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I find it very difficult on our server to get 3 warzone wins, the Republic side is always well equiped and most of the games find half our players wandering round the start point because they know they will die within seconds if they go near the objective. Pointless...

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This is one of the reasons why there should be Rated PvP, and good PvP Gear should have to come from Rated Content; not just be something that everyone can get by joining enough BGs


There will still be people with best in slot gear doing unrated BGs just for fun, and average or below players will still be turned off by this; but at least a good Rated PvP system would weed out the unskilled players who are currently able to win due to over-gearing fresh 50s and average players


There will be rated matches for premades in near future with better gear.

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It's only three frikkin weeks in!


Exactly.. PvP is flawed by design so that it could not even go 3 weeks before it fell on its Arse.


I only started playing recently, I play 3 or 4 hours a day. I have a lvl 20 and I like to level in PvP. Heres what I see;


1) I join a WZ and people complain cos im low lvl, say that I should go away and quest until Im higher lvl.


2) I stay, and get farmed by 50's. I hit for very little, they face roll me.


This is most matches, I will have to endure this until I get to 50, then I can be facerolled by 50's in Battle master gear. Hmmm, 3 weeks in and a new player is already side lined.


A small percentage of the population are having fun. The majority are not.


Do you think that this will help make SWtor a success?


Personaly Id rather play a PvP based game centred on skill not gear.



3 weeks in and on its Arse... dosnt that tell you something?

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Please provide me with statistics for this "arsestatement". Bioware will respond to statistics, not opinions.


I have a level 50 and I'm enjoying it. I have a level 16 and I'm enjoying it. If it wasn't for huttball I probably would have found pvp a bit boring on my 16 jugger but that Warzone is so objective orientated that it's fine.


I will repeat myself, the pvp right now doesn't exist. But it will and if you're not fine with the current state of pvp I suggest you either get fine with it or wait the additional two-three weeks (most likely shorter than that) until the game has been around for more than a month.


I'm sorry but I'm not even going to try and say this nicely. This forum is filled with impatience and that kind of ******tery would have destroyed this game except for the fact that this is a minority of the players. If everyone who wrote in this forum unsubscribed, that would not have a huge impact.


Edit: Bah, didn't come out quite as rude as I first intended.




Stop wasting your time whining at the forums and give the game time. It is not on its arse.

Edited by Vickzy
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Stop wasting your time whining at the forums and give the game time. It is not on its arse.


Im not whining, I stating that the PvP is gear based and that a section of the community has been given an advantage over a majority of people.


I think that gear based Pvp is outdated and not that much fun. I was not aware that the Pvp was so unbalanced until I started playing. Now that im aware I will turn my attention to D3 and GW2.


The Pvp is on its Arse because the vast majority of people are not enjoying it. I started playing Swtor with 6 others, 5 of them have completly lost interest, Im 50/50 and my other friend loves it.


They could have got this right from the start, they could have designed it better, they didnt.. there is no QQ'ing.. stop being such a Fanboi.

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Its called Dedication and Teamwork. They were able to pull it off, you werent, get over it. Last thing we need is another group of people trying to change an aspect of the game cause THEY PERSONALLY could not cut it.


cut what? they guy laid out a sound argument and you fail to see a problem because someone is "dedicated" First, if people are unable to have fun because early access and premades can roll anyone out there, making it impossible to progress because others have already maxed their gear... then maybe something is wrong? Or maybe you'll change your tune when you start going through massive server mergers... not like that hasnt ever happened in the mmo universe. While I havnt canceled since i'm not even lvl 50 yet and still do enjoy the pve aspect, I did sell my shares of EA. I would keep them if I didnt feel like populations were/going to dwindling. too many bugs, too many exploits, too much of a reason to keep many of the short attention span gamer. Especially when there is competition in the market.

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Im not whining, I stating that the PvP is gear based and that a section of the community has been given an advantage over a majority of people.


I think that gear based Pvp is outdated and not that much fun. I was not aware that the Pvp was so unbalanced until I started playing. Now that im aware I will turn my attention to D3 and GW2.


The Pvp is on its Arse because the vast majority of people are not enjoying it. I started playing Swtor with 6 others, 5 of them have completly lost interest, Im 50/50 and my other friend loves it.


They could have got this right from the start, they could have designed it better, they didnt.. there is no QQ'ing.. stop being such a Fanboi.


Not really a fanboy. Just sick of these forums. But fine, if this game is not what you are expecting out of an mmo mechanicwise, then sure. Do unsub, that I can support. But from what I gathered you seemed to claim that you liked the mechanics only that they were failing.


If you don't like gearbased pvp (which I don't either but it extends the lifespan of a game and is gonna be in most of them so I accept it) then SWTOR won't be for you, neither was WoW I persume?


I find the pvp in this game enjoyable and to be honest, I've been staying away from the mindset that currently exists on these forums just for that reason. It's easier to bash on a game than finding peace in a situation which can be quite enjoyable.


No cursing, no nothing.

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Not really a fanboy.


I know, calling some one Fanboi is the required respones to someone saying that ur Whining... lol


My argument is this;


I bought Swtor to play PvP, I came late because I had reservations.

I was convinced by blog's that you could level via PvP in Swtor, this swung it for me cos i dont like Theme park PvE but a big SW fan.


I start playing and discover that most people are just quitting WZ when they matched against 50's. I see more and more 50's and am unable to compete in any way with them. Im getting farmed.


Im told that the soultion is to "Stop playing, go do PvE until they fix it cos its only been 3 week and it was not possible to have this sorted at launch".


If I pay for a game to PvP, but cant cos In totally outmatched with no option but to endure getting farmed for several months until im well geared.. then I call that game broken. (As I only play a few hours a day, it would take me 6 to 8 weeks to get to cap when loosing all the time)


Good news is that they will patch 50's into their own WZ.


Bad news is that when i get to 50 I will have to compete against 50's who were given their Battlemaster gear by farming low lvl's. I will have to fight them to get mine.


Honestly... thats not a great selling point.

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PVP isnt ironed out until like 3 months after release, and this game focuses heavily on PVE, however Bioware said that PVP is gonna be an important aspect and they are gonna focus more heavily on it sometime after launch


Well, Trion said it so with Rift then ...

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Hmm my words may not count for much, but iam going to say what i discovered the last 2 weeks in SWTOR.


PVE is major fun....if you can find a tank/healer within 30 min of spamming /1


PvP as a sub 50 player at this point in time is horrible.


Level 50 with xxx+ Expertise tanking 5 players for half a match, but i can eat that.

What is more disturbing is the amount of bugs showing up.


Queue system fails hard, admin kicks 15 times in a row....wth is that ?


Strange lag when spamming ability's ? like delays or casting animation stops out of nowhere ?


Massive FPS drops on my brutal system -_- ? yes i spend euro's on my pc and feed my hamsters well :)


Class balance aint a issue for me at this time as the game needs to mature before action is taken versus some classes.


Amount of CC is ridiculous...



I always hated questing in mmo's, but for the 1st time i enjoy doing quests, so thats a big tripple A



SWTOR has bad and good stuff, but the bad stuff is getting more and more weight and patches needs to roll out real fast before the (free) month is over or alot of servers are going to became ghostowns like we had in Warhammer/Aion



What Bioware does for the next weeks will be critical and i dont see much communiation with CM's / Dev's on this boards, wich are also quite horrible to say the least :(


No Server forums is a shame, we cannot build up a good server community atm.



I payed for 3 months and i have alot of fun, but i start to notice that i aggrovate myself more and more to small things.




Bioware needs to act and major flaws and let us know they are giving prio to PvP and fixing gamebreaking stuff before a mass exodus begins.


Still have hope so i wont /quit yet, but the next weeks i want to hear and see improments on some stuff or things might change faster.



Keep the topic clean pls people act like adults and keep your hands out of the cage or the trolls might take a bite.

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People complaining about other people achieving things before them. Boo hoo?

Quit if you want, but don't you DARE blame the game design for your lack of effort.


Theres a problem with this. People who complain would often have loved to have been given the opportunity to achieve the same thing through the same content that the first achievers did, but done at a more reasonable time frame (ie: playing a dozen hours a week).


Once the first group achieves gear in PVP however, the content changes. The first group leveled and got to play in fairly even or lopsided in their favor matches. This is fun for most people.


Everyone after this first group now faces less even matches and more and more lopsided to their disadvantage matches. Very few people enjoy this.


In fact if the very same people who rushed to 50 and PVP gear had been forced to deal with the lopsided matches, they would more than likely have been whining.




The solution? Balanced PVP.

This was attempted with Bolstering and failed. Horribly.

Is it possible? Yes, but it requires a different set up.


One solution?

Levels and gear should not make your character more powerful.

It should give you more choices and have the option to be both more specialized and more versatile.


What do I mean by both?

At endgame PVP, you should be able to set yourself up to tank really well, while dealing less damage


set yourself up to deal more damage, but take hits like a.

You should be able to specialize in flavors of combat, such as putting most of your eggs in long range combat, with little melee range ability, and perhaps no middle range to speak of.


When you are at the top of the PVP game, you should even be able to switch this specialization, although not mid-combat.

Specialized and versatile, and yet still balanced.


The low level, ungeared players?

They get to be mediocre damage dealers and takers with an even bag of tricks for all ranges.


If they can utilize their mixed bag appropriately by staying out of the high levels specialized combat style and playing to his weaknesses, they should win.

Not simply die because their level or gear isn't equal.


If you disagree, and want gear and levels to make you more powerful than others?

Well sorry, but I must call you insulting names and laugh at a coward.

PVP should never be a grind.

Being willing to grind through bad content in order to get to be good at it is not a skill.

Wanting PVP without skill is for people who use aimbots in FPS.

Edited by JackKetch
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What level are you? You must be low level. As you level up, you acquire skills and can use talents that help to offset the heavy amount of CC in WZs.


lvl 49 - yet there is still too much CC in this game. At least compared to other games. Go back to them you say? Oh but I am - at least those companies knows how to make MMO's ;)

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exactly.. Pvp is flawed by design so that it could not even go 3 weeks before it fell on its arse.


I only started playing recently, i play 3 or 4 hours a day. I have a lvl 20 and i like to level in pvp. Heres what i see;


1) i join a wz and people complain cos im low lvl, say that i should go away and quest until im higher lvl.


2) i stay, and get farmed by 50's. I hit for very little, they face roll me.


This is most matches, i will have to endure this until i get to 50, then i can be facerolled by 50's in battle master gear. Hmmm, 3 weeks in and a new player is already side lined.


A small percentage of the population are having fun. The majority are not.


Do you think that this will help make swtor a success?


Personaly id rather play a pvp based game centred on skill not gear.



3 weeks in and on its arse... Dosnt that tell you something?


qft :)

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Its called Dedication and Teamwork. They were able to pull it off, you werent, get over it. Last thing we need is another group of people trying to change an aspect of the game cause THEY PERSONALLY could not cut it.


Once again proving that the PvP crowd is the ugliest and least socially mature gaming "community" around, I know I belong to it, just embarrasing, sorry for his flaming...


SWTOR PvP is broken to a degree that really can’t be fixed to hold my attention for too long, even if they get adequate brackets, and a true randomized PUG queue, the heavily gear-centric approach is a deal breaker. I don’t think that this is unintended on their part; skill is diluted out by the over the top weight of gear stats. I felt badly when I knew I lost against someone who was better geared on the way up, and now I feel bad when I burn someone down that isn’t in Centurion/Battlemaster gear (not as badly in the latter case I suppose).


I think that this approach was meant to appeal to the casual gamer. Win or lose one gets plenty of commendations and experience. You can suck and eventually get cool gear. The flaw in the plan is that the casuals on the way up are getting decimated in lopsided matches. Right now you have pre-mades destroying PUG’s; the fun factor of getting new gear will be cancelled out the frustration of humiliating defeat. Many learning to PvP will be turned off by the very over-powered guild pre-mades, especially given the small dimensions of the map that allow for unequivocal shifting zerg control; there is no escape, people are farmed straight off of the spawn platforms.


Why my emphasis on PUG’s? Because the more casual gamer isn’t going to play in a paramilitary organized form. When they do play, they won’t learn the basics of PvP such as good rotations and tactical positioning, they will instead learn how to flinch while their toon, is stunned repeatedly while rapidly dying as a focus fire target of players in Battlemaster gear. What non-pre-made player will pay money for that feeling in the long run? Why acquire gear if one feels miserable in the process?

Edited by gankatron
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I've canceled my subscription


quitting an MMO before they've done any balance changes and rolled out any big patches is just silly.


the OP has clearly never played an MMO before and if he states hes played any within the last 7 years he would know that most, if not all of them, started out like this or way..way worse.

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This is just another complaint from a clearly casual player going up against more hardcore players.


OP joins a PvP match in mediocre gear going "Lah-dee-dah, time for some pee-vee-pee so I can do my daily." Your competition joins a PvP match going "WE GONNA KILL US SOME IMPS GAME FACE YARRGGHHH!"


Don't expect to do much vs a coordinated, practiced, and motived team while you're casually pugging it. I can 100% guarantee you they'd still annihilate you without any of their pvp gear. Gear isn't the problem, although even coming from someone in full champ/rakata gear (me), gear is too easy to get right now and needs to take more work/effort.


That being said, it's so easy to get that even if you half-azz it you can easily get full champ gear yourself in a week or two...your post is therefore Null and Void.


Completely agree with this.


I'm sorry but if someone takes the time to make a group, get in TS/Skype/Vent and work as a proper team, they deserve to win!


I was in a game of hutball yesterday vs a premade and we beat them 6-0 simply because we worked as a team. It is possible to beat them you just need to comunicate.


They have already said that a patch will add a lvl 50 bracket so just be patient.

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Completely agree with this.


I'm sorry but if someone takes the time to make a group, get in TS/Skype/Vent and work as a proper team, they deserve to win!


I was in a game of hutball yesterday vs a premade and we beat them 6-0 simply because we worked as a team. It is possible to beat them you just need to comunicate.


They have already said that a patch will add a lvl 50 bracket so just be patient.


True, but in the vast majority of circumstances a pre-made will destroy a PUG, this is common experience. This is why SWTOR PvP could benefit from a randomized PUG queue (likely cross-server to not pull too much away from individual servers); this wouldn't take anything away from pre-made play other than the farming of puggers, and yet give the PUG-oriented player an enjoyable and educational experience.

Edited by gankatron
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quitting an MMO before they've done any balance changes and rolled out any big patches is just silly.


the OP has clearly never played an MMO before and if he states hes played any within the last 7 years he would know that most, if not all of them, started out like this or way..way worse.


I am freezing mine due to the Error 9000 bug, I can't stay in a wz match anymore for greater than a few minutes, which benefits no one. I hope they resolve that.

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Most of you guys still don't get it.

It's not about losing the MATCH against a geared premade. It's about how you lose and especially against already geared people.


= With Zero chance to fight back at all. You are not going to even be able to shoot against a battlemaster geared guy with your fresh lvl 50 greens.


He has at least 40% more HP and does 30 to 60% more damage. All he has to do is spam his default attack to "win". Or just finish you off with overstacked effects in 4 GCDs. So stop riding the excuse train about dedication.


If i lose against an equal geared Premade i still can make a dent. Fight at least, even if they stay in control of the Capture points.




The lvl50 Bracket alone will not solve this. It's WoW, and Rift all over again. The gear based Battlegrounds are only enjoyable by a preorder "dedicated" minority and will continue to be "enjoyable" to those who afk leech their way up to battlemaster with a 100% lose rate later.




One solution would be to have Expertise Ranked BGs and unranked. The later does reward little but strips all gear from expertise upon entering in the lvl50 Bracket.


This way most people are happy. You still advance, but those who like to show off still can, and the majority of lazy casuals can enjoy themselves if they like.

Edited by -sasori
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I have to agree with this. Putting in the effort or not the game should be fun regardless. they did fail us


You're putting a basically impossible challenge on the shoulders of the developers here. People don't like losing, but it's the developers job to keep them happy despite that?


I think people just need to learn the rules of the playground, and realize that they can't win 'em all.


Just my $0.02.

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