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Do you support an in game version of Recount. Please give reasons for your answer.


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Are you implying that someone would rather just be ignorant and oblivious to what is going on?


The information is there. People who don't need logs are more vigilant and aware. People who need logs dont pay attention and then post mortem via parser instead of paying attention.


So it is in fact just the opposite. The oblivious players need parsing

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The information is there. People who don't need logs are more vigilant and aware. People who need logs dont pay attention and then post mortem via parser instead of paying attention.


So it is in fact just the opposite. The oblivious players need parsing


You cannot know how much damage people are doing especially when you can't even keep track of any damage they are doing. You can only assume they are doing something when their character is doing combat animations. To follow 3/7/15 other players while paying attention to what you are doing is just illogical and you would require some level of god like situational awareness to accomplish this.


Be realistic here otherwise people will simply shrug you off as a baffoone.

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Cloaking in badness? Ignorant? I'm seeing the pattern now. You kids have fun. Peace out.



The pattern is that people don't want to know what they themselves are doing or what other people are doing, from a relative measurement frame of reference, and that they will accept this blissful ignorance and get carried. Sounds lame.

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Nobody in this entire 85 page "debate" has made one good argument against meters. Sounds mostly like people interested in cloaking their "badness"


Lol that is the same dumb argument bad players who can't do content without meters always use. Problem is we are calling you on it. If you can only do content with meters you are bad.

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No, just really lacking any kind of understanding why people would not want to know their own and other performance. The whole "well i get booted out of other games because of marginal under performance" deal I dont buy, doing like 1 - 3 percent less dps than the average doesn't get you kicked out, or healing for that matter, but it's doing markedly worse than everyone else, 15, 25, 35 percent under performance.


How come you can't do content without meters? Lots of players can. Do you need an easy mode? If so just say so.

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You cannot know how much damage people are doing especially when you can't even keep track of any damage they are doing. You can only assume they are doing something when their character is doing combat animations. To follow 3/7/15 other players while paying attention to what you are doing is just illogical and you would require some level of god like situational awareness to accomplish this.


Be realistic here otherwise people will simply shrug you off as a baffoone.


Learn teamwork, learn social skills, learn to play the game.

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Lol that is the same dumb argument bad players who can't do content without meters always use. Problem is we are calling you on it. If you can only do content with meters you are bad.


where is the implication that anyone NEEDS meters to do content? its just that certain people who are getting carried can be easily identified and weeded out, if you cant do end game content with meters, you're bad.

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Learn teamwork, learn social skills, learn to play the game.


Eating your own words there. Learn some social skills dude. I don't see how anyone can really stand your personality on the internet. They don't need to know how bad you are via recount to understand you are just a jerk.

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are you doing so little that meters would call you out? sounds like it


Lol no I can do content without training wheels so I am better than you. Just be honest and admit games are too hard without parsing for you. We will understand. But stop pretending people who need an easier game are better. That is absurd.

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Lol no I can do content without training wheels so I am better than you. Just be honest and admit games are too hard without parsing for you. We will understand. But stop pretending people who need an easier game are better. That is absurd.


It's not about it being too hard without recount, obviously it isn't since it has been beaten by many so stop with you ridiculous "arguments", please.

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Lol no I can do content without training wheels so I am better than you. Just be honest and admit games are too hard without parsing for you. We will understand. But stop pretending people who need an easier game are better. That is absurd.


Meters are training wheels, that's the most illogical argument in this thread, achievement unlocked.

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where is the implication that anyone NEEDS meters to do content? its just that certain people who are getting carried can be easily identified and weeded out, if you cant do end game content with meters, you're bad.


If you can't do content without training wheels we understand just say so. Don't try to act all macho and tough about it though.


Do you claim doing content with dps meters is harder than doing it without?

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Do you all think meters lead to min/maxing? I believe they do, people naturally wanna squeeze out every little bit more damage they can out of there class. The inherent problem with the min/maxing mind set is that "optimal" builds are discovered to maximize damage. Not that, that in itself is a problem. But once that one true build is made public, the majority of people gravitate to that build. Once again rightfully so. But this creates the "cookie cutter" builds, where you have everyone almost identically specced the same and this kills hybrid or any variant from the cookie cutter build. Which makes the classes a bit stale and predictable.


I personally think the min/max mindset ultimately undermines the mmo genre and eventually leads to a demise of talent trees.


World of Warcraft is a perfect example, they saw everyone specced the same and removed hybrid builds, and in MOP they have removed the trees all together. This is not a direct fault of meters, but rather a consequence of them in the game. Once again, I understand everyone's argument for them, but just understand that the long term consequences might not be good for the game.


Just my thoughts

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Hes trolling and not contributing anything to the conversation and definitely belittling his own side of the argument.


How am I trolling ? You guys claim people who don't use meters are bad and using meters is harder. That is trolling.


None of you can even defend the position you have. You claim bad players don't want meters but players who do not use meters are clearly better.

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Do you all think meters lead to min/maxing? I believe they do, people naturally wanna squeeze out every little bit more damage they can out of there class. The inherent problem with the min/maxing mind set is that "optimal" builds are discovered to maximize damage. Not that, that in itself is a problem. But once that one true build is made public, the majority of people gravitate to that build. Once again rightfully so. But this creates the "cookie cutter" builds, where you have everyone almost identically specced the same and this kills hybrid or any variant from the cookie cutter build. Which makes the classes a bit stale and predictable.


I personally think the min/max mindset ultimately undermines the mmo genre and eventually leads to a demise of talent trees.


World of Warcraft is a perfect example, they saw everyone specced the same and removed hybrid builds, and in MOP they have removed the trees all together. This is not a direct fault of meters, but rather a consequence of them in the game. Once again, I understand everyone's argument for them, but just understand that the long term consequences might not be good for the game.


Just my thoughts


Recount or not. This is going to happen anyways especially in PvP. Recount and really any measuring add on are useless for PvP. You simply cannot change people's frame of mind. You are asking for something that would be clearly out of any company's power to accomplish there.


People are going to find something that works and then make it public. People who can't figure it out on their own and just want to succeed will copy it and it will just happen all over again. Its inevitable parsers or not.

Edited by Kabloosh
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Do you claim doing content with dps meters is harder than doing it without?


The content itself is no less difficult with meters. Meters won't tell you when to move or when to stay still or when to use a particular ability. Meters will help you more easily gauge your own performance and the performance of others.


So meters don't actually make the content any less difficult, they simply make it easier to see where the problem lies if the group keeps on wiping, and clearer as to how you might go about fixing the problem.


If you're a hardcore number-cruncher-math-wiz, I can see why you'd think meters make everything too easy. Thing is, not everyone finds math so interesting and would have more fun if a tool did it for them.

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Because some people appreciate feeling every bump in the road instead of having digital representations of them flashing on their dashboard.


This is pretty much _the_ argument against mods. Thanks, I could never find a good way of saying this :p

Edited by Truga
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Please do not allow, that will turn it into a dps race and reason to be snotty and rude. It will cause some players not to even chance the humiliation of being new and still learning.



Everyone enjoy the game as it is and work to conquer not count on meter to say if you are doing good or not

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