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LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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These forums really confuse me. It's like the definition of trolling has changed to:


A) Saying something that the person in question doesn't like

B) A way to respond without having to actually address what was said


There is already a LFG tool in the game. Just people are used to the lazy wow one.

Press O and in 2nd tab you can flag LFG and what you are looking for.


It's poor, barebones, and just plain lazy on Bioware's part. The LFG system feels like something they just cobbled together on some dreary sunday afternoon. It's not that people are used to the "lazy" WoW one. It's that people except a modern day LFG Tool to actually be fleshed out and adorned with all of the bells and whistles that one would expect in 2011.

Edited by Vgbeee
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Yes, yes, yes OP yes !!!

The best part of old W*W was the socializing aspect of the game ! It was just stupidity after the dungeon finder.


Who needs a god damn LFG tool? Get social, ask people , make your group, get some responsibility, lead your group and do your heroics !

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There is already a LFG tool in the game. Just people are used to the lazy wow one.

Press O and in 2nd tab you can flag LFG and what you are looking for.


So all we have to do is wait for everyone to start using the LFG system and then we won't have trouble finding groups. So I guess I have to wait for the masses to stop ignoring a useless system and then I can do dungeons. Sweet fix.

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Still seems like you're getting to know people for the express purpose of talking them into doing content with you.


No, I'm getting to know people because I'm getting to know whether I want to team with them or not; also they're going to find out whether they want to team with me, it works both ways.


Obviously the context is I want to join a team or form one. But wanting to form a team doesn't make me a "cold caller" when I talk privately to people who might want to join a team (after all, it is an MMO, and that implies some degree of openness to teaming, if not all the time, at least sometimes).

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There is already a LFG tool in the game. Just people are used to the lazy wow one.

Press O and in 2nd tab you can flag LFG and what you are looking for.


You are so right. The LFG tool in the game is indicative of the quality program and thought that has gone into the game. It is a wonder why everyone isn't using the tool. Never mind that the list is not sortable or filterable. That only the first 15 characters are visible. A stellar piece of programming that should make the development team proud!

Edited by Zhit
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If all you want is to resize bars it's one thing, but if you're wanting WoW-style Raid addons it's because it makes tanking and healing easier.


As for faceroll WoW heroics, having never healed any of this game's group content at all (not counting pvp) I can't compare the two. But truthfully, right now, as it stands, how much of the content currently in game can't be done by pugs after a few tries to get it right?


If you're talking like, boss mods or stuff like that, then no. I don't want those.


Most particularly I want a lot more UI customization. Not enough spaces on the hotbars for all of the trained skills in some classes, and... for like the bottom bar, if your companion bar is covering it you can't even use the keybinds you set for it. Two windows at a time open only that you can't move, and God forbid a companion come back from a mission while you're browsing the GTN, because then you get to start all over.


Some of the elements are way too big, and some too small... yada yada.


But no, I don't want clique or decursive or stuff to tell people that they're standing in the fire. Not needed, imo.


As for the content, I think ANY of it could be done by pugs if they didn't give up at the first wipe. Not all pugs... probably a lot of them. But the pugs do tend to give up pretty easy. They'd have to understand the concept of crowd control and not be putting strength gear on their Smuggler toon, but beyond that... Sure...

Edited by Taroen
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Yes, yes, yes OP yes !!!

The best part of old W*W was the socializing aspect of the game ! It was just stupidity after the dungeon finder.


Who needs a gosh darn LFG tool? Get social, ask people , make your group, get some responsibility, lead your group and do your heroics !


Looking for Group tool does not equal dungeon finder. Why can't anyone grasp this?

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These forums really confuse me. It's like the definition of trolling has changed to:


A) Saying something that the person in question doesn't like

B) A way to respond without having to actually address what was said




It's poor, barebones, and just plain lazy on Bioware's part. The LFG system feels like something they just cobbled together on some dreary sunday afternoon. It's not that people are used to the "lazy" WoW one. It's that people except a modern day LFG Tool to actually be fleshed out and adorned with all of the bells and whistles that one would expect in 2011.


It worked for 11 years just fine before WoW added the super lazy LFG tool.

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No, I'm getting to know people because I'm getting to know whether I want to team with them or not; also they're going to find out whether they want to team with me, it works both ways.


Obviously the context is I want to join a team or form one. But wanting to form a team doesn't make me a "cold caller" when I talk privately to people who might want to join a team (after all, it is an MMO, and that implies some degree of openness to teaming, if not all the time, at least sometimes).


I agree. I don't feel comfortable teaming with someone until I've had a good hearty handshake. In fact, let's do this process right.


Bioware please introduce a group interview system where everyone has to ask and answer a set of personal questions before flashpoints can happen.


"Do you enjoy flashpoints?"


"What qualifies you to be in my group?"


"Can we be best friends after?"


"How many kids do you have?"


Okay, let's do the flashpoint now that we're best friends.

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There is already a LFG tool in the game. Just people are used to the lazy wow one.

Press O and in 2nd tab you can flag LFG and what you are looking for.

No, there's not. There's a way to flag yourself as lfg and a poor excuse for a /who tool, but there's no lfg tool.
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Nobody answered so I'll ask again:


What percentage of the group content right now cannot be completed by halfway competent pugs within a few tries?


Sorry, I meant to answer that before but hit enter, so I edited my post before I saw you say this.

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I'm starting to lose track of all the strawmen in this thread, i think someone needs to make a list, so we know which fantasy worlds each poster is arguing from and can categorise them properly.


Go on, tell me again how i want dungeon content to easier, or how i don't like socialising with people, or how i really want to kill all the Jews because i don't agree with the OP. Then we can carry on dragging this thread even further down into the steaming pool of ***** that is this joke of a forum.

those are ad hominen attacks, not strawmen.
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It worked for 11 years just fine before WoW added the super lazy LFG tool.


Oh, excuse me. I was not away that this was the year 2000 or that we even had heavily instanced MMOs like TOR in the year 2000.


Because the genre has not evolved at all within these years and the expectations for MMOs has been stagnant the entire time.


Clearly it has not, for this is the year 2000.

Edited by Vgbeee
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Question has been answered numerous times. Use the search function in the LFG that exists intelligently (i.e. type LFG for all-server LFG-ers, or clear and return for random all-server selection), and politely whisper those who are in range. If you can't get a team from the Purple people, widen the net to people who aren't flagged (lots of people forget - thats why it should retain memory of its last state).


Be polite and courteous, make some effort, TALK TO PEOPLE. Engage people in micro conversations.


And meanwhile, yes - don't spam General (because that will only annoy people who might be potential teammates), but put a message up at decent intervals, maybe once very minute or two. AND MAKE THE MESSAGE INFORMATIVE, think what it's like from a team leader's point of view, or from the point of view of someone wavering about whether to team at that moment. What level are you? What class? Any quirks people need to be aware of? It's pretty easy to draw up very short messages with a lot of info packed in them (e.g. "lvl 32 DPS JKGuardian LFG any, but esp. Alderaan Heroics")


Of course, you will get a few refusals, but that's only to be expected. Also, you might come across people who don't want to team and are annoyed by your whisper, but that's rarer than you'd think. (It's also why the LFG tool needs a "DND" flag as well as an LFG flag - and of course both those should remember their state between logins.)


If you do this, you will find, not only that it's not all that hard to find teams (except perhaps roundabout 3 or 4 am till morning), but also the quality of the players you attract by conversation will be better than players you could pick up by randomcly spamming General and nothing else. And not only that, but if you form a PUG this way, it's likely to stick through a few missions because of the team spirit you create by forming the team this way - as opposed to dissolving in embarrassment after one mission because there's no sense of camaraderie.


Forming teams this way is better than auto LFD - it's less convenient for a certain type of player, sure, but it's better all-round for the health fo the game.


Bear in mind that Blizzard RESISTED it for a long time. It's not because they were being mean, or because they didn't see some golden opportunity to make money.


You mean the LFG function that I use every time and I’m the only person flagged on a planet with 50 to 75 other people on it or when I got to fleet and then there are three other people flagged as LFG but none of them are looking for my instance? I have never found a single person with the tool and no one has ever found me via the tool.


Ah, I see, instead of spamming a chat channel, you want me to spam people directly, I get it. Yeah, that’s very efficient, why didn’t I think about that? Oh right, because it’s not efficient and if someone isn’t flagged, chances are they don’t want a group.


I’m sorry, but I consider posting once a minute or once every two minutes to be spamming chat for a group.


Blizzard may have resisted a match making system for a long time, but they finally realized that it was the next step in helping people find a group. People don’t want to waste time spamming a chat channel or sending random tells to random people who aren’t even flagged as LFG.

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Then your playing the wrong game, this is an MMO
I think you missed the point. Spamming /1 looking for a group is not socializing. People like the one you're quoting aren't playing the wrong game just because they aren't interested in sitting around doing an activity that is not socializing.


personally, I'm all for an lfd tool because I like socializing with people.

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No, there's not. There's a way to flag yourself as lfg and a poor excuse for a /who tool, but there's no lfg tool.


You are not even looking at the LFG tool.








Bingo you are flagged LFG.


You statement is 100% false. And this tool has been around 15 years. We never had an issues using it and it is a powerful tool if used.

Edited by Romiz
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Oh, excuse me. I was not away that this was the year 2000 or that we even had heavily instanced MMOs like TOR in the year 2000.


Because the genre has not evolved at all within these years and the expectations for MMOs has been stagnant the entire time.


Yeah, I don't know what you're vision of evolving would be, but MMOs have not evolved in any meaningful way, ever.


Devolved, in most respects.

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Busted! Addons are easymode. I could keep a naked, drunk tank alive in Heroics thanks to my addons and fast clicky fingers.
they really aren't. They do nothing to make the game easier... they just make interface less clunky,


Dealing with a bad interface != hard game. It's just unpleasant. Likewise, getting hit in the head with a hammer isn't hard, it's just unpleasant.

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It is needed. When Fleet has 30 people in it, I am not sitting in there with my thumb in you know where for an hour waiting on someone to log in, spamming over and over. I want to que LFG for Esseles, head to Corrusant and start questing. When I get a popup, I can go experience that content....




This times 10

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You are not even looking at the LFG tool.








Bingo you are flagged LFG.


You statement is 100% false. And this tool has been around 15 years. We never had an issues using it and it is a powerful tool if used.

that's the one I'm talking about; it is not an lfg tool. It's a shoddily implemented /who tool


there is currently no lfg tool.

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