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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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Forcing AA and playing in windowed mode and my game performance has been great so far. But then again, I clean my PC regularly, I defrag my HDD, I do regular virus and spyware scans and make sure Windows boots up with only needed software.


Yes, gaming PCs need regular maintenance.

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When did you last conduct a scientific poll?


I trust Bioware's numbers and people who cite Bioware's numbers over crazy conspirators who actually believe, rofling, that the majority of people playing this game are suffering from a frame rate issues. There are more people in this thread saying they AREN'T than ones saying they are.


There's your poll, clown.

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Solution?!?! /sadface


dont get me wrong, the game still can be optimized to use more cores, but the guy i quoted seem to think the only issue was the game. keep in mind many games use 4 cores now (crises 2 for example) so it is possible in windows 7, but windows 8 will improve multicore performance a bunch.

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Because BW is trying to claim peoples PC's as the issue, when their engine is the obvious problem.




umm the schedular has nothing to do with multiprocessing.

if a game is not multi-thread it wouldnt matter what Os you have it will not optimize the game. windows mearly spreads the single thread over all the cores, which could never be optimized if the game engine is not.


I thought you don't want BW to lie to you.

They gave you the truth and it wasn't good enough to satisfy your crave for a blame that isn't your own.

tl;dr get over it

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No the article says the majority of performance issues are on low end pcs, not all of them. if only 5 percent are having performance issues that number is now 100 after 2 million sold boxes. If a minority are the high performers, 1/5 for example, that would still ber 20,000 people on the forums will great computers complaining. So its within reason that bioware is not spreading lies, its just people do not realize that 5 percent, while a small percentage, is still a huge number of people.


your pulling those number from where?


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I have literally every issue covered and im still having problems which is why it's so madening. computer is a week old, my install of windows is a week old, hard drive has nothing on it, ridiculous internet speed (for gaming), spent a day with updates of every imaginable kind (I hate you Windows Update)..there's nothing to blame it on besides my overclocked hd radeon 5770.


i will have to try windowed mode..

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If this has been brought up before, I apologize, but....


I wonder how many people who have "high-end" machines and are having problems are also overclocking their cpu and/or gpu?


I have a Sandybridge i5-2500, Asus P8P67 Pro with 4gigs 1333 ram and an Asus 560Ti, all running at factory settings and I get ~105 fps even on Fleet in peak times. I did have the fps issues on my system, but once I found out about the shadows/shader adjustments, everything was fine.


Besides, if you have an i7, a bucketload of ram, and a 6970 and you are overclocking, you might just be too hardcore for TOR.


Or a redneck.


Or both.

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dont get me wrong, the game still can be optimized to use more cores, but the guy i quoted seem to think the only issue was the game. keep in mind many games use 4 cores now (crises 2 for example) so it is possible in windows 7, but windows 8 will improve multicore performance a bunch.


Do you know how to do this?

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I have literally every issue covered and im still having problems which is why it's so madening. computer is a week old, my install of windows is a week old, hard drive has nothing on it, ridiculous internet speed (for gaming), spent a day with updates of every imaginable kind (I hate you Windows Update)..there's nothing to blame it on besides my overclocked hd radeon 5770.


i will have to try windowed mode..


Age of your computer has nothing to do with its quality. Post your specs, and not just your video card.

Edited by Yuuj
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your pulling those number from where?



2 million boxes sold, and he said 5 percent have issues... Thats in the article and on this stite everywhere


5 percent of 2 million is 100 thousand.


As for one fifth, its just a small minority fraction. I could have chosen anything less than 1/2. Its really just a guess. regardless the pool is quite large. At a maximum 49999 high end computers could be experiencing problems.

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Age of your computer has nothing to do with it's quality. Post your specs, and not just your video card.


Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

Intel® Core i5-2500K CPU @ 3.30GHz (4 CPUs), ~3.3GHz


DirectX 11

ATI Radeon HD 5770 overclocked

700W power

20MB internet

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I5 2500k

8Gb Ram

Sli GTX 560 TI


15/20 Fps on Warzone .


In WZ:

Cpu usage 40% GPU usage 20% , not to mention i've tried everything and i'am gettin this issue only on swtor.


Well Thank you BW , i guess the fan boy's answer will be " lol learn to clean ur comp" .


I'am done with this broken game

Edited by demolk
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your pulling those number from where?




Seriously? O.o


5% of 2 million is 100,000. According to BW, about 100,000 people are having problems. They also said that most of those people are on low-end PCs. Culveren was making an estimate that 1/5th of those could be people on high-end machines (since BW stated that MOST of the issues are on low-end PCs).

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I am getting 15 FPS right now in the FP area with shadows on. There are 4 people around me. What is making me run at 15 FPS lol


this smells like 1 core worth of performance with my computer. someone tell me how to fix this disaster.

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umm the schedular has nothing to do with multiprocessing.

if a game is not multi-thread it wouldnt matter what Os you have it will not optimize the game. windows mearly spreads the single thread over all the cores, which could never be optimized if the game engine is not.




What are you talking about, the scheduler has everything to do with multicore performance? Microsoft's fix improved bulldozer performance by 2-7 percent.

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I5 2500k

8Gb Ram

Sli GTX 560 TI


15/20 Fps on Warzone .


In WZ:

Cpu usage 40% GPU usage 20% , not to mention i've tried everything and i'am gettin this issue only on swtor.


Well Thank you BW , i guess the fan boy's answer will be " lol learn to clean ur comp" .


I'am done with this broken game



i7 930


Single GTX 560 Ti


Running on max with no issues whatsoever.


Sorry, but this indicates user error. Probably something to do with your SLI.

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i7 930


Single GTX 560 Ti


Running on max with no issues whatsoever.


Sorry, but this indicates user error. Probably something to do with your SLI.


Yep but even when i use only one graphic card i have the same issue and the same performance in WZ , i'am running at 70+ Fps everywhere but once in WZ it drops drastically.


Not to mention switching to high/low doesnt change anything . I have the same fps on high 1920x1080 than on low 800x600


And my graphic card is not downclocking to 2D

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I have literally every issue covered and im still having problems which is why it's so madening. computer is a week old, my install of windows is a week old, hard drive has nothing on it, ridiculous internet speed (for gaming), spent a day with updates of every imaginable kind (I hate you Windows Update)..there's nothing to blame it on besides my overclocked hd radeon 5770.


i will have to try windowed mode..


My OC'd 5870 is fine.


I think the game just isn't getting along well with some people's machines.

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The game doesnt use as much CPU / GPU as it should.


Sometime i'm done at 25% on both CPU and GPU usage. Thats not ok, and that's

all the game, and has nothing to do with my setup etc.

I run BF3 clean, CPU/GPU always over 95% usage, and that's how it should be.

Memory usage is normal in SWTOR, and all other games to. It seems to be GPU / CPU issue.


If my setup can handle a game like BF3,

(that needs a pretty good setup to run it at High, and get +60 fps at all time).

SWTOR should do it to, but it doesnt. Ops..


My setup is:


AMD Phenom II x4 965 Black Edition 3.4GHz @ 3,8GHz (stable for 48 hours)

MSI 790FX-GD70 ( AMD® 790FX+SB750 )

2x2gb OCZ DDR3 PC3-12800 Black Edition

AMD Radeon HD5870 (Overclocked) (stable for 48 hours)

Asus Xonar DX Soundcard


Windows 7 Proff 64-bit


***Might not be new or "high-end" as you call it, but it's not an bad setup.

Still up to date for new games.

And it's MORE then enough for what this game should need***


Imo, 25-30% usage of both CPU & GPU in SWTOR is far from enough.

It's poor optimized.

And don't say its my setup, cause its not. Probably same with everyone

else having this issue.

Edited by Mjolkspam
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I think people are forgetting the REQUIRED settings to run this game. This game should be able to be ran on some 2000 pc but it can't. I play on a laptop, designed around gaming, with an i5 - 2540M, 460M GTX, 4gig ram and while I can play WoW on ultra, with shadows on, at around 50-60 FPS in highly populated areas (Orgrimmar @ Peak) and 100-120 FPS in 25 man raids in SWTOR I play on the lowest possible settings I barely hit 25-30 FPS in 8 or 16 man operations.


This game is just poorly optimised. I shouldn't need a £3000 computer to run this game, especially when it looks like garbage even on high settings.

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How does saying the problem only exists for a tiny minority of people who have low-end machines (which is a lie, by the way) serve as "confirming a problem?" It's not confirming the problem, it's marginalizing the problem.


Have you considered that it's a marginal issue? Also, your blatant quote mining is really bad form, so lets go through your assertions and correct you. First, the "low end machines" lines was preceded by the word "usually", which evidently means they are aware of and acknowledge that there are some with better rigs who are having issues. There goes your first whinge. You also fail to mention that Ohlen then goes on to discuss how important it is to Bioware that they improve the performance of the game, for low end machines or otherwise, and that they have a team of people working to do just that.


Of course, Bioware won't say this, but I can; PEBCAC. You know why the line "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" from that comedy show The IT Crowd is so funny, especially to those of us with some experience in tech support? It's funny because users are morons, 99 times out of a hundred. Statistically speaking, if you have some super-leet epeen-machine, then the problem is almost certainly either a driver issue, which Bioware have no control over, or it's your fault.


Honestly, devs can't win these days, eh? Everyone *****es at them for not communicating enough, but the moment they pop their head above the parapet to discuss an issue with the community, someone will get their panties in a bunch and find something, anything to whinge about.

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Did you actually read the article, or just skim it and start complaining?


What Ohlen said was absolutely correct.


Only 5% of people have low performance overall... and yeah that's usually the result of lower end PCs. Where people are having problem is with localized performance issues, meaning they're fine in some places, but have trouble in other specific places. And he completely acknowledged that it was true.


But that's a complete separate issue. That has nothing to do with the game as a whole, but localized areas of the game that need optimization. It's a bug, and it'll get fixed.


^ this.

OP obviously had little comprehension of what he read... in fact this is a recurring theme with the most vocal <1% on this forum.

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