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Everything posted by sfryman

  1. Aside from bugged abilities/talents, they are the same. Different names, different animations, but exactly the same in every way that matters. So... I'm not seeing your ppint at all.
  2. True But of all the posts in this forum with legit concerns, THIS is the one you chose to respond to? *sigh*
  3. How do you know what class you like the most if you refuse to try any alternatives? Don't get me wrong, you have a point & I agree you should play whichever class you enjoy the most. But I also think people should keep their minds open & actually TRY playing a variety of classes, especially if you're frustrated with the op right now. I'm having a ton of fun pvp'ing on a sorc. Try it before you knock it.
  4. Your sorc guildy is right. Re-roll sorc. Even if you don't like playing sorc as much, you will learn a lot about the class & you can use that knowledge to stomp nub sorcs I noticed that unlike ops at low levels, a sorc is pretty strong in pvp even at low levels. Ops in constrast you need to hit ~lv 35 before you have enough abilities to be viable.
  5. Sounds like you should concentrate on one of your other chars... Scoundrel/ops are not easy to play. But they are not useless if you know what you're doing. Play whatever class you enjoy. Maybe try a sage.
  6. Interesting how there's a lot of threads recently about the whole gear vs skill debate. I personally hate that MMOs made pvp into a grindfest, and the fact that actual skill and coordination often takes the backseat to having (or getting) the best gear. To be fair, swtor is not the worst MMO in this regard, but it is definitely not the best either. I have seen Battlemasters who sucked, and they were still not very successful even wearing battlemaster gear. Also some players use the gear discrepancy as an excuse when they should be looking at their own play-style. Gear is not usually the only factor at play, but IMHO the gear discrepancy in swtor is steeper than it should be. Some players in favor of a large gear discrepancy talk about those with the opposite opinion as having "entitlement issues", and then in the same breath say THEY DESERVE to be able to curb-stomp everyone else because they earned it by playing the game many more hours...how very hypocritical. You never deserve to be able to beat players who are better than you. Skill should have the most bearing in well-designed pvp. Real pvpers play the game to get better by actually LEARNING how to play their class & how to counter others. The gear is just icing. Pvp should not be about facerolling an allotted number of hours to then be "elite" simply because you are equipped with the best gear. Also, if you see swtor in the same way as a job something is very, very wrong. Please get help. http://www.olganon.org/
  7. There's a lot of blah blah blah in this thread over trivial points. Bottom line, alacrity is an inferior stat especially for non-sorc and this deserves to be looked at by BW.
  8. Alacrity is less valuable than other stats, but it does have some value for pvp healers. Still I agree I take power, surge or crit over alacrity any day.
  9. A lot of MMOs struggle with balancing gear. The going strat for MMOs on keeping subs depends on having a "carrot" to keep those players who play the game for virtual gear to keep playing. I personally think it's stupid, and I'd rather play on a level field, but I appear to be in the minority on this. Swtor seems to have a worse than average gear discrepancy out the gate. A new 50 gets easily stomped by champion geared players. The devs likely know this by now, but it's too late to do anything about it, at least until the next major content patch. That's at least how wow dealed with it, every patch increases 5-10 levels, and gear gets reset. And he cycle repeats...
  10. More power to you. I prefer playing hybrid too, but to be perfectly honest they seem kinda sub-par for end-game pvp or pve. As a hybrid, you are losing the top tier abilities that make either healing or damage really energy efficient. You don't have enough points to maximize both, and since we have a limited energy pool you are gimping yourself a little bit going hybrid. Your overall contribution (healing & damage), will be split more instead of heavily weighted one side or the other. But honestly due to inferior efficiency, assuming apples-to-apples comparison (e.g. you don't play dumb & let your energy max out) a hybrid's contribution to the team will be less on average. Not saying that a good player couldn't be very successful as a hybrid (and probably have more fun), but IMHO the team would probably be better off if you just pick one and let the healers do the healing & dps do the dps. We can't have the best of both worlds, that would be OP. That said, do whatever you like to play. I don't think it really matters that much, especially if all you do is pug.
  11. I was having serious warzone FPS lag. Odd thing was in the rest of the game it played fine. After reading all the complaints on the Forums, I was ready to jump on the bandwagon & blast bioware about it. I assumed that since so many were having the same problem it must be BW's fault. I was using the latest released drivers, but on another players suggestion, I updated to the latest Beta drivers from nvidia. Problem solved! I never expected that to fix my problem. So...I guess my takeaway is not to be so quick to assign blame. I still feel some action lag & abilities fail to go off sometimes but at least it's playeable.
  12. Aren't the daily purchaseable earpieces better anyway? Why bother getting these patterns? Just buy the daily gear, it's a lot easier and a whole lot cheaper.
  13. Biochem isn't "over-powered", but it is the best crew skill by far for end-game. I don't think most people pointing this out are calling for nerfs on biochem, they just want the other skills to get some usefullness too.
  14. Wow, seriously with the trickle-down theory? Reagan thought it would work too... The problem is that if slicing makes oodles of credits with no work everyone will just pick up slicing. Massive inflation results.
  15. If you avoid pvp you may see this. On the flipside, if you do pvp you run into the opposite problem (at least I did). Just try doing some warzones, it's not that scary.
  16. I have to admit when I saw the thread title, I clicked just to make fun of you. I had a troll response all worked out. Something about playing dress up or playing house...wanting to play with dolls... whatever I can't remember now. I actually clicked the link and...wow... yeah, that's pretty bad
  17. Do survival training in concealment & med shield in medicine affect medpacks? What about medical therapy (hot effect only) & medical consult in medicine? I'm thinking maybe yes on first two but probably not on latter? Any biochem ops tested it?
  18. Title pretty much sums it up. Any healers with biochem test this?
  19. Take the fabric missions & sell the mats on the GTN
  20. So it's operatives this week? Last week was What's the forum's scheduled QQ class for next week?
  21. Often when I try to use an ability and it doesn't go off for whatever reason, I reflexively hit the keybind again. If I press it too soon this often re-sets the global cool-down (GCD), but the action still doesn't activate. I end up running around (or worse, standing in place) for a few seconds with maxed energy but perpetually in GCD and so unable to get anything to go off. This game seems to have a really hard time with fast key-presses. I set the queued action time to 0 sec, but swtor still doesn't like it when I hit my keybinds too "quickly". Spamming keybinds seems to me a natural response to the "WHY ISN'T MY F#$%ING ACTION WORKING?!!?" feeling, so this is a really frustrating situation for me. But I'm trying to figure out if my playstyle is partly to blame. Is it intended that the GCD is reset if you press a key during the GCD? If so then I need to train myself not to do it. In general the controls feel sluggish, but it does seem better if I "wait" for what feels like an excessively long time between using abilities (but really only a second or 2). Maybe when I get used to the 1.5 sec GCD this will improve? Keybinds also seem more reliable if you right-click your target between actions. Right-clicking a target multiple times is annoying and if potential targets are bunched up, mis-targeting is common. I'm pretty sure there's something that needs fixing there, but the "perpetual GCD" issue might just be part of the game design?
  22. What does it matter? Is there any advantage to "romancing" companion(s)? Anyways, I thought Kaliyo only went for dark side & Temple went for lights side.
  23. The solution to excess QQ is obviously more QQ. Am I the only one to see the irony about a post complaining about the posts complaining? Anyways, welcome to the internet. People are more likely to come here if they have something to complain about, the players without any complaints are just playing the game. I do think constructive critisism is good. Although it is true many people go overboard. But not a big deal IMHO
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