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Private combat logs?


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You've never heard of friendly rivalry?


If you don't care for spreadsheets, take my advice and avoid the backs of baseball cards. Failing that, try not to compare bating averages of players on the same team. Nobody likes baseball anyway, right?


People love baseball, but even then most people hate Stat Hoes.


Same with football.


Who's better Brady or Manning? Prove it.

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Personally I am mainly after a combat tab so that I can see how my damage looked, what kind of damage I took (have happened from time to time where my HP just drops 70% and I really want to know why).


Regarding a "Recount" function I really do not care either way. I do not PUG.


Agreed. I care about my own performance. I never ever PUG and I never ever will.

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Oh I know I am hurting my groups chance of success, but I don't have any other way to experience the content. Eventually i run into a group that can carry me.


IMO, that's what makes MMO's uniquely fun in the gaming world, is people of all types getting together to accomplish a task, working together to improve everyone. Sadly, what we see trending these days is the belief that it must be quick and easy and if someone is holding you back, discard that person and so the group can have it easier. :(

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Again, this is a nice way of thinking about it, but it boils down to being untrue in the end. Sure, nobody can reach into your settings and change it without your consent. But this post neatly summarises the situation that would be created:




So yeah, you don't 'have' to group with these people. But when these groups are the prevailing majority - which, if past experience is any guide, they will be - the options start to grow a little thin. You can keep looking for that ideal group of people who've lightened up a bit. But they'll be scarcer, harder to find, and people generally don't have all day to spend just looking for a group to even get INTO the instance in the first place.


So what do you do? Either you can cling to your privacy, and keep looking or just give up. Or you can give in to the unceasing tide of demanding people who'll castigate you if you fail to meet the arbitrary standard that they read about on the internet.


That's not a 'good situation'. The only alternative is to form a group of friends and group soley with them - in which case, you're relying on them to be around when you are, and you're limiting your social circle in a game that's supposedly 'massively multiplayer'.


Overall, not so good.


actually according to all the polls and surveys that have been run on this matter these 'elite" players are the very small minority in this player base.

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People love baseball, but even then most people hate Stat Hoes.


Same with football.


Who's better Brady or Manning? Prove it.


Of course they hate them. That's why umpteen million stats about every possible aspect of every player and team aren't splayed all over the tv screen at every break in the action.

Edited by Devorin_Sargothi
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Of course they hate them. That's why umpteen million stats about every possible aspect of every player and team aren't splayed all over the tv screen at every break in the action.



Different part of the beast.


Stats = Good.


Using stats = good.


Basing everything around stats = bad.

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Because people who know that they are doing badly and are holding the group back will just lie to not be kicked, because people are selfish. I prefer actual numbers to tell me that someones not wasting my time.


Yeah right. That is a bully's fantasy not reality. People want to accomplish their goals. This is why meters are bad it takes away the requirement for some people to communicate with others as civil human beings. If that is your biggest concen learn social skills.

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This is not the correct consequence. If you play poorly and know it it will destroy the fun of it, meter or not. A better consequence would be asking an expert for hints (best one of the not "total elite" guilds, a good choice often are those people organizing random raids, some of them actually enjoy explaining things to people).


I do it for the achievements, gear and to experience the content. I just am not that good a player and don't want to take the time and effort it would take to improve.

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Yeah right. That is a bully's fantasy not reality. People want to accomplish their goals. This is why meters are bad it takes away the requirement for some people to communicate with others as civil human beings. If that is your biggest concen learn social skills.


If you're not skilled enough to accomplish your goal, the answer isn't to have someone else carry you. Review you actions, learn about the obstacle, try a different approach.


If it's bullying to not want to group with bad player who doesn't want to learn or listen, then I'm due some lunch money.

Edited by Devorin_Sargothi
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So after a wipe it's bad if I want to see a log of what happened? Not just what I did but when the Tanks popped CD's and how much damage the DPS'ers were doing. I've been in groups where the Boss seems to be dying very, very slowly and it's taxing my resources as a healer. I'd like to see which DPS is not performing and I see nothing wrong with that.


I also like logs because when a Tank dies and he calls me out for not healing I'd like to point out that he was standing in the fire or that he never used CD's during a high damage phase. If you're worried about someone mocking you either you're not very good or you're a delicate flower and maybe shouldn't be playing MMO's.


If someone's a jacktard in a PuG you drop group and put the player on ignore. Simple.



Treat other players like people and not npcs. It can be way more effective looking at the stat log to place blame.

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Right, FarmVille3D just like I said.


They're going to remove even the remotest chance that someone can outperform someone else. How will this be different from a prettier( and hopefully less perverted ) Second Life?


I think you need to find a better analogy; I don't ever remember saving the farm from a Planet killer or having one of my trusted Cows betray me to the other faction...and I certainty can't invite my friends to farm with me.


And I also don't remember any epic story-line that I could share with my friends in Second life; I mean besides "I put on my Wizards hat" :rolleyes:


The genre has changed but what you are saying it is turning into isn't anywhere near reality; but still I don't expect raid games will go away there will be some smaller game companies to take them on; I fully expect some of the Korean companies to take up the task....it's just that the Western market has moved on.

Edited by Jett-Rinn
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For when stuff hits the fan. It's meant to be used in cases of emergencies. If I HAVE to use my Shield as a tank or my self heal then

  • My gear sucks and I am taking too much dmg. No amount of CDs is gonna help that.
  • The healer either isn't healing me well enough because he's not doing his job well, has to heal dps who likes to stand in the fire or too busy running from adds that I the tank or dps is supposed to deal with.


Kind of. When tanking there are typically 3 types of cd's in my experience with other mmos. Ones that prevent death, self heals, and damage reduction. Only the first two are of any use reactively. From everything I have seen all the tanking cds fall into the last category of damage reduction. If you get into an emergency situation where you are at say 10% health its unlikely damage reduction is going to save you. In order to get the most out of a damage reduction cd they are optimally used when you know a large amount of damage is coming your way. If your issue is with gear or heals it is very doubtful that taking 50% less damage for 12 seconds out of every three minutes is going to save you. Maybe I am wrong about what kind of cds tanks get in this game and there are big self heal/prevent death ones. I don't know

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I think you need to find a better analogy; I don't ever remember saving the farm from a Planet killer or having one of my trusted Cows betray me to the other faction...and I certainty can't invite my friends to farm with me.


And I also don't remember any epic story-line that I could share with my friends in Second life; I mean besides "I put on my Wizards hat" :rolleyes:


The genre has changed but what you are saying it is turning into isn't anywhere near reality; but still I don't expect raid games will go away there will be some smaller game companies to take them on; I fully expect some of the Korean companies to take up the task....it's just that the Western market has moved on.


So stuff that only gets mentioned by NPCs during barely interactive cutscenes is the future of the genre?


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In this case, it isn't the tool that's the problem. Auto-kicking someone who's not doing quite the dps you think he should is just bad form.


Once you see there's a problem, the right thing to do is ask what's up. They might be gearing for a spec they just started. They might never have played an mmo and need to be taught the fundamentals. They might be a mooch who's watching youtube while they play. They might have a crappy connection.


Without the tool, you're far less likely to know there's a problem to be addressed.



Problem is too many people use it as a replacement for communication and socialization. People don't realize that dps parsers are one of the biggest community killers out there.


Players should work together by talking to each other.

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So stuff that only gets mentioned by NPCs during barely interactive cutscenes is the future of the genre?





No I understand that you are pissed, but the analogies are getting more ridiculous....It's almost like me saying the reason you are so upset is because now you can no longer make yourself feel better by putting others down in a video game..and we both know that isn't true....right?



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Right there at the bottom.




If you want to keep your combat log private, that's fine. I want the option to make mine public. I have nothing to hide. I want people to trust me, and combat logs give them the data to do so.


It's fine to feel a little put upon or even threatened by the criticism of others. People can be harsh. You paid your money, and you don't care to deal with criticism, that's fine.


But I'm the one paying MY money, and I insist on having hard data on what's going on in my group. I actively seek feedback from my teammates. If you're not interested in this kind of activity, we don't ever have to group, play, or even speak together.


I'm fine with that.


I think they are doing it exactly right. That OTHER game made combat logs public and it ruined PUGS and created some really ugly player attitudes. Other people have no need to see my DPS, and quite frantly, it's none of their dang business. Worry about your own DPS.


If you are in a situation where you are wiping, it really won't be too hard to figure out who'd failing. Either the tank isn't holding agro, the healer isn't healing, or one of the two dps's isn't doing their job. Also, the group will disban once the res timer is more than 2 minutes and someone has to res at the med center and drops from group.

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Problem is too many people use it as a replacement for communication and socialization. People don't realize that dps parsers are one of the biggest community killers out there.


Players should work together by talking to each other.


It doesn't help build the community much if a miscreant takes a group spot he has no intention of honoring. Parsers are basically DNA evidence when it comes to outting the slacker who's causing us to wipe on a boss.


You fear the math, but the math can set you free.

Edited by Devorin_Sargothi
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Kind of. When tanking there are typically 3 types of cd's in my experience with other mmos. Ones that prevent death, self heals, and damage reduction. Only the first two are of any use reactively. From everything I have seen all the tanking cds fall into the last category of damage reduction. If you get into an emergency situation where you are at say 10% health its unlikely damage reduction is going to save you. In order to get the most out of a damage reduction cd they are optimally used when you know a large amount of damage is coming your way. If your issue is with gear or heals it is very doubtful that taking 50% less damage for 12 seconds out of every three minutes is going to save you. Maybe I am wrong about what kind of cds tanks get in this game and there are big self heal/prevent death ones. I don't know


The last kind is useful when you know the boss is going to use a big damage move or about to go into a big damage phase.

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I don't understand. I've never seen someone perform adequately and be demonized using dps information. I've seen gearscore requirements for raids that were much higher than you really needed, but those were farming runs, not progression raids.


Can you give an example?


Who defines adequate? 98% of the people who make those kinds of judgements are not doing so from knowledge and understanding they are doing it because someone else told them that was what adequate is.


Inevitably you often end up with people who are doing fine being chastised. It is not always the lowest dps on the list who needs to make the most improvement.


Almost everyone making those decisions don't know enough to make them properly so instead of people getting better at the game people just play the most overpowered dps classes. That is not good gameplay and it is horrible leadership.

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The last kind is useful when you know the boss is going to use a big damage move or about to go into a big damage phase.


Exactly, which is my point, damage reduction cds are prediction based not reactive. Only worthwhile when you know something bad is going to happen. Way off topic now.

Edited by scubamonk
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You never see it because you are too busy stroking yours and your friends' epeens pretending to be something you are not.


You are one of those a-typical elitists who think that just because someone doesn't play/live for the game as hardcore as you do their gamestyle and opinion doesn't count.





@OP :


If you want to know if you are 'doing it right' fine .. private combat logs accomplish that.


If you want everyone else to know about it I'm sure you can start a blog about how UBER-LEET-TASTIC you are and your buddies will chime right in on the stroking.


This is why star wars will fail, it has too many ppl like u in it.


Im a tank, combat logs all the way, i need to know who isnt working with me.


Im busting my balls tanking for you silly dps, i cant see what your doing , and if your just cruising thru it while im busting my balls, then we have a problem...

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Who defines adequate? 98% of the people who make those kinds of judgements are not doing so from knowledge and understanding they are doing it because someone else told them that was what adequate is.


Inevitably you often end up with people who are doing fine being chastised. It is not always the lowest dps on the list who needs to make the most improvement.


Almost everyone making those decisions don't know enough to make them properly so instead of people getting better at the game people just play the most overpowered dps classes. That is not good gameplay and it is horrible leadership.


Why do you want to play with people who don't understand the game and would kick others from ignorance? I would be happy these players kicked me as they clearly don't know what they are doing.

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