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Addon request: Identify players wasting my time by not hitting spacebar


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Im thinking lots of people skim read his post, and saw what they wanted to see.


People that kick for cutscenes but didnt inform you of it = jerks


People that inform you first, you still join and continue to watch cutscenes = reasonable and you're the jerk.

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Easy solution- Make cutscene and non-cutscene versions of the dungeons. Group leader decides which one to set the dungeon mode to.


Non-cutscene version of the dungeon will only give you lightside/darkside and direction choices, but no dialog.

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Oh its even better. About 50% of posters QUOTED him, but still managed to miss that part.

And at least 30% of posters stated they would join with the INTENTION of trolling him.


To be fair, if someone said, "LFG No Cutscenes", then, yes, I would simply not join. That request tells me a lot about the player and tells me I probably wouldn't enjoy grouping with him, because I don't have an imaginary stopwatch ticking down behind me. (Unless it's a timed quest, duh, or there's some kind of 'kill X in Y seconds' goal we're trying to achieve.)


I would, politely, probably say, "Well, you're looking for a healer, and I am one, so, you can group with me and do the quest now, 'wasting' time watching the story, or you can spend MORE time than you'd lose looking for someone else. Which is really more efficient?"


EDIT: So, is that being a jerk? Is making someone "An offer they can't refuse" wrong? "So, hey, pal. I sees you is lookin' for some sawbones to go wit you on 'Kill Some Guy'. I just happens to be a sawbones, a good one, and dere ain't a lot more on this hunk of rock. But if we goes there, I'm watchin' that bit with the hot Imperial chick, see? And you can't make me skip it, see? Otherwise, you're gonna rot here waitin' for someone else to come along."

Edited by LizardSF
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Dang it! My elitist brain is trying to comprehend his elitist statement, but he clearly can't be elitist, he cares NOT for efficiency and leveling! *starts weezing* I ... I just don't... I can't.. this doesn't make any sense!!!! *falls over into a fetal position*


Aight game plan Knyght.


You take the 50 trolls on the left, I'll take the 50 trolls on the right, we get to the 50 trolls in the middle when we can. Ready? BREAK!


Trying to get back on topic here, anyone who likes the idea of a pop-up when invited to a group stating:


Invite to Group:

Group Leader:

Loot Settings:

Cutscene Settings:


should discuss and/or throw out alternate/innovative ideas.



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To be fair, if someone said, "LFG No Cutscenes", then, yes, I would simply not join. That request tells me a lot about the player and tells me I probably wouldn't enjoy grouping with him, because I don't have an imaginary stopwatch ticking down behind me. (Unless it's a timed quest, duh, or there's some kind of 'kill X in Y seconds' goal we're trying to achieve.)


I would, politely, probably say, "Well, you're looking for a healer, and I am one, so, you can group with me and do the quest now, 'wasting' time watching the story, or you can spend MORE time than you'd lose looking for someone else. Which is really more efficient?"


Not at all unreasonable.

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


Edit: I think, for now, this issue has been resolved for me thanks to a helpful post by Zannis. I will be now be able to easily determine which player is being uncooperative and remove them.



Originally Posted by Zannis

If people actually looked at the rolls being made on character portraits during a grouped cutscene, they would realize there is already a means to figure out who's watching them in game already.


There will be dots while someone is watching the movie, and a dash when they're done and waiting.


Thank you for this helpful info. I had no idea you could determine this from the group portraits. My groups should run a lot smoother now that I can replace players who don't follow my politely stated rules.



Written like a true tool who will do whatever he can to break the game to suit his own needs.




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To be fair, if someone said, "LFG No Cutscenes", then, yes, I would simply not join. That request tells me a lot about the player and tells me I probably wouldn't enjoy grouping with him, because I don't have an imaginary stopwatch ticking down behind me. (Unless it's a timed quest, duh, or there's some kind of 'kill X in Y seconds' goal we're trying to achieve.)


I would, politely, probably say, "Well, you're looking for a healer, and I am one, so, you can group with me and do the quest now, 'wasting' time watching the story, or you can spend MORE time than you'd lose looking for someone else. Which is really more efficient?"


I understand. I personally wouldnt group with him as well if Im doing the dungeon for the first or even 3rd time because I like cutscenes.


However, as a fellow healer, that sounds an awful lot like blackmail and not something I;d pull. It would seem you're trying to pull up to 3 others into your own playstyle. Why not just ingore the dude and get into a group you like?


Unless you're Empire, and then blackmail is fine :p

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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


Edit: I think, for now, this issue has been resolved for me thanks to a helpful post by Zannis. I will be now be able to easily determine which player is being uncooperative and remove them.



Originally Posted by Zannis

If people actually looked at the rolls being made on character portraits during a grouped cutscene, they would realize there is already a means to figure out who's watching them in game already.


There will be dots while someone is watching the movie, and a dash when they're done and waiting.


Thank you for this helpful info. I had no idea you could determine this from the group portraits. My groups should run a lot smoother now that I can replace players who don't follow my politely stated rules.


With his subsequent posts, I'm calling "troll" on this.


Story-driven MMO. If you don't like it, you're in the wrong game. Asking for an add-on to make it easier to boot people who aren't playing the way you personally want them to is just asinine.


I hope you're on my realm and wind up in one of my groups. The first complaint I hear out of you, I'm going to viciously mock you and then promptly boot you.

Edited by Eldren
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Coming from the stand point of a developer, since I am one, I will look into what it would actually take to do this!


First off we have a frame that opens in the game currently that asks if you wish to accept or decline a group invite. This part is easy - enlarge the frame, add a couple more feilds to it.


Second - There is no way currently in game to totally SKIP content like cut scenes. They would have to go fishing around in the code to find the trigger that starts the event and basically recode that to contain a conditional statement looking for the setting to be true (toggle on) or false (toggled off) in the right click menu for the group leader.


Obviously this feature if it were to show up in game would be toggled "on" by default so people wishing to see content wouldn't have to go in and manage settings every time they started a group.


We the evil content skippers could easily go in and set it to off.


Whacha think? huh? good right?

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I understand. I personally wouldnt group with him as well if Im doing the dungeon for the first or even 3rd time because I like cutscenes.


However, as a fellow healer, that sounds an awful lot like blackmail and not something I;d pull. It would seem you're trying to pull up to 3 others into your own playstyle. Why not just ingore the dude and get into a group you like?


Unless you're Empire, and then blackmail is fine :p


Interesting how people replied before my edit which made the blackmail more clear. :)


My experience is that the "perfect" group forms so rarely that you waste less time settling than waiting around. "I want do Kill Some Guy; you want to do Kill Some Other Guy And Click The Thing. Lets just group and do both quests, even if each of us only needs one." I'd rather "waste" time doing a quest i've done before/don't need/whatever (and gain a little XP and some commendations, at least), then sit in chat spamming until I find three people who ONLY want to do the quest i want, and who ONLY want to do it exactly my way, and have all the "right" gear and specs and what-not.


If a quest takes 10 minutes with the "Wrong" group and 5 minutes with the "right" and you spend 20 minutes, or more, finding the "right" group... the rational solution is obvious.


(I can't tell how many times I heard in WoW chat, LFG #SomeDungeon, MUST KNOW FIGHTS!... the same person spamming for hours... and not cluing in that no one can LEARN the fights if they never get to group in the first place, and that "carrying" a noob for an instance or two would get them someone else to group with in the future and they'd have been in and out of the instance already, in the time they spent trying to find the "best" people because "it's more efficient".)

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You are the type of self entitled worthless smudge on society...........*be calm*



Just because its how you want to play doesn't mean its how EVERYONE else should play. The only point that I will give you is that if you actually put NO CUTSCENES in the group spam then I can understand the frustration. If someone spammed that and I joined then im agreeing to it simple as that. (although an additional "ok everyone you gotta skip cutscenes" would be nice once everyone is prepped)


I have subtitles on and usually read ahead and spacebar so I find myself often waiting on group mates to catch up. Do I get pissed at them? No, its a social game if you dont like dealing with other people and how they want to do things go play a single player game.

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37 pages... wowza.


Anywho, I love this game the way it is, and I will most definitely not be happy if BW ever implements something that forces skipped cutscenes. This is a story driven MMO. If you can't deal with that, go back to WoW. Stop trying to ruin this game and make it an exact clone of every other MMO on the market. New = good.

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You'd think people would figure out that it's more efficient to spend X time in a Flashpoint with people who don't skip the cutscenes than (X*4) time just to get a group that will run the flashpoint without cutscenes, resulting in (X*0.75) time in the Flashpoint.
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The story and the cinematic isnt fun after the first time. You have to be really weird to like watching the dialogue over and over again of the same instance.


Do you watch rebroadcasts of anything over and over again? No! Well if the rebroadcast is the most entertaining part then, yeah. But in BT/Esseles the most entertaining part is the actual fighting if u have done it more than once before. So its completely understandable if someone wants to skip the dialogue to move on to the more interesting parts.


If you want to watch the dialogue, fine. But DONT join a group that advertises "NO CUTSCENES" and then expect to watch the cutscenes and piss off three other people. You are the one thats rude, not the 3 other people.

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This is a rather stupid comment considering how story oriented this game is for all quests not just soloable ones.


Having said that, however, if you're saying in chat that you're looking for people that will skip the scenes then it doesn't make a lot of sense they would join you if they want to watch them.


Unless, say, youve been looking for a group for an hour and finally see this guy spamming in chat. The OP is the kind of player who ruined WoW, and who has gone on to subsequently ruin every other MMO by essentially walking on the baseball field and declaring that everyone is now playing football.


Go back to FPS games, OP. RPG is not for you.

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It reminds me of people that zip past me on the road going 30 miles over the speed limit (I only go ten miles over, I'm such a slowpoke)... which lets them get to the red light three seconds ahead of me. Then we both sit there. What did he gain? Yay, he beat me! But here we both are at the same place, just the same.


Agree. I bet that most of the people running as fast as they can to 50 have never noticed one of my personal favorite parts of the game - the landscapes while taxiing. Yup, I said it, taxiing is one of my favorite parts of the game. You get a real feel for the planets in the taxis. But they're probably sitting there, chugging their 7th Red Bull, hitting the spacebar because, like hitting the Up elevator button, it makes it go FASTER.


Try decaf.


The pictures are prettier when you aren't zooming past them at 100mph.

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Yay! I was afk a while - Glad to see the anti-wow crowd is keeping this post at the top of the forums!


Good job people! Help us make sure this post gets seen! Oh wait.. you don't want this in the game? Hmmm logic would dictate that people posting negative comments would better get their point across by NOT posting and let this fall to page 2 and beyond..


Your ego's wouldn't allow that now would they? LOL

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Agree. I bet that most of the people running as fast as they can to 50 have never noticed one of my personal favorite parts of the game - the landscapes while taxiing. Yup, I said it, taxiing is one of my favorite parts of the game. You get a real feel for the planets in the taxis. But they're probably sitting there, chugging their 7th Red Bull, hitting the spacebar because, like hitting the Up elevator button, it makes it go FASTER.


Try decaf.


The pictures are prettier when you aren't zooming past them at 100mph.


Fast travel and fleet passes from the vender account for most of my travel. Taxi is a last resort for me personally.

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I go afk for 10 minutes and look what happens.


Generic post of irritance at lack of reading ability by people on forums. Points to OP and disgruntingly tells you to read it.


Now what would peoples thoughts be about flagging YOURSELF as Cutscene/No cutscene?

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The story and the cinematic isnt fun after the first time. You have to be really weird to like watching the dialogue over and over again of the same instance.


Do you watch rebroadcasts of anything over and over again? No! Well if the rebroadcast is the most entertaining part then, yeah. But in BT/Esseles the most entertaining part is the actual fighting if u have done it more than once before. So its completely understandable if someone wants to skip the dialogue to move on to the more interesting parts.


If you want to watch the dialogue, fine. But DONT join a group that advertises "NO CUTSCENES" and then expect to watch the cutscenes and piss off three other people. You are the one thats rude, not the 3 other people.


This makes sense. Because after seeing Star Wars the first time, I never, EVER watched it again.


Oh wait.


Agreed, joining a ggroup that says No Cutscenes and then not skipping may be a little rude... but asking the question is also a *little* rude.


There's an analogy involving a movie and fast forwarding to the end while someone in the room hasn't seen it, but I can't get it perfect, so I'll just leave it at that.

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Shrede so I'm really weird cause I like watching the cutscenes again eh? Then I suppose people who watch re run's are really weird to you. That's a foolish belief. I'm just glad I stay away from group's because of stuff just like that. Granted I bought this game cause it was a bioware one I could care less about it being an mmo I play it because its bioware which is known for it's amazing stories. Now as the OP said if he said no cutscene's yes the people who watch them are wrong but also you don't need an addon for this that's overkill. Though I'm also not one for running to the forum's and complaining. Just ignore them and move on.
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