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The darkside ( biochem ) cloulds everything.


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A lot of the 'this class is OP OMG NERF NERF' is really a combination of


a.) players using ( or abusing) the overpowered nature of biochem. Adrenals and Heals that take non-tanks health back up by 50% every 90s


b.) Expertise vs No Expertise. I've always been against PVP stats because I think they're kind of ludicrous, not only do the most pvping players have experience over their opponents but they have a large gear gap since expertise affects both outgoing damage and incoming damage - it is effectively double the value.


Until these are sorted short of obvious bugs and/or design oversights ( ie Shield/Defense not working on about 80% of attacks ) no classes can be declared OP/UP.

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The cooldowns of Biochem are too low, I'll agree with that. Otherwise it is fine.


All medpacs are 90 seconds. Adrenals last for 15 sec. Crazy damage for 15 sec on a 3 min cd isn't a big deal.

The only time it's really "omg im gonna get 2shot" is when you stack it with 2 expertise buffs.

Edited by Kricys
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They're allowing DPS spec'd players to out heal most everyone else, it also is so effective with the slicing nerf there's little to no point to any other crafting skill.


If anything becomes to the point where you cannot compete without it, it most likely is overpowered, and biochem for pvp is quickly being recognized as being needed to compete.

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The most riddiculous thing about it: The late purple medkits allow you to get both 2,5k and 5k heal medals by simply activating them. This works with all kinds of medkits of course, but biochem users are way more efficient at this especially at earlier lvls.

A non-healing class should not get one or two healmedals by pressing one button for selfheal.

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just wait until people start throwing grenades :D but until that happens they'd 1st have to allow having a 3rd center hotbar, or a custom UI, or more than 2 windows open at a time


i agree with expertise tho pve/pvp seperation is bad, but wow did it so it must be right, right? :)


the biggest issue is lag and until that's fixed there's not much to discuss tbh

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Biochem would be fine if any other craft offered anything close to comparable. I'd prefer they add more useful stuff to the other crafts as I /do/ appreciate crafting theoretically being useful in PvP, if there is no intention to bring the others in line though then yes Biochem is a big problem. You're basically gimping yourself if you don't use it.
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A lot of the 'this class is OP OMG NERF NERF' is really a combination of


a.) players using ( or abusing) the overpowered nature of biochem. Adrenals and Heals that take non-tanks health back up by 50% every 90s



Since everyone has bolstered HP around the 12k mark, what med packs are you using to heal you for 6k? I need to craft those immediately. I'm lucky to get 2500-3k

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Id say i see a problem with this but...


Its just like Health pots were in wow PVP as far as medpacks go Plus its not like its a closed system or anyone can't do it. It's a profession. If you think that x profession has y advantage over you pick up that profession. From what i can tell... the problem isn't biochem... Its the ability to stack adrenals on stims on relic on pvp consumables.. that ruin the game. If they capped this or limited it... Most people would not whine about the biochem stuff. They just need to make the adrenals, stims, and "PVP damage conumables" share some cooldowns

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Stop the whine about expertise omg. Go and grind the PvP gear instead of QQing about people who actually have took the time out to do so. It's like saying... BIOWARE, THIS LEVEL 30 GANKED ME TODAY, AND I'M ONLY LEVEL 20, EVEN THOUGH HIS PUT MORE TIME AND EFFORT IN THEN ME, TO GET TO THAT LEVEL, I WANT HIM TO BE NERFED DOWN TO LEVEL 20 SO I CAN KILL HIM TOO. Pathetic. Edited by Mattderp
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Since everyone has bolstered HP around the 12k mark, what med packs are you using to heal you for 6k? I need to craft those immediately. I'm lucky to get 2500-3k


1. A 50 with gear has more like 15k health, atleast.


2. The Rakata med pack heals for around 5-6k + a 2.5k HoT

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Stop the whine about expertise omg. Go and grind the PvP gear instead of QQing about people who actually have took the time out to do so. It's like saying... BIOWARE, THIS LEVEL 30 GANKED ME TODAY, AND I'M ONLY LEVEL 20, EVEN THOUGH HIS PUT MORE TIME AND EFFORT IN THEN ME, TO GET TO THAT LEVEL, I WANT HIM TO BE NERFED DOWN TO LEVEL 20 SO I CAN KILL HIM TOO. Pathetic.


Expertise is stupid because of the RNG system of getting gear. An extremely lucky low valor person can get to his 10 (or 15..wahtever)% expertise within a day or 2, while someone else has to grind for weeks (if not months) simply due to RNG.


Also, I think that the adrenals aren't THAT bad, it's the stacking of pvp expertise potion and the buff (30% damage????!?!?!!). That needs to go for sure.



Finally........I'm surprised people aren't QQ'ing about cybertech. AoE root on demand? AoE mez on demand? Yeah.

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Finally........I'm surprised people aren't QQ'ing about cybertech. AoE root on demand? AoE mez on demand? Yeah.


Both are low duration, 6 seconds on the AoE Mez and it's almost exactly like a smuggler/Imp Agents Flash Grenade which is an AoE 6 second mezz. You don't hear anyone complaining about that, the radius of impact is way too small if you ask me... if you're more than 5 feet from the person of impact then you don't get mezzed. It hardly ever mezzes multiple people unless they are litterally right on top of each other. AoE root/snare is nice, also only 6 secs and the root breaks on damage. Nothing to crazy about that.

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Both are low duration, 6 seconds on the AoE Mez and it's almost exactly like a smuggler/Imp Agents Flash Grenade which is an AoE 6 second mezz. You don't hear anyone complaining about that, the radius of impact is way too small if you ask me... if you're more than 5 feet from the person of impact then you don't get mezzed. It hardly ever mezzes multiple people unless they are litterally right on top of each other. AoE root/snare is nice, also only 6 secs and the root breaks on damage. Nothing to crazy about that.



Root doesn't break on damage (not immediately, at least).


And an aoe mez, in a coordinated group, is insanely powerful.

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