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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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Bioware simply doesn't believe in Graphics Options.


Seriously... there are very few graphic options and the ones we do have have very little impact on IQ/performance. I'm kind of amazed shadows made it in as an option at all.

Edited by Skylerr
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Good for you. Did I say you weren't entitled to your opinion? There are many other people who also think the game looks great. I was merely giving my perspective in this thread.


How exactly can you consider something terrible looks great? Are you blind? Please tell me why you think smudged, lighting lacking and lackluster textures are looking great? Please, no matter what way you spin this, it's 2012. When even wow can render sharp textures without looking any worse or better than SWTOR, must be some sick rocket science going on to release something like this.


It is not a opinion, it's a fact. The game textures look horrible, actually beyond horrible it is a disgrace to modern computer games. Even the games that come with "bad" graphics usually have their own art style which makes up for the difference, here not so much.

Edited by Schnerf
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Obviously other things would take precedence to 'fixing' this, like introducing a client that uses a modern render path and takes advantage of modern CPU architectures.


Or, in simpler terms, DX11 and 64-bit executables.


The performance benefit from these things alone, on the same hardware as we have now, should be enough to allow even more people to enable high-resolution textures.


Meanwhile I'll humbly ask for more pants, as opposed to skirts, to be implemented as gear choices for the Jedi Shadow/Sith Assassin as all the current skirts using non-high textures look... well, pants. :o

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Come on people, it's not really that big of an issue.


They said their working on providing us with what we want. Would you rather still be playing around in beta while they kept working out EVERYTHING? I know I wouldn't.. the game looks great, and plays great. What we want, were going to get in the long run.


This game as is completley obliterates the rest. No more wow, no more rift, no more anything but SWTOR in my eyes. Stop complaining and turn on your patients meters or go do something else till what you want is ready.


Thanks Steven, for giving them some clarification. I myself am very happy with this game, and everything that will happen to this game :) Oh, and thanks for the help you gave me on your twitter page as well. What you suggested worked like a charm where nothing else that I tried did.


So you're A-OK with a game company flat out lying and mis-representing their game to you?


I'm still curious how the medium setting ended up just being a UI "bug". Sorry, that excuse is a bit hard to believe at the moment.

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Two things:


1. People who are saying an MMO can't have high res textures need to go out and try some other MMO's. Even DDO has high res textures! Try LOTRO or Rift or Aeon or... the list goes on.


2. I hope the game review sites that gave this game 9/10 or similar ratings based on beta graphics get wind of this and adjust their scores. If you know someone, spread the word. This is really bad, Bioware.


Agree whole-heartedly with this!


Played LOTRO for 5 years & can't believe that a newer MMO can't run Hi-res. :mad:

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Perderedeus we aren't expecting single player graphics from this game. Look at the other MMOs out there that have detailed characters, and the MMOs that are going to be released this year. The characters and shadows in this game are well below the standard.


I agree.Extremely below the standard.

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Notice LOTRO, a game that came out in 2007!



Whats that? A character zoomed in who's armor textures dont look like a pile of mud? Surely this is impossible!


Notice Granado Espada! A korean MMO launched in 2007 as well!



Surely this is a fluke!? I mean how can these companies make character armor this crisp?


Notice Rift, an MMO from 2011. From a company that had no games under their belt yet!



SWTOR is not following the standard right now. Its textures dont look nearly as good as they could and are being held back because of client stability issues that might or might never be fixed.


Bumping this so that others can see that its not impossible to have higher quality armor in game, as long as your engine is built to handle it.


Adding FFXIV To the mix



This is from an engine that wasn't designed for MMOs and is getting a complete revamp this year.


Ahahahaha! FFXI, built around the constraints of a ps2 and its 32MB of ram!


Edited by Caonimah
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Thank you for the explanation. However, this whole issue falls under false advertisement or deceptive advertising. Bioware willfully used false or misleading advertising for swtor which persuaded many of us into commercial transactions that we might otherwise passed on.


I think Bioware should offer refunds to the people that bought the product because the deceptive advertising persuaded them to buy it.


There are laws here in California that protect consumers from this practice and the FTC has laws and the Lanham Act.


To establish a violation under the Lanham Act, consumers and competitors must prove the following: (1) the advertiser made false statements of fact about its product; (2) the false advertisements actually deceived or had the capacity to deceive a substantial segment of the target population; (3) the deception was material; (4) the falsely advertised product was sold in interstate commerce


I think what Bioware did qualifies as a violation of the Lanham Act.

I don't know about anyone else but I can see some angry players attempting lawsuits with this information.

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ok that is pretty bad. This is what I see when I play.




HD6950 11.11 drivers


I have similar quality, and i find it to be good enough to enjoy in game since at this moment it obviously cannot get any better until developers and programmers find a solution to the problem.




Radeon 6850, 1920x1080, AA=2, mipmap set to highest, all in game options cranked up.


So it really is nowhere near as bad as it is in the picture of user who compared it minecraft armor, i don't have the slightest idea why it looks so bad on his end.

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Now I love the game, but the graphics are so xbox 1 and ps2 in some places it's ridiculous.


MY characters face with SITH CORRUPTION looks TOTALLY different in cinematic vs. regular gameplay. YOU CANNOT see the veins in the faces outside cut scenes. UNACCEPTABLE and utmost dissapointed at bioware's response.


It's 2012. this isn't 2004 anymore. I wish my i7 2600k @ 4.8ghz with gtx 570 classified be pushed by this mmo! Lets have a true HIGH setting for people with rigs who can "DRAW" this crap effectively. Theres low for a reason.



like dragon age 2. more bioware dissapointment

Edited by Threefiddie
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So you're A-OK with a game company flat out lying and mis-representing their game to you?


I'm still curious how the medium setting ended up just being a UI "bug". Sorry, that excuse is a bit hard to believe at the moment.


the word medium typed itself into the dropdown code, it also tied itself to values in the database

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If you can't make the high res texture work, just say so. Claiming it was a bug is lying. You botched it in late beta and now it's a bug? Same with the shadows? Seriously.


I can take muddy textures because of incompetent devs or an unoptimized engine, but don't lie to me so condescendingly, it's insulting beyond words.





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I don't know about anyone else but I can see some angry players attempting lawsuits with this information.


No lawsuit here, but I will be exercising my rights as an AMEX customer and getting my money back.

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So it really is nowhere near as bad as it is in the picture of user who compared it minecraft armor, i don't have the slightest idea why it looks so bad on his end.


The issue is that not all armor looks as bad as others (the more fine detail there is the worse it looks, in genera... all that fine detail turns in to a muddy mess)... and in many screenshots that people say "look good" they are zoomed out pretty far and/or the screenshots are very low resolution.

Edited by Skylerr
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I actually think its almost on a per-armor basis.


I could switch to a different armor set, and the textures would be improved.


But the level 40 JK armor I'm wearing looks absolutely atrocious.


I believe you are absolutely right, and that it is per-armor basis.

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Mr. Reid,


I know you're not to blame for any of this but are trying to spin what the devs told you in the best possible light, but can you go smack the crap out of the devs that decided this?


Smack them for not only making an asinine decision such as this, but also for making you look dumb (when we know you're not, you use Reddit!).


We know the textures are available, so why not let people use them if they see fit? It honestly can't be about the potential for someone to have low FPS using them.


I don't even mind the current textures, sure they're bad, but I grew up on an NES. Gameplay > Graphics, but why not let us choose what amount of FPS we're comfortable playing with?




Tl;Dr: Smack the dev that made this decision.

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I have similar quality, and i find it to be good enough to enjoy in game since at this moment it obviously cannot get any better until developers and programmers find a solution to the problem.




Radeon 6850, 1920x1080, AA=2, mipmap set to highest, all in game options cranked up.


So it really is nowhere near as bad as it is in the picture of user who compared it minecraft armor, i don't have the slightest idea why it looks so bad on his end.


Because it depends on the armor as well. Some of the armor sets look plain awful and some don't look as bad.

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Anyone else notice they are deleting posts about in depth legal violations on this thread? There used to be a really good one at the bottom of page 22 and now it just magically disappeared...


Yep, mine was deleted in less than 2 minutes. It mentioned a class action lawsuit.


As well as the fact that every facet of game media they presented to the public, whether it was screenshots, video, or the beta, utilized those high resolution textures.


It is ILLEGAL to present a product and market it as something it is clearly not, which is what they have done here.


Seems to me if they're deleting all posts in reference to legal action - they are afraid of what may come of them, because they are guilty of exactly what they're trying to cover up. If there was no justifiable cause for legal action, what cause would they have to delete posts referencing it and pointing out exactly what illegal actions they have taken.


So now again - I really hope this isn't your final answer Mr. Reid. If the textures that every single video, screenshot, and even the beta were marketed with were simply a 'UI bug' and never intended to be used, then they should not have been used in the marketing and promotion of this game. THAT IS FALSE ADVERTISING. THAT IS ILLEGAL.


So I really hope you come up with another response for us.


Copy pastad for easy reposting.


Post deleted in 3.... 2.... 1.

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Stephen, How about an option for a Character LOD Manager in the client settings with a slide bar? This would allow for high res graphics on player characters if the end users wishes to view them. It is also possible to allow the client to automatically reduce texture detail based on how populated an area is once the LOD per rendered character ratio is exceeded. Seems like a win/win solution for everyone. Just a thought. Edited by Odwill
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This is probably the BIGGEST slap in the face from the dev's part to us consumers and most likely one of the strongest reasons for users with capable PCs to start unsubbing. This is just absolutely ridiculous.


WORST timing ever, since we're getting close to end of free month.

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