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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Redundancy in Travel


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Can someone explain why I have to go through 6 different loaded areas just to make it from one planet to another.


1) Go to spaceport

2) Go to ship hangar

3) Load ship and travel to another planet

4) Load ship hangar

5) Take elevator to orbital station

6) Take ship down to planet


Yea, that **** is getting annoying real fast.

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in a world where people want ultra realistic gameplay and graphics you have to accept that there will be ultra realistic ways you have to travel. namely the steps you posted. If we all stood about waiting to be ported to wherever we needed to be that would soon get tired aswell. Edited by Dreislao
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in a world where people want ultra realistic gameplay and grahpics you have to accept that there will be ultra realistic ways you have to travel. namely the steps you posted. If we all stood about waiting to be ported to wherever we needed to be that would soon get tired aswell.


Not everyone wants ultra realistic gameplay (we'll make it to coruscant in 3 months!). Everyone wants ultra fun gameplay.

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I agree with the OP.


People who argue that we might as well teleport everywhere are using hyperbole to little effect. I play this game to have fun, not engage in an ultra realistic travel experience. Its okay to want a more convienient trip to your ship without having to be instantly teleported everwhere.

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I can only assume it is that way to help with the loading times between zones, as well as increase travel times to make the game "feel" bigger. Also, traveling too fast between locations could cause alot of lag to the servers.




I do agree it gets a bit tedious, but I'd come to accept it.

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If a shuttle can just instantly appear to pick me up just about anywhere, then why can't this shuttle magically drop me at my ship, or better yet, be my ship and take me to space?


Because they wish to give you some magic conveniences to help reduce the burden of travel BUT NOT give you enough magic to make all travel instantaneous. It that's all you want, then just go play an old MUD.

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I do agree it gets a bit tedious, but I'd come to accept it.


The only tedious part really is that they don't let you use your speeder if you have a good run ahead of you. You should be able to speeder through hangers and ship terminals, given that they let you speeder through fleet.


I think they will correct this with time though.

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I've heard this a bunch of times and it doesn't really bother me, but I understand it.


Your ship is like your house. Every time you go in your house, it would have to load.

Every time you leave your house, it would have to load. Fine. One caveat is in TOR your house moves.


Here's how I think it should be.


1. The ship and hanger should be COMBINED into 1 instance. Having a separate instance for the hanger AND the ship is silly. When you enter the ship, it doesn't = take off. You enter the open door and that's it. (loading screen 1)


2. If you want to take off, you go to the helm, select the map, and pick where to go. Then a cut scene plays WHILE the new zone loads. (loading screen 2 but kinda hidden under the animation)


3. You appear in the hanger of your destination and leave through the open door into the hanger and exit to the main area of your destination. (loading screen 3)

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And not everyone doesn't. Going to the ship hangar and orbital space stations is fun gameplay to me.


Hence the reason I like the "Return to Ship" button, it would be optional and convenient if you needed to log out in a hurry.


Like because your dog had found something truly horrifying in the yard and proceeded to roll in it, eat some of it, then bring pieces of it to you and throw up on your foot.

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I understand MMOs are time sinks but reducing downtime is important for enhancing gameplay.. I mean they let us send our companion off to sell grey items to save time. Traveling should be no different. I understand the need to go to a spaceport but all the loads in between are excessive.


The more time I am actually doing something and less running places the more enjoyable and rewarding the game will be.

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Because if it was real life that is the trip you would have to take?

Yes...and instead of Jedi's and Smugglers we'd be level 45 Accountants grouping with Level 43 Lawyers to file a class action suit against the level 38 CEO who said it was okay to dump his garbage in my neighbor's pond.


And this fun real life game would take place on Earth not on Alderaan or Tatooine.


I'm all in favor of streamlining some of the travel here. Wouldn't surprise me if changes were made in the next couple of updates to address this.

Edited by racsofp
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I've heard this a bunch of times and it doesn't really bother me, but I understand it.


Your ship is like your house. Every time you go in your house, it would have to load.

Every time you leave your house, it would have to load. Fine. One caveat is in TOR your house moves.


Here's how I think it should be.


1. The ship and hanger should be COMBINED into 1 instance. Having a separate instance for the hanger AND the ship is silly. When you enter the ship, it doesn't = take off. You enter the open door and that's it. (loading screen 1)


2. If you want to take off, you go to the helm, select the map, and pick where to go. Then a cut scene plays WHILE the new zone loads. (loading screen 2 but kinda hidden under the animation)


3. You appear in the hanger of your destination and leave through the open door into the hanger and exit to the main area of your destination. (loading screen 3)


This is a good idea and I agree with. I am not for loading screens. I am just for the requirement to walk into your hanger or across the orbital station to your ship. Since thats where it is. Reducing the loading screens and having loading go on in the background during travel is ideal.

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in a world where people want ultra realistic gameplay and graphics you have to accept that there will be ultra realistic ways you have to travel. namely the steps you posted. If we all stood about waiting to be ported to wherever we needed to be that would soon get tired aswell.


It ports you to warzones. Last time I checked that was not considered ultra realistic.


This is a game.


Also, I can't spacebar my way out of boring conversations in real life.

Edited by monjiay
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I've seen people posting about this for a while and decided to see how long it took me to get onto Balmorra from the middle of nowhere on Hoth. My friend needed help with a heroic.


Took me about 3, maybe 4 minutes, which is how long it could take to wait for a Zep/Fly to where I needed to go in WoW. Actually a lot less if I was trying to get somewhere like Dalaran.

Edited by Sireene
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