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Please don't QQ about the large zones!


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I love having plenty of space to jog around in.


Devs, don't listen to people who say they have to travel too far to complete quests... I think that is rubbish.


Travelling is part of any great world simulation, and I am so happy that nothing in this game is tooooo clooooose together.


Enjoy the world and its grand scale... I sure do.

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I love having plenty of space to jog around in.


Devs, don't listen to people who say they have to travel too far to complete quests... I think that is rubbish.


Travelling is part of any great world simulation, and I am so happy that nothing in this game is tooooo clooooose together.


Enjoy the world and its grand scale... I sure do.


I don't think it would be as much of a problem if the game actually simulated a world and not just plains of various colours and textures with groups of 1-3 mobs scattered around on it.


Where are the critters, where is the mob interaction, no weather, eternal day or night. Just some of the things that makes a large world seem dead and pointless. If they had used all the space for something creative, it would had been awesome.

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I am truly glad the planets are this large, alot of people complain cause it takes so long to load, if you are going to complain about load times get a better computer, or quit. The planets are a great size allows for lots of quests and lots of different creatures.



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Travel is pretty fast all things considered. I rarely find myself in transit for a long time. If you don't have a security key setup so you can use fleet passes for 1000 credits I strongly recommend you do that. Fast Travel should be available to you a lot, I suggest using it as much as possible. Worst case taxi's can take you around very quickly and you can use flashpoint shuttles which are labeled on the map to get back to fleet.


If you're spending a lot of time traveling around I think you need to make better use of the tools available. When you finish a mission don't waste time walking back down the tunnel you came in, fast travel back and finish the mission. When you're done questing for the night use a fleet pass to come back to the fleet. Use the emergency fleet pass if possible. Use taxi's. Dromund Kass is annoying because the taxi networks are seperated and then you constantly have ot run to the back of headquarters...that was annoying...


When you get to a new planet go drive around the main roads for a bit on your speeder and unlock taxi and fast travel spots. You gain xp while you're doing this as well so it's never bothered me. As long as you stay on the main road you're not likely to get attacked by the higher level guys so take some time to find points and use fast travel as much as possible.

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every time i see people complain about large scale areas.


i just remember all the trolling post about how you could RUN. not SPRINT but RUN across


THE ENTIRE planet in just 4 minutes flat. so that means in SPRINT you could probably do it in TWO MINUTES.


and then that thread those MULTI threads went like 20 + pages of people who agreed that the areas were indeed small and then proceeded to say "PHAIL"


sooo my point is what is the complaining all about. WHAT IS IT? is it to BIG or to SMALL c'mon trollers. get your stuff together! make up your minds already.

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I don't think it would be as much of a problem if the game actually simulated a world and not just plains of various colours and textures with groups of 1-3 mobs scattered around on it.


Where are the critters, where is the mob interaction, no weather, eternal day or night. Just some of the things that makes a large world seem dead and pointless. If they had used all the space for something creative, it would had been awesome.


^ This.


If they had made these large empty spaces more lively by adding simple things like many none intractable NPC's doing odd jobs and chatting with one another, random critters, weather changes, and a day and night cycle, those things alone would really help do away with the dead world feeling. Thankfully all these things can be implemented at a later date. The NPC's could be added in a simple patch but the weather and day and night cycles may need to be added with the release of an expansion.

Edited by ClayPeopleCry
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^ This.


If they had made these large empty spaces more lively by adding simple things like many none intractable NPC's doing odd jobs and chatting with one another,


I've only made it to Tatooine...getting ready to leave for next planet actually. But I don't get where this is coming from. I see the NPC's doing these things all the time. Do the NPC's become lifeless after Tatooine?

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I've only made it to Tatooine...getting ready to leave for next planet actually. But I don't get where this is coming from. I see the NPC's doing these things all the time. Do the NPC's become lifeless after Tatooine?


They are allready lifeless before Tatooine, because they are just part of the backdrop. If you pass a group of 3 npcs talking, you can't click them, sometimes they will do a skit and due to the single soundchannel (whoever caused that needs to be fired out of an airlock) you can hear the conversation they have nomatter how far you ride away.


What I'm talking about is the little things you have in WoW where the animal mobs walks around for example, or fight each other due to their predator/prey relation.


Critters small and big walking, crawling, flying running around in the world also reminds you that there is other life here than what you have arrived to exterminate. Even though it's a very small thing, something like a wolf running off it's patrol path to kill a rabbit or a squirrel fills me with a sense that the world is alive.

In TOR you don't have that anywhere, on Hoth tauntauns and wampas happily brush shoulders without even looking at each other funny.


No day and night, it might be a conscious design feature, in that case it's a bad one because we're not playing a singleplayer where the time is arbitrary fixed between certain events happening. An MMO is supposed to feel like a living breathing world. I still remember the first time in WoW when night fell over Darkshore and The White Lady and The Blue Child danced across the starry night. It was magic, pure and simple.


And the weathere, I have run into one account of weather and that was a subzone on Belsavis where there was snow in the air, it gave a good feel to the setting, sadly once I left the zone, I also left the weather behind.

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They are allready lifeless before Tatooine, because they are just part of the backdrop. If you pass a group of 3 npcs talking, you can't click them, sometimes they will do a skit and due to the single soundchannel (whoever caused that needs to be fired out of an airlock) you can hear the conversation they have nomatter how far you ride away.


What I'm talking about is the little things you have in WoW where the animal mobs walks around for example, or fight each other due to their predator/prey relation.


Critters small and big walking, crawling, flying running around in the world also reminds you that there is other life here than what you have arrived to exterminate. Even though it's a very small thing, something like a wolf running off it's patrol path to kill a rabbit or a squirrel fills me with a sense that the world is alive.

In TOR you don't have that anywhere, on Hoth tauntauns and wampas happily brush shoulders without even looking at each other funny.


No day and night, it might be a conscious design feature, in that case it's a bad one because we're not playing a singleplayer where the time is arbitrary fixed between certain events happening. An MMO is supposed to feel like a living breathing world. I still remember the first time in WoW when night fell over Darkshore and The White Lady and The Blue Child danced across the starry night. It was magic, pure and simple.


And the weathere, I have run into one account of weather and that was a subzone on Belsavis where there was snow in the air, it gave a good feel to the setting, sadly once I left the zone, I also left the weather behind.


so you want the ability to cross an invisible line and go from torrential downpour to stark dry desert? no thanks.


hell how about when you fly into the city of storm wind. sunny skies and no rain even though just outside the gate heavy overcast and downpour.


yeah.. so immersing i feel like i'm in a living world. :rolleyes:

Edited by chrisftw
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I don't think it would be as much of a problem if the game actually simulated a world and not just plains of various colours and textures with groups of 1-3 mobs scattered around on it.


Where are the critters, where is the mob interaction, no weather, eternal day or night. Just some of the things that makes a large world seem dead and pointless. If they had used all the space for something creative, it would had been awesome.


That's true actually. I want large worlds but I wish they were more "alive". No dat/night rotation and no critters or weather does make it seem kind of dead.

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The only zones I've not liked were Hoth and Voss, because I found them both pretty tedious. There's a difference between, say, Corellia, which was an interesting large place and Voss, which was nothing but a vast expanse of reddy orange with a few quests scattered about.
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Large maps = fast travel speed. Small maps = slow travel speeds.


That is how mmorpgs usually work. I recall using 2 hours just moving 3 feet across the screen in a old 2D mmorpg back in ye days.


This one only have half the backtracking as well. If the resting areas wasnt placed at the most outer reach of the corners of the maps id barely had any point running around (with all those easy travel points and whatnot).


And there are other games where id kill to get a Numlock-auto-run feature in :D

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BW is also using a lot of optical illusions to make the maps appear larger than they are by blowing up the zone in the map interface.


I noticed this on Balmorra when I had to go, at least to the map, a vast distance to get the a quest point, an npc even told me it was far out, when I got there I looked back and saw I could practically spit the distance.

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Where are the critters, where is the mob interaction, no weather, eternal day or night.


How on earth did you ever visit Anchorhead on Tattoine and not get your leg /humped by womprats every 50 yards???


As for weather, I'd just turn it off anyways. It's a distraction for me.


And nighttime sucks when you are out questing. What? I need to wait for daylight to go out and quest? I don't think so.


To each his own though. :)

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I've only made it to Tatooine...getting ready to leave for next planet actually. But I don't get where this is coming from. I see the NPC's doing these things all the time. Do the NPC's become lifeless after Tatooine?


Video please and thanks.

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Hmm....don't complain about large zones. Have you flown to Hoth yet? Probably the biggest map in my opinion with the most spread out quest hubs I've seen. Not only that compound the fact that I've been punked now three times if not more by the maps, quest route points, and the opposing faction outposts. Yeah, been there done that.


Look at it this way and I'll be perfectly Frank (please don't call me Shirley) my reply is subjective and an opinion. Some areas are too large in my opinion and to complicate matters worse is that you don't see many people due to how the game, maps, subscribers, and shards all work. There have been many times whereas I'm out and about questing in contested zones and never see another person AT ALL.


Ignore the fact of the people counter in the zone within the left topmost UI. You run, you quest, you are in a contested zone, and you see no opposing force. You run, you quest, you are in a contested zone, and you don't see anyone of your own faction. I got all the way to Alderaan before I saw my first opposing faction member and all they did was do a /wave and /hug - golden bombs of light and love... Who would have though it.


Anyway my issue outside the graphical details and looks (they do look nice and the artists should get a pat on the back - I'm being serious) is that the maps are large vs. the number of people present within. I think it would be better if they kept the size but removed the shard system or whatever it is called that tie people to parallel areas. To me it is really removing the multiplayer part of the game I kid you not.


Sure it is nice to quest and have the mobs present. It is nice to have the personal zones to do something in. However it is NOT fun to travel and see no life or interaction with other players. NPC's do nothing for you and it honestly ruins the fun faction to me.


Great game. Looks great. Yet plays like a single player game. My opinion.

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How on earth did you ever visit Anchorhead on Tattoine and not get your leg /humped by womprats every 50 yards???


As for weather, I'd just turn it off anyways. It's a distraction for me.


And nighttime sucks when you are out questing. What? I need to wait for daylight to go out and quest? I don't think so.


To each his own though. :)


Do not lie to me, what do the womprats do every 50 yards lol?


Your arguin against improvements but w/e.



You know any way just so people know BW designed it to be static so no opportunities areto be missed.


Course people will deny it now but that does go into replayability.


To each his/her own though :D

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I agree with OP, the only problem is most people will take issue if they can't sit on there mount in the city, zone to instances, zone to pvp battles without ever getting off their mount lol.:)


I love the worlds and the effort to get from point A/B.

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IMO, the map size is fine..... I feel that it's closer to perfect actually.

Just add more stuff into them.



1) Space ports - should have more npc walking in and out, special varying vendors that travels across planets.

2) More harvesting nodes.

3) More rest zones + cantina at outpost(s).

4) More frequent spawn of quest item in contested zone.


and etc.


The size is good, just add more content.

That's all.

Edited by pangwl
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