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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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My machine doubles game optimal specs and I'm having LOTS of lag/framerate issues.


My girlfriend PC is NEW, better than mine (16gb RAM, i.e.) and she get framerate downs too.



I'm adding new ram mods soon...




i5 3,1 mhz




1gb RADEON gpu



CAN'T handle SMOOTHLY the game, i'll stop playing (and paying)



For god's sake, I can play Skyrim @ ultrahigh quality...



Not to mention the HORRIBLE meshed textures they call "high" (yeah, I know it's a bug, that changes NOTHING)

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Read the full article here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-bioware-most-people-arent-having-swtor-performance-issues


Perfectly shows how detached BioWare is from its community and confirms my decision not to continue playing this technological POS.


I'm not having performance issues. The 4 bugs I've run into in my first 150+ hours of gameplay isn't too bad considering the game just launched and games you want to compare it to have been out 6 months to 7 years. Give it a couple months, they'll fix the problems you're having. Or you can quit now, and give us one less complainer in the forums. :)


I actually WOULD prefer you stay for a few months to see it will be much smoother than it already is, but like Bioware says, "It's your story." :D




By bugs I mean getting booted, never had problems with lag or low framerates even with all graphics maxed out. Of course I just bought a new computer at Thanksgiving that I can't give all the specs for right now since I'm typing this on my old laptop and I don't have them memorized.

Edited by Bulldogs_Rule
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Just because you have good hardware doesnt mean you might not have some fault someplace. How are we supposed to diagnose your connection and computer? I fixed a pc problem the other day it was a $20 patch cable causing the issue. The problem I think is you are not willing to look at all options and keep an open mind.


The problem is that I think you're a bad troll, or just clueless. Either way, not very productive.


I wouldn't be posting these screenshots without due notice of other issues that MAY (keyword there champ, MAY), be an issue. ie. connectivity issues (which there are none), drivers.. whatever the case. Contrary to what opinions you may hold, you are not the only person in the world that knows how to diagnose a computer problem if one exists!


You fanboys are unbelievable. First you say that we're not posting screenshots and are making up our computer stats - then someone (myself) posts a screenshot for valid proof and now you're trying to USER ERROR excuse. LOL.

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There's no problem as long as you have at least a 4 core and good enough parts to go with it. Perfect example being my recent upgrade from 2 to 4 cores, as well as some other much needed upgrades.


You need the proper computer to play this without very noticable slowdowns and FPS loss, even on lowest possible settings for this game.


HeroEngine is single-threaded. You obviously don't know what that means. Please do some research before you create posts that make you look retarded.

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The problem is that I think you're a bad troll, or just clueless. Either way, not very productive.


I wouldn't be posting these screenshots without due notice of other issues that MAY (keyword there champ, MAY), be an issue. ie. connectivity issues (which there are none), drivers.. whatever the case. Contrary to what opinions you may hold, you are not the only person in the world that knows how to diagnose a computer problem if one exists!


You fanboys are unbelievable. First you say that we're not posting screenshots and are making up our computer stats - then someone (myself) posts a screenshot for valid proof and now you're trying to USER ERROR excuse. LOL.


One small note, not saying this is the problem, but since you mentioned it... Despite getting a new computer in November and having the game work through the first 4 days, evidently they released updated drivers for my graphics card I think on the 18th (that I only found out by a search on the graphics card's website) and I had to get them installed before it let me in again. This was just MY issue and probably isn't yours, but just saying sometimes it is some really weird outside circumstances.

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I have a high end machine, i7 2600k, GTX 590, and 8GB RAM - I am experinecing glitchy performance, etc .. Something is not right here .. Battelfield 3, all other games play amaxing, no glitchiness .. something is wrong with the performance of swtor, which is suprising since its an old engine ..


HAHAHAHAH YA OK, I'm sure you have a 1000$ graphics card with only 8gb of ram in the computer. Post your specs I wanna see this computer, with a 1000$ graphics card i'm expecting it to range in the 5-10k catagory.

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One small note, not saying this is the problem, but since you mentioned it... Despite getting a new computer in November and having the game work through the first 4 days, evidently they released updated drivers for my graphics card I think on the 18th (that I only found out by a search on the graphics card's website) and I had to get them installed before it let me in again. This was just MY issue and probably isn't yours, but just saying sometimes it is some really weird outside circumstances.


I understand and didn't deny those issues in my last post, but thank you (and I'm not being sarcastic). I have been checking drivers every other day since release for the most part, and they're as updated as they're going to get.

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Because marginalization is exactly what is needed. The game runs flawlessly for 95~ % of the playerbase. Those other 5%, sure they may have performance issues, but Bioware isn't responsible for fixing the driver errors or router firmware clashes that these people are having. There very well may be a problem with the optimization of the coding, but if a high end rig can't support this game, the simple fact is that that high end rig isn't setup properly.


I have a 3 year old PC with a 1 year old video card & matching power supply. I sit at 30-45 fps no matter where I am. You don't need a super computer to play this game, you need a computer that is maintained and setup properly.


People like you who are in the minority of players who are not having the issue, obviously does not understand what is going on here. It is obvious that you have no technical knowledge at all, or you wouldn't make dumb statements. As a IT/BSA, and an owner of an extremely high-end gaming machine, trust me when I say I can play ANY game on the market without my computer even breaking a sweat, that SWTOR has some MAJOR performace problems system/server/code side. My computer and drivers are completely updated and optimized. I could go into much greater detail about why I know what I'm talking about, but you wouldn't understand the technical garble.

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HAHAHAHAH YA OK, I'm sure you have a 1000$ graphics card with only 8gb of ram in the computer. Post your specs I wanna see this computer, with a 720$ graphics card i'm expecting it to range in the 5-10k catagory.


Fixed price.

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HAHAHAHAH YA OK, I'm sure you have a 1000$ graphics card with only 8gb of ram in the computer. Post your specs I wanna see this computer, with a 1000$ graphics card i'm expecting it to range in the 5-10k catagory.


590 is actually about AU$900, and getting more than 8gig of ram isnt going to increase performance.

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HAHAHAHAH YA OK, I'm sure you have a 1000$ graphics card with only 8gb of ram in the computer. Post your specs I wanna see this computer, with a 1000$ graphics card i'm expecting it to range in the 5-10k catagory.



I know this post doesn't concern me (well, a little) but, as I said on my post.



Computer "x"


- Runs Conan Online at MAXIMUM, no lags, no FR issues, nothing


- Runs Skyrim at MAXIMUM, no lags, no FR, nothing


- Runs SWTOR, lags, FR issues, low-res textures named as "high"

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My machine doubles game optimal specs and I'm having LOTS of lag/framerate issues.


My girlfriend PC is NEW, better than mine (16gb RAM, i.e.) and she get framerate downs too.



I'm adding new ram mods soon...




i5 3,1 mhz




1gb RADEON gpu



CAN'T handle SMOOTHLY the game, i'll stop playing (and paying)



For god's sake, I can play Skyrim @ ultrahigh quality...



Not to mention the HORRIBLE meshed textures they call "high" (yeah, I know it's a bug, that changes NOTHING)


the game itself will never use more than 3gb, as it's a 32bit application.

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They are 100% correct

MOST people are enjoying the game.

MOST people are not the ones here complaining on the forums.

MOST people can play this game just fine

A very vocal minority are not doing so.


You figure they've got 1m+ purchases of the game since December 20th

If even 1% of those 1m+ purchasers are having issues, that's 10k people. 5%? That's 50k. 10? That's 100k, you get the idea.


So, let's say 10% of the people that purchase the game are here on the forums complaining , whining, etc.. That's STILL 90% of the people that purchased the game (ie: a majority, or most) enjoying the game with minimal issues.


The math supports Bioware, easily.


Sorry to point out that your math is wrong. Statistically, only a very small percentage of players that have issues on any game, post in the forum for that game. That being said, there has been literally thousands of posts about the FPS issues in SWTOR. Thousands. If less than 10% of the game population that are having issues post about it, and thousands of posts are created already, and hundreds more appear every day, there is a serious issue going on, and Bioware knows it. They have acknowledged the issue, but the last thing they are going to do is admit its seriousness. Doing that would mean certain doom to the future as interested players would not want to play a game with such serious issues. Making a statement claiming a ridiculous 5% were having issues was made to save the company a lot of money. If only 5% of the TOR population was having a problem, a statement would have never been made, and the question would have never been asked. With the thousands of features/changes/stories/etc to ask/talk about, why would Magazines/Websites/Critics ask such a specific question? Because FPS issues have flooded these forums, Reddit, FileFront, GameSpot, and so many others it's ridiculous. Defending the issue at this point is obsurd, and it won't stop people from leaving the game or not playing it at all because of it.

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Hi Raggnarok,


As is the case with any PC game of this scale, we will always have players who experience performance issues. It is impossible to have the game run optimally on 100% of machines due to various factors (lower end machines, ISPs, not meeting minimum specs, and more).


The reality is that, based on the amount of forum posts and CS ticket volume in relation to the total player base population, most people aren’t experiencing performance issues. With that being said, we’ve been keeping a very close eye on forum posts from the players experiencing these issues and we are actively working to address these concerns.


We thank you for your concerns, and please be aware that we are indeed constantly working to improve the game for everyone.


This is the stupidest, lamest attempt to lie I have read in days. Considering that maybe 5-10% of all players bother visiting the forums, let alone post, then obviously if you compare the amount of posts and tickets to the amount of all players the percentage will be small.


Fact is that if you see more then 30 players on your screen your PC starts to crap it's pants, regardless of it's specs. Your engine is extremely poorly optimized. Take notes from Rift. This affect PvP in an extreme way, it needs fixing. Time is running out I already hear my friends thinking about quitting if this extremely important issue isn't fixed asap. Computers that run Skyrim and Battlefield 3 at max settings can't play one scenario in SWTOR at medium settings at an acceptable amount of fps. This is your problem, not ours.

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Bull crap Ohlen. I've lost track of the numbers of players with extremely high-end machines complaining about exactly the problem described in the article.


So Bioware's stance is simply going to be to deny the issue exists and foist it off on "low-end machines?" My i7 with 12 gigs of RAM and HD6970 would like a word with you, Mr. Ohlen.




Just thought I'd chime in, I upgraded my video card while in beta and was like *** performance is seriously sucking


I *****ed and I moaned for ooooh about a week straight as I could play all other games with the cards without any issues..




to make a long story short it ended up being something on my end causing it


Most people pay their 9k computers because they hve a ******** of money to burn and don't actually know *** they are doing when they need to make a game work optimally


I'm not saying all, but everyone I know doesn't have an issue at all running this game, this is across 5-6 different guilds of people not one person has had an issue


The only person who "DOES" have an issue is still using a graphics card with an AGP slot, its WAY below specifications.. and he can actually still log in and play.. just can't get around people


But he's using a Radeon x1650 agp slot card so I can UNDERSTAND why his **** isn't working properly.



This is the stupidest, lamest attempt to lie I have read in days. Considering that maybe 5-10% of all players bother visiting the forums, let alone post, then obviously if you compare the amount of posts and tickets to the amount of all players the percentage will be small.


Fact is that if you see more then 30 players on your screen your PC starts to crap it's pants, regardless of it's specs. Your engine is extremely poorly optimized. Take notes from Rift. This affect PvP in an extreme way, it needs fixing. Time is running out I already hear my friends thinking about quitting if this extremely important issue isn't fixed asap. Computers that run Skyrim and Battlefield 3 at max settings can't play one scenario in SWTOR at medium settings at an acceptable amount of fps. This is your problem, not ours.



I can play without lag anywhere in the game and at any given time in my imperial fleet there will be upwards of 200 players "typically" I still don't lag.


Also he just included posts.. he's actually referring to numbers of tickets put in while in game

Edited by Shammus
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I play this game on two machines as I work away from home. The oldest machine is an AMD athlon 64X2 4800 with 2Gb ram and a geForce 7800 GTX graphics card on Win 7. The FPS I get is usually around 25 and pings on Trask Ulgo of usually 32ms with spikes of 120ms. It is playable for at least 99% of the time.


Edited to correct a mistake.

Edited by Dave_A
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This is the stupidest, lamest attempt to lie I have read in days. Considering that maybe 5-10% of all players bother visiting the forums, let alone post, then obviously if you compare the amount of posts and tickets to the amount of all players the percentage will be small.


Fact is that if you see more then 30 players on your screen your PC starts to crap it's pants, regardless of it's specs. Your engine is extremely poorly optimized. Take notes from Rift. This affect PvP in an extreme way, it needs fixing. Time is running out I already hear my friends thinking about quitting if this extremely important issue isn't fixed asap. Computers that run Skyrim and Battlefield 3 at max settings can't play one scenario in SWTOR at medium settings at an acceptable amount of fps. This is your problem, not ours.


My computer runs Skyrim and BF3 in ultra... and I have no problems with SWTOR whatsoever.


And let's be honest. It's no doubt true 5-10% of all players visit the forums, however when you're having glaring hardware issues most people will go and look for support.


I'm not saying there aren't any problems. Just far from everyone is having problems.


My high-end system isn't. But my wife's low-end system (dual core, gtx260, 4gb RAM) isn't having ANY issues either. I can imagine there will be some hardware incompatibility that Bioware needs to fix. But based on personal experience having worked 4 years in customer service.. alot of people mismanage their systems. Virusses, malware, out of date drivers etc. etc. etc.

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I can play without lag anywhere in the game and at any given time in my imperial fleet there will be upwards of 200 players "typically" I still don't lag.


Also he just included posts.. he's actually referring to numbers of tickets put in while in game


So your specs work with the game. Grats, Im so happy for you. Mine don't, just as many other players.


Number of tickets ingame = posts. If you bother to do one thing you'll do the other as well. Most players just don't, they either accept it or quit.

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Bioware could just put up a log in poll to determine how widespread the performance issues are but they wont because if they don't ask the question they don't have to acknowledge the answer.


"most" people don't even bother to post on forums even if they're having issues. so forum posts can not reliably be used as a gauge one way or the other.

Edited by Kenze
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