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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Reputation System to weed out Bad Players


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Too easy to abuse. Heck, it wouldn't even be hard to extort credits from someone "otherwise me and my friends will wreck your rep".


I'd rather see a system like my online bridge program uses, where not only can you ignore players, you can tag a short note to them for your own use. "Ninja" "Totally rude" "GO GO GO player", etc.

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I wouldn't mind seeing something along the lines of League of Legend's Tribunal.


It was night and day after that came out. First month or so, every report you saw was a legit Punish.


Eventually, the worst offenders were banned/learned their lesson and the community brightened up a lot.

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lol. You remind me of the saying "there ought to be a law!!"


Please don't make this game more complicated. Sometimes people have bad days, etc. Just learn how to deal with unpleasant situations, and don't let them get you down. It will help you in real life as well.

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This game does not have cross server LFG and therefore these problems do not exist in this game. Just as these problems did not exist before Blizzard created the first cross server LFG system.


The system you desire to ostracise players for doing things you don't want them to do is unnecessary in a game with no cross server LFG and therefore a perfect community.

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I like the idea i saw about awarding people positive points (kindof of like faction rep, but it would be player rep).


People who enjoy grouping with you could give you a +1, the worse that ninja troll looter pug jerk can do is not give you a point...

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It is possible to implement something like this and keep it from being abused. Statistical weighting systems can provide ways to say "This guy with 500 ratings and 75% positive" beats out "This guy with 3 ratings and 100% positive". You could also apply some filtering so that you can even out the bias of the super-negative guy who only rates everyone negative vs the pollyanna who gives everyone a positive rating. The more your rating habits are stored, the more the system can normalize them with the proper algorithm-


I've even implemented some of these with bug severity/popularity rating systems for large scale systems in the past, so I know whereof I speak. To an extent, anyway.


You'd need some ways to keep it sane- Such things like only being able to rate groupmates, only rating if you completed a flashpoint or major content (EV, WB, etc) with them, were grouped for a certain length of time (30 minutes?), your character is level 25 or above, you've had your account for more than 3 months, etc.


It's totally possible to do this kind of thing and even make it useful. It's NOT trivial and does come with some major social and community repurcussions, however.

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I like the idea i saw about awarding people positive points (kindof of like faction rep, but it would be player rep).


People who enjoy grouping with you could give you a +1, the worse that ninja troll looter pug jerk can do is not give you a point...


Maybe it's just flagging people that you enjoy playing with and flagging people you don't like. So if and when they implement the LFG ability you have a preference that the system will use to get you with people that you've liked and keep you from getting partnered with people that you've had bad experiences with.


I guess that would be a simple way to do it.


I do like the suggestions of having a system of your own personal notes. So putting them on your own list, that when you see them in-game you can see a title over them that reminds you about them. This would be something you could use, could be as simple as emote icons next to their names.

Edited by Deadpool-x
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It is possible to implement something like this and keep it from being abused. Statistical weighting systems can provide ways to say "This guy with 500 ratings and 75% positive" beats out "This guy with 3 ratings and 100% positive". You could also apply some filtering so that you can even out the bias of the super-negative guy who only rates everyone negative vs the pollyanna who gives everyone a positive rating. The more your rating habits are stored, the more the system can normalize them with the proper algorithm-


I've even implemented some of these with bug severity/popularity rating systems for large scale systems in the past, so I know whereof I speak. To an extent, anyway.


You'd need some ways to keep it sane- Such things like only being able to rate groupmates, only rating if you completed a flashpoint or major content (EV, WB, etc) with them, were grouped for a certain length of time (30 minutes?), your character is level 25 or above, you've had your account for more than 3 months, etc.


It's totally possible to do this kind of thing and even make it useful. It's NOT trivial and does come with some major social and community repurcussions, however.

You're right, but that doesn't mean that such a system would be easily understood by everyone. My wife and I were shopping for a coffee maker and I had to explain that the one with a 3 star rating didn't really mean anything because there were only two votes, a 5 and a 1. completely meaningless data. She's not stupid, she just doesn't understand statistics.

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What are your thoughts?


The only way to do it is to either spend the resources to police the game or make it impossible to do so (make a default rule that only lets you roll need on stuff your class can wear with stats it can use). Any other system will get abused by the same idiots who caused the problem in the first place. Why devs dont do this is beyond me. The LEAST they can do is make an infinite ignore list that just includes the entire account. Just once id like to see a development team spend more than 5 minutes making a well thought out loot system and ignore list.



  • Infinite ignore list that ignores entire accounts.
  • A comments in this ignore list so we can know why they are there and inform other group members why theyre there and why you wont group with that person.
  • Ignored player shows up, colored/highlighted, on the ignore list if you are grouped with them. Including ignored players name tag.
  • A loot rule for PuGs, that DO NOT allow to roll on anything your class cant/shouldnt wear (armor class/primary stat).
  • LFG tool (if/when its released) that does not group players with others on their ignore list.


Not too hard IMO, most of these have similar features in other in game player lists or have been done .


For now, the best you can do is put them on your ignore list. If enough people do it and actually make it a point not to ever group with those people, maybe they'll stop (or quit the game) if after a few months they have no one to play with. I.E. Do not invite them, inform and leave a group if the player gets invited. At the very least we, the players, dont ever have to put up with them again.

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sheesh people are moronic with this



if a popup for loot shows up on my screen and I can use it (I meaning I can use it on any of myself, companions) I need for it, if it's green or not important I'll pass or greed on it


Your companions are part of you, you require them to play the game, unless you group 100% of the time.


therefore companions are part of your character.




The popup doesnt say here's some loot for your 1 char only need, greed, pass



I always roll for what I need, if I need boots for doc, or wrists for Kira or belt on me, I click need cause I need it.



people who think otherwise are just whiners, and if you didn't win the roll then do the heroic again, you can repeat them and hell orange items level up with you anyhow so when you get higher level go back and do the low level heroics solo, strip the mods out and put higher level mods in and it auto levels the loot.


stop whining



qq more

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I've seen a bunch of posts on ninjas and players that need/steal loot for companions on PUGs


I think the perfect solution to this is to implement a rep system. Similar to what xbox live uses. So if you run into someone that ninja loots or someone who is need rolling on companion loot, you can rate them.


That rating then would be able to be seen as part of their profile. So if you're in a PUG or about to join another you could see what they're rated. If they're rated low, you can move on and cut out the drama that will eventually happen.


Also it'd give real consequences for bad in game behavior to help curtail it.


I think the biggest reason we keep running into these types of players (that really ruin in game experiences) is because there are no consequences for their actions. Giving them a reputation table that they themselves have to worry about (because they'll be shunned and kept out of guilds/groups) would be a quick and easy way to do it.


What are your thoughts?


in one month everyone will have a rep below toilet level.

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sheesh people are moronic with this



if a popup for loot shows up on my screen and I can use it (I meaning I can use it on any of myself, companions) I need for it, if it's green or not important I'll pass or greed on it


Your companions are part of you, you require them to play the game, unless you group 100% of the time.


therefore companions are part of your character.




The popup doesnt say here's some loot for your 1 char only need, greed, pass



I always roll for what I need, if I need boots for doc, or wrists for Kira or belt on me, I click need cause I need it.



people who think otherwise are just whiners, and if you didn't win the roll then do the heroic again, you can repeat them and hell orange items level up with you anyhow so when you get higher level go back and do the low level heroics solo, strip the mods out and put higher level mods in and it auto levels the loot.


stop whining



qq more


The only qq here is your post. This is assuming the fact that you shouldn't roll need on companion gear. That's assumed, we're not arguing that. IF you want to argue that go to the other 10 million threads where people have brought it up.


Rolling need on things you can't use, that can be used by 1 of your 4 companions and then wondering why people are upset is ridiculous. It's like having to try to explain why you can't drop trou in the middle of a crowded store and take a dump, and then after you do it looking around store and saying, "What?! QQ some more!"


Oh and that's ignoring the fact that this would be exactly for someone like you...

Edited by Deadpool-x
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