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Class's that need nerfing


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So I see you keep crying about other OP classes do you have anything to back up your claims other then "I get pwned in the face all the time by class X! NERF THIS NOW OMG!!!" Or other bad players crying the same thing? If you learn how to play your class you wont have this issue.




yes the video's on the forums and by experience more than enough proof if you wasnt blind you could see that.


check for video's and check the forums more often people have already posted enough evidense to back up my claims

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its not counterable when you dont get chance to move because your dead before you can even press the break free skill.


That so?


So, if I understand you, you're implying that Operatives/Scoundrels are killing you with their first attack? Man, that sounds rough. What's with that, anyway? Not giving you any time to react to being CC'd and all... that's just not fair if you're dying in one hit!


Otherwise, if you can't use your CC break before the Operative/Scoundrel uses at least 2-3 GCDs (depending on ability delay), it sounds like a problem with your ability to play your character.


Yeah, sounds like a you problem.

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if you actualy checked the forums enough you would see the video's players post showing the OP ness of ertain class's


there is your evidense its right infront of your nose


I see videos showing how strong consumables are against sub 50s when you're 50 and geared. Bad players who can't interrupt and snare don't make classes OP.


lol an asasin cant stand toe to toe with a BH or trooper but a jedi knight or warrior could


Good ones can. You, probably not.

Edited by Machazareel
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That so?


So, if I understand you, you're implying that Operatives/Scoundrels are killing you with their first attack? Man, that sounds rough. What's with that, anyway? Not giving you any time to react to being CC'd and all... that's just not fair if you're dying in one hit!


Otherwise, if you can't use your CC break before the Operative/Scoundrel uses at least 2-3 GCDs (depending on ability delay), it sounds like a problem with your ability to play your character.


Yeah, sounds like a you problem.


i dont have a 0.05 second reaction time to press my break free button before im dead.


yes before i even get chance to even blink

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Certain classes are OP, but in general damage is out of control all together in this game.


Bioware needs to do something fast, it is not fun to be stunned for 4 seconds and dead in 3.


Its more the stun lock thats a little strange or too much but damage output is ok if you get 8pl hitting you then you should go down fast, but getting stunned over and over is not fun.


I think a slight tweak to resolve meter might be the way to go

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assasins are underpowerd lol there only any good when they are lvl 50 in full pvp gear but any class is and even more so depending what class you are.



yes i love my dps assasin useing all my force with 2 maul stabs not doing any damage for the trooper/bh or so to turn around and 2 shot me



its great the life of a gimped assasin


How the f*k are you getting two-shotted? I'm playing a full championed powertech-pyrotech w/ 400 biochem and I can't two shot people. One of the best players on my server is playing Shadow and this guys pre-made rolls everyone.


When you learn to play your characters strengths then you'll soon learn to quit ************ about how gimp your class is. As a powertech dps, I don't run the ball... I peel off my tanks, my sin's and my healers. I do an amazing amount of dps, but our mobility isn't great.


Playing to your characters strengths is what this game is about. It's no longer about how much damage you can put out... Winning is about how well you can work together as a team.

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ok this is getting rediculous here are some class's that need nerfing



[troopers and bounty hunters]


these 2 class's need seriously looking at not only can they do stupid amounts of damage but they are stupidly hard to put down and to top it off they can heal themselves as well and have armor pen i mean what was bioware thinking giving a class the ability to be DPS heal tank.


bounty hunters rocket spam needs a nerf also.




[sith warriors and jedi knights]


ok again DPS sheild tanks ive seen these do stupidly high damage and you cant even scratch them. whats with the 8k aoe spam thats another ability that needs a nerf



[Operatives and scoundrels]


if your not getting knocked to the ground and back stab pwned in 2 seconds or less your getting perminantly stun locked until death.crazy damage that needs nerfing




and what i cant understand out of all those OP and unbalance class's is why assasins and shadows are getting nerfed the underpowerd class ? are you for real ? all those OP unbalanced class's and the one thats underpowerd get the shaft ?


full dps assasins are squishy as hell and die stupidly fast they have no defense's no heals no sheilds and are melee. you have to stealth for that 6 seconds of force regen buff when exiting stealth to get a good amount of dps off before you get face rolled. then we have to spam all our cd's to stay alive if we dont die before useing them that is. even fully pvp geared 50 assasins/shadows get face rolled.



all i ever see in warzones are trooper/bounty hunters scoundrels/operatives and now i know why im beggining to see alot more jedi knights and sith warrios now also it seems consulars and inquisitors are toning down because they are lacking.



people neeed to get facts straight i cant understand why underpowerd class's get nerfed and OP class's stay how they are or get buffed i could never understand why this happens lol but its silly




AKA "I'm bad"

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Too many baddies in this game, all the qq in general and ops chat driving me insane. 59 Valor Tankassassin with so-so gear, still missing SIX champion pieces (I don't use any of the Rakata biochem items on purpose), and I don't think any of the ACs warrant drastic nerfs -- just tweaks thanks.


If you briefly analyze each AC's utilities, you'll see that Bioware clearly balanced this game for team play. There's no sense in trying to see it from a 1v1 perspective.


Oh for those of you still QQ'ing about Operatives and Scoundrels, here's one insight from an Assassin's pov:




With this you will beat 90% of Operatives/Scoundrels


If you play against pro Operative, he will vanish at 50% hp to oneshot you, VANISH WITH

HIM and avoid the fight he will be angry panda very angry panda. If you have nades

pop a pyronade once YOUR at 50%HP, vanish with him& pop blackout, wait for dot to

kick him out, overcharge->recklessness, schock->discharge->assassinate = kkthxbye

next one plx. Most Operatives simply do not expect a dot on a melee dps assa.


Playing against Operatives equals to chess in fastforward mode and you will always be

the winner if you know his moves.




If only Bioware 'nerfs' auto-facing and addresses the CC situation... I can only dream the day when players are forced to improve their own gameplay (in turn improving quality of PvP across servers) and where you can't simply CC at will the moment a player comes across someone who dodges your frontal constantly...

Edited by Akabeth
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Actually I don't think any class is particularly OP. I keep laughing every time you mention people making claims with no evidence, though. Reminds of that thread not long ago where you claimed the existence of mathematical evidence but couldn't produce any and resorted to backpeddling, yelling at us for not showing evidence despite you claiming you had yours.


Good times, good times. Do you backpeddle as much in pvp as you do on the forums? That might be why you lose so much and think everyone is OP.


Obvious fail is Obvious. You aren't even using the term backpeddling correctly. Youngin fresh to PVP trying to talk like a very, priceless.


Every other post you refer to, my first one was on the 3rd page minimum after countless posters already relayed tons of evidence, and all you and your staples button gang had to offer was " I know you are but what am I" in summary.



You should get a medal for insulting yourself, if they made such medal, you could be Rank 1 for the first time in something in your life

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actualy no it was actualy foolish posting that comment as im right about what i posted lol.



some of the abilitys need looking at yes but i wasnt pleased to hear about assasins/shadows getting a nerf when they are underpowerd as it is.


Where the hell are people getting information like this?


Anyone have a dev quote or patch notes stating whats getting nerfed?

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How the f*k are you getting two-shotted? I'm playing a full championed powertech-pyrotech w/ 400 biochem and I can't two shot people. One of the best players on my server is playing Shadow and this guys pre-made rolls everyone.


When you learn to play your characters strengths then you'll soon learn to quit ************ about how gimp your class is. As a powertech dps, I don't run the ball... I peel off my tanks, my sin's and my healers. I do an amazing amount of dps, but our mobility isn't great.


Playing to your characters strengths is what this game is about. It's no longer about how much damage you can put out... Winning is about how well you can work together as a team.


he is proberly stacking pups and adrenals and other abilitys i can tell you without those even in 50 gear they even out as normal compared to the other class's

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... you do realize there are videos of assassins winning at pvp too right?







I can find you videos of GREAT players of all classes pwning people. So with your reasoning everyone need a nerf because someone made a video of them playing the class the picked well. Skill Player > Bad Player no matter the class. L2P

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I can find you videos of GREAT players of all classes pwning people. So with your reasoning everyone need a nerf because someone made a video of them playing the class the picked well. Skill Player > Bad Player no matter the class. L2P


showing us vids of an assasin owning a lvl 10 aint realy proving anyhting :p

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Too many baddies in this game, all the qq in general and ops chat driving me insane. 59 Valor Tankassassin with so-so gear, still missing SIX champion pieces (I don't use any of the Rakata biochem items on purpose), and I don't think any of the ACs warrant drastic nerfs -- just tweaks thanks.


If you briefly analyze each AC's utilities, you'll see that Bioware clearly balanced this game for team play. There's no sense in trying to see it from a 1v1 perspective.


Oh for those of you still QQ'ing about Operatives and Scoundrels, here's one insight from an Assassin's pov:






If only Bioware 'nerfs' auto-facing and addresses the CC situation... I can only dream the day when players are forced to improve their own gameplay (in turn improving quality of PvP across servers) and where you can't simply CC at will the moment a player comes across someone who dodges your frontal constantly...


if its built on team play then why can troopers and bounty hunters run into crowds solo and face roll just like operative and scoundrels can if you watch the video's


and how can you pop force shroud if your knocked down lol by the time you pop break free your already dead lol

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and no it dont it just makes them live 2 seconds longer.



funny how 50 gear makes bounty hunter and troopers god mode and operative and scoundrels 1 shotting people.


If turrent spam is killing you..You need to re-think the possibilities that your just bad.


Interrupt tracer missile maybe?

Interrupts really do work if you actually ...use it...


If your dead before you can interrupt..I'm going to ask..


What were you doing that takes you 10 seconds to notice your dying from the guy alone in the back hitting you with missiles?

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If turrent spam is killing you..You need to re-think the possibilities that your just bad.


Interrupt tracer missile maybe?

Interrupts really do work if you actually ...use it...


If your dead before you can interrupt..I'm going to ask..


What were you doing that takes you 10 seconds to notice your dying from the guy alone in the back hitting you with missiles?


im a good player i know what im doing with the abilitys im given when i have to use all of them just to escape from 1 player spaming there OP abilitys on me you know something is wrong.

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he is proberly stacking pups and adrenals and other abilitys i can tell you without those even in 50 gear they even out as normal compared to the other class's


Lolwut? Half my damage can be avoided... Simply by LOS/interrupt/or stun. Our two biggest damage dealers are Thermal Detonator and Rail Shot. With my biochem surge trinket, +25% crit buff, expertise buff, and 220 crit/surge popped i can nuke someone... yes. TD= 3800, and RS= 4200. Unload can be easily interrupted, and after that I don't have many huge damage dealers up. A decent pyrotech will time his TD and RS to go off at the same time. Bare in mind they have to set up that combo.


When I see a shadow with a crap ton of buffs above his name I ensure I don't give him my back. As when you see a powertech w/ a crap ton of buffs above his name you should probably LOS him or get out of the 30m zone. You've got utility... Use it.

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