to meet GC and several other Devs at a Curse afterparty. It was a great time seeing some of the devs in a more casual setting that isn't really focused on bombarded them with questions about the game.



I'd love a chance to meet up at a bar or something have drinks with other people.

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I live in San Diego , and I loved that developer meet and greet we did ad Fred's Mexican cafe a couple years ago, and I really loved the huge Bioware station at the Hilton last year (even if the lines were a bit long). Though i can never seem to score comic con tickets, I Would definitely go any outside the hall event!
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