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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

LFG Tool is NOT Needed


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Pretty much. This game does not suit my pve grouping needs. And as for those who say I don't really want to interact with others, if that were true, I'd level to 50 solo (which is easy enough) then pvp for gear. The pvp gear is quite good if one has enough time to pvp, and I do. Plus I get plenty of credits from it. So actually, when I ask for a lfg tool, I'm asking solely for the purpose of being social.


No, again critical difference.


You are asking for the tool for the purpose of playing the games on your terms and what you define as social.


The game is one way now you want it a different way. Play the game as intended or find a different game. This is the cancer that is keeping MMO's in mediocrity.


Every single new game that comes out MUST be turned into WoW. The forums turn into a litany of complaining until the devs eventually cave and turn it into the same washed out empty experience to suit the vocal.

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No, again critical difference.


You are asking for the tool for the purpose of playing the games on your terms and what you define as social.


The game is one way now you want it a different way. Play the game as intended or find a different game. This is the cancer that is keeping MMO's in mediocrity.


Every single new game that comes out MUST be turned into WoW. The forums turn into a litany of complaining until the devs eventually cave and turn it into the same washed out empty experience to suit the vocal.


I'm a customer, I'm allowed to ask for what I want. Bioware certainly doesn't have to listen. But I don't have to justify my right to do so to you.


Your definition of social is guild or nothing, mine differs. Deal with it.

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And someone already mentioned that it's possible to dumb down pug content while letting others play the content as it is.


Now, I don't care for this idea, I'd much rather suffer a high failure rate.


But I notice none of the people arguing about content difficulty has addressed this possibility.



So what if it's possible to dumb down content as is? that is not the point.


A lfd tool GUARANTEES dumbing down of content for the stated reason. Without question.

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Definitely not needed. My healer never has a problem finding a group, never have to spam LFG because I am constantly getting invites from the moment I log in. Not sure what other people are doing wrong.


I prefer doing instances as DPS it is much harder to find a group as DPS compared to a healer or tank. Previous games I have done instances as healers and you tend to fall into groups with DPS you have to work to get one.


Other night I spent nearly an hour spamming in fleet to get into an instance I really wanted to do to complete a quest. Spamming is only way I have been able to get a group and it doesn't go down well with other people in the fleet. After the epic spamming and yes did complete the instance I said to myself never again. In previous games instances is what I enjoyed and ran a few a day

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I don't care about slightly better raid gear as long as pvp gear is equivalent, and in fact I'm not even interested in endgame pve, I prefer endgame pvp and the gear that goes with it.


So if you don't care about gear and I don't care about gear, that's fine. I also don't care to see content dumbed down for me, I like a challenge.


On the other hand, I hate unnecessary inconveniences and no, I have no interest in joining a guild, either.


Well... That last part is the only problem I see. You want to be anti-social in a social game and you want to change it into a lobby game so that you won't have to deal with anyone.


You don't want to join a guild..? Well, then sorry... You don't get the benefits of being in a good one. One of those benefits is being able to get good groups.


No lobby games please!

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Oh wait... You're serious..?




The moment that the majority of random groups can't complete the content, they'll be back here on the forums whining about their wasted time and demanding that Bioware do something about it, just like you guys are whining because you can't be bothered to put together an actual group, and keep wasting your time spamming the general.


Do me the favor of being honest here. Don't even bother to tell me that you'd be fine with getting random groups where the only thing you come away with is a huge repair bill.


The content would have to be tuned for people running those groups, and you know it.




No. the content does not have to be tuned down. Random pugs are not the end all that you are implying. I have pugged and yes at first you have to learn the fight. Once you learn the fight it doesn't matter who you group with. When I have found groups I have taken the time to explain the fights to those that were new to the FP. I have yet to walk away from a FP that my pug could not complete. Just because you perceive other mmo's nerfing their content, doesn't mean 1- that you are correct, and 2- also doesn't mean that it will happen here.


Every pug group does not mean huge repair bills or massive fail. Are you saying that the only way you can succeed in FP and heroics is a premade group? Really? I have been lucky the times I ahve gotten groups and have met really nice people and had nothing but success. Wipes happen, so what? They happen with a guild group or new content as well.

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So what if it's possible to dumb down content as is? that is not the point.


A lfd tool GUARANTEES dumbing down of content for the stated reason. Without question.


Wrong. Bioware could provide a lfg and tell players who complain that it's too hard to join a guild or learn to spec, gear, and play. There is no reason one must lead to the other.

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I'm a customer, I'm allowed to ask for what I want. Bioware certainly doesn't have to listen. But I don't have to justify my right to do so to you.


Your definition of social is guild or nothing, mine differs. Deal with it.


You can ask them to add purple dinosaurs to the game for your fifteen dollars, that doesn't mean they should take your advice.


Likewise moving the game to a model proven to fail is also bad advice.

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So what if it's possible to dumb down content as is? that is not the point.


A lfd tool GUARANTEES dumbing down of content for the stated reason. Without question.


The only thing a LFD took guarantees is that people that want to use it will have it available. Anything else is pure speculation on the part of people like you.

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That's the problem... You don't really want to play with other people. You don't want to join a guild or meet anyone. They're a mere means to an end.


You want to play with other people without actually interacting with them.


Go play a solo game!


Hanging out with people is the end goal, though. A lfg same-server tool would enable more people to meet each other more easily. Less spamming in Fleet general, more actual interaction and getting to know people by doing flashpoints together.

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So you're saying the people were able to see the content and fail at it prior to the tool.


So how would the tool increase their complaints if they were already seeing the content?


An LFG tool will happen in SWTOR beacuse it gets more people into content they weren't in before.


Your post is fail. You didn't even read what I wrote.

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Wrong. Bioware could provide a lfg and tell players who complain that it's too hard to join a guild or learn to spec, gear, and play. There is no reason one must lead to the other.


The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

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Well... That last part is the only problem I see. You want to be anti-social in a social game and you want to change it into a lobby game so that you won't have to deal with anyone.


You don't want to join a guild..? Well, then sorry... You don't get the benefits of being in a good one. One of those benefits is being able to get good groups.


No lobby games please!


Again, someone wants to impose their definition of social on everyone. If I didn't want to be social I wouldn't want a lfg system. The only reason I want one is because soloing pve content all of the time gets lonely.


You say I must join a guild to be social and that isn't true at all. I've had plenty of enjoyable experiences in random groups in the past and will continue to in the future, whether it be in this game or in other games.


I get it, though. You want the game to cater to your definition of social to the exclusion of all the other definitions. There is no point in us debating this because neither of us is going to change our definition.

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The only thing a LFD took guarantees is that people that want to use it will have it available. Anything else is pure speculation on the part of people like you.


No it is observable FACT.


Four pugged strangers thrown in a group as the focal design lowers the target difficulty of content.


The evidence is overwhelming and blatant.

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Well my highest char is lvl. 21 at the moment so pardon me if I'm wrong, but aren't most of the instances accessible by a shuttle anyway?


In WoW it was different because the instances were actually located in the lands themselves. LFG removed the necessity of meeting up at the summoning stone. But thus far all the instances I've seen in TOR were accessible by shuttle or at the fleet station. There's no real difference between everyone meeting up at the shuttle or station or using LFG apart from a mere shuttle ride.

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So what if it's possible to dumb down content as is? that is not the point.


A lfd tool GUARANTEES dumbing down of content for the stated reason. Without question.


An lfd tool has NOTHING to do with dumbing down of content. PERIOD. End of discussion.

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Hanging out with people is the end goal, though. A lfg same-server tool would enable more people to meet each other more easily. Less spamming in Fleet general, more actual interaction and getting to know people by doing flashpoints together.


Same server is not as bad, but it still makes the focal point a random group of people, and still leads to the same problem. They'll be far less likely to complete it than a coordinated group, and the content would need to be tuned to accomodate them.

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The definition of annoying is repeating the same cliche over and over and expecting people to pay attention to you. :p


You know what else is annoying?


Outlining clearly. Again and again, the detrimental effects to your gameplay that something will have, only to have people utterly dismiss everything you say and come back with "but I don't see how it affects you" over and over and over again.

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I don't care about slightly better raid gear as long as pvp gear is equivalent, and in fact I'm not even interested in endgame pve, I prefer endgame pvp and the gear that goes with it.


So if you don't care about gear and I don't care about gear, that's fine. I also don't care to see content dumbed down for me, I like a challenge.


On the other hand, I hate unnecessary inconveniences and no, I have no interest in joining a guild, either.


This is exactly how I feel too. I have RL friends that play the game, but they aren't always on and don't always want to do the same things I do.

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Again, someone wants to impose their definition of social on everyone. If I didn't want to be social I wouldn't want a lfg system. The only reason I want one is because soloing pve content all of the time gets lonely.


You say I must join a guild to be social and that isn't true at all. I've had plenty of enjoyable experiences in random groups in the past and will continue to in the future, whether it be in this game or in other games.


I get it, though. You want the game to cater to your definition of social to the exclusion of all the other definitions. There is no point in us debating this because neither of us is going to change our definition.


I'm not trying to impose ANYTHING on you. I like the game as it is.


You guys are the ones in here trying to change the dynamic. And it WILL affect everyone.


You're trying to force your anti-social lobby game on me, where it doesn't exist currently.

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You know what else is annoying?


Outlining clearly. Again and again, the detrimental effects to your gameplay that something will have, only to have people utterly dismiss everything you say and come back with "but I don't see how it affects you" over and over and over again.


You have yet to prove that my gameplay will be detrimental to yours, however. You must think that you have proven it, because you keep acting as though you have.

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