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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Addon request: Identify players wasting my time by not hitting spacebar


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Sorry, but this is a MMO. It's not storytime. If you want storytime do it during solo play.


This is a rather stupid comment considering how story oriented this game is for all quests not just soloable ones.


Having said that, however, if you're saying in chat that you're looking for people that will skip the scenes then it doesn't make a lot of sense they would join you if they want to watch them.

Edited by GarbonzotheDude
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Sorry, but this is a MMO. It's not storytime. If you want storytime do it during solo play.


Sorry but this is a Storybased MMORPG, if you don't want story go play something else or skip the story while playing solo.

Edited by WereMops
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Indeed, the problem in this situation is the original poster. The WoWification of the community is well underway.


This sums it up perfectly.


This game is about the story as much as it is about the gameplay. Games like WOW have created environments where things like loot or a fast run trump the actual experience of the game. If anything, we need more story - and much more during expansions. It's what makes the game a different experience from the other MMOs currently out there and is what will keep people playing.

Edited by Blaeys
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So if an addon like this gets implemented, you see that Bob isn't skipping the scenes and you kick him. Instead of putting up with Bob and watching the cutscenes for a couple of minutes you would rather spend 20mins trying to find somebody to replace him that will skip the cutscenes?

Interesting logic, but knock yourself out if that's what makes you happy.

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Holy ... wow ... almost speechless. If you are in that much of a hurry, you may want to find a new hobby. Like racing. Why don't you just start up a guild of like minded people, that also don't care about the story. You could call it






I mostly only group with my guild, but we do find one more that we're missing here and there. If someone demanded that we skipped the story, we would probably have some fun with them in vent, but then make sure to add them to ignore to avoid this in the future. Maybe that's your answer. When you find players that want to enjoy the story, just /ignore them and eventually you'll weed us out of your game.

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This sums it up perfectly.


This game is about the story as much as it is about the gameplay. Games like WOW have created environments where things like loot or a fast run trump the actual experience of the game. If anything, we need more story - and much more during patches. It's what makes the game a different experience from the other MMOs currently out there and is what will keep people playing.


Geez I totally disagree with that. To me, the game isn't about story, it's about maximizing my toon in the shortest time as possible. You can't dictate what the game means to me. I've almost got 136 level items in all my slots and watching movies while I'm supposed to be playing is making me less efficient. Doing Hard Modes, when you know players have seen the cutscenes before, there's just no excuse for you to watch them again.

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The only sad thing is Bioware took geniuses like this guy seriously enough to strip all heroic areas and flashpoints of story content. The game already skipped the cutscenes for you. It's a major missed opportunity.


The story stuff is phenomenally fun on the Black Talon.

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If ive never been through the instance before, I'm going to watch the cut scenes. Lol good luck OP, this isn't cross server groups, you'll see these people around and you'll be remembered. Go ahead and make a name for yourself.


*edit for reading comprehension failure. If you state no cut scenes in your lfg chat then there's no issue. My apologies.

Edited by Aniaden
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If he says no cutscenes when forming the group and you watch the cutscenes you're in the wrong and being completely inconsiderate. End of story.


I agree, and i believe the majority of the posters that are insulting him never read the post :D

Edited by Thorun
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This is a plea to addon authors. When this game enables support for addons, someone please make one that identifies players who fail by not skipping group conversations with spacebar. This way I can quickly boot them from my group and try to find more efficient players to group with. When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes" but people still refuse to hit the spacebar sometimes.


They will never make this because this is a form of racism to single out players and punish them for enjoying biowares game.


I hope you realise how much of a bigot your coming off as.

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I'm also really surprised that I've encountered so much resistance to my addon request with this thread. Most people I play with are typing "SPACEBAR!" in chat to the ONE inconsiderate person in the group who is ruining our gaming experience. I thought this idea would get a lot more support...
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I'm all for people enjoying the cutscenes. I enjoy them a lot.


However, when someone is advertising his group and specifically puts "When I spam my LFM, I already add "no cutscenes"", people who want to watch the cutscenes should respect his LFM message. He's telling you upfront his group is looking to skip those scenes.

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The cut scenes are not so great the second or third time round tbh.


I watched them all the first time to 50, now I skip the generic quest scenes and just watch the class specific ones. It is frustrating when you're sitting looking at "Waiting for other players" each time.

Edited by Soazak
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In all honesty, is anyone really interested in the cutscenes after you've seen them a few times? Sure they're fun the first time around but here's a newsflash... they don't ever change. I know it's hard to fathom this but eventually the only reason you'll go into a dungeon is to gear ppl out. And the the precious cutscenes will lose their luster.
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This is the most scumbag post I've read in weeks.


This makes the Damage Meter, Macro, Pro-Gank squad of elitists look like saints.


At least THOSE people are not missing the entire point of the game.


Achievement Unlocked: Elitist Level 9000!


You didnt read that post did you?

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They will never make this because this is a form of racism to single out players and punish them for enjoying biowares game.


I hope you realise how much of a bigot your coming off as.


Racism? not quite. Sorry. If you choose to skip or not skip, it is not a race. None of this is bigoted. I do feel he has the wrong idea about an mmo, but if he is explicitly stating while forming the group, no cutscenes, then people should respect that too. The problem with an addon like that though would be, people who form groups that don't want cutscenes, but don't say anything about it (I.e wow dungeon finder, you run into a lot of disrespectful people), would abuse it.

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