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3 Reasons why SWTOR will continue to be succesful


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At moment SWTOR can end up be one hit wonder... meaning that we don't know who many will subscribe or even leave after a few months.


I do not compare it to WoW, but from a pure gameplay perspective the game is terrible at moment and BioWare thought that many common MMO features aren't necessary (how stupid are they?). They really should have looked how RIFT has done some things (including fixing stuff faster and interacting more with the community).


The fact that you associate Rift/Trion with "interacting with the community" really questions how much you actually played Rift.


The Rogue developer literally never said a word to the community for 5 months after release.


Or by interacting do you mean releasing trailers and blogs about upcoming content?


You need to remember that SWTOR has been live for less than 3 weeks.

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One hundred million dollar budget to create this masterpiece.


2 million+ copies already sold at $70 a pop roughly. Isnt that 140 million dollars just from initial sales not even counting the game time cards sold or the collectors editions?


And how exactly is this game not already a massive success?


Like I said earlier...75% of the players can unsibsribe and this game will still be a massive success.





You are so wrong and don't even have a rudimentary grasp of the retail chain and economics of gaming. First, it was 1.6 million in sales. That's $112 million, however:


That's RETAIL sales. The RETAILER keeps about 50% of the money it pockets. Because Origin Store sold a bunch, we'll say 70% of the revenues make it past this stage.


That's $78 million left over. Let's round it to $80 million which gets to EA.


Lucas Arts takes THIRTY PERCENT. That's a whopping $24 million license fee. BioWare licensed the engine. I don't have all the details, but I'm guessing it'll run in the millions.


Suddenly we're down to, oh, $50 million or so that EA gets to keep...


Then the game has to pay for itself. According to EA, they break even on a sustained annual subscription level of 500K. Right now they've got those numbers. But so have many early-release 'can't fail' MMOs that failed. So, they're not at break even by any stretch of the imagination. And if people drop this game like they dropped so many other half-baked MMOs, they never will...



So, in reality you don't know what you're talking about. Which doesn't surprise me. After all, being an Entertainment Industry CPA for twenty-years, I've found virtually no-one not in the industry knows what they're talking about...

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They remain willfully ignorant and don't forget most of them never played a real mmo just a SW fan. The rest fall under this catagory; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifeyKhxgHbA


It seems you just post in threads as an excuse to show pointless, not funny/interesting youtube videos.


I'd have to say the ONLY thing that I dislike about SWTOR is the forum community. Fortunately that's such a small fraction of players. Everyone else is busy enjoying SWTOR. =)


<3 <3 <3


Oh and notice I did not say "disappointed" as this forum community is exactly what I was expecting. Been playing mmo's long enough to know exactly how it works around these boards.

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SWTOR = Best video game ever made. (in my opinion)



this coming from the guy who thinks the game is already in profit.... your opinion is based on a faulty intellect and is therefore worthless to me MEH!


What retailers when a large portion of the sales were digital downloads from EA?



Stop talking nonsense anyway the upshot is (in their own words) they have to have 500k subs per annum to make the game pay... its called a business model I hope they get it I really do.

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3. GEORGE LUCAS ENFORCE CONTROL ON THIS GAME, NOT BIOWARE. Thus limit creativity and limit bioware into adding thing that DOESN"T FIT IN the game.




My general rule is not to buy games without M rating or playable under 18.

I guess Bioware talents are restricted in many ways in this game.


I think they have censored already breast size (?) and the women lying before Nemro on Hutta.


Yet some behavior (dark points) and NPC talk on Hutta about evocii (or Nar Shaddaa ?) is quite disturbing given the politically correct and "for kids" style of most parts of the game.

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You need to play a lot more then, if that's the case.


I'm unsure if that's even possible without being a major threat to my health. I had 2 weeks off work around launch/head start and currently on my Bounty Hunter I am sitting at over 10 days of playtime.


So considering I've neckbearded the game for the past 3 weeks, to say I need to play it more would be even more disturbing than it already is.


Fact of the matter is, some people ~ including myself, are enjoying SWTOR a lot. I did not lie when I said I am enjoying SWTOR as much as enjoyed my first mmo, Ultima Online.


Some people can just look past minor bugs and the current lack of endgame. Not everyone is the type of person that will not tip their waiter if they dont fill their glass full of water 20 times throughout a meal. Also not everyone is the type of person to send a steak back to the cook because it's cooked medium well instead of medium MEDIUM well.


The North American population in general is overly spoiled and demanding.


If I had to describe this forum community in 2 words, they would quite obviously be SPOILED BRATS! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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Lucas Arts takes THIRTY PERCENT. That's a whopping $24 million license fee. .


Not to be nit-picky, but I believe the actual percentage is thirty-five which, presumably, EA will go on paying LucasArts indefinitely once EA earns back the development costs.


I agree with you, it's not the rosy picture the OP wants to paint at all, particularly if three-fourths of the subscribers cancel their accounts as he cavalierly claims.

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I'm unsure if that's even possible without being a major threat to my health. I had 2 weeks off work around launch/head start and currently on my Bounty Hunter I am sitting at over 10 days of playtime.





i play 6++ hours a day for last 15 years.

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I'm unsure if that's even possible without being a major threat to my health. I had 2 weeks off work around launch/head start and currently on my Bounty Hunter I am sitting at over 10 days of playtime.


So considering I've neckbearded the game for the past 3 weeks, to say I need to play it more would be even more disturbing than it already is.


Fact of the matter is, some people ~ including myself, are enjoying SWTOR a lot. I did not lie when I said I am enjoying SWTOR as much as enjoyed my first mmo, Ultima Online.


Some people can just look past minor bugs and the current lack of endgame. Not everyone is the type of person that will not tip their waiter if they dont fill their glass full of water 20 times throughout a meal. Also not everyone is the type of person to send a steak back to the cook because it's cooked medium well instead of medium MEDIUM well.


The North American population in general is overly spoiled and demanding.


If I had to describe this forum community in 2 words, they would quite obviously be SPOILED BRATS! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3





They speak very highly of you though...... ;o/

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umm, i dare you to say the same to DC universe.


3 things to make DC universe a failure.


1. it DC universe! Superman, batman, flash, green lantern, who doesn't love those heroes? Heck, the fan base of DC universe should be twice if not MORE then star wars.


2. Its sony! I know Sony is crap but DC universe didn't go down hill because of Sony service, in fact it let DC universe to be one of the first CROSS platform game, ps3 and PC player bases.


3. Its DC + SONY... that combo ..normally would expect to be GREAT, its populate both side...but in fact it fails.








How does this tie in with SWTOR?


Seriously, go play DC universe for 3 days. You will understand and stand on my side of the arguement.


1. Bioware SWTOR is more likely a direct copy of DC universe MMO.


How? Look at how those phases/flashpoint are set up. Look at how PVP is set up. Look at how both game got a "space station for "home base" and villian got a underware station for home base"


The different is SWTOR is selling their game with ALL voice and DC is selling with JUST STORY/Flashpoints are voiced.


2. BIOWARE's takes on add enjoyment is .... ADDING MORE RAID CONTENT AND FLASHPOINT.


Bad idea.


3. GEORGE LUCAS ENFORCE CONTROL ON THIS GAME, NOT BIOWARE. Thus limit creativity and limit bioware into adding thing that DOESN"T FIT IN the game.


actually their pvp is more like warhammer

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I'm unsure if that's even possible without being a major threat to my health. I had 2 weeks off work around launch/head start and currently on my Bounty Hunter I am sitting at over 10 days of playtime.


So considering I've neckbearded the game for the past 3 weeks, to say I need to play it more would be even more disturbing than it already is.


Fact of the matter is, some people ~ including myself, are enjoying SWTOR a lot. I did not lie when I said I am enjoying SWTOR as much as enjoyed my first mmo, Ultima Online.


Some people can just look past minor bugs and the current lack of endgame. Not everyone is the type of person that will not tip their waiter if they dont fill their glass full of water 20 times throughout a meal. Also not everyone is the type of person to send a steak back to the cook because it's cooked medium well instead of medium MEDIUM well.


The North American population in general is overly spoiled and demanding.


If I had to describe this forum community in 2 words, they would quite obviously be SPOILED BRATS! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Hm, some of them aren't minor though, it's a headscratcher how the LOS issue on the IA Ch 1 boss fight went unnoticed before release, for example. Problem is all those minor ones pile up and the user is left with the impression that this is sloppy work. I wouldn't say this community is one of spoiled brats, that'd be pretty biased to say that.

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Really? What about Albion and Fallout2 ? Or Baldurs gate2? Or NOX?

Well... Welcome to the computer games world kid, i wont be your guide.


Been playing PC games since I can remember, and I"M 30.


It really astounds me that some people really cant imagine someone actually liking this game a lot. Not only that but somehow anyone that really enjoys a game is wrong.


To me the perfect and most sensible response to most of my posts would be: "I'm glad you are really enjoying SWTOR, However I am not."

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umm, i dare you to say the same to DC universe.


3 things to make DC universe a failure.


1. it DC universe! Superman, batman, flash, green lantern, who doesn't love those heroes? Heck, the fan base of DC universe should be twice if not MORE then star wars.


2. Its sony! I know Sony is crap but DC universe didn't go down hill because of Sony service, in fact it let DC universe to be one of the first CROSS platform game, ps3 and PC player bases.


3. Its DC + SONY... that combo ..normally would expect to be GREAT, its populate both side...but in fact it fails.








How does this tie in with SWTOR?


Seriously, go play DC universe for 3 days. You will understand and stand on my side of the arguement.


1. Bioware SWTOR is more likely a direct copy of DC universe MMO.


How? Look at how those phases/flashpoint are set up. Look at how PVP is set up. Look at how both game got a "space station for "home base" and villian got a underware station for home base"


The different is SWTOR is selling their game with ALL voice and DC is selling with JUST STORY/Flashpoints are voiced.


2. BIOWARE's takes on add enjoyment is .... ADDING MORE RAID CONTENT AND FLASHPOINT.


Bad idea.


3. GEORGE LUCAS ENFORCE CONTROL ON THIS GAME, NOT BIOWARE. Thus limit creativity and limit bioware into adding thing that DOESN"T FIT IN the game.


Can I just say I played DCOU from day one and if you compare DCUO and SW:TOR first month then SW:TOR is way ahead. DCUO was incredibly buggie, so much more than SWTOR but if you play DCUO now, one year later, its incredible the improvement its made (its defiantly not perfect or even WoW standard) if SW:TOR stays in a comparable position to DCUO it will catch WoW up really quickly.

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Hm, some of them aren't minor though, it's a headscratcher how the LOS issue on the IA Ch 1 boss fight went unnoticed before release, for example. Problem is all those minor ones pile up and the user is left with the impression that this is sloppy work. I wouldn't say this community is one of spoiled brats, that'd be pretty biased to say that.


Not SWTOR"S Community, just the forum community. Most of the players have never posted before because they are having too much fun to bother.


Some things definitely need a lot of tweaking. I really dont think the game is perfect by any means. But it's a great start. Probably the smoothest launch in mmo history if you're an mmo veteran. The only launch that was even close to being this smooth was Rift. But Rift was plagued with 5-6 hour queue times at peak hours for nearly 2-3 weeks after official launch.

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As others have already posted, I'm quite obviously not a buisness major. I can admit that. I'm also probably not the smartest apple in the orchard.


That being said, let me rephrase things a touch for you all so you better understand me. SWTOR's LAUNCH has been a major success. It is MY OPINION that the success will continue for years to come. Disagree with me if you like, I still have my own opinion.




I love you guys by the way. Everyone except the guy posting pointless youtube videos in an attempt to be the comedian.


P.s. I'm Canadian, if that explains anything? Blame Canada?

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