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Anyone good with Star Wars lore explain this please


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I have to admit i'm a noob when it comes to Star Wars lore, so can someone explain the background to the Jedi temple scene in the last movie of the prequel trilogy?


The scene when Anakin and the Clone troopers just kinda walked into the Jedi temple and facerolled the place. Was it because there were only kids in the Jedi Temple? Or was every Jedi in there just weak?

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Every experienced jedi was out in the galaxy fighting the war, the only ones at the temple were padawans, very few knights and even fewer jedi masters. This coupled with surprise is why they got destroyed, the gatemaster was killed by Anakin before he could register what was going on so thats 1 master down. There were really only 3 masters in the temple during the attack.


1. The gatemaster(he was killed)


2. Cin Drallig(the only real threat to stopping Vader and Order 66 at the temple.)


3. Shaak Ti(she ran away after a breif encounter with Vader.)


So 2 of the 3 jedi masters are gone, this just leaves Cin Drallig(who was the temple's blademaster and finest swordsmen) and other padawans and jedi knights. Anakin sometime later kills Cin Drallig, at that point everyone else is a streamroll because the only hope for the temple was killed and all that was left were padawans and knights and younglings.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Not an expert on the SW lore, but I'd imagine they rolled through the temple with such ease because of the following.


A) Superior numbers, even the best Jedi cannot block every shot taken at them


B) The war planned out by Palpatine successfully spread the Jedi out all over the galaxy. All able body Jedi and Jedi Masters were else where helping turn the tide of the war. (Of course they didn't succeed because of the order given to kill the Jedi)


C) Anakin was unusually strong with the force (as stated throughout the movies as he was the "chosen one") Once he turned to the dark side his powers very well could have beaten all but the Masters (which were not at the temple).


And those I'd imagine would be the reasons they got through and killed everyone with ease. Of course anyone with actual lore knowledge might be able to prove me wrong and cool beans to that.

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I'll tell you why, PLOT ARMOR!


People confuse the hero characters as the standards for everything, Anakin/obiwan/yoda/mace are not the standard cut mold of jedi, they are heroic story characters who are as invincible as needed.


For example, Stormtroopers are known for their pinpoint accuracy, In A NEW HOPE they were in a disadvantageous posistion on the tantive, the rebels had set up a choke point, and yet only 2 stormtroopers died in the hallway while killing all but 1 rebel.


The attack on the death star was practically in the trooper's favor, in fact if you pay attention more rebels were killed than imps, and outside of plot for luke and wedge almost no one returned or even made it into the torpedo run.


Jedi and sith are not invinvible or all powerful, in fact historically it's always been only a handful of powerful individuals during each major era.


There have been numerous times jedi and sith alike have been captured/killed by non force users.


Basically if you look past any hero characters present, the jedi and sith die all the time in the background of the story itself, EP II saw countless jedi injured some killed and few of these people were council members. Jango kills a unamed jedi in the same scenes, and a bunch of genoisians beat anakin.


In EP 3 some of the most powerful jedi were outclassed by less than 4 troopers, i mean ploo-koon one of the most powerful jedi in the order was unable to avoid 2 starfighters... the speeder bike jedi had the same fate.... and these people were powerful masters unable to even sense the issue, and don't give me the bull crap that it was all sudden because ki-adi mundi and yoda sensed that **** and responded in kind.


Luke who by EP 6 had reached knight level training got shot by a two bit hoodlum working for jabba.


I won't even get into the countless other force users who have graphic novels, books, and comics all to their name that have been beaten by normies. The force is just a tool, it has great power but the tech around is still dangerous.


Final conclusion, The FORCE does not equal instant win button, jedi and sith are as easily killed as almost anyone else around them, and outside of stupid plot armor they aren't the infinite blaster deflecting heroes.

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There really were not a whole lot of Jedi at any time, first of all you had to have the ability to use the force and even then the training was hard, so hard that not many made it through.


There really were not a whole lot of Jedi, they were manipulated by Palapatine and sent throughout the Galaxy spread out thin, fighting.


Divide your enemies, then conquer them.

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And remember, seeing as most of the "Jedi" there were either younglings, trainee's, or Padawans....how many of them do you think actually had a lightsaber, much less knew how to use it effectively?


Mob of unarmed kids vs squad of heavily armed, trained soldiers = "hey, someone find the janitor so he can clean up this mess!"

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I'll tell you why, PLOT ARMOR!


People confuse the hero characters as the standards for everything, Anakin/obiwan/yoda/mace are not the standard cut mold of jedi, they are heroic story characters who are as invincible as needed.


For example, Stormtroopers are known for their pinpoint accuracy, In A NEW HOPE they were in a disadvantageous posistion on the tantive, the rebels had set up a choke point, and yet only 2 stormtroopers died in the hallway while killing all but 1 rebel.


The attack on the death star was practically in the trooper's favor, in fact if you pay attention more rebels were killed than imps, and outside of plot for luke and wedge almost no one returned or even made it into the torpedo run.


Jedi and sith are not invinvible or all powerful, in fact historically it's always been only a handful of powerful individuals during each major era.


There have been numerous times jedi and sith alike have been captured/killed by non force users.


Basically if you look past any hero characters present, the jedi and sith die all the time in the background of the story itself, EP II saw countless jedi injured some killed and few of these people were council members. Jango kills a unamed jedi in the same scenes, and a bunch of genoisians beat anakin.


In EP 3 some of the most powerful jedi were outclassed by less than 4 troopers, i mean ploo-koon one of the most powerful jedi in the order was unable to avoid 2 starfighters... the speeder bike jedi had the same fate.... and these people were powerful masters unable to even sense the issue, and don't give me the bull crap that it was all sudden because ki-adi mundi and yoda sensed that **** and responded in kind.


Luke who by EP 6 had reached knight level training got shot by a two bit hoodlum working for jabba.


I won't even get into the countless other force users who have graphic novels, books, and comics all to their name that have been beaten by normies. The force is just a tool, it has great power but the tech around is still dangerous.


Final conclusion, The FORCE does not equal instant win button, jedi and sith are as easily killed as almost anyone else around them, and outside of stupid plot armor they aren't the infinite blaster deflecting heroes.


Made this exact point in another thread, asking about the stormtroopers and the obi-wan quote about accuracy. Plot Armor, Plot Armor, Plot Armor.

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  • 2 weeks later...
A theory: the more sensitive Jedi can feel the others' death through the Force. Think, as more and more drop, it must have been like getting punched in the stomach repeatedly while trying to keep focused on defense and tactics. It was like a tide washing over them. Edited by jadynfortysix
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Every experienced jedi was out in the galaxy fighting the war, the only ones at the temple were padawans, very few knights and even fewer jedi masters. This coupled with surprise is why they got destroyed, the gatemaster was killed by Anakin before he could register what was going on so thats 1 master down. There were really only 3 masters in the temple during the attack.


1. The gatemaster(he was killed)


2. Cin Drallig(the only real threat to stopping Vader and Order 66 at the temple.)


3. Shaak Ti(she ran away after a breif encounter with Vader.)


So 2 of the 3 jedi masters are gone, this just leaves Cin Drallig(who was the temple's blademaster and finest swordsmen) and other padawans and jedi knights. Anakin sometime later kills Cin Drallig, at that point everyone else is a streamroll because the only hope for the temple was killed and all that was left were padawans and knights and younglings.


Wasn't Jocasta Nu (the Librarian) a Jedi Master too?

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I have the best answer... bad storytelling. Lucas tried to wrap it up with limited time. He should have NEVER made The Phantom Menace and the third movie should have been the the second. The last 40+ minutes of the third movie should have been expanded in to another movie with more content.
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Every experienced jedi was out in the galaxy fighting the war, the only ones at the temple were padawans, very few knights and even fewer jedi masters. This coupled with surprise is why they got destroyed, the gatemaster was killed by Anakin before he could register what was going on so thats 1 master down. There were really only 3 masters in the temple during the attack.


1. The gatemaster(he was killed)


2. Cin Drallig(the only real threat to stopping Vader and Order 66 at the temple.)


3. Shaak Ti(she ran away after a breif encounter with Vader.)


So 2 of the 3 jedi masters are gone, this just leaves Cin Drallig(who was the temple's blademaster and finest swordsmen) and other padawans and jedi knights. Anakin sometime later kills Cin Drallig, at that point everyone else is a streamroll because the only hope for the temple was killed and all that was left were padawans and knights and younglings.


this is really confusing though because in the deleted scenes of ROTS Shaak Ti was killed by Grievous. I don't know if you're counting that in your canon, but it should be cleared up by someone, regardless.

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this is really confusing though because in the deleted scenes of ROTS Shaak Ti was killed by Grievous. I don't know if you're counting that in your canon, but it should be cleared up by someone, regardless.


It's a deleted scene, nothing more, When the attack on the temple happened she ran away when she figured there was no way they'd win, especially on a planet guarded by an entire fleet of Republic ships, so she fled and saved who she could, then about ten years later(?) she was killed by Galen 'Starkiller' Marek on Felucia.

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this is really confusing though because in the deleted scenes of ROTS Shaak Ti was killed by Grievous. I don't know if you're counting that in your canon, but it should be cleared up by someone, regardless.


It's a deleted scene, nothing more, When the attack on the temple happened she ran away when she figured there was no way they'd win, especially on a planet guarded by an entire fleet of Republic ships, so she fled and saved who she could, then about ten years later(?) she was killed by Ga;en 'Starkiller' Marek on Felucia.

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The literature strongly implies that only a small minority of force users taken in by the Jedi Order are put on a path toward Knighthood and Master status. Most are deemed unsuitable either in force capacity or moral fortitude to go through the trials, and never really get any combat training after childhood. Most of those who attempt the trials fail.


The average infant taken in by the order winds up as a historian, a scientist, a healer or a technician in the Jedi equivalent of the Peace Corps. With a war raging, almost all the combatants were off Coruscant. The temple itself contained a score of barely trained padawans-to-be who sort of knew how to avoid slicing their own legs off with a lightsaber, and a bunch of unarmed middle-aged academics and scientists with the ability to do a little bit of telekinesis and/or telepathy if they concentrated REALLY hard. They were certainly less dangerous as a group than, say, a village filled with armed Tusken raiders.


Vader neutralized the several serious combatants present with a combination of surprise coupled with overwhelming power. And given Vader's power level after he started openly drawing on the currents of the dark side, he probably did not need the surprise.


Still, Vader slaughtering the little kids was dumb, both as a practical matter and as a plot point. It probably would have made more sense for Palpatine to order Vader to destroy the trade federation leadership and then just call in an orbital strike on the temple with his cell phone after Vader left.

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Unfortunately, that scene was required in the sense that it almost canonized dark side points.


He was ordered to do all of that so that he could 1) stop the "Jedi Rebellions" in a very symbolic manner, 2) become strong enough in the dark side to master Sith techniques, because he wanted to learn the dark side version of healing.

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Every experienced jedi was out in the galaxy fighting the war, the only ones at the temple were padawans, very few knights and even fewer jedi masters. This coupled with surprise is why they got destroyed, the gatemaster was killed by Anakin before he could register what was going on so thats 1 master down. There were really only 3 masters in the temple during the attack.


1. The gatemaster(he was killed)


2. Cin Drallig(the only real threat to stopping Vader and Order 66 at the temple.)


3. Shaak Ti(she ran away after a breif encounter with Vader.)


So 2 of the 3 jedi masters are gone, this just leaves Cin Drallig(who was the temple's blademaster and finest swordsmen) and other padawans and jedi knights. Anakin sometime later kills Cin Drallig, at that point everyone else is a streamroll because the only hope for the temple was killed and all that was left were padawans and knights and younglings.


Cin Drallig is NOT the finest swordsman. That title goes to Yoda, Mace, and Dooku. They were the best swordsman the Jedi order had. Under them was Anakin Sywalker and Obi Wan Kenobi. Anakin being the best Djem So stylist the order has ever seen. Obi Wan is canonically the greatest Soresu user. Yoda was unrivaled by all (it's stated this in the novels) except by Windu and Dooku but even then they could only match him "sometimes."


Cin Drallig and Kit Fisto is under them. As per the novel he was not caught off guard. He was DESTROYED with ease by Anakin Skywalker. I'm not saying Cin is weak. Anakin was that good. The Jedi in the temple weren't weaklings. Anakin was near the top of the Jedi order.

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