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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Dual Spec Commando?


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Using Plasma Cell I dont see anything wrong here. You can still use your Gunnery Rotation while building up HIB and applying PC's burning effect.


Say you start with Grav x3, HIB, IR, FA. Or IR first


You have mobility and you wont run out of cells this way.


I actually think this would be better in PvP since you not only get the slow effect on FA but a chance on every shot.


Just a thought, Im not yet 50 but if someone could try this out and let me know id appreciate it.

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My last respec was 98k, so i am a bit reluctant to try stuff out just to check something;.)


But i have tried all three trees to some degree and all are best when going all the way imho.

IN Assault you miss out on Burnout, Ionic Accelerator and Plastique Explosive, while in Gunnery you miss out on your ammo regen through Cell Charger, 25% damage on FA and Demolition Round which is an awesome instant.


Cover Fire and Concussion Charge both have Snares as well in the Gunnery tree although the one from Plasma Cell proc is more handy in pvp.


Your build could very well work, i just dont see the advantage to a full tree specced one.

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Obviously 1 way spec is going to be good. This spec though alows for both worlds for a Commando. Gunnery you are stationary alot and Assault you get to move and kite around. This spec gives you both, not the best available to both but you get the "pretty good" of both worlds. Which, could be great when put together.


I think they might have ninja reset the respec costs btw. I was at 47k this morning and i went to respec and pay the 47k. It didnt cost me anything, later i went to respec back and it cost me 600.

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It's an interesting spec and something I've wanted to try. I'm still getting comfortable with the switch from Gunnery to Combat Medic. After that I'll try full Assault and then mess with hybrids.


You're losing Demo round which is so critical for that grenade>HIB>Demo burst but as you said you do gain some mobility with IR. You're also losing a lot of punch with Full Auto too though with no CoF procs.


I do like that you get Degauss, sweltering heat and rapid recharge. I'd definitely put a point in Kolto Recharge to go along with rapid recharge btw.

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Respec costs reset after the 100k respec.


But going up gunnery any amount without going the full way for all the benefits is gimping both trees. Assault specialist revolves around plasma cell. Gunnery around APCell. Not taking the ammo return when you're doing anything involving grav ROUNDS (it returns ammo from ROUNDS and full auto) is silly.

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I was under the impression that respec costs reset back to zero once a week on Tuesday like most of the other weekly resets.


I respeced tuesday after raiding back to combat medic and it wasn't reset. I'm like 99% sure it's after 100k it drops down to 1300


Also, with that hybrid spec specifically, you're missing all the main reasons why you would want AS. HIB is everything for assault just like full auto/demo is everything to gunnery. They proc off your main spam ability. In this spec, you don't get either of the big procs you want besides charged barrel and if you're rotating properly, it generally wont be at full 5/5 anyways. Especially so once you have 4 PVE set bonus, because it becomes 0 ammo cost to use HIB with APCell on so there is no reason to charge it to 5 before using it. Use it as it comes up.

Edited by LordKivlov
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I think they might have ninja reset the respec costs btw. I was at 47k this morning and i went to respec and pay the 47k. It didnt cost me anything, later i went to respec back and it cost me 600.


On Tuesday my respec was 25k or so. After I respeced it told me that it has been a week, and it is now reset. It seems you have to actually respec once more to actually see the reset. It doesn't just reset to 0 on the week. Seems like a little sneaky way to do it to me. Shouldn't they just flat out make it say 0 on the week it resets instead of having to respec again to see it reset.

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A little off topic, but FYI respec resets after a week and goes all the way back to zero. I have tested and confirmed.


Sorry to keep it going off topic. You're correct that it resets to zero in the cost, but it's only one free respec per week. After the free respec it goes back to charging as if you never got a free respec. My 25k or so respec was free, then I respecced again and it cost me 50k or so.

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But going up gunnery any amount without going the full way for all the benefits is gimping both trees. Assault specialist revolves around plasma cell. Gunnery around APCell. Not taking the ammo return when you're doing anything involving grav ROUNDS (it returns ammo from ROUNDS and full auto) is silly.


Exactly !


Such a hybrid might be viable if you want for example to do PvP and PvE with the same spec. But at the end you are inferior in both compared to pure specs.

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