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Why oh why can I hurt other players if I am not PvP flagged?


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I buffed an Empire player once and got flagged.....lol The thing is they should make it so that we can change name colors so that we can set enemy players to a different color, even when they are flagged. That way it becomes easier to avoid.


They should make it so that we can set to never engage in PvP at all. Never affect with healing, never affect with damage.


If they don't I, and those like me that have absolutely zero interest in PvP will leave. PvE server means optoinal PvP only. If that's not the case, this game is dead to me.

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Name an MMO where catching an enemy player in an AoE, even if you were targeting an enemy with it first, does not throw you into PvP mode. Go ahead.


That's just how it works. If they're flagged, anyone and anything can and will do damage to them. If you do damage to someone, you become flagged.




AoE attacks will ignore yellow players (i.e. you're not flagged and they stand in your AoE it won't affect them.)

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City of Heroes.


That's kind of a bad example since CoH doesn't have open world PvP. You can only PvP in zones specifically designed for it, and if you are in those zones, you cannot toggle off your PvP flag. You cannot even enter Hero zones as a pure Villain and vice-versa.


However, you're also wrong. If you hit a mob with an AoE attack and an enemy player is standing in range, it will indeed hit that enemy player.

Edited by Vid-szhite
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if this is not fixed it'll become quite popular amongst griefers.



If it's not fixed, many people including myself will simply not re-subscribe.


I have never paid to be a victim and I'm not going to start now.

Edited by VorpalK
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If you see flagged players you should be paying attention and acting appropriately. I see no issue with this. If you start casting AoE's with them around, you're making a bad decision. They're hanging around flagged because they want PvP. If you don't, then don't hit them. Simple. I'm sorry but it's PvP and he's free to flag if he wants to, just as you're free to pay attention to what the heck you're doing and smartly avoid him.


I wonder if this person is aware of stealth. You actually cant see certain classes if they don't want you to.

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I wonder if this person is aware of stealth. You actually cant see certain classes if they don't want you to.


Of course he's aware. He wants to preserve this griefing vector. He LIKES that people are having their gaming nights ruined to suit imbeciles that insist on griefing PvE players.

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Let me start by saying I hate PvP - So I play on a PvE server to avoid it. I am also not flagged for PvP.


So why on earth can I accidentally catch a wandering enemy player in my AoE and automatically get set into PvP mode?


Not only do I not want this (Hence finding a PvE server!) but it takes me by surprise and I am dead before I even realise what is going on! Then I have to wait 5 minutes for the flag to wear off, during which time I can't go and quest because I know there are invisible enemy players around?


How did this feature make it live?


Even worse I hear is that if a PvP flagged friendly walks into your heal patch then you are flagged for PvP automatically! This is absurd and needs changing quickly because as I am getting higher in level I am seeing more and more PvP flagged players and I do not want to be restricted to single target attacks for fear of accidentally hitting someone.


I can forgive the bugs but this is going to ruin the game for me if it isn't changed soon.


You're one of those people that would stick a flower into an enemy soldier's rifle barrel. Aren't you

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You're one of those people that would stick a flower into an enemy soldier's rifle barrel. Aren't you




The flower was not put into a enemy rifle. It was placed in the rifle of her peers. I lived that time. No one was a winner or full on right.


What pray tell does that have to do with child like griefing? She was far more brave then any silly brat who gets off on wasting time at a computer.

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I rolled on a pvp server and have been flagged this way many times. And I've had exactly zero open world pvp encounters, and not by choice. I would have attacked if I had ran across any other opposing player and would have welcomed them to attack me. But each time it was healing/rezzing an ally who was already flagged and no opposing, flagged players around.


I don't see why they call them pvp servers. It seems there's not enough pvp on pvp servers and too much pvp on pve servers.

Edited by Wepo
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They should make it so that we can set to never engage in PvP at all. Never affect with healing, never affect with damage.


If they don't I, and those like me that have absolutely zero interest in PvP will leave. PvE server means optoinal PvP only. If that's not the case, this game is dead to me.


It would have to be if you have the "never PvP" flag set then you could not heal another player that is currently flagged for PvP otherwise it will be abused. I am in favour of a never PvP flag.

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If it's not fixed, many people including myself will simply not re-subscribe.


I have never paid to be a victim and I'm not going to start now.


Victim? You've never played a 2 player game and lost? You lose nothing dieing here. This is no different than having the lowest score in 2 player tetris.


Welcome to the everyone gets a trophy generation.

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I have an opposite problem..I were questing on Alderan as a republic player and I was killing some elites in thuls territory for a quest..those are friendly to Empire..so while I was fighting an elite mob an Empire player came and start healing the Elite!!eventually the elite killed me BUT the empire Player didn't Flagged for PVP!!!this is stupid in my opinion..and I could consider it exploit as it can ruin my game without he has to "risk" anything..


if he was flagged for pvp then I would have find him or other players maybe come there and kill him..but as it is now he can stay there and ruin our gaming experience even if we are 10 republic and he is one..


I feel sorry for you, truly. But damn I laughed so hard at this. I'll be posting a bit later on topic but as of right now I am a little disheartened by the "PvPers" in this thread. You griefers are giving the rest of us PvPers a really bad name.... To those that hate PvPers, we aren't all like this, I promise.

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Thank you for this post.


I've been suddenly flagged as PvP several times now and had no idea what was going on. I previously thought it was a bug.


I have nothing against those who PvP, but I never PvP and do not want to be involved in it in any way whatsoever. Finding out that there is a way for me to be PvP flagged without doing anything intentional on my part I find disturbing.


So far I have not been the victim of any griefing, but it's definitely annoying as I have to wait in a safe area for the flag to clear.


I hope that this will be fixed. If I continue to encounter it on a regular basis it would definitely be a factor in my decision not to re-subscribe to the game.

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Name an MMO where catching an enemy player in an AoE, even if you were targeting an enemy with it first, does not throw you into PvP mode. Go ahead.


That's just how it works. If they're flagged, anyone and anything can and will do damage to them. If you do damage to someone, you become flagged.


There's an option in WoW and in Rift to avoid this. It wasn't set on as default, but you can turn it on.

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Let me start by saying I hate PvP - So I play on a PvE server to avoid it. I am also not flagged for PvP.


So why on earth can I accidentally catch a wandering enemy player in my AoE and automatically get set into PvP mode?


Not only do I not want this (Hence finding a PvE server!) but it takes me by surprise and I am dead before I even realise what is going on! Then I have to wait 5 minutes for the flag to wear off, during which time I can't go and quest because I know there are invisible enemy players around?


How did this feature make it live?


Even worse I hear is that if a PvP flagged friendly walks into your heal patch then you are flagged for PvP automatically! This is absurd and needs changing quickly because as I am getting higher in level I am seeing more and more PvP flagged players and I do not want to be restricted to single target attacks for fear of accidentally hitting someone.


I can forgive the bugs but this is going to ruin the game for me if it isn't changed soon.


Your aoe heal will flag you if it heals an ally, that will never get changed.

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Oldest trick in the book. Gamers have been doing that for as long as there have been PvP and PvE servers. Just watch your AE when you see the other faction.


You tell me how you would avoid me if I were in stealth. Being a SI Assn makes stealthing very easy. Most of you aren't reading the post thoroughly and if you are your comprehension skills need some work. I love PvP, don't get me wrong, but it's BS when I'm in a PvE server for just story and questing and I got some Trooper stalking me, hoping I use my overload ability. Besides not using AoE or seeing invisible players, your only options to combat this is to travel in a group or show Bioware the 2 birds God gave you and not play the game.


Wow. Nice options. I'm really feeling like a valued customer. /endsarcasm


This is a better thread then most of the other ones. I actually saw one that involved people complaining about the hoods and mask not being able to both appear on your toon. Called that a game breaker. Get real.

Can't wait to see the next "game breaker".

Players forced to be gimped/ganked = game breaker

Players want to wear a hood and mask at the same time =\= game breaker

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So (at time of posting) 15,748 views and 348 posts over 35 pages of relevant and mostly mature discussion from the player base. With the majority of people seemingly agreeing that force flagging has no place on a PvE server.


The bit that I must say shocked me was that it would appear that this issue was highlighted multiple times in the beta and it still made it onto the final client. If that is true then my faith in Bioware would seem to misplaced, sadly :( Whatever the case may be this matter still needs to be clarified categorically by Bioware one way or the other as we have official sources of information that conflict with the live game experience. So, is force flagging an intended mechanic or an exploit? If it is an exploit, is a fix in the works and roughly how long before it will be made live?


I say again silence is not an option if you wish to keep the confidence and respect of your player base.

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Your aoe heal will flag you if it heals an ally, that will never get changed.


Of course it can change change! It really isn't rocket science and throughout this long thread perfectly usable examples of how it should be implemented have been given for every situation that currently auto-flags you without warning.


  • Direct heal/buff (one target heal, or AoE centred on flagged player)
    Receiving warning message that you can't heal/buff a PvP flagged player unless you flag for PvP too. Ability not triggered.
  • Direct damage/debuff (one target damage, or AoE centred on flagged player)
    Receiving warning message that you can't attack a PvP flagged player unless you flag for PvP too. Ability not triggered.
  • Res'ing
    Receiving warning message that you can't res a PvP flagged player unless you flag for PvP too. Res not triggered.
  • Indirect heal/buff (flagged player caught in AoE range)
    Healing only applied to unflagged friendlies in that area
  • Indirect damage/debuff (flagged player caught in AoE range)
    Damage only applied to unflagged enemies (i.e NPCs) in that area


I personally prefer the 'give a warning about why the ability won't work' listed above so that you as a player are taught exactly what is going on and why, although others have explained these mechanics without that small change.

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