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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Ability Delay -- Character Responsiveness (This will make or break SW:TOR)


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i have levelled to 50 with gameplay that is like trying to run through waist deep syrup. Now im questing on Ilum and its just impossible to play, when i get a difficult encounter i just get killed before i even have chance to do anything. none of my abilities work regardless of how much a spam them and before you know it im dead, is this the same for everyone or am i just unlucky here? Edited by Mytilus
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i have levelled to 50 with gameplay that is like trying to run through waist deep syrup. Now im questing on Ilum and its just impossible to play, when i get a difficult encounter i just get killed before i even have chance to do anything. none of my abilities work regardless of how much a spam them and before you know it im dead, is this the same for everyone or am i just unlucky here?


Obvious Troll is Obvious.

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i have levelled to 50 with gameplay that is like trying to run through waist deep syrup. Now im questing on Ilum and its just impossible to play, when i get a difficult encounter i just get killed before i even have chance to do anything. none of my abilities work regardless of how much a spam them and before you know it im dead, is this the same for everyone or am i just unlucky here?


I've never had it THAT bad. O_O


I just get it bad in pvp, but even in pvp it's not that bad... well maybe a little bit... Abilities don't work at times, etc.

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Obvious Troll is Obvious.


a troll and a fanboy, nothing worse then that


you really should just stop posting, if you don't have this issue then good for you, no one cares that you think you are the best player ever, they just want some big issues with the game to be fixed


also people keep posting in this thread even after Bioware have said there working on the issue because saying and doing are 2 different things, when Bioware put a patch on live servers then people will spot posting about this issue

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Because a small % of the population is having this issue doesn't mean it's the game breaking problem you peeps are trying to make it. Seems to me most people are having a great time. Maybe SWTOR is not the game for you.


OMG, I can't wait for 2 weeks from now to troll these types of posters.


It's going to be so much fun.


The game is close to completely broken now. Abilities don't even fire off.

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I can't wait to tank more hardmodes, use my aoe taunt and a couple of cooldowns - die - realize that the game decided i used nothing. Trolololol. On a side note it does seem to only happen with multiple npcs/players in the same spot. It's really making the games combat feel like ****.


Delay patch 1.1 so i have to resub just to see if it 'might' be fixed. Yeah, no thanks.

Edited by Afulia
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See any other "AAA" developer using it?


One of the biggest names in gaming licenses an engine, that's the best publicity the engine could have ever hoped for.


Yet noone outside of one small time failure (Faxion Online ) and a couple no-name "indie devs" will touch it with a ten foot pole.


Why not?


Because other "AAA" mmo developers have knowledgeable people to tell them if something is worthwhile or not if they don't already know themselves, they don't buy something just because it's cheap and they "think" they can make it work.


Clearly you have no idea what you are talking about. Thank you.

Edited by darthdoll
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I was seriously holding out my cancellation until now....just waiting like an idiot to see what they would do. but I just did it...like xcore, im done waiting....going back to WoW for now.


I need to get the venom out though..............


BW and EA....Go F@@@ yourselves...I wish I hadn't spent the 60 bucks on this poorly designed piece of hack garbage. I want my money back. you paid enough to get the licensing for SW but cant get the F*******g thing to work when I hit the key!!! I phone apps work better than this. G** D*** angry birds has better combat!!!! and my EX-girlfriend had more repeat playability than this game. I can't hold aggro on the F*****G jugg to save my life....Quit worrying about your beards and F*****G emo sweeps, and make sure all your ones and zeros are in the right place! I could have done better coding this SH** with semaphore!!


Good day sir.....I SAID GOOD DAY!!!



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i was seriously holding out my cancellation until now....just waiting like an idiot to see what they would do. But i just did it...like xcore, im done waiting....going back to wow for now.


I need to get the venom out though..............


Bw and ea....go f@@@ yourselves...i wish i hadn't spent the 60 bucks on this poorly designed piece of hack garbage. I want my money back. You paid enough to get the licensing for sw but cant get the f*******g thing to work when i hit the key!!! I phone apps work better than this. G** d*** angry birds has better combat!!!! And my ex-girlfriend had more repeat playability than this game. I can't hold aggro on the f*****g jugg to save my life....quit worrying about your beards and f*****g emo sweeps, and make sure all your ones and zeros are in the right place! I could have done better coding this sh** with semaphore!!


Good day sir.....i said good day!!!




"patch 1.1 delayed due to beards"

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So, without having time to read this I would like to say:


Yes, /signed, please fix, etc.


I'm in love with the idea of this game and most of the content as well, but this is gamebreaking through and through. My Guardians effectiveness is almost neutralized because of this delay in PvP. So often my skills will not even go off because of something happening behind the scenes of the game.


I'd rather not see such an enormous game, in terms of possible content and potential for success, go down the drain because of something like this.

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Hmmm you are struggling playing this game. I am not. You have a "delay-Issue" I do not.







For example, our 'ability delay' issue is being addressed by the development team right now, and I've been told there are dozens of fixes potentially being looked at to help improve things. There's no single magic fix (although some fixes may have more of an effect than others).


There are other quotes that they're working on it, too. I believe there were some patch notes from a couple of weeks ago that mentioned addressing some of it.


I love this game, I'm having a great time. Honestly, my biggest issue at the moment is Twi'lek headgear being displaced by hooded robes even though the hood doesn't show. That doesn't mean the delay problems don't exist, especially when they've already acknowledged them and have said they're working on them.


As a side note, they really need a report post feature on these boards to help with the trolling, unless I'm just missing it somehow. /edit: NM, didn't show up because I wasn't logged in...

Edited by AtomicPenguin
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There are other quotes that they're working on it, too. I believe there were some patch notes from a couple of weeks ago that mentioned addressing some of it.


I love this game, I'm having a great time. Honestly, my biggest issue at the moment is Twi'lek headgear being displaced by hooded robes even though the hood doesn't show. That doesn't mean the delay problems don't exist, especially when they've already acknowledged them and have said they're working on them.


As a side note, they really need a report post feature on these boards to help with the trolling, unless I'm just missing it somehow. /edit: NM, didn't show up because I wasn't logged in...


It is top right next to

... they called it [FLAG]


edit: ah, see you got it. :D

Edited by Rasstavad
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Honestly this is a make or break issue... I am really disappointed that they have never said anything about this besides "we are talking about it." Quite frankly it pisses me off.


It's the Engine, and the code...or perhaps it's whatever change they made right before it all went live. They've already stated that the delay isn't lag, it's not latency, and it's not your computer. It's a sync issue and it's massive. Don't look for this to be a quick fix.


This delay issue is the reason we don't have combat logs. The sync is so screwy that the actual errors would become overwhelmingly apparent.


In all honesty, this is one of those things that may never be fixed, and may indeed be game breaking.

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Just cancelled my sub also.


I wouldn't have if the new patch gave me a glimmer of hope but the item modification tables in the imperial fleet update just didn't *********** do it for me.


I am not going back to WoW because I hate that for various reasons also. I guess I'll have a social life for a while which isn't a bad thing :')




P.s.s See you on GW2?!

Edited by Moitteva
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