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Legacy names, utterly disappointing with the info.


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Had the option of picking my legacy name for about 10 levels or so, still haven't picked one. Having to keep closing the window is getting on my wick...


I wish there was some way of just making it go away. I will pick one some day, but right now, I can't think of one that I like enough.

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Maybe they should have done it like the adv class trainer.

You'd have to actually travel to fleet(where you could get the info before 30~ from the NPC) to talk to some NPC who'd hold your hand and tell you that this is a permanent choice, choose wisely.


It's not like travelling to the fleet for a thing you do once per server would be too much to ask..


Hey at least theres voiceovers for that 'Hey Jedi Master, kill 10 droids and repair my windmill' quest.

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Had similar issues, sent 2 tickets that got closed basically saying no.


I then requested a live chat session and got this as my reply:



I am Protocol Droid W3-Q6 , Human-Cyborg Relations.


I have received your transmission requesting a live chat with us.


I have checked you previous tickets with us and verified that this is about your request to change your legacy name.


At this time, we are unable to change a character’s legacy name. However, we are actively working towards being able to offer this service to our players in the future.


Please keep an eye on our website at http://www.swtor.com, for any future announcements on this matter.

We do appreciate that as your legacy name is shared across all characters on a server, having a typographical error in the name, or having chosen a name that you now regret can be a source of frustration.


We apologize for any inconvenience caused, and we appreciate your patience while we work towards a resolution.


So at least they plan on allowing us to change it in the future, that's all I wanted to hear personally :)

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They really need to make the last name optional, esp. since it applies to all my characters and it may not make sense for some of them. I pretty much never use a last name in any game and I don't like being forced to have one.


It is optional.


Go to Social in Preferences where it says "Legacy Name" to show or not show it


@OP, so you picked a dumb name like 'McCool' and you're now pissed at BioWare for it?

Edited by Sykologist
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Why would a legacy name obey different naming conventions than character names?


Yeah but it's not a big deal to have a name at character creation stage that turns out wrong because only the first letter is a capital. You delete and do it again, however it's not quite the same at legacy naming level. No one or next to no one is going to scrap that character to start over.

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Yeah, so because there's no forum search feature anymore I'm sure this is a repeat topic.


*** do you get rid of forum search; that's another issue.


Legacies, all good and gravy that they're coming later. Here's the current problem.


At 36 I went back to Carrick Station for my class quest; bam big ole legacy window pops up, saying pick a last name. Without thinking of asking some vital questions, and yes that's my fault, I picked one.


I type "McCool" into the box and hit submit.


I was lead to believe that what I typed would be my name, but no. My legacy name is "Mccool"


Furthermore, I then find out that:

1) I can't change the name once it's set.

2) I get an in-game email several hours later stating the legacy name applies to all characters on my server.


*** sticks, seriously???


Man how helpful that information would have been.... hrrrrmmm, may DURING/BEFORE having the legacy box pop up on my screen, hindering my actions before I could move on with any game play.


So now I'm stuck with a $h!T misspelled legacy name, that's going on all of my toons. JOOOOOOOOOOY /sarcasm.


Bioware, please do something about allowing renames at least before putting legacies into place.


Walking around as Jupiter Mccool..... really isn't cool at all.


Have the same problem with my Legacy.

I made a ticket about it, and the official response was that:

they have no way to undo a legacy name, should a way be available in the future I'll be notified via the website in the news section.


Why did it let me type in uppercase character if it sets them to lower case afterwards?

Really bad.

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A few simple lines of instruction/warning on the popup would have taken about 5 minutes and stopped all this aggro. It's proof that certain people at BW really don't know what they are doing, you don't have to work on an mmo to have foreseen the issues this was gunna cause.
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From what I remember..


it says all over the place.. that once you pick it, it will not change, and will be accross all servers..



Follow Directions? Actually read about the Legacy system in the codex/that screen that pops up? Its there. People REFUSE to read.


How do you do in school when you don't follow directions?


Just saying.

Edited by Chuckskyline
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From what I remember..


it says all over the place.. that once you pick it, it will not change, and will be accross all servers..



Follow Directions? Actually read about the Legacy system in the codex/that screen that pops up? Its there. People REFUSE to read.


How do you do in school when you don't follow directions?


Just saying.


Pretty much this.

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actually not pretty much this AT ALL


not on the box that pops up it does not.



It simply says 'create your legacy'

with a text entry box

a ?

and a create button....


Not a single piece of instruction text anywhere on that pop-up..

Edited by nullifier
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About legacy naming, didn't want to create a new thread, can you use spacing in your legacy name? I think that is the correct term for it, english is not my native language.


So what I mean is can you get "of the xxxxx xxxxx legacy"? If not does this work, "of the xxxxx_xxxxx legacy?

Also I take it from the threadstarters post that you would be unable to get a capital letter on the second word? so "of the Xxxxx_Xxxxx" for example wouldn't be possible.


Haven't chosen a legacy name yet. Would like to avoid any surprises incase the game will alter the text I have written instead of giving me an error message and a chance to write again.

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Actually there is a question mark near the field where you enter your legacy name with some comprehensive information about it being applied to your toons etc.


While i agree that it might be better if Bioware would somehow put more emphasis on that, the issue you are bringing is not about BW being bad developer or designer, but, honestly, about people taking games really lightly, and i mean it in a bad way. Games nowdays are soooo safe, that i actually gave mad props for Bioware when i checked lately if i can jump over the rails on the republic fleet.


in case you wonder, yes, you can.


and believe me i am happy that you do. Games should be safe, but they also should teach you something, too much safety is boring. Also common sense is a very good and lately underestimated thing.

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I love the whole can't change legacy names.


I love that people are having to pay for their one minute of funny. Here's a hint....most of those "hilarious names", no one but you find funny.


Welcome to the real world...in the real world there are no "take backs".


in real world you can change name and last name sherlock

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Also I would like a seperate surname and legacy name since some names just don't fit all races and I like to have more than one race option per server for my alts. For now I either switch it off or have the legacy name under the character name for alts that don't fit the surname.




Your legacy should really not be bound to a unique name. Most people do not want a single surname for all their characters. Consider also that there are hours and hours of content provided you don't rush through it, and yet we have a game mechanic that basically encourages people to rush as fast as possible to Ch2 so that they can grab the same unoriginal Starwarsy last name that 10,000 other players want. This is not doing the game a service at all, when taking into account that there is not much content at 50 yet.


Furthermore there is really no reason to force it being unique in the first place other than to give players the option to see "Oh, you must be soandso's alt."


Legacy really needs a few tweaks:

  • Surnames that aren't exclusive to one account. OR
  • Non Level-restricted (EG: Put it with character creation)
  • Toggle mode where you can turn off Character XP and turn on Legacy XP. (There's so much to do in the game, that if you have desire to do it all, you're generally 5+ levels over the area you're questing in.)


Overall the legacy system is a good idea with very poor execution. I don't know whose idea it was to put a baiting mechanic that encourages pushing through half the game's content into a story-driven game, but with any luck perhaps the good folks at Bioware will listen to the feedback about this.

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  • Surnames that aren't exclusive to one account. OR
  • Non Level-restricted (EG: Put it with character creation)
  • Toggle mode where you can turn off Character XP and turn on Legacy XP. (There's so much to do in the game, that if you have desire to do it all, you're generally 5+ levels over the area you're questing in.)


Given that surnames are a rarity in this sort of games, I find that the option for you to opt-in your characters into a dynasty of your own making is already a great opportunity. I understand that a lot of people wanted something else, but they may not realize they are already getting more than most anyone else offers.


That being said, the options you gave above are absolutely brilliant. I'm outleveling my content left and right and the option to divert that xp into this pool from the get-go would have been a very welcome diversion. And I couldn't agree more with your opinion on the poor incentive to race to name grab.


All in all, great comments. I hope these are considered!

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