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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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What is so "socializing" about spamming LFM BBQ ? If I want to socialize I talk to people Im mutually interested in, and I think non-problematic group finding is actually helping that, because it just means I get to "meet" more people than on general chat. I think they should implement server wide channels aswell easy finder for people who wants to be more efficient with their time spent ingame. That way those who want to just experience content have easy way to do so and people who prefer picking other party members according to their taste and preferences can use LFG channel.


This is what I find most puzzling. To get groups for flashpoints you have to go to the fleet, in the fleet there is NO vibrant discussion on the General channel, not on my server at least. The only thing I see on the general channel are LFG spams and the occasional WTS. The "community" most of the LFD haters refer to DOES NOT EXIST. It's time for you to wake up.


I HATED the LFD tool in WoW, as a pre-release beta player I hated MOST of the "casual features" they introduced to the game. But this game badly NEEDS the tool, because finding a group is EXTREMELY difficult for some.

Edited by Hautaaja
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WoW community was dead BEFORE lfg tool- lfg tool had nothing to do with it- your view is skewered!


lfg is NEEDED in this game due to heavy instancing of EVERYTHING


It was not. I had lotsa fun in TBC.

LFD might be OK server-side but once BW give in to QQers - they will start demanding for X-server LFD.

The only reason LFD might be introduced sooner is if server pops plummet.

We'll see how things are in spring. Before that time I doubt LFD will be in-game.

Perhaps, just and improved LFG tool next month.

It might be handy if it is efficient but not sure if devs will have something brilliant produced on such short notice.

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This is what I find most puzzling. To get groups for flashpoints you have to go to the fleet, in the fleet there is NO vibrant discussion on the General channel, not on my server at least. The only thing I see on the general channel are LFG spams and the occasional WTS. The "community" most of the LFD haters refer to DOES NOT EXIST. It's time for you to wake up.


I HATED the LFD tool in WoW, as a pre-release beta player I hated MOST of the "casual features" they introduced to the game. But this game badly NEEDS the tool, because finding a group is EXTREMELY difficult for some.


I can't agree with you more, on every front, especially for tanks. For some reason there is an overabundance of tanks.


The whole reason I created a Powertech was because I wanted to be group oriented, but almost everybody I know is also a tank. Believe it or not, the biggest problem I have had making groups around level 48-49 is finding a DPS!

Edited by ryanvward
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LFG brought me back to wow after almost a 2 year break. Honestly without it I know plenty of folks that will get bored with this game.


It just takes too long to get a group and forces you to sit around. Really not cool.


Leveling is fun, but I have not run as many flashpoints as I would like to.

Edited by Xzulld
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They were already ghost towns. If you wanted a group you sat in town spamming. LFG allowed you to leave the city and do other stuff while looking for a group.


Memory is a funny thing.


Or you went TO the actual dungeon -- at least that was how it was in the early, early days. Were there even meeting stones at release?

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Anybody who says LFG is not needed, are you doing anything above level 45? Ok, 35?


A 50, two 24s and five 16-17s. One middling 10 or so on the test server.


Not needed. Not wanted. No lobby games here please. Learn to talk to people and form groups instead of mindlessly spamming. Don't make this into a game where the content needs to be tooled to a group of random noobs who got mashed together by the finder.

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In regards to the flagging system...Yes its just as fail as the orange equipment idea.


I will admit that a server wide LFG channel is needed. But NOT an LFG tool.

For the common good of all, it would be totally disasterous! It was spammed with people dinging in WoW and chit chat, so a big no here!
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Or you went TO the actual dungeon -- at least that was how it was in the early, early days. Were there even meeting stones at release?


There were no meeting stones. When leveling you gathered a group while doing your thing and then traveled to the dungeon. At 60-70 you went to the biggest town (Orgrimmar for Horde) and spammed LFG until you got a group. In the years I played, I never had as much trouble getting a PUG together during the peak hours as I have in this game. As the amount of content grew, so did the difficulty of getting a group during off peak hours. So they introduced a tool which solved the problem, max 40min wait even during off peak, compare to this game with it's 1 hour waiting time even during peak. The reason is simple, putting the leveling flashpoints to the fleet was a bad idea.

Edited by Hautaaja
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A 50, two 24s and five 16-17s. One middling 10 or so on the test server.


Not needed. Not wanted. No lobby games here please. Learn to talk to people and form groups instead of mindlessly spamming. Don't make this into a game where the content needs to be tooled to a group of random noobs who got mashed together by the finder.


Couple things:


1. Even "learning to talk to people and form groups" requires me to sit around the fleet messaging people and building contacts and what not. I will still be sitting around the fleet, this making a lobby game.


2. Most people either won't do this or can't. So most people will be stting around the fleet anyway; thus making this game a lobby game.


Adding a LFD will allow people to get out and quest while they look for groups. The current system promotes a lobby game.

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A lfg tool is fine be it a channel or a queuing system. But I would rather not have cross server lfg tools. When its cross server all politeness goes out the window. No one really cares if they piss someone off because its not like its going to keep them from getting a group. They will just queue again and get in another.


Back before a lot of these lfg tools became more standardized if you were a douche and ninja'd loot from group members, intentionally wipe the group for lolz, or flaked out and abandoned the group mid dungeon to go do another pug dungeon because you got that 1 loot drop you wanted, you'd get black listed on the server. People wouldn't group with you. So people behaved themselves a bit better. But with a cross server queuing system people just do what they want and they do not give a crap if its not a guild group.


I swear the wow cross server dungeon finder ruined the pug moral system. Sure we didn't really have any before, but people feared the blacklist, and that kept them inline!



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Couple things:


1. Even "learning to talk to people and form groups" requires me to sit around the fleet messaging people and building contacts and what not. I will still be sitting around the fleet, this making a lobby game.


2. Most people either won't do this or can't. So most people will be stting around the fleet anyway; thus making this game a lobby game.


Adding a LFD will allow people to get out and quest while they look for groups. The current system promotes a lobby game.


The way the flashpoints are structured alone make this a lobby game, it forces you to sit at the fleet right from the start. Compare this to the way WoW handled it, they put the dungeons to the leveling zones with matching level requirements. This way you never had a trouble finding people as there were always people with the correct level requirements around.

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Anybody who says LFG is not needed, are you doing anything above level 45? Ok, 35?


Yep, I'm level 37 and I've talked to my level 45+ guildies about it. A WoW-style LFG is not needed or wanted, and in fact on a personal level I will quit SWTOR should one be implemented. I saw the slow death of server community in WoW (played 7 years), and I will not be a part of that again.


There are two solutions that Bioware could choose:


1) Global LFG channel. I like this one the best. It means spamming, but you can get a group where ever you are, or even on an alt, and it's easy to fill a spot if someone drops out halfway through.


2) Server-only "lobby" style. I find the server-only PvP group-finder has been great for getting to know people on my server, and so this would also be an acceptable solution.

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A 50, two 24s and five 16-17s. One middling 10 or so on the test server.


Not needed. Not wanted. No lobby games here please. Learn to talk to people and form groups instead of mindlessly spamming. Don't make this into a game where the content needs to be tooled to a group of random noobs who got mashed together by the finder.


No lobby games? What do you think the current situation is now?


Tell me the difference. Tell me how a LFD tool changes the current situation from one of apparently constant social interaction into a "Lobby game".


I'll be waiting.

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Yep, I'm level 37 and I've talked to my level 45+ guildies about it. A WoW-style LFG is not needed or wanted, and in fact on a personal level I will quit SWTOR should one be implemented. I saw the slow death of server community in WoW (played 7 years), and I will not be a part of that again.


There are two solutions that Bioware could choose:


1) Global LFG channel. I like this one the best. It means spamming, but you can get a group where ever you are, or even on an alt, and it's easy to fill a spot if someone drops out halfway through.


2) Server-only "lobby" style. I find the server-only PvP group-finder has been great for getting to know people on my server, and so this would also be an acceptable solution.


The game is so new that a server specific tool would most likely be more than enough as long as the server populations are at least in the few thousands. If a server specific dungeon tool doesn't work in a game this new, it's doomed to fail fast.

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The way the flashpoints are structured alone make this a lobby game, it forces you to sit at the fleet right from the start. Compare this to the way WoW handled it, they put the dungeons to the leveling zones with matching level requirements. This way you never had a trouble finding people as there were always people with the correct level requirements around.


But WOW is a different game. In WOW, you could just take a couple of flightpaths to get to the dungeon. In TOR you have to take flightpaths to your ship, go into your ship, go to whatever planet the dungeon is on, and take more flightpaths to get to the dungeon. That's several load screens of travel and least 10-20 minutes of time.


And that is just to start spamming LFG. What if nobody is around when I finally get there?


Adding a LFD is a much simpler, more effective solution.

Edited by Moricthian
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As for the LFG tool thing i'm neutral on the subject because well I never had problems finding groups for flashpoint or heroics, probably because i'm a healer.


You know instead of arguing back and forth between the yes or no for LFG why not try to come up with solutions that would be uniquely TOR and not have the draw backs it had for WOW and make people who don't have time to look for a group happy and make most everyone happy?


and before you guys say "but DEV don't read forums or listen to the community" wrong they do but seriously with all the Flames, trolls and troll baits do you REALLY blame them for not responding to treads when 3/4 of the post here is just a giant flame troll bait war?


just my 2 credits

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Couple things:


1. Even "learning to talk to people and form groups" requires me to sit around the fleet messaging people and building contacts and what not. I will still be sitting around the fleet, this making a lobby game.


No... It doesn't require you to do that. Join a guild with like-minded players. When you run content with good people who aren't in your guild, befriend them. Hell, make friends with their guild too. At this point, I'm welcome on several vent servers (mumble teamspeak whatever) besides my own guild's. It's slow at first, but it snowballs, and it is really so much better.



2. Most people either won't do this or can't. So most people will be stting around the fleet anyway; thus making this game a lobby game.


Won't more than can't. That doesn't mean that it's a lobby game. It just means that they're too anti-social to play a multiplayer game without having their hands held.


Adding a LFD will allow people to get out and quest while they look for groups. The current system promotes a lobby game.


Adding a LFD will make it so that the content needs to be tooled to a group of random people mashed together by the finder. Dumbing down the game even more just because some people are too lazy to socialize with other people in a social game is no solution. It made WoW boring and pointless, and right now this game is NOT boring and pointless.


Don't make it become that way.

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As for the LFG tool thing i'm neutral on the subject because well I never had problems finding groups for flashpoint or heroics, probably because i'm a healer.


You know instead of arguing back and forth between the yes or no for LFG why not try to come up with solutions that would be uniquely TOR and not have the draw backs it had for WOW and make people who don't have time to look for a group happy and make most everyone happy?


and before you guys say "but DEV don't read forums or listen to the community" wrong they do but seriously with all the Flames, trolls and troll baits do you REALLY blame them for not responding to treads when 3/4 of the post here is just a giant flame troll bait war?


just my 2 credits



I'm hoping BW has the forsight to identify the good arguments from the bad. Our goal isn't really to convince each other as it is to convince BW.

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But WOW is a different game. In WOW, you could just take a couple of flightpaths to get to the dungeon. In TOR you have to take flightpaths to your ship, go into your ship, go to whatever planet the dungeon is on, and take more flightpaths to get to the dungeon. That's several load screens of travel and least 10-20 minutes of time.


And that is just to start spamming LFG. What if nobody is around when I finally get there?


Adding a LFD is a much simpler, more effective solution.


Well.. You're arguing my point. That's exactly what I was getting at.

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No lobby games? What do you think the current situation is now?


Tell me the difference. Tell me how a LFD tool changes the current situation from one of apparently constant social interaction into a "Lobby game".


I'll be waiting.


Asked and answered... several times... including in the post just above this one.

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And you're already admitting that it's what you want. You want a WoW-like system to drop you into a dungeon with random nameless people you'll likely never group with again to faceroll to the end and get your free epix. The problem with the tool is that it ends with people crying that the instance is just too hard and they shouldn't have to wait 30 mins in a queue and then be denied their free epix because they couldn't manage the content. Cata dungeons in WoW were actually fairly challenging at first, but the lazy LFD people whined until Blizzard nerfed the hell out of them and they became boring and totally pointless... and the entire game has become a lobby game where people sit around and chat in the cities while they wait for their random steamrolled free epix.



If you opened your eyes you would have realized this is exactly what we are already doing in SWTOR. The only difference is that it's taking us 10 or more times longer to get a smaller group together.


You are the one who is making a straw man by refusing to address the truth as it is and instead addressing the truth as you would like it to be.

Edited by Ellisande
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