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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Some quests need to be toned down


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I don't know how it is for others but me and a few others have a hard time trying to get done the regular quests only to find out that you have to face an elite along with a few others at the end of the conversation, therefore catching you off guard.


It usually ends up having to rez and try again or wait for someone to come help, and there is not always someone on to help.


Now these quests are 3 to 5 levels below our level and green to us, but it seems more like group or elite quests without any freaking warning.


I don't know how many times this has frustrated me to the point of logging off due to disapointment of the lack of knowing what to expect.


This along with the frustration of being overwhelmed by having to worry about leveling up so many different things, and not only gearing myself but also the many companions that we end up with. Why in the world didn't the developers give companions gear that scale up with them so we wouldn't at least have to worry about that along with all the other crap to worry about.


Already a month into the game and never felt so overwhelmed. And before some of you bash my post, think twice, because there are others out there feeling the same way.


Some changes really need to be made, specially if they do not want their player base quitting due to so many frustrations in a game. Already see posts about low population all over. Then all they will have left to pay for their STAR WARS game are those of you who bash others over gameplay. We will see if that holds them up.


Only reason so many started is because there are sooooo many people who are star war fans, so am I, but that didn't stop the frustrations once they started happening over and over.

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Disregarding the very last boss in the Jedi Knight storyline, no boss mob you encounter before him (neither in the story or planetary main quests) is even close to impossible to handle if you know how to play your class and use an appropriate (and appropriately geared) companion.


I tore through basically the entire game with my guardian plus Kira, only having Doc out for the last part of Balmorra and Rusk for a few fights on Belsavis.

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You've died how many times exactly?


As a BH (which has a pretty difficult final quest), I only died MAYBE 10 times through the leveling process. That's NOTHING.


Complaining about dying 3-4 times on the same boss is pretty ridiculous, imo. It can easily be solved by grabbing another player. If not, load up on stims and try again until you develop a strategy for dropping it. You can even head to your fleet and respec to DPS if you're heals/tank.


If you actually ARE having issues past "oops, I can't faceroll this one guy", then you're most likely doing something wrong.

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In the main I thought the quests were well tuned.


For SI there are 2 quests that I think really need sorting. 1 is on Voss where you have to kill a load of golds 1 after the other - not a problem normally, but if you die you have no choice but to be ressed at the medcentre which is quite some distance away. The other is the final fight, which I found hugely problematic as an assassin, especially since khem was the only companion I'd geared and it required at least 1 range to do. Had to spend a fortune on Talos just to complete it.


Nerfed specifics to save on spoilers.

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Only elite I've had big problems with on my commando (heal spec) was on Quesh.Captain something and his droids who I had to kill to free a doctor he was holding captive.


I must have died a good 4 or 5 times but tried different tactics and finally got him down....it's fights like that which give you the greatest feeling of satisfaction and make you glad you didn't rage log.

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I think people are missing the point of what the OP is saying here.


OP is not saying the fights are hard at all, what the OP is saying is that there needs to be a small buffer between the end of a convo, and then fighting with the people in the convo.


I do find it a bit annyoing how you die pritty dam quick right after one of them, but then EASLY take them down after you have revived, and worked out a strat for them.

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I don't know how it is for others but me and a few others have a hard time trying to get done the regular quests only to find out that you have to face an elite along with a few others at the end of the conversation, therefore catching you off guard.


It usually ends up having to rez and try again or wait for someone to come help, and there is not always someone on to help.


Now these quests are 3 to 5 levels below our level and green to us, but it seems more like group or elite quests without any freaking warning.


I don't know how many times this has frustrated me to the point of logging off due to disapointment of the lack of knowing what to expect.


This along with the frustration of being overwhelmed by having to worry about leveling up so many different things, and not only gearing myself but also the many companions that we end up with. Why in the world didn't the developers give companions gear that scale up with them so we wouldn't at least have to worry about that along with all the other crap to worry about.


Already a month into the game and never felt so overwhelmed. And before some of you bash my post, think twice, because there are others out there feeling the same way.


Some changes really need to be made, specially if they do not want their player base quitting due to so many frustrations in a game. Already see posts about low population all over. Then all they will have left to pay for their STAR WARS game are those of you who bash others over gameplay. We will see if that holds them up.


Only reason so many started is because there are sooooo many people who are star war fans, so am I, but that didn't stop the frustrations once they started happening over and over.


I agree, some of these end of sequence fights are ridiculous. An Elite, with special abilities and CC and some other mobs. Even though Im at the level for that quest they are near impossible. Also you just get thrown into them with no chance to use any of your special abilities, opening from stealth etc

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Lol I've been doing heroic 2+ solo on my SI...even managed to finish a few Heroic 4+ solo as well. Not sure what your doing, how your geared, or what your spec'd for, but should take a look at that. There's really no non-heroic quest you shouldn't be able to do provided you have the right companion and are setup correctly (and you know what your doing). Except the one previosu discussed quest, which BW is adjusting from what I've read.
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I have to agree, on one or two occasions I've been destroyed by elites two levels or less below me. Although to be honest the main story ones don't give me so much trouble, what I hate more is in some locations you have more than one high level mob, and if you use a heal over time ability with a long regen rate before confronting the "real" boss you're stuffed.


I also think you should be able to complete Heroic 2 missions with just a companion, but some are way over the top even when two levels or so above them they are unbeatable. A rakghoul one on Taris comes to mind, you can't seem to draw one mob at a time in this game, you trigger one mob they all come charging, and when they're all elites/semi elites you're dead before you get a shot off.


Some missions I believe need better balancing.

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I suspect the OP is doing something wrong with their class.


I am a Jedi consular - Sage, specced all into healing, and I am not the best that can be found around by a long shot, however I have never encountered a single issue with game difficulty, and thanks to my companion Qyzen (Or whatever he is called), I have managed to do some (lvl 30-40)+2 heroics with no player's help (Although I had to take my time to carefully think my strategies.


I have even used my companion to so a +4 group that was lacking a tank, and yes my companion was the group tank.


I think many people fail to realise they can configure their companion to be either DPS,tank or healer by switching on/off his skills, and unlike other mmos, without my companion I cannot survive 5 minutes against tough mobs.


If you are a healer make sure to CC tough mobs while you take care of the weak ones first, and most importantly MAKE SURE your companion AOE attacks are all disabled, or he will break the cc. Also remember there is a bug that will reset all your companion skills configuration every time you change area, so remember to do redo them.


I do not know if healers are overpowered in this game or what, since it is the only class I have played so far but, I advice them to anyone who wishes to do lots of strategic solo combat.


Edit: Friend of mine who was playing next to me during the holidays, was doing everything wrong despite me trying to teach him how to play (First time he was playing an mmo), and I explained how every single skill is useful for something, even those that seems pretty useless, however, he followed his own head, and I saw him only pressing constantly 1 and 2 on his keyboard during fights, and his reason was "I am winning the fight, so it's enough", but unfortunately everytime he reached something a bit more challenging, he could not kill it, and got gradually more frustrated, to the point he stopped playing. So, some people just cannot handle mmos

Edited by Black_Rabbit
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While some fights are very hard, you can get assistance from friends.


So i dont see a problem.


Its a great game and i enjoy it as it is, i dont want them to do what they did in rift and nerf-destroy everything to the point where you can solo all the quests and heroics.

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It would be better if the fight didn't start until you initiated it rather than the second the convo/cut scene ends you get jumped. It's not a case of nerfing anything, just a minor delay that allows you to at least get your cc off on one of them or remotely be prepared. Edited by Xerda
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It's particularly annoying because after cutscenes you lose your focus target, and have to reset it.


And some regular quest endbosses ARE overpowered and hit like a truck, as well as have the high health, and sometimes even multiple adds. If it's listed as a solo quest or a class quest, you should be able to do it solo, and shouldn't need to bring help in.


They do need to look at the balance of some (not all, by a long stretch, just some) of these bosses.

Edited by lollie
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Having played 5 toons to levels 14-20, I have to say that there is a huge difference in survivability between classes. My experiences only apply to those levels though. I do see a pattern though, and so far the easiest toon to play is my Jedi Sage, and the hardest one is my Jedi Shadow. Commando and Bountyhunter (healing spec, can't remember the name) are in the middle. Sentinel is extreme DPS and fun, but very squishy.


Also the final class quest for my Trooper on Ord Mantell was almost impossible to do with only solo quest experience, even though I did stop to grind some exp from mobs at a few points. There was a quest to use a computer console behind a few Pistolero signatures and adds that needed me to get killed on all of them killing the adds before dying to finally get to kill the signature. Until I dinged before the last one of them, which actually made the last fight easy.


So there definitely are huge differences between classes, and some of them (like my Jedi Shadow) actually become good only after a certain level (got a lot better at 20, should become very good at 25 or 26). Some seem to be very powerful right off the bat. Jedi Sage takes on elites with adds and at the end she and Qyzen are at full health. Shadow was almost dead in every single fight at the same point, using all CC:s and CD:s.



Some classes seem to get a LOT better later on, so it may take grinding through the levels to that point, or if one doesn't want to wait, rerolling to some "easier" class.

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Having played 5 toons to levels 14-20, I have to say that there is a huge difference in survivability between classes. My experiences only apply to those levels though. I do see a pattern though, and so far the easiest toon to play is my Jedi Sage, and the hardest one is my Jedi Shadow. Commando and Bountyhunter (healing spec, can't remember the name) are in the middle. Sentinel is extreme DPS and fun, but very squishy.


Also the final class quest for my Trooper on Ord Mantell was almost impossible to do with only solo quest experience, even though I did stop to grind some exp from mobs at a few points. There was a quest to use a computer console behind a few Pistolero signatures and adds that needed me to get killed on all of them killing the adds before dying to finally get to kill the signature. Until I dinged before the last one of them, which actually made the last fight easy.


So there definitely are huge differences between classes, and some of them (like my Jedi Shadow) actually become good only after a certain level (got a lot better at 20, should become very good at 25 or 26). Some seem to be very powerful right off the bat. Jedi Sage takes on elites with adds and at the end she and Qyzen are at full health. Shadow was almost dead in every single fight at the same point, using all CC:s and CD:s.



Some classes seem to get a LOT better later on, so it may take grinding through the levels to that point, or if one doesn't want to wait, rerolling to some "easier" class.


Ya, the one Trooper quest on Ord is quite tough. Smugglers already have a companion at this point, so I believe the whole area is designed for player + companion. Trooper has to do the area solo - and espacialy that one class instance is really tough for a starter planet.



To the Topic: Difficulty is fine in the game. But I agree - I dont like getting thrown into combat directly after a conversation with pants down.

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