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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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My 5770 runs the game fine with everything maxed.


Maybe I have the magical alchemical combination of components that allows this to happen, but there is no universal issue with ATI cards and TOR.




also runs fine with a 512mb 6350 card (albeit on low settings, still no video lag) and 5 other people I know running 6870's, and one running a 4870

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My computer is 4 years old and runs SWTOR just fine. I'm still running Windows Vista 32-bit and soon plan to upgrade to Win7 64-bit, which I am hoping reduces a slight chop I get at the Imp Fleet base sometimes. I also get an annoying Crash To Desktop about once every 8 game hours or so and I think the 64 bit OS will fix that as well. Otherwise I have no issues.


The human eye cannot detect Frame Rates above 30-35FPS, so why do folks insist on 60-90 FPS? It's meaningless.




Great Game Bioware!

Edited by Circusmaximus
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The human eye cannot detect Frame Rates above 30-35FPS, so why do folks insist on 60-90 FPS? It's meaningless.


Do some reasearch this a false statement for one, i can tell when my game drops to 30 and when it runs at 60. Read wiki or get a better computer and maybe you can enjoy the 100 fps like some of us. 30 frames is choppy 60 frames v sync on is smooth as slik.

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Can't speak for everyone, but my guild is running over 50 members, with 20-35 on at any time usually, and we have only had two people complain about performance issues that are in-game (1-2 that blew up their computers as well), so the 95% vs. 5% seems reasonable based on my statistically insignificant sample
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The fanboys that are saying 'there's no problem' or 'get a better computer' are being very arrogant. This is an insult to many owners with high performance computers. My computer is not decked out to be the best but I surpass the recommended requirements and it should be more than enough for me to play through a war zone or flashpoint. Neither are enjoyable at all at the moment. Both are equally slow and frustrating to deal with.
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The fanboys that are saying 'there's no problem' or 'get a better computer' are being very arrogant. This is an insult to many owners with high performance computers. My computer is not decked out to be the best but I surpass the recommended requirements and it should be more than enough for me to play through a war zone or flashpoint. Neither are enjoyable at all at the moment. Both are equally slow and frustrating to deal with.
Anyone with enough money can own a Porsche or a Ferrari. That doesn't mean they gonna be able to drive it and not end in a tree at the first curve.
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This discussion has become too wide. My suggestion is to narrow it down to the answer to 2 simple questions - my system and my problem. Lets use this thread, create a new one or use the one i have created.


1. My system - i7-2670QM, Windows 7, DDRIII 8GB, NVIDIA GTX 570M/1,5GB GDDR5

2. My problem - fluctuatin fps in the range of 0-110, fps drops (lags), low fps (unplayable)

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well, i was having a very hard time with keeping the game running and always having the program stop responding. I had free system resources during these events, the only thing i noticed was that the hard drive was reading constantly. So i went and tried changing the .exe files to run as admin (they already were), defragging, everything. The thing that actually did fix it for me was that in my file manager i went to the directory that contained the star wars directory, and noticed it was highlighted blue. upon right clicking and checking advanced properties, i noted a checkmark that said compress to save disk space. i unchecked it, let it process it for about 10 minutes (applied to all sub folders and files), defragged, and since then i havnt had a problem. I dont know if this is everyones problem, but it worked for me, sometimes the game would even become unplayable. No issues now.


Good luck!

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Well I can't believe how arrogant and full of themselves the fanboys are :/ .


It runs fine for you ? Great !


Why do you think we are complaining ? Because it doesn't for us. And no, we DO NOT have "low end" computers.


Any computer able to run Batman AC, Skyrim, and BF 3 maxed out, should be able to run that game in LOW wihtout AA with something over 15 FPS in warzones.

So that's why James's interview is pissing us off, with his WONDERFUL "only low end comps" :/ .


Denying that is just being brainless. You don't have the problem, great for you, why do you feel the need to deny OUR problem ?

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A crippling state of denial indeed.


If you have a 560ti and i7 2600k and get great performance, good for you.


There are people with radeon 6970s and gtx 580s who are getting horrible performance.


We know many of you are getting great framerates. A *****load of people are not, unfortunately.


The two are NOT mutually exclusive. If there is a mental deficit on your end such that you cannot understand this, you have my sympathies.

Edited by Private_Jenkins
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When my system exceeds that of the recommended requirements and still gets terrible performance, either the recommended requirements are wrong and need to be reassessed, there is a problem with the game, there is a problem with the drivers, or there is a mystery problem with my OS install or underlying hardware.


I really like the game and I want it to run well. I wouldn't mind upgrading if I knew that it would increase my performance, but it seems that for everyone that runs fine, there is someone else either near identical hardware having issues.


Having any sort of dialogue regarding the issue would be helpful.

Edited by gyMe
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I'm running it fine. Everyone in my guild is running it fine. My co-worker on a 4 year old acer laptop is running it fine. Ohlen is right. Minority is a minority. That doesn't mean their not fixing it. It just means you've gotta be a little bit patient. Or not. Don't trip over the droid parts on your way out the door.
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I'm running it fine. Everyone in my guild is running it fine. My co-worker on a 4 year old acer laptop is running it fine. Ohlen is right. Minority is a minority. That doesn't mean their not fixing it. It just means you've gotta be a little bit patient. Or not. Don't trip over the droid parts on your way out the door.


Olhen is right about the minority part ?




Cool. I guess that... is completely irelevant since that's not the problem.


Problem is, he's saying that only people with (according to you then) something worst than a "4 years old laptop" can't run the game properly.


While we, for the most part, have high ends PCs.


As I said, if the computer/laptop can run Batman AC maxed out, along with BF3 and Skyrim, no way in hell it should get less than 20 FPs in warzones, with every settings on "low" and no AA. It's IMPOSSIBLE.


Especially since the game doesn't even look that good to begin with. And that it runs fine everywhere else.

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Olhen is right about the minority part ?




Cool. I guess that... is completely irelevant since that's not the problem.


Problem is, he's saying that only people with (according to you then) something worst than a "4 years old laptop" can't run the game properly.


While we, for the most part, have high ends PCs.


As I said, if the computer/laptop can run Batman AC maxed out, along with BF3 and Skyrim, no way in hell it should get less than 20 FPs in warzones, with every settings on "low" and no AA. It's IMPOSSIBLE.


Especially since the game doesn't even look that good to begin with. And that it runs fine everywhere else.


You obviously didnt read what he said. He never said it was all low end pcs. All he said was that its a minority of the subscribers and most of the 5% are people with low end pcs. Nowhere did he say it was ALL low end pcs. He also said there are areas where FPS slows down for EVERYONE. He considers those areas bugged and not part of a larger problem low end people have everywhere. Before you start commenting you should at least know what you are talking about.


Also single player games do not have even 10% of the demand of a MMO. So comparing this to some game like BF3 or Skyrim is comparing apples to oranges.

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Also these are the recommended settings:


OS: Windows 7 64bit SP1


CPU: Intel Core 2 Quad Processor 2.4GHz or better AMD Phenom 2 X4 Quad-core 2.5GHz or better


RAM: 4GB RAM or higher


Video: ATI/AMD Radeon HD 4850 or better NVIDIA GeForce GTX 260 or better 512MB minimum video RAM Shader 3.0 or better fully compatible graphics card Latest drivers for your video card


So if you dont have a 64 bit OS you dont have minimum a quad core and a minimum GTX 260 or better with a minimum of 512mb on it. Also 4 gigs of ram minimum. So if you dont meet these you will see degraded performance regardless and it will be worse in highly populated areas. If you are under the recommended settings your FPS problem is your computer.

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I don't know about "issues", but I generally have 30ish or so FPS on Fleet, 35-45 on any world, but every warzone I enter I instantly drop to 15 max.


My chat even lags about 2 seconds in warzones, as well.


I don't have a high end PC, but not a min-spec one either (though my processor is below average).


But I would call every single warzone being 50% the FPS of everywhere else in the world without changing settings an "issue". The ability delay in warzones is also much higher.


Also planet loading screens are awful. Certain planets are easily 3 minutes (this is reminding me of Dragon Age 1). And all I do is load into a spaceport. Then I load into the actual planet and it's like 15 seconds.


What am I loading for so long? Though this is not likely a performance issue as much as just how Bioware designed it.

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You obviously didnt read what he said. He never said it was all low end pcs. All he said was that its a minority of the subscribers and most of the 5% are people with low end pcs. Nowhere did he say it was ALL low end pcs. He also said there are areas where FPS slows down for EVERYONE. He considers those areas bugged and not part of a larger problem low end people have everywhere. Before you start commenting you should at least know what you are talking about.


Also single player games do not have even 10% of the demand of a MMO. So comparing this to some game like BF3 or Skyrim is comparing apples to oranges.


I really wish they would teach reading comprehension still in school. Then we wouldn't have to spend so much time clarifying what the devs say to people who are still hooked on phonics.

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about that 5% lie... me and my brother never had any perfomance issues (70+ fps everythere except 25-40 fps at fleet in prime time) until we tried to pvp.... 10-15 fps in warzone while combatting, more ppl around = less fps.... it's the same on both our computers. not fun at all, cause we both bought this game for competitive pvp.


my brother just quietly unsubbed, me too... until i saw this thread!!! blatant bioware liars!!!

90% of ppl just didn't bother to post a ticket or cry on forums!!! they'll just unsub, bioware.


sorry for my english. i'm russian.

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ive pretty much stopped playing completely already. my subscription has another 2 months to run out but i don't see a point in playing a game for pvp when pvp is the only thing that doesn't work (for me)


-10 fps in warzones and on fleet

50+ everywhere else

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I have a $1000 rig that was purchased at best buy like 4 years ago that runs this game just fine. I did update the graphics card about a year ago to a 9800gt buts thats not even considered mid-level now.


To be honest, I was thinking about upgrading my rig just to play this and skyrim, but they both play fine so I held off.


If you consider my rig to be "high end", your must be running a P3 or something.

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