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Operative PvP video 10k crits. WOW


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Have watched this guy on Stmp's stream a bit and he's a pretty bloody good Operative and well geared. They play in a group too, so he is definitley getting help here.



It doesnt matter what you say or how you tell people. All they see is a number, not the buffs not the group aspect of play. This is no different than Reck->zerking wars from vanilla wow when they would get 10k crits on people.Im expecting a knee jerk over nerf.

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As a shadow tank in full champion gear, with biochem Rakata health pack, Rakata fortitude stim, and Rakata 1725 armor adrenal, I can usually hold my own against 4-5 players for around 30 secs to a full minute without a healer and just spamming all my relics, consumables and CCs. If theres an operative present, I may die within 15 secs, doesn't matter what I use. I keep getting hit for 3-4k+ even with my relics and consumables. The only ability that will keep me alive against a geared OP is deflect, once that buff ends, he can take me down within 6-7 secs even with relics and stuff. It's like my armor is not even there. There is something seriously wrong with their dps. I have seen operatives ending warzones with as much as 617,000 dmg while the second best is around 230,000.
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As a shadow tank in full champion gear, with biochem Rakata health pack, Rakata fortitude stim, and Rakata 1725 armor adrenal, I can usually hold my own against 4-5 players for around 30 secs to a full minute without a healer and just spamming all my relics, consumables and CCs. If theres an operative present, I may die within 15 secs, doesn't matter what I use. I keep getting hit for 3-4k+ even with my relics and consumables. The only ability that will keep me alive against a geared OP is deflect, once that buff ends, he can take me down within 6-7 secs even with relics and stuff. It's like my armor is not even there. There is something seriously wrong with their dps. I have seen operatives ending warzones with as much as 617,000 dmg while the second best is around 230,000.


Lol, this is comedy gold.


So you holding your own against 4-5 players for 30 seconds to a minute without a healer is okay? But an Operative killing you in 15 seconds is not?

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As a shadow tank in full champion gear, with biochem Rakata health pack, Rakata fortitude stim, and Rakata 1725 armor adrenal, I can usually hold my own against 4-5 players for around 30 secs to a full minute without a healer and just spamming all my relics, consumables and CCs. If theres an operative present, I may die within 15 secs, doesn't matter what I use. I keep getting hit for 3-4k+ even with my relics and consumables. The only ability that will keep me alive against a geared OP is deflect, once that buff ends, he can take me down within 6-7 secs even with relics and stuff. It's like my armor is not even there. There is something seriously wrong with their dps. I have seen operatives ending warzones with as much as 617,000 dmg while the second best is around 230,000.


That armor isnt helping you against an Op

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Lol, this is comedy gold.


So you holding your own against 4-5 players for 30 seconds to a minute without a healer is okay? But an Operative killing you in 15 seconds is not?


Yes, an operative can do what 4-5 other players can't. It is rather funny. Once I hear the knife stabs I just laugh while dieing.

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Lol, this is comedy gold.


So you holding your own against 4-5 players for 30 seconds to a minute without a healer is okay? But an Operative killing you in 15 seconds is not?


All I'm saying is that I can hold my own for at least 30, I won't even kill one of them but i can surely hold a turret in alderaan for that long.

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heh.. i got name dropped. cool.


and Chris himself will tell you the class is broken. if you don't think so, you're pretty dense. he can duel some of the top geared people on the server and literally end them before they can use more than one global cooldown. say what you want about utility and survivability; that kind of burst is just not good balance.

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heh.. i got name dropped. cool.


and Chris himself will tell you the class is broken. if you don't think so, you're pretty dense. he can duel some of the top geared people on the server and literally end them before they can use more than one global cooldown. say what you want about utility and survivability; that kind of burst is just not good balance.


His tweet I saw was mostly about stim buffs that I read and not necessarily the class. It's the combination of the two. One class being BURST DEPENDENT and then being able to have that BURST buffed tremendously by Stim buff stacking.


But, this is true for just about any class. I've seen Jedi Knights AoE for 7.5k an aoe, I've seen Bounty Hunters and Troopers produce the same results just with more buildup. Sorcerors get the same results through their Tick damage.


Take the stacking of stims away and the class is fine.

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Starting at 1:33 in the video, the slow mo crit montage.


Opponent 1: Level 28

Opponent 2: Level 24

Opponent 3: Level 40

Opponent 4: Level 39

Opponent 5: Level 28

Opponent 6: Level 28



Biggest hit against a level 50 opponent i saw in video was under 3300.


This video fails.

Edited by AWDBAHL
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Ouch. I can understand and feel content if I were getting shot at with this kind of damage from a Sniper or Gunslinger. At least they have trade off in survivability and mobility.


How the heck that Operatives and Scoundrels, who can stealth, vanish, heal themselves, and have their own bubble can achieve this level of damage is just an insult to other Snipers and Gunslingers.

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Sure, Concealment Ops do a lot of melee burst damage. It's what they do.


On the other hand, do you know how frustrating it is to run around as an Op in Huttball with everyone and their mother pushing and pulling everything in sight?

Or trying to jog after the ball carrier when they Force Speed away?

Or try to deal with that Sorc/Sage/Merc/Commando/Sniper/Gunslinger camping up top on the rafters while you're stuck in the middle/pit?

Or to limp after some bastard backpedaling away from you while hitting you with a spammable snare?

Or seemingly everyone else in the world getting 30m stun/snare/incapacitate while you have to close to 10m?

Or your enemy lagging 15 meters away from where you thought you stunned him while you stand in the wrong spot or facing the wrong direction trying to backstab?


Ops are not the be-all, end-all of PvP classes. They function well alone and can reach incredible melee burst potential with the right team and buffs.


To put the shoe on the other foot, though, many other classes can reach better AoE and/or sustained damage, have more utility and control, and be more flexible and adaptive in team play. A commando/knight team could shut down an op plus healer. An assassin/sorc team could shut down an op plus healer. A powertech/sorc team could shut down an op plus healer.


Moving forward, I'm probably going to sideline my operative and roll out a more useful class for pvp team play.

Edited by Lucubration
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Starting at 1:33 in the video, the slow mo crit montage.


Opponent 1: Level 28

Opponent 2: Level 24

Opponent 3: Level 40

Opponent 4: Level 39

Opponent 5: Level 28

Opponent 6: Level 28



Biggest hit against a level 50 opponent i saw in video was under 3300.


This video fails.


this right here is the point of the whole video. everyone cries about how OP the class is, but they fail to realize this is the truth. Go cry about something else now, 15 pages of uninformed whining doesn't help your case at all.

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As a shadow tank in full champion gear, with biochem Rakata health pack, Rakata fortitude stim, and Rakata 1725 armor adrenal, I can usually hold my own against 4-5 players for around 30 secs to a full minute without a healer and just spamming all my relics, consumables and CCs. If theres an operative present, I may die within 15 secs, doesn't matter what I use. I keep getting hit for 3-4k+ even with my relics and consumables. The only ability that will keep me alive against a geared OP is deflect, once that buff ends, he can take me down within 6-7 secs even with relics and stuff. It's like my armor is not even there. There is something seriously wrong with their dps. I have seen operatives ending warzones with as much as 617,000 dmg while the second best is around 230,000.


Here's what I have a problem with. You're not in here saying that your class might not be overpowered as you can survive, without heals, for as much as 60 seconds with 5 people trying to kill you. You're in here complaining that there is actually a class that can kill you? ARE YOU KIDDING ME? This is the dumbest post I've seen anybody make yet, and I actually read the thread where the guy asked why he can't play in offline mode! Operatives are not overpowered. They have tools that are far more limiting than you have, and I'm amazed that you would actually come in here demanding a nerf for (apparently) the only class in the game that can kill you solo. Your post is laughable!

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pointing out a video where someone does everything possible to stack their deck for damage (mind you they're not class specific abilities that buff this too), and calling for a nerf is like complaining a plant grew too big but not looking at how much sunlight it gets.


it's what we like to call an "intervening variable", or a variable that contributes with equal or greater value then the primary one most people look at: ie "its the class." Doesn't mean there isn't contribution from the class (operatives seem to benefit from it the most), just means you can't definitively place the problem entirely on the class side.


power trinket+power adrenal+power warzone buff+expertise+operative armor penetration=messy but only one part of that equation is class specific. you drop out the operative for a sorcerer and apply the same steps they're still going to show marked improvement simply because their damage isn't physical.

Edited by goulet
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pointing out a video where someone does everything possible to stack their deck for damage (mind you they're not class specific abilities that buff this too), and calling for a nerf is like complaining a plant grew too big but not looking at how much sunlight it gets.


it's what we like to call an "intervening variable", or a variable that contributes with equal or greater value then the primary one most people look at: ie "its the class." Doesn't mean there isn't contribution from the class (operatives seem to benefit from it the most), just means you can't definitively place the problem entirely on the class side.


power trinket+power adrenal+power warzone buff+expertise+operative armor penetration=messy but only one part of that equation is class specific. you drop out the operative for a sorcerer and apply the same steps they're still going to show marked improvement simply because their damage isn't physical.


This is a great point.

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Oh look, operatives saying operatives aren't overpowered. Oh yeah, nearly 1 hitting enemys with an opener directly out of stealth knocking them down aswell isn't overpowered at all. The fact they can even do this is self explanatory that they should be nerfed, big time.


Ohplease, by the way, stop defending a class you so like to abuse yourself. Yes, that's what it is, abusing. 10k crits. Nuff said.



It's just like the Slicers who cried when they knew slicing was OP, the OPS are crying because they sit PVP till 50 and post on here saying where is all the content everyones talking about.

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9928 crit fillowed by a 6630 crit. Oh no not strong at all. I'm sure any class can pull this damage off.


You do realize that people who make videos like this just find it extremely hilarious they have such a huge advantage and only have to press 3 buttons to kill anyone, then restealthing and healing themself :D


That's 2 more buttons than troopers with grav round lol :p


Also this video is fake, it's prelaunch look at the skill trees at the beginning.


From left to right it says : Concealment : Medic : Lethality but in launch the skill trees are from left to right Medicine : Concealment : Lethality.


Someone trolling all of you with a beta video.

Edited by dwgagner
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