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BioWare: "most" people aren't having SWTOR performance issues


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Well while we talking about problems then not being BWs fault explain error 9000


And there awesome work around which doesn't work for most


Turn off your firewall!


Lol never ever heard an mmo tell you to do that.


But no, BW know what they are doing lol

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again they are not saying ALL the people


However, we know that it's important that there is a smaller group of people usually with lower end machines that are having problems in some areas.


Usually does not mean ALL. While there are people with really high end machines having problems it is not ALL of them


No, but usually does mean most in this context. And that seems totally out of sync with the posters on the CS and general forums with issues, most of whom are experiencing issues on high-end rigs.

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I run around 40-100 fps depending on what is going on in game.


i7 920

GTX 570

6gb or ram


/shrug I'm guessing many of the people having issues are expecting too much out of cheap hardware or simply do not know how to optimize the drivers they use. FYI the latest drivers are not always the best.


You should never see 40fps with those specs.

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I was having serious warzone FPS lag. Odd thing was in the rest of the game it played fine. After reading all the complaints on the Forums, I was ready to jump on the bandwagon & blast bioware about it. I assumed that since so many were having the same problem it must be BW's fault.


I was using the latest released drivers, but on another players suggestion, I updated to the latest Beta drivers from nvidia. Problem solved! I never expected that to fix my problem.


So...I guess my takeaway is not to be so quick to assign blame. I still feel some action lag & abilities fail to go off sometimes but at least it's playeable.

Edited by sfryman
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I too have a high end system and it runs great. Its just a matter of getting updated drivers, and updated operating system and running regular defrags. With a little tweaking I'm sure most people could get this to run just fine. Also, most high end folks like me overclock....if you are having FPS or crash problems you might want to try running defalt setting on your processor and RAM.


My system:

Intel I-7 920 overclocked to 3.6GHZ

Corsair Dom. 1333 DDR3 RAM 16GB

NVIDIA GTX580 (EVGA brand)

Windows 7 64 Bit

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No, but usually does mean most in this context. And that seems totally out of sync with the posters on the CS and general forums with issues, most of whom are experiencing issues on high-end rigs.


assuming all of the people posting those specs that is their actual specs. Even then the CS and general forums are not an accurate judge of how many people have that issue.



Let's go back to the 5%. If it is 5% of 1 million people that are having an issue. That means it's a total of about 50,000 people



So go and count how many people say they have high end rigs. I am willing to bet it's not even 25,000 people. ( I use that number since it's half of the 5%)


Its probalby a couple of thousand maybe even 10,000. but it is defently not most of them.



Also with out inspecting each computer and what they have on it it's impossible to say if it is the game or something else on their computer causing the low framrate.

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go check for yourself, and read this http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-bioware-most-people-arent-having-swtor-performance-issues


they said the problem is with low-end PC's meanwhile most posts in




are people with high end PC's kinda makes you think the PR department dropped a big ball



You should read the article yourself, they said that MOST of the problems are with low end machines. They never said that there were no problems with high end machines.


Unless you can provide a scientific study that shows more high end PC Users are having issues then Low End PC users, you don't have a leg to stand on.


No one is denying that people are having issues, in fact I feel bad for most of the people who are, but not for the reading impaired like you or the OP. But just because a lot of people are having issue doesn't make it a majority of any kind.


It also seems reasonable to me that players with lower end PCs would have less of a forum presence and more of an in game ticket presence as power users tend to be the ones who would go to a forum for support.

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Right. I've yet to see ANY video footage of the game running at max settings getting > 60 FPS in the Imperial Fleet, but I'm sure you're the one guy who can swing it.


Why are you concerned with under 60 FPS in Fleet areas? They are social areas where people go to chat, bank, use the GTN, Train …ext. These are non-combat areas.


Every social area in every MMO has been the same, When WoW launched there were many people that couldn’t even get 15 FPS in Ironforge, Warhamer AoC and Aion were no different in there social area all had lower frame rates.


Let’s stick to real issues.

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Read the full article here: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2012-01-10-bioware-most-people-arent-having-swtor-performance-issues


Perfectly shows how detached BioWare is from its community and confirms my decision not to continue playing this technological POS.


Bye, can I have your stuff please? Also, see you soon as you will be playing still.


Also, he is correct =)

Edited by CatchDeathwalker
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You should read the article yourself, they said that MOST of the problems are with low end machines. They never said that there were no problems with high end machines.


Unless you can provide a scientific study that shows more high end PC Users are having issues then Low End PC users, you don't have a leg to stand on.


No one is denying that people are having issues, in fact I feel bad for most of the people who are, but not for the reading impaired like you or the OP. But just because a lot of people are having issue doesn't make it a majority of any kind.


It also seems reasonable to me that players with lower end PCs would have less of a forum presence and more of an in game ticket presence as power users tend to be the ones who would go to a forum for support.


I wouldn't even go that far. I have had old and bad gaming rigs. People who have them know that thier computer is in bad shape and not expecting it to run well.


They are not going to run to the forums and say "MY COMPUTER IS OLD AND SUCKS WHY WON"T THIS GAME WORK ON IT?"


I used to play WoW on a comptuer that was so bad all my ground textures were just black. I couldn't see any of the ground. But I didn't complain because I was happy I could even get that much. I do remember submitting in game tickets to see if they knew of any way I could fix it. But I never went to the forums.

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Fact: Over 1 million people bought SW:TOR within 3 weeks of launch.

Fact: 5% of 1 million is 50,000.

Fact: Less than 50,000 people actually visit the forums to post.


See, I used to be in EA. I actually worked on the initial system that reported back telemetry about the game (plays ran, touchdowns made, teams used, etc.) back to EA so we could look at the data and fix the game in the future. They have the exact figures on who is having the problems.


If you're having problems, get a better computer. The other 95% aren't having problems. I know I'm not.


I am the 95%.

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There's no problem as long as you have at least a 4 core and good enough parts to go with it. Perfect example being my recent upgrade from 2 to 4 cores, as well as some other much needed upgrades.


You need the proper computer to play this without very noticable slowdowns and FPS loss, even on lowest possible settings for this game.


number cores have no impact. a single core with higher Ghz will run a single game application better then multiple cores with lower ghz. multiple cores and hyperthreading are good for multitasking multiple applications, not playing one game.

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There most certainly are issues with how this game performs, and there are far too many instances with it running poor (when it shouldn't) for it to be a mere coincidence. For how it looks and for what graphical settings it has (that work as advertised), it has no business hogging up as much resources as it does.


I don't have a monster rig like some here (Athlon 2 quad core@3.1ghz, 8GB DDR3 1333Mhz, HD6850), but it should be more than enough to request decent performance in all areas (Every other game most certainly does), and I make sure to keep the OS clean and running smoothly. And while it generally is fine in PvE, warzones -most notably Alderaan- and fleet are a stutter heaven. I can live with poor performance in the fleet, but the PvP issues are close to being a deal breaker.


The poor performance of this thing whenever a dozen people are on screen would be almost funny (MMO, right?), if it wasn't sad instead. I can load up WoW, select my mage, go to Alterac Valley and unleash aoe upon dozens of players while numbers fill my screen, half a hundred people around me engaging in the same perversion, and the experience would be completely fluid. Here, ten people mashing each others face in near Voidstar doors is, apparently, too much to handle without FPS dropping, game stuttering, people teleporting around and abilities taking 2 seconds to go off. At least now we know why the heavy sharding exists - this MMO isn't built to support the first M of said triad.


No, I haven't messed with the .ini file, I haven't tried forcing AA, I have disabled shadows (along with trying to set everything on low), and yes I have put my pr0n download on hold (even though I sit on a 100MB connection), and my latency hovers around the 50-70 region. No, me and many others aren't man-apes who stumbled upon a PC for the first time with the dawn of TOR, and have been gamers for years instead, with different home-built systems to go along with the times, so all of that is so far beyond obvious that I feel silly for mentioning it. A mechanic might as well be asking if I, by chance, forgot to use the keys when I complain about not being able to start my car.


Everything else, from single player games to MMOs, from strategies to FPS, with almost universally better graphics, runs just fine ... except for this game. Saying the fault is in the system and not the game and it's horrid optimization/engine is borderline insulting. More like, if the stars align, your specific PC components might turn out to be reasonably compatible with the game and performance might be decent. Then again I'm not sure what "decent" would mean for different people ... 20FPS while fighting over a turret in alderaan with everything set to "low" might seem good enough for some, but it certainly isn't for me. And certainly not from a game that's no BF3 The MMO in terms of looks.

Edited by Skywagon
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And here's two facts that may have a good sense of truth to them, though this is my personal view on this so take it as you wish.


1. Most people have no issues, you don't see them on the forums because they are playing the game.


2. The complainers that actively post on the forums seem to be the majority but in truth are the minority because, once again, those without issues (which are the majority), are too busy enjoying the game.

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You should read the article yourself, they said that MOST of the problems are with low end machines. They never said that there were no problems with high end machines.


Unless you can provide a scientific study that shows more high end PC Users are having issues then Low End PC users, you don't have a leg to stand on.


It also seems reasonable to me that players with lower end PCs would have less of a forum presence and more of an in game ticket presence as power users tend to be the ones who would go to a forum for support.


I agree, although I'd go so far to say that people on high end machines are really the only ones definitively experiencing qualified 'issues' related to slow load time, choppy gameplay, poor fps, poor texture or shadowing support, etc. The issues they are experiencing are usually related to the application under-performing on their rigs.


On low end systems these issues, in many cases, do not qualify as issues. They expect to play with low shadows, low textures, and with occasionally choppy gameplay. Optimization might be the better word for these users.

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And here's two facts that may have a good sense of truth to them, though this is my personal view on this so take it as you wish.


1. Most people have no issues, you don't see them on the forums because they are playing the game.


2. The complainers that actively post on the forums seem to be the majority but in truth are the minority because, once again, those without issues (which are the majority), are too busy enjoying the game.


Or the ones having problems just don't bother posting on the forums, because they find all forums to be a cesspool of stupidity and/or obnoxiousness.


They also don't feel like posting "I quit because of XYZ" on the forums and just prefer to leave a game quietly...

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amd phenom 1090t 3.2

8g ram

radeon 6850hd

SSD hard disk



Cannot run the game past 20 fps in pvp 40fps in fleet. /fix please


Latest video card drivers?

Latest HDD firmware?

What sound card? Latest drivers?

What mother board? Latest drivers?

Wireless or Ethernet connection? Latest drivers for the network card?

Background processes running?

Virus/Security software been disabled to test?

Have you tried to partition your drive (or use a second drive) and test on a known good operating system?

Version of windows? Updated to the latest build?




There are many factors your post does not take into consideration. Not sure I could say your issues are BioWares fault but I'm sure if you submitted a ticket with the appropriate information they would be willing to assist you.

Edited by Shadowmant
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You don't need a super computer to play this game, you need a computer that is maintained and setup properly.


And that is where the truth is.


I couldn't tell you how many people I know who own and use computers that do not maintain them. They don't run updates, upgrades or clean temp files, reg clean or defrag. They don't know how to clear error logs or have so darn many processes running on their system which drags down performance. There are a myriad of reasons for poor performance on even good systems that all stems from users who are either lazy or ignorant.


It is not the game.

Edited by Daeborn
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There most certainly are issues with how this game performs, and there are far too many instances with it running poor (when it shouldn't) for it to be a mere coincidence.


No, me and many others aren't man-apes who stumbled upon a PC for the first time with the dawn of TOR, and have been gamers for years instead, with different home-built systems to go along with the times, so all of that is so far beyond obvious that I feel silly for mentioning it. A mechanic might as well be asking if I, by chance, forgot to use the keys when I complain about not being able to start my car.





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And that is where the truth is.


I couldn't tell you how many people I know who own and use computers that do not maintain them. They don't run updates, upgrades or clean temp files. They don't know how to clear error logs or have so darn many processes running on their system which drags down performance. There are a myriad of reasons for poor performance on even good systems that all stems from users who are either lazy or ignorant.


It is not the game.


It is the game when you play Rift, Conan, WoW, EQ2, etc. And you don't have half of the problems you get with this game.

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