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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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No, I will not cancel because zooming anywhere near my character makes me cringe.


YES I will complain that on *high* settings my character looks like a muddy mess. If we were told that they're going to change it in the future and it's being worked on, fine. We weren't told that, we were just told that it was meant to be that way and it's what is best for us.


It is not silly to be unhappy about it, it is not desperately searching for something to complain about, this is a big mistake that was made. To simply look over it and accept what we're being handed is just not going to happen.

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Do you really believe "medium settings" were themselves a "bug" and were never supposed to be there for the entire time the game was in beta and through release? Do you honestly believe any of the condescending bullcrap Reid relayed to us, the paying customer, in his post?


Reid's post gives me flashbacks to SWG pr that was filtered through Lucas Arts.

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and what about your posts is bringing Constructive ideas to it?


none at all, all you did here was bashing people, not on the topic


just bashing peoples ideas


Quote anything I said that involves me "bashing anyone's ideas", please. Quote the post in it's entirety, not a snippet of it that can be construed to look like somethiing it isn't.

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so does this fall under false advertising, im looking at many pictures in the media section of this website that show high res textures outside of conversation events, i payed for that.


The definition and proof requirement of False Advertising is:



To establish that an advertisement is false, a plaintiff must prove five things: (1) a false statement of fact has been made about the advertiser's own or another person's goods, services, or commercial activity; (2) the statement either deceives or has the potential to deceive a substantial portion of its targeted audience; (3) the deception is also likely to affect the purchasing decisions of its audience; (4) the advertising involves goods or services in interstate commerce; and (5) the deception has either resulted in or is likely to result in injury to the plaintiff. The most heavily weighed factor is the advertisement's potential to injure a customer. The injury is usually attributed to money the consumer lost through a purchase that would not have been made had the advertisement not been misleading. False statements can be defined in two ways: those that are false on their face and those that are implicitly false.

As such, this issue clearly falls into this category. I would not have purchased this game, spending over 120 dollars for the Collectors Edition, had it been advertised correctly as a low resolution game.

The game was misrepresented by screenshots, video play (check out any of the videos posted on youtube under the "Directors commentary") and beta experiences as a product that they had no intent to deliver upon at launch.


Simply put:



Failure to Disclose It is considered false advertising under the Lanham Act if a representation is "untrue as a result of the failure to disclose a material fact." Therefore, false advertising can come from both misstatements and partially correct statements that are misleading because they do not disclose something the consumer should know. The Trademark Law Revision Act of 1988, which added several amendments to the Lanham Act, left creation of the line between sufficient and insufficient disclosure to the discretion of the courts

I don't really care if some of you feel that it "isn't a big deal". We were marketed and sold a product with no capability from the vendor to deliver that product. We got a beat-up pick up truck instead of the fancy sports car that we test drove. This is a MAJOR issue. Accepting problems like this only set a precedent for future games to do the same, because we're willing to accept unfinished products that do not make good on their claims. How quickly would you take a product back to the grocery store if it advertised the product as steak, but you found out it was hot dog meat? Sure, you can eat it, and might even be able to convince yourself its nearly the same thing, but dollars to donuts you'd take it back for your 10 dollars - why wouldn't you do the same for your 50 dollar investment?

Don't let this get swept under the rug.


Rather than sit here and complain about it, it's simple enough to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission. I have already done so. It takes a few minutes to file the complaint online;




Don't take answers like this. You as a consumer are entitled to get the product you purchased.

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Seems I am missing out a lot, running this game on a high end right with a nice 580GTX and it looks nothing like that.


I've got an overclocked 580GTX on my desktop, but I'm not seeing that quality either. No one does!

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just baffles me all day today how "medium" is a bug. there is no piece of coding in the world that could create the word "medium" in a texture box as a bug and NOONE catch it from alpha, to beta, to release, and all these mini patches. SOMEONE ADDED MEDIUM TO THE FIELD.


TRY AGAIN BIOWARE. Is mass effect 3 going to be mass crap 3? I suspect medium is a big there too cause more than 4 people on screen at given time is to hard to "draw"



Edited by Threefiddie
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Do you really believe "medium settings" were themselves a "bug" and were never supposed to be there for the entire time the game was in beta and through release? Do you honestly believe any of the condescending bullcrap Reid relayed to us, the paying customer, in his post?


lol well, if anyone really believes that then i got a real nice bridge i can sell them or maybe a nice parcel of terrain on the moon. :rolleyes:

Edited by skepticck
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"Dont blame us, blame the computers that cant run this game with our glorious textures at maximum!"- Bioware 2012


lol yep just like i said in another post I have two brand new ATI 7970's...their right...no way can those cards support the high res epicness that BW is keeping from us. *rolls eyes*

Edited by Reapisttt
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LMAO Reid, medium textures were a bug.


You realize someone had to actually sit behind the keyboard and type out the word "MEDIUM".


It doesn't magically appear out of cyberspace and into your game as a graphic option.

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Is this a launch- time only thing? I am finding it hard to believe bioware will keep these textures all blurry and un-defined , disappointed.


Read the response from the staff.


We all expected that this would get fixed, just seems logical doesn't it?


But nope, they intended after beta to cut the graphics to medium settings and keep it that way.




False advertising FTL

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They were better off not saying anything...I truly am dissapointed...I waited for this game for years...I literally had dreams about it and now im just soo angry and frustrated I feel like screaming!! I think we should have a choice if FPS suffers then ill change it but for the love of the republic let us choose!





Really? You dreamed of this game for years and in the end his is what killed it for you?


I'm so glad that I had such low expectations for this game because it allowed me to be amazed in the end. Awesomeness. But then again I'm from the old school era of gaming so gameplay always greater than graphics ( which I love in the game )

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Another reason they need to enable hi-Rez textures outside of cut scenes is so we actually enjoy all the cool looking armor their art department spent all that time designing. Cut scenes don't cut because we just spend most of our time looking at our head, same goes for character select screen.

What's the point of all the armor design by your art team if we can't even look at it.

Edited by Sunglare
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Ok, you convinced me. I put up a post earlier in the thread that read something like 'It's only graphics, big deal'. But, since seeing all the comparisons, and looking at the hi res textures in the backgrounds and scenery in more detail, I can't stop looking at how poor the character model textures are.


Whilst something like this isn't going to make me quit, I do wonder why they put more detail into the backgrounds than they did the characters themselves. I have to admit, I'm not one to look at my own character much at all, it's not something that I am that fussed about, but clearly many people are.


This thread has moved at a tremendous pace tonight and I think it will continue to do so until there is some kind of resolution (no pun intended) to the problem. It's now time for BioWare to think quickly about how to rectify this situation and implement the fix at the earliest opportunity.

Edited by Mandrax
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A couple of things. Firstly it cannot possibly be a bug that there are options for high medium and low settings in the game it was designed and built into your ui in the options. A bug would be not being able to select one, or as has happened here being able to select high but it being locked at medium. Your community of players is not gullible enough to believe that these textures are anywhere near "high" quality.


Second, as others have pointed out it was extremely deceptive on EA/Biowares part to put out in advertising and on the game box as well as in videos of gameplay, quality that is not available to any of your players. I believe this is twice now within the last year that EA has been very deceptive with there marketing. Anyone curious just look up how they got sued for the Battlefield 3 fiasco. Not building a very good record here at all.


This coupled with the horendous customer service is enough to make anyone reconsider handing you their hard earned money every month.


Lastly the graphic quality and options are not something that should have been released in 2011. Comming from Lotro for 4 years I will have to compare it to that as it is what I know. Admittedly the characters are better insome regards such as animation the hair however is not it looks like plastic stuck on a lego minifig. There are no options for the game to run at true high or ultra graphics and then render lower in crowded environments to prevent slowdown. No framerate limiter option. The clothing and armor is flat and unatractive. How can a game released in 2007 have better graphics options and better looking clothing ect than one in 2011? Even the camera rotation and scrolling was better.


I am not writing to attack this game. I sincerely want it to do well. That being said there need to be serious improvements made all around.

Edited by Marisin
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My idea keeps getting buried under all this craziness!


What does everyone think about having just your player character in high resolution? It is the character we look at the most anyway and it would keep load down or whatever Bioware is afraid of.


Yes? No?


Should be easy to do, right?


Yes, this is a good compromise, your character and companion in high resolution, everything else in medium like it is now, other games have done this, Aion has an option to downgrade other characters graphics and keep yours high quality,

and Aion has way better graphics (principally the armor quality and design) than this game and they don't have any problems with performance ( i've played it for 2 years and unless in big forts attacks, never had any performance issues)


but i'm not sure if Bioware devs can or even know how to do that.


I believe it is a good compromise as well. Hopefully, if more people notice this, we can get enough to agree and maybe Bioware can make it a "quick" fix. At least it would be a step in the right direction and we can enjoy our characters more.

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