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2012 Events Feedback


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What about IN-GAME events? Like holidays and such? Will we ever see anything along those lines? Because that was always something fun that I looked forward to in MMOs.


Daniel Erickson posted awhile back saying that they have no plans to implement any fourth wall immersion breaks. IE, they won't implement real world holidays or events into TOR.

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What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)


Photo opportunities with Sno E. Blac dressed as Satele would be awesome.

Edited by xauren
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I would like to be able to receive digital items like unique crystals that can only be obtained by attending an event like this.


I would like to be able to sit in on an open mic Q&A where we can ask questions about design choices and future plans.


Come to Chicago and I will be there as long as it doesn't cost too much.

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Although not directly video game related...I would love to see a major appearance at this year's Star Wars Celebration (Orlando, FL - Aug 23-26th). The Star Wars community in general is actually expanding because of this game and I know an appearance at Celebration would be incredible. Some potential ideas would be to sell merchandise (some statues of iconic ToR figures, as well as shirts and other items). You could also provide various items for in game use, maybe a vanity pet, or a some other social/vanity items to have fun with. The star wars universe is exciting for numerous reasons, but the big ones are the iconic items and abilities that make it unique. Blasters, lightsabers, the unique creatures, stuff like that. So going to the BIGGEST star wars event of the year and participating in The Old Republic events, as well as obtaining unique items for my experiences would make it infinitely more enjoyable.
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I was at PAX East 2011 and loved your presence there. Here's my feedback:


1. I would love to see Q&As similar to last year's events, photo ops/meeting devs/CMs is cool as well. Given that the game is out and we probably won't want to wait 6+ hours to run a Flashpoint, Huttball tournaments would be a pretty slick way to get hands-on with the game and interact with other fans.


2. I would enjoy panels that cover some of the behind-the-scenes thinking that went into development, a post mortem if you will. They could also couple this with how your thinking moving forward has changed given community feedback/involvement. General Q&A is always entertaining and would be an interesting panel. Personally, I want to know more about the challenge of scripting an entirely voice-acted MMO. What did you predict going in, how were your plans affected throughout and what obstacles cropped up that made you completely change your intended course of action?


3. Hands down, the best part of PAX East 2011 was getting to meet you guys in person at the evening Meet & Greet. We had a blast actually shaking hands and getting autographs/pictures with the people behind the game. With that pesky beta NDA out of the way, I would LOVE to talk more with you about the game. :) Please do this again!

Edited by Datix
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I'd prefer that critical features that have been left out of the game get added instead of wasting money and personnel's time on conventions and such. You want people to keep paying for your game? Then show those people you're serious about improving it, not serious about spending the money they've given you on traveling around whooping it up.


Wait till this game can be called a success first. It's nowhere near that yet.

Edited by Umbral
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I attended the Community Meetup at E3 last year in LA. It was great fun and would love another opportunity to meetup with fellow players and community members. I am an LA local and many of my friends and guild mates will be in town for E3 and would love to attend another community meetup event!
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Let's just get the game "Launch Ready" and then we discuss further events, and other joyous occasions that require a functioning game. Shall we help you all prioritize this?


I would be willing to help.


Events should be pushed back to 2013 as they're beyond low priority. Other money making schemes to raise more capital can and should be last on the list since we have a pile of code that has no continuity at all.


Let me know when I can start!

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I didn't have tickets to PAX this year (definitely fixing that for 2012), so I really liked that you guys had public events in addition. It would be really cool to have live operations, sign up and get a chance to try out some new boss or test something that isn't in game yet.
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Hi everyone!


With that in mind, we want to hear your thoughts. To get you started, here are some questions we’d love to get your feedback on.

  1. What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)
  2. What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?
  3. If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


Thanks in advance for all your great feedback!


  • huttball tournament, march madness style !!!!!!
  • developer tutorials: how to play your role in SWTOR, have the dev's talk about specific mechanics/gameplay flow they expect for certain classes and highlighting some strategies to help players get the most our of their role with the various classes, TELL me that wouldn't be MUST SEE TV !!!!!
  • contests where prize is to impact actual game in some way, maybe a "character design" contest, or "win a chance to actually do some voice acting for a short quest" kinda stuff

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- Satele Shan! Some actress playing her would be cool.

- Reward someone as an in game NPC.

- Creation of a quest line live, with public participation.

- Merchandise (it would be cool to have custom official t-shirts or stuff like that). It would be awesome if I could have a mug with my Jedi Knight model printed on it.

- Live Jedi-Sith fights played by professional action actors.

- New content (like flashpoints) being played by devs live in a panel.


List goes on...

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I would like to see Bioware present the real version of "Star Wars the Old Republic". The one that was advertised to me on the Game Box I purchased with High Resolution Textures in all aspects of the game, not just in a conversation. Edited by Drayzen
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What I would like to see:


1) Developer Q&A (a live stream would be nice)

2) A new render video (I know this is major effort...)

3) Voice actors would be nice

4) Photo oportunities would be nice


And I would enjoy a Meet & Greet

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Hi everyone!


With 2012 finally here (and the launch of the game behind us), it’s now time for us to start planning events this year. While we’ve begun putting together plans for things we’d like to do at conventions and shows around the world, we wanted to reach out to you, the members of our community, to get your thoughts about what you’d want to see at these events.


Now bear in mind, we know many of you will want to see new content and game features showcased at events – and in some cases, you will. However, you don’t need to ask us for that as we already know it’s desired – and exactly what does and doesn’t get shown will be in the hands of the development team (and subject to the development schedule!).


While we haven’t announced the events we’re attending yet, we’ll be present at many of the shows we were at in 2011. We’re also planning on attending a bunch of additional events. What we do at these events will be varied, from having a full booth to doing Community meet-ups and panels, but our goal is to bring The Old Republic to a lot more people – and meet as many of our community as possible throughout the year!


With that in mind, we want to hear your thoughts. To get you started, here are some questions we’d love to get your feedback on.

  1. What would you want to see at a show this year? (Examples might include PvP tournaments, Q&As at the booth, photo opportunities)
  2. What topics would you like to see covered on panels? Specific areas of the game? General roundtables with the developer team? Voice actors?
  3. If a show is in your area, would you be likely to attend a Community Meet & Greet outside the show itself?


Thanks in advance for all your great feedback!


1) would love to see a Q&A panel with dev/concept team/s

2) topics i would like to hear about include, housing (staged/displayed storage), the future of the in game map, "champion bag" loot drop rates vs steady earned progression, guild controls, crafting: will there ever be a point to it?

3) yes, if there was a community event in my area im always going

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1) Q&A Most definitely, A showcase of dev picked fan art and fiction (maybe with a competition or 2 to get some good quality picks), a corral full of the Gizka used to turn the wheels powering your servers (server downtime is permitted for this event).


2)I would like to see a panel of Art, Music, and Story Developers discussing their inspirations for the different aspects of the game. A panel with Voice actors would be awesome. Lore Discussions regarding choices in development (planets chosen, events depicted, feel of planets).


3) I would attend an event in my area, I attended the Austin Launch part and it was pretty cool.

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What about IN-GAME events? Like holidays and such? Will we ever see anything along those lines? Because that was always something fun that I looked forward to in MMOs.


Actual SW holidays, Life day etc.. would be good to add in game.

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What I would like to see:


1) Live Stream Developer Q&A

2) Live Stream Voice Actors Q&A (there thoughts on the lore of the game and things of the sort)

3) Cos-Play would be awesome (with rewards in the end)

4) Photo oportunities

5) PVP Tournaments with various Level Brackets (1-10, 11-20 etc...)

6) Live Orchestra playing the main songs of the game


Since i live in Europe such a Live Event would be realisticly impossible for me to attend since can't have everything in life but ill still enjoy the U.S/Canadian playerbase having fun with these ideas :).



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