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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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Have to agree with the original poster and many on the first page that a LFG is not needed and that people already have the options they need to get into groups - make friends, join a guild or be a server PUG leader go to that always gets people to join.


The game is highly social, even includes points for being social yet some people want something that works against the game's approach of social engagement. Perhaps the problem isn't a tool, but some players ability to make friends.

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I am not asking for a change to game play. I am asking for an effective and efficient way to form a group. The great thing about an LFG tool is you don't have to use it. So you are not forced into anything when it gets implemented. I want to play my game and access all my content. In order to do that I need an LFG tool. Don't force me to play your spam chat channels game. I hate to break it to you but Tor will get a LFG tool, it's just a matter of time.


You keep going back to that, don't you..?


The only choices you see are spamming the chat channels or a tool to auto-group you.


But you already outted yourself. You already said that it would be a good thing to make everything beatable by a random group of uncoordinated people and you called it "accessibility".


You outted yourself even more when you got all jealous that some people have better gear than you do.


We've told you over and over how WE found groups, but you would rather spend your time on the forums crying about how you can't find anyone.


You want a dumbed down lobby game where you can steamroll the purple pinata so that you can feel like you accomplished something.



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LMAO!!! I've already vendored gear that you probably won't even see for a month. I don't care what gear you get. I even offered to give a guy a purple a day if he would **** and stop trying to dumb down the game.


You want to make everything faceroll because YOU care about the purple shinys.


For me, gear is just a means to complete content.


For instance finder people, the content is just a means to get your hands on "teh awesome epix".


If Bioware gave you all a crew skill called "Epics" and you could send out C2-N2 to get your purples, would you finally be happy then...?


Or will you still be mad that I had a slight bit better gear than you because I spent hours on end in the raid content..?





I only want a pre 50 LFG tool. I have no idea what end game will look like. That being said, your blatantly obvious that you do not want non elite people to walk around with the same gear as you. You spend hours raiding, it gets nerfed and here comes Joe nobody with your same gear. I can see the rage building now. Who cares. Its just different colored pixels..The important thing is that you and your elite crew had fun and experienced something fun. Joe nobody got the same chance. I am not voting for content nerf, I am not voting for end game LFG tool. I am just pointing out where your bias comes from.

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lol, really? I love when people blame LFD for the death of the WoW community. Guess what, WoW never had anything but a crappy community of people using one another to get what they wanted, LFD just meant you didn't need to hide your true intentions. Give people anonymity and the chance to be an *** and they will go for it.


And so you want to bring that here because it worked so well there.


Capital idea.

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Have you finished your trolling yet?


I've stopped responding in the same manner you have, so yes. Meanwhile, do you need help in looking it up or understanding how it applies? I'd be happy to elaborate if it's confusing.

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These people are a waste of time.


Take my advice and find something more productive to do than watching them deny reality on epic levels to spin what they want and turn the game into WoW 2.


I'm too tired to play atm and the forums are the way I unwind before the massive sleeps.


I don't want WoW 2.0... And so many people have already called it that, but they're wrong. These people want to make that a reality. The same group of people that are upset because it isn't identical to that game they don't even play anymore.

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But you already outted yourself. You already said that it would be a good thing to make everything beatable by a random group of uncoordinated people and you called it "accessibility".


I thought normal mode flashpoints and operations were already at this level of difficulty. Thus far I've only heard about truly difficult content coming from the nightmare modes.

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I'm too tired to play atm and the forums are the way I unwind before the massive sleeps.


I don't want WoW 2.0... And so many people have already called it that, but they're wrong. These people want to make that a reality. The same group of people that are upset because it isn't identical to that game they don't even play anymore.


I was bored at work but I have things to do now, so your on your own with the reality distortion crowd I'm afraid.


Have fun with them.

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No, again critical difference.


You are asking for the tool for the purpose of playing the games on your terms and what you define as social.


The game is one way now you want it a different way. Play the game as intended or find a different game. This is the cancer that is keeping MMO's in mediocrity.


Every single new game that comes out MUST be turned into WoW. The forums turn into a litany of complaining until the devs eventually cave and turn it into the same washed out empty experience to suit the vocal.




No, an LFG tool offers an additional game play element. An alternative to the current limited in game grouping options.

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You already said that it would be a good thing to make everything beatable by a random group of uncoordinated people and you called it "accessibility".



Taroen, your entire argument is predicated on this assumption, that LFG tool will create groups of uncoordianted people. You've made this assumption based on very little evidence, probably just your personal experience.


Here's my experience, I played WOW during Cata and when people still weren't all that geared, you had to be coordinated to finish a dungeon. Heroics were too difficult to just faceroll through (at first, it got that way once everyone was geared). Here's the thing, my personal experience is just as valid as your own. You can lable me a bad player/noob whatever you want but the reality is we used a LFG tool and we also coordianted.


An LFG tool has nothing to do with whether or not a group is coordianted. If you want coordination in your groups, after the goup is formed, step up and be a leader and help your group mates figure out how to complete the content. An auto group feature doesn't prevent you from doing this.

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Have to agree with the original poster and many on the first page that a LFG is not needed and that people already have the options they need to get into groups - make friends, join a guild or be a server PUG leader go to that always gets people to join.


The game is highly social, even includes points for being social yet some people want something that works against the game's approach of social engagement. Perhaps the problem isn't a tool, but some players ability to make friends.


I have a friends list of 15 people plus I'm in a guild, yet people are not always available to do the group content I need because maybe they aren't logged in, are already doing something, aren't my level, or aren't there in the story yet. The idea that friends and a guild means you'll never try to find a group is dumb, but if it's true, then you don't need a LFG tool and it's implementation won't affect you.


Nothing about this game is social, from it's core this game is designed for a single player experience because it's all about your story, and the group content is an addon.

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You can ask them to add purple dinosaurs to the game for your fifteen dollars, that doesn't mean they should take your advice.


Likewise moving the game to a model proven to fail is also bad advice.



Proven to fail..LOL. I am sure BW would like to fail and get 10 million subs.

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Have to agree with the original poster and many on the first page that a LFG is not needed and that people already have the options they need to get into groups - make friends, join a guild or be a server PUG leader go to that always gets people to join.


The game is highly social, even includes points for being social yet some people want something that works against the game's approach of social engagement. Perhaps the problem isn't a tool, but some players ability to make friends.


This is game is anything but social. Community extremely hostile, no events or any hope for events that could make people do something together (even silly things ), no hope for any kind of RP (once again not even silly things like we saw at wow eg marriage at cathedral, and many other memorable moments ). Nothing.


If one game needs LFG this is SWTOR. And the best part? People that do NOT like it are not forced to use it!

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I was a WoW player since 2006 so I've seen the evolution, here's what it boils down to


Natural consequences.


Before the LFG tool, finding a group of random strangers to do an instance took a long time. You had to spam trade channel like crazy for sometimes hours at a time. Then after that you all had to head to the location of the dungeon, which took more time since people were busy finishing up last min. things.


The good side though.....was that once you got that group, you all generally stuck together through thick and thin because you guys knew that by leaving, you'd have to wait another few hours to find another viable group.


When the LFG tool came in, finding a group was made much easier. You no longer had to waste hours in a day to merely find a group. However, as a natural consequence, people became pickier about the groups they ended up in and since they knew that finding a new group was not hard at all, they'd quickly jump ship and abandon the group anytime a small setback occurred.



So that's what it boils down to....


Would you rather wait a long time to assemble a group but have that group last long?


Or would you rather get into a group much more quickly but have that group not last long and constantly substitute people in?



There is 1 solution that resolves all of this though - and it's always been there long before the LFG tool existed.....




Regardless of a tool existing or not, the quickest way to get a group that was satisfying at the same time because it had good people who wouldn't quit on you was to ask your friends/guild. They've always been the most reliable and easiest bunch to get together compared to strangers.


This is true with or without an LFG tool present.


So my recommendation is to stick with your friends/guilds no matter what, and the LFG tool will not affect to you anyway.

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And so you want to bring that here because it worked so well there.


Capital idea.


it worked fine for me. For every 1 bad experience I had via the LFD tool I had 9 good ones. The same can be said about Vanilla, TBC, and Wrath pre LFG.

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I only want a pre 50 LFG tool. I have no idea what end game will look like. That being said, your blatantly obvious that you do not want non elite people to walk around with the same gear as you. You spend hours raiding, it gets nerfed and here comes Joe nobody with your same gear. I can see the rage building now. Who cares. Its just different colored pixels..The important thing is that you and your elite crew had fun and experienced something fun. Joe nobody got the same chance. I am not voting for content nerf, I am not voting for end game LFG tool. I am just pointing out where your bias comes from.


I don't care what gear you have. You can believe me when I say that I will never bother to inspect you. It doesn't matter to me at all what someone else has that I don't. The only way your gear would ever matter to me is if you expected to go on a fight that involved a gear check. And I would only care then because I wouldn't want to fail the fight.


But you obviously are upset that I *might* have better gear than you, because you keep coming back to that.


I even offered to give you my own gear, or set you up with a crew skill so C2-N2 could farm your epics...


But for you it all keeps coming back to that, and you think the reason I don't want a dumbed down lobby game is because I just couldn't bear to let you get those purples you want so desperately.


Sad, really...

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Proven to fail..LOL. I am sure BW would like to fail and get 10 million subs.


Blizzard had that many before they added the tool. The game is in decline now because they cater casuals who want to steamroll content.



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Taroen, your entire argument is predicated on this assumption, that LFG tool will create groups of uncoordianted people. You've made this assumption based on very little evidence, probably just your personal experience.


Here's my experience, I played WOW during Cata and when people still weren't all that geared, you had to be coordinated to finish a dungeon. Heroics were too difficult to just faceroll through (at first, it got that way once everyone was geared). Here's the thing, my personal experience is just as valid as your own. You can lable me a bad player/noob whatever you want but the reality is we used a LFG tool and we also coordianted.


An LFG tool has nothing to do with whether or not a group is coordianted. If you want coordination in your groups, after the goup is formed, step up and be a leader and help your group mates figure out how to complete the content. An auto group feature doesn't prevent you from doing this.



exactly, there's nothing about spamming a chat channel that makes sure a group is any more coordinated then one made by a match making system.

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Interesting that such an immature post with insults and invective includes the words "Grow Up".


Dude, if that's the way you interact with people, then the reason that you can't get groups is because no one wants to play with ya..!


You people want a lobby game. I don't.


I have the game I want. You want to change it because no one would play with you unless Bioware dropped you in a random group with them.


You're calling everyone who disagree with you antisocial, which is not only childish but completely unfounded. Having or using a LFG tool won't make anyone antisocial, it's just a modern way to make things more convenient for us. If we want to socialize with others, we just open our doors and go outside with real people, not virtual pixels.

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Here is why....


I played WoW for 7 years. Groups used to be great. Then an LFG tool was introduced. After that it was hard to keep a group together because the first time everyone died people would drop group for a new one.


So you're against a LFG tool because it will increase the chances that dipsh*ts will leave your group? Rest assured you have nothing to worry about. The only time a LFG tool has ever actually succeeded in being used when it was implemented after launch is WoW and most of that can probably be attributed to the group being transported to the dungeon (which I assume BW wouldn't do due to cheese factor).


In short, people are already using chat, and being that it's more pro-active than using a passive LFG tool, they will continue to use chat - nothing will change if a tool is added.

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exactly, there's nothing about spamming a chat channel that makes sure a group is any more coordinated then one made by a match making system.


Spamming a chat channel is far from a good way to get a decent group. And it's just as sure a way to fail the content. The only upside to it is that you can see people spamming and know that if you ran with them before, how it all went.

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