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[Official High Resolution Textures Post] Can we get a clarification on this?


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People are just looking for a reason to be upset.


People are upset because they just bought a new tv that says on the box it support 1080p and instead found when they opened the box a steaming pile of malarkey with a note attached that says '1080p was a UI Bug' enjoy your steaming pile of bull *****.

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Very dissapointing, let us choose how high or low the settings of the graphics can be. I did not spend 2000 dollars on a computer to play a game who has its gfx lowered to cater people who have problems running the game. I mean how hard can it be people with slower computer click low textures, people with fast computers click high textures. If those people on slower computers want to play a stopmotion movie then let em play one! A lot of dedicated players here have invested in gaming power to enjoy your game more.


Fix this issue asap!



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The consumer should be able to choose to tweak their settings. I don't raid and I rarely go the Republic Fleet so why exactly am I being punished because other people's computers can't handle the graphic settings?


Every other MMO I've played has Ultra-graphic options and off the top of my head, they all came with a warning that choosing these settings may cause a performance hit.


Thank you oh so much Bioware for taking that choice out of my hands since I'm too stupid to make it myself. When exactly can I expect someone from BioWare at my house because I just don't know how I can possibly handle wiping my rear end after I use the crapper without BioWare help. :confused:


What I'm saying is that MMO gamers have been making these choices without assistance from the publisher FOR YEARS. To claim that this is all a bug is...absolute garbage.


I'm also expecting a lot of screenshots on the TOR site that show what the ACTUAL gameplay looks like. Not the cinematics, the gameplay. People should know that they're going to be taking a trip back to 2002 when they pick up this title.

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But like Vlacke said, a good example is AoC. That game looked great for an mmo, but it alienated people without high-end machines, and even then it was a beast to run. I'll take the performance over a wide variety of machines over the high-rez in this case. Server mergers are no fun :(


I might concede that that particular issue played a minute (almost undetectable) role in the lack of success of that game... but it was alarmingly far from being the most important one.


The point is one of choice... Bioware's decision to take the "we know better than you what you want" approach (in this case) was probably the wrong one. The issue is compounded by the fact that a number of gameplay videos/screenshots (not cutscenes) are obviously using full res textures (which is more than a little misleading).

Edited by Skylerr
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One of the things another (non-WoW) MMO does is allow you to save multiple graphics setting profiles. That way you could have, say, a "regular" profile with middle of the road graphics options for general gameplay, a "super" profile with everything maxed for taking screenshots or just showing the game off, and a "claymation" profile for raiding, etc.
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Then why pick that stupid graphic engine in the first place? This engine is good only for free to play games, not a supposed AAA game! So you picked the cheapest engine in the market but yet you charge the customers for the highest monthly fee! :mad:


The engine is already laggy in crowded areas even though it's using low quality textures (don't call them medium, those are not medium textures for a 2012 game), I can't imagine how terible it'll be with decent textures (those you call "high").


I'm really worried about how much space there is for this engine to be upgradable/improved in the future...

Edited by RivAngE
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poster above me is wrong this makes every sence >.>, think before you type ? Atm the best we cn hope is they find a hybrid solution where you can see some models in high and some in medium, im not complaining though im to focused in combat to see those textures anyway and i dont need to look up close to my character, besides i just came from wow and swtor is major leap forward from those cartoonish models that hide how bad the graphicks rly are.
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Yup just what I suggested. Make our own characters look like the cinematic quality.


They can't. We are playing the game to a lower common denominator. Betty Sue can't be troubled with tweaking graphics options, so we all can't.


Welcome to 2012



Edited by ccarlton
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What surprises me is the sheer number of players chiming in here who expect Single Player graphics and performance out of an MMO. You have absolutely no idea how an MMO engine has to work. Note I say: Has To Work. It may not function the same way all the time; as Reid pointed out, there are times when 16+ player Ops are happening and times when you are "alone" on the battlefield.


Every possible scenario has to be taken into consideration, and the game engine has to adapt to each. Therefore you need to establish as even a standard as you can... i.e. the graphics quality a player will see 90% of the time. It has to look good and perform even better. In cutscenes, it looks even better because many of the performance constraints are cut. In Operations and PVP matches, performance is key, but the game cannot look like it's from the 8-bit era, either.


In other words, they have to strike a middle-ground between Ultra Graphics and High Performance on the majority of the PCs people are playing on.


If they don't... then you can bet you'd have legions of people on here screaming that the game performs horribly, worse than it does now for some people. And no, it isn't as simple as programming in an "Ultra" toggle -- nothing is simply "programmed in" as easily as you put on a pair of pants.


Yes, the game has been long in development. It would be even longer in development, and possibly never actually released, if they made concessions for every single player out there. YOU want Ultra graphics. Joe Schmoe wants more Dialogue Options. Bob wants more Character Customization. Everybody wants their "dream feature" in and functioning 100% of the time... at launch... right now. It just can't happen that way.


I agree the promo screenshots (high res) were a bit of a bait and switch. But let me tell you, this isn't the first time a developer has done this... they all do. They'll always put their best foot forward. I can't count the number of games I've purchased where something was hyped and it didn't deliver in the final product. You folks who are decrying Bioware or EA and calling them monsters for "fooling you" make me laugh. Quite often, you're being fooled, cajoled, convinced, or influenced by advertising... everywhere... for every product in every industry. Ever see a hamburger advertised, and said "boy that looks delicious" -- yet when you get your hands on the final product, the bun is a little soggy, the tomatoes aren't as great, and the entire thing is somewhat lacking? Yet, it doesn't taste bad... in fact, you overall enjoyed it, so you give the "marketing stuff" a pass.


These graphics aren't horrible. If you think they are, you're simply overreacting. But it's your $15 a month, and you can take it elsewhere. If this problem is nagging you that much, then I suggest you do, and kindly vacate these forums.


I guess every other mmo I've played never existed.. :rolleyes:

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Perderedeus we aren't expecting single player graphics from this game. Look at the other MMOs out there that have detailed characters, and the MMOs that are going to be released this year. The characters and shadows in this game are well below the standard. Edited by ToonPhil
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I'm not normally one that gets worked up about silly stuff, but this is kinda nonsense. How in the hell do you just "forget" that medium resolutions weren't suppose to exist. That isn't the type of thing you forget prior to launch.
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what's that sound listen *click click click* its the sound of your subscriptions being cancelled bioware.


In beta you said you could not access them due to a bug now your saying the option to have them is a bug, Your not fooling anyone feckin scam of a game.

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Below is my personal opinion. I understand if you do not care about the textures, but I do, thank you for understanding.


This game was blatantly advertised with "in game footage and screenshots" using these high resolution textures. Your decision to market this game by falsely advertising the above feature, while not informing your player base that it is not available to them was wrong and false advertisement (which would follow under Failure to Disclose I believe).


It is only right that you stop using your misleading marketing and show it within the "working as intended" developer decision. I have personally canceled my account, not because I do not like this game, but I am tired of the corporate double speak and being mislead. Luckily I bought all 3 copies of my game with my AMEX and will be seeking a refund.




-----As for high end computers not being able to handle the game with these advertised textures...really? I have played other mmorpgs with much greater graphics/textures and my machine can handle them just fine. Sadly Bioware has fallen from my favorite developer......but I guess don't worry....I will need to buy Mass Effect 3 to finish the story....so I guess you will see my money again.

Edited by drdog
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Welcome to PC gaming? No no no. I've played thousands of PC games in my life, and 99% of the time I can make ANY game look BETTER than advertised because of things like enabling major AA and Supersampling from the graphics drivers.


More like welcome to SWTOR gaming, where High res textures are DISABLED. They use high res textures everywhere, but FORCE us to play with ****** MEDIUM OR LOW TEXTURES.


This is the first MMO and first GAME EVER that has just decided to DISABLE the high textures. WHAT BS IS THAT?


Sorry, i think i overgeneralized a bit :)


Overall, i think bioware made a big unnecessary blunder out of this entire thing. Graphics, contrary to what some might say, are an essential part gaming, especially in a simulated game world, where immersion is a big feature.


SW:TOR is based on a fantasy scifi universe, i get that, but why does my imaginary armor need to look blurry? why does my imaginary ground need to look muddy? why do my imaginary lasers need to look low res?


Why cant bioware translate the measure of excellence they provided with their voice work, sound effects and story into graphical fidelity? Is that too much to ask?


Maybe it is, but please bioware, dont insult our intelligence by claiming "medium settings" were a bug when after months of beta and development it was always there, or that it took several says, and only after the community prompted for a response, to write a couple of paragraphs that said absolutely nothing at the end.

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